A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Perversion of our children - the proud are brought down

The Catholic Church is right about sexual morality. Of all the perversions, none are worse than those which affect children. These crimes cry out to God for justice and those who participate in them, especially if they be Catholic clergy such as Raymond Lahey and many others, have committed grave crimes against the children and against the God. As our Lord tell us in the Gospel of Luke; "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he be cast into the sea, than that he should scandalise one of these little ones." One crime of this nature by any Catholic cleric is too many; but when that happens the Church is mocked and crucified by those who perpetuate it themselves. When God gives someone the ability to be a His minister or a civil leader or an educator the culpability for these crimes is severe. The gift of leadership is from God, it is either used for the betterment of His people or for personal gain; God will not be mocked. We, as Catholics are disgusted when these crimes are committed and covered up by those who serve Christ and His Church. One is too many, but make no mistake; those who commit these heinous crimes outside the Church are in greater numbers and ever increasing, thanks to the Internet.
MICHELE MANDEL - Wynne adviser free on bail, can never be truly free again
Benjamin Levin, Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne
In the middle of the picture above is Justin Trudeau, a Catholic and son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Poor Justin, he's inherited the worst of both of his parents, his father's morals and his mother's brains. Trudeau lusts to be Prime Minister of Canada and is now leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He once said, "I always say, if at a certain point, I believe Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper - that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage, and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways - maybe I would think about making Quebec a country."

To Trudeau's left, is Kathleen Wynne, the Premier of the Ontario. Premier Wynne has three children and at the age of 37 she came "out" as a lesbian, left her husband and children and is now "married" to a woman. Wynne was Minister of Education in the previous Ontario Government under Premier Dalton McGuinty, another Catholic.

The shoulder to Wynne's left is that of former Ontario Premier, Socialist Bob Rae. enough said.

Now, what about the little man on the right of Justin.

His name is Benjamin Levin. Little Benny in his white hat and shorts looking like a little adolescent boy is a tenured professor at the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. He was also a member of the transition team for Premier Wynne when she took power from Dalton McGuinty. When Wynne was Minister of Education, Benny was Assistant Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Education and the two of them conspired with the Catholic Premier to foist upon the children and parents of Ontario a new education curriculum. Evangelical Pastor Charles McVety said of this curriculum; "It is unconscionable to teach eight-year old children same-sex marriage, sexual orientation and gender identity. It is even more absurd to subject sixth graders to instruction on the pleasures of masturbation, vaginal lubrication and 12 year-olds lessons on oral sex and anal intercourse."

Yes, that's right; Levin and Wynne and McGuinty were going to force this on Ontario's children and families. Now that Wynne is Premier this vile child corrupting, homosexualist and perverted anti-family curriculum is again on the horizon.

Yet, sometimes one can be a little too smart, a little too cocky, a little too arrogant and a little too filled with "pride." One is reminded of the words of Our Lady in the Magnificat, "He hath shewed His mighty arm; He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the might from their seat."

You see, this Levin, 61 and a married man (to a woman, imagine that, poor dear she is) was arrested after an investigation that included cooperation with police in New Zealand, in fact, it was police there that broke the case. He was charged with two counts of distributing child pornography and one count each of making child pornography, counselling to commit an indictable offence and arrangement of a sexual offence against a child under 16. Two new charges of possessing and accessing child pornography have now been laid.

Mr. Raymond Lahey whilst bishop
Levin is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty in the courts. His solicitor is Clayton Ruby who will vigorously defend this alleged pervert; Ruby is an activist out of the school of Saul Alinsky and is known for his anti-Catholic views.

Like Raymond Lahey, we have no business with child pornography on our computers. If it is there, we are guilty of a crime. If you make child porn, you are guilty of a serious crime. Unless it was planted, then what defence is there? The courts will settle this; but as with Mr. Lahey, the sentence will not be enough. Other than SUN News, where is the secular media and who is asking the questions about the link between his alleged predilection for child porn and his work as an educator and policymaker in the Ontario Government? Not that he did both, but the bias and influence of this man and other like him working within the bowels of government? Undemocratic. Unaccountable. Evil men and women.

This alleged pervert conspired to foist a curriculum which was pornographic and corrupting on Ontario's children under the current lesbian Premier who deserted her family for her own sexual selfishness. Nobody can sit there and say that there is no link between the planning of this curriculum and the selfish sexual desires of those who propagate it. We've known this for years, we've said it and for doing so, we are labelled as intolerant and threatened with human rights complaints.  So be it. 

The picture of the three amigos was taken on June 30, 2013 at Toronto's Gay Pride Parade, two weeks before the alleged perverts arrest. A picture speaks a thousand words.
Yes, the Catholic Church is right;  yes, there is a connection between this alleged pervert's criminal actions and the corruption of our children by our government and their homosexual and perverted heterosexual allies.

Believe it.

Mugshot of Benjamin Levin

Monday, 8 July 2013

I could have written this

Why We Need to "Criticize" What's Going on in the Church

I enjoy watching Michael Voris on the Vortex, and I’ve never found him “negative” – though he gets that criticism often enough. I get it myself! I am sometimes accused of having nothing good to say - always complaining about what's going on in the liturgy and the sacraments and the everyday practice (or non-practice) of the faith, and criticizing the bishops and priests who either don't do anything to remedy the problems or else actively contribute to them.

Read the rest here!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Summorum Pontificum - Deo Gratias!

On this day, Sunday, July 7, 2013, may Catholics in the Greater Toronto Area and south western Ontario rejoice. 

The Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite begins in London, Ontario. Father Juan Tomas, FSSP was also recently ordained to the Holy Priesthood for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Thanks be to God and Father Tomas' parents, he is from the Archdiocese of Toronto, the first from here since prior to the Novus Ordo ordained in the traditional rite! 

From New Liturgical Movement


A First Mass and a "New" Salve Regina

This past Wednesday, Fr. Juan Tomรกs, a newly ordained priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter. celebrated his first solemn Mass in the Borghese Chapel of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Palestrina's Mass Tu es Petrus was sung for the Ordinary; the final piece, however, was a setting of the Salve Regina written by the very first master of the Borghese Chapel, Ugolino, in the first decades of the 17th century. The piece has never been transcribed before, and so I believe this is the first recording of it ever made. Hopefully, the choir which sang the Mass, the Concerto Romano, conducted by maestro Alessandro Quarta, will do a professional recording of it at some in the future; this is the second time I have been present for a Mass sung by them, and do not hesitate to say that they are probably one of the best choirs in the world. At their website, you can hear several short recordings of some of their performances.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

For my confused Catholic friends

What he said...

Confused Catholics

The post about the production and filming of a secular video in a Catholic Church as a "business endeavour" and career promotion has revealed in a small way just how far the Catholic faithful have fallen. Some have lost their respect for that which is sacred -- set apart for that which is holy. It has also revealed a disgusting underbelly from badly behaving Catholics; profanity, vulgarity, the dyspeptic mutterings of those who clearly forgot their "meds" and have engaged in what can only be described as speckle-fitted rage. The producer of the video has sat by whilst these minions have unleashed a torrent of abuse on those who came with concerns and in private. At some point, a public scandal (a video of secular music performed in a Catholic church by one inappropriately dressed for being in a church, see St. Peter's Basilica dress code, below) must be met with a public challenge.  

When one defends the Church and Her liturgy and decorum from those who would abuse both, the reaction shows itself from whence it comes. When the abuse comes from Catholics who should know better, it is worse and it shows them to be nothing more than liturgical fetishists and abusers of the sacred for their own narcissistic gain and promotion.

Let's just look at this which I deleted from the combox:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ignition Sequence Fail - IgniteTV crashes with its...":

I would have excused my language, but you are too ridiculous to justify doing so. You guys need to f--- off. There is nothing sacrilegious about her playing that song in the church. I feel that she is expressing herself, in an inoffensive way, and you need to calm down. God might have been a huge influence for her in her music. Maybe she is paying homage to that? You need to get your heads out of your asses, and stop looking for things to complain about. The world is a dark enough place without your cancerous attitudes. She is going to go far, regardless of your criticism, and I sure as hell hope her next video is filmed in a church.


Ps. You're perverted for finding the shoe thing to be erotic.

"Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." (Exodus 3:5)

Maybe she just has MORE respect for the church that you a--holes.


Posted by Anonymous to Vox Cantoris at Thursday, 27 June 2013 23:32:00 GMT-4 

 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ignition Sequence Fail - IgniteTV crashes with its...":

It is quite interesting that you have no shame in sharing with the internet world that you and your wife are turned on by feet. I know you probably don't believe this, but most people do not see feet and think "erotic and sexual." Most people see feet and think "feet."

There is nothing sexual about that video and it is disturbing that you find an innocent video of an eighteen year old girl and a one second clip of her feet and call it porn.

Also, there are nuns who don't wear shoes in church. And performances don't have to contain "God God God God God" in it to be praising God. We're called to give praise to God with our talents in all we do...which shockingly doesn't require us to go around only saying "God God God God" all day like the seagulls from Finding Nemo.

Posted by Anonymous to Vox Cantoris at Friday, 28 June 2013 00:01:00 GMT-4 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ignition Sequence Fail - IgniteTV crashes with its...":

Honestly, this is a pathetic attack on a talented girl's career. It's sickening to see that Catholics such as yourselves would think of PORNOGRAPHY when you see a pair of feet. (It must be hard for you people to enjoy yourselves at the beach then). It's very obvious that this is simply a girl who's trying to be comfortable while playing her piano. As for playing in a church, WHY NOT? It's music that appreciates GOD. Name a better place than that! Honestly, this is an innocent video that strict Catholics are taking into the wrong context. As the previous person said, "You are what is wrong with the Church."

Posted by Anonymous to Vox Cantoris at Thursday, 27 June 2013 23:13:00 GMT-4 

There are other examples.

We live now in a dark period in the Church. When the Church is weak the culture of the world decays. It is our fault as Catholics. We've not been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation in years, maybe decades and we live a life devoid of the grace of God through His Son's redeeming blood and the Holy Spirit. We dress for Mass in ways unbecoming of Catholics, we talk in Church when it is not absolutely necessary. We treat the liturgy as our own little play thing to every whim we have. We fail to receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist properly, on the tongue at least and worse, we do it in a state of mortal sin. We fornicate before marriage leaving the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony a fallacy, but we expect Holy Mother Church to bless our own inability to control our libidos and respect the spiritual well-being of the other. We develop a thought pattern that explains away everyone's choices as relativistic. Sodomy is fine, who are you to tell me how to use my body, is is my choice to murder my young.

If every Catholic practised their faith would abortion be an issue in society, would so called, same-sex marriage to say nothing of the economic crimes being committed against one another? The world is becoming a hostile and dangerous place for believing Christians and Catholics in particular.

Priest-blogger, Father Z has a saying, "Save the Liturgy, Save the World." Nothing is more true. When we worship God properly, in truth and holiness, in reverence and beauty, we give the Holy Trinity the honour and worship due to them and we receive from that worship the grace to change the world.

We all must change how we approach the church and the liturgy. If we dress for church as if it were a casual barbecue or a jazz club this is inappropriate, it can be sinful. If we use a church for other than its purpose especially for self-promotion or a business purpose, we have defiled the sanctuary and turned the House of God into our own. If we stand in the sanctuary and pose for pictures as if we were a theatrical troupe, we have defamed the Holy of Holies for our own narcissistic benefit. We need to stop doing this. This is important because this is where it starts. If we can't dress properly for Mass; if we are so puffed up with our own prideful arrogance to think that the dwelling place of the Lord is just another space to be rented and used for own own gain, we have erred. If at the same time we do all of this, but we purport to love Jesus and the Mass, we are hypocrites. If you don't believe me, ask your grandmother, she will remember and she will tell you the truth.

If this is our attitude over the sacraments and the church building, what then of Mass? Do we even know what it is or why we go on Sunday, or do we? We go to the Divine Liturgy to worship the Triune God in truth and holiness. We go first to worship and adore Him, to thank Him for His blessings, to ask forgiveness for our sins and to seek out from Him, our needs. That is it friends. It is not about us, or community, it is about Him. When we debase the liturgy for our own purpose, we debase God. Do you not know yet what you are witnessing at Mass? Has it been so forgotten? You are witnessing the fulfilment of the thanksgiving offering of  Melchizedek, the Sacrifice of Isaac and the Passover of the Lord all as precursors to the one, pure sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, re-presented at the hands of the priest, offered in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world to the Father, by the Son and through the Holy Spirit. 

Do we get that? Is that not the most magnificent and precious moment in the world?; and we debase it by our refusal in our puffed-up pride to worship as Holy Mother Church has asked us.

We are to be transformed by this worship and transformation does not mean we become wimps. John the Baptist, Saints Peter and Paul whose feast we just celebrated, the other Apostles and early martyrs, these were not wimps. The Fathers of the Church spoke out, boldly, they were not afraid who was offended  by the truth. The martyred Father Francois Murad, beheaded by Islamists was no wimp. Being meek does not mean being silent. Being prudent does not mean not being corrective.

We need to speak the truth about what is wrong in the Church, on the larger picture with the infiltration of homosexuals, Marxists and Freemasons who seek to destroy Her and us and on the local level with those who use the sanctuary for their own narcissistic pleasure and gain. People are going to be offended by the truth; let them be offended. At the end of the day, you and I have a responsibility by our baptism and confirmation to speak up, to challenge that which is wrong and to do our duty as Christians.  

If we still wonder what is wrong with the world it is because we have failed in our love for the liturgy and the truth of the Holy Mass. It is up to each and every Catholic to behave properly at Mass and to use the church for its right purpose.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Toronto man ordained to priesthood for FSSP

Let us thank God and may he bless abundantly Father Juan Tomas, FSSP, of Markham, Ontario in the Archdiocese of Toronto ordained to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

Dress Code in St. Peter's Basilica

Why should our churches be any different; are we not all Catholics?

The Sheepcat and reparation

I am honoured to know Alan Yoshioka. I was further honoured when I was asked by him and his lovely wife, Theresa, to read at their Nuptial Mass. If we had half the trust in God and faith in His mercy and providence as this man and his wife, we would be far better off than we are.

Please visit The Sheepcat.

Last year we decided to do something constructive about LGBTQ+ Pride, so we set up a roster where people could commit to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for offences against charity, clarity, and chastity. Volunteers from six continents signed up to cover the 240 hours of Toronto's Pride Week 2012, joining in some form of private fasting or sacrifice and praying in reparation.

Syrian Jihadists behead Catholic Priest

My ancestors are Maronite from Mount Lebanon; this is so very sad. The Maronite Rite grew from the Syriac at Antioch. The Rite is older than that of Rome. Syria and Egypt were Christian lands before Rome, the world is ignoring this slaughter. America, Britain, the European Union are supporting these Islamic Jihadist murderous terrorists; arming them, supporting them and giving them licenses. They are responsible. The Jews are not the problem. May Our Lord shield our Catholic brothers and sisters in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Gaza and throughout the Middle East. 

May the soul of Father Francois Murad and all Syrian Martyrs rest in the eternal peace of the Lord, our God.

VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23. 

Below is the news release from the Vatican, via news.va.

On Sunday, June 23 the Syrian priest Franรงois Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria, in the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land where he had taken refuge. This is confirmed by a statement of the Custos of the Holy Land sent to Fides Agency. The circumstances of the death are not fully understood. According to local sources, the monastery where Fr. Murad was staying was attacked by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra.

Father Franรงois, 49, had taken the first steps in the religious life with the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, and with them he continued to share close bonds of spiritual friendship. After being ordained a priest he had started the construction of a coenobitic monastery dedicated to St. Simon Stylites in the village of Gassanieh.After the start of the Civil War, the monastery of St. Simon had been bombed and Fr. Murad had moved to the convent of the Custody for safety reasons and to give support to the remaining few, along with another religious and nuns of the Rosary.

"Let us pray," writes the Custos of the Holy Land Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM " so that this absurd and shameful war ends soon and that the people of Syria can go back to living a normal life." Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, titular of the Syrian Catholic archeparchy in Hassakรฉ-Nisibis reports to Fides: "The whole story of Christians in the Middle East is marked and made fruitful by the blood of the martyrs of many persecutions. Lately, father Murad sent me some messages that clearly showed how conscious he was of living in a dangerous situation, and offered his life for peace in Syria and around the world. " 


This should make it clear to Christians around the world what jihadists are about. Make no mistake. Catholics and Christians around the globe are under dire threat, particularly from the spread of militant Islam. Until the threat is recognized and taken seriously, martyrdoms like this will continue. 

We have a link to video provided via LiveLeak. We must warn you, the video is extremely graphic. We believe the first victim is Father Francois, and the second victim that is depicted is another person said to be a collaborator with the Assad regime. 

The video CLEARLY depicts the beheadings of these victims. DO NOT follow the link unless you are over the age of 18, and are prepared to view content of this nature. 

Catholic Online believes it is very important the world knows that Christians are being murdered for their faith, and that martyrdom isn't an ancient phenomenon. 


© 2013, Distributed by NEWS CONSORTIUM.

And while this happens there, this man who supports these same thugs and murders and lusts to be Prime Minister of Canada plays with the boys.

Tell us Justin, will you condemn these Islamists yet?

Friday, 28 June 2013

Concerts and secular videos in Churches and the Toronto policy

Concerts in Catholic Churches, and I would include in that music videos, are regulated by Canon Law. Canon Law is the Law of the Church the most recent Code promulgated by Blessed John Paul II in 1983. It is Magisterial teaching.

Regarding the use of Catholic Church (and the whole church area can be considered the sanctuary from a theological if not architectural point-of view) is as follows:

Canon #1210; "Only those things which serve the exercise or promotion of worship, piety and religion are to be admitted into a sacred place; anything which is not in accord with the holiness of the place is forbidden. The ordinary (i.e. Bishop), however, can permit other uses which are not contrary to the holiness of the place, in individual instances." 

The first sentence then is clear. As is often the case, however, with Church documents in the the post Vatican II era, there is another sentence which lends the whole matter to become ambiguous and open to interpretation. What are the instances in which a bishop can permit another use. As the bible cannot be read one sentence at a time and must be taken as a whole, the same is true with the documents of Vatican II and the sentence above. The ordinary "may" permit another use, but it must not be "contrary to the holiness of the place."

Well, what does that mean?

Firstly, one must understand "holiness of the place." A consecrated or dedicated Catholic Church, is holy or sacred, that is to say, it is "set-apart" for the worship of the Triune God first and foremost. Everything must flow from that; it is our first duty as baptised Christians, it is why firstly, before anything else, we go to Mass. It is to adore and worship the Omnipotent God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit before anything else. Before, thanksgiving, pleading for forgiveness or asking for our needs, the other three reasons we go to Mass, the first is to worship and adore. This was not changed by Vatican II and those who will tell you that it has, are misleading you and leading you and others astray. Speaking frankly, they do the work of Satan.

When we look at concerts in churches, we see no deviation. Father Edward McNamara answers the question as does the well-regarded web page, Adoremus. They quote directly from the document at the bottom of this post, which I reprint for the record. No Catholic musician, composer, liturgist, blogger, videographer no matter the motivation has a right to deviate.

We have addressed this matter previously on this blog. Cabaret "for-profit" at St. Michael's Cathedral, $55 concert tickets for the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir at St. Paul's Basilica, secularists from Moses Znaimers radio station referring to the Basilica as a "great facility" as it was turned into a concert hall and profit-making venue for them using "The Priests" and Salt + Light as cover. I could go on.

Through our efforts and that of the good people at Toronto Catholic Witness, the Archdiocese of Toronto recently sent to all parishes a restatement of the policy implemented  by the late Cardinal Ambrozic which was consistent with Canon Law. This policy, since his departure has been ignored. It is now re-instated by the Chancellor. As to other dioceses, they must no deviate from what the Church permits. No bishop has the authority to grant that which he has no power to grant. 

That statement follows:

Given that Canon 1210 and CDWDS Protocol 1251/87 date from generally before "music videos" one must be wise and not reduce the argument to one of semantics and specificity. The rule is the same because one must revert back to Canon 1210 to determine if it is "holy."

Secular music, even when sung by a Catholic for whatever motivation, is not holy. One can perform non-liturgical music of a religious nature, Handel's Messiah for example in a Catholic Church, but not jazz or blues or anything akin to secular music. This is not authorised by the Second Vatican Council and those who would tell you otherwise are preaching a false hermeneutic of which our dear Benedict XVI was so concerned. 

It is my responsibility and yours to act with the mind of the Church. To do otherwise, is not Catholic.

Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy

Concerts in Churches

Protocol number 1251/87

November 5, 1987
(The following declaration of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments was sent to the presidents of the national conferences of bishops and through them to commissions on Liturgy and sacred art.)
1. The interest shown in music is one of the marks of contemporary culture. The ease with which it is possible to listen at home to classical works, by means of radio, records, cassettes and television, has in no way diminished the pleasure of attending live concerts, but on the contrary has actually enhanced it. This is encouraging, because music and song contribute to elevating the human spirit.
The increase in the number of concerts in general has in some countries given rise to a more frequent use of churches for such events. Various reasons are given for this: local needs, where for example it is not easy to find suitable places; acoustical considerations, for which churches are often ideal; aesthetic reasons of fittingness, that is to present the works in the setting for which they were originally written; purely practical reasons, for example facilities for organ recitals: in a word churches are considered to be in many ways apt places for holding a concert.
2. Alongside this contemporary development a new situation has arisen in the Church.
The Scholae cantorum have not had frequent occasion to execute their traditional repertory of sacred polyphonic music within the context of a liturgical celebration.
For this reason, the initiative has been taken to perform this sacred music in church in the form of a concert. The same has happened with Gregorian chant, which has come to form part of concert programs both inside and outside the church.
Another important factor emerges from the so-called "spiritual concerts," so-termed because the music performed in them can be considered as religious, because of the theme chosen, or on account of the nature of the texts set to music, or because of the venue for the performance.
Such events are in some cases accompanied by readings, prayers and moments of silence. Given such features they can almost be compared to a "devotional exercise."
3. The increased numbers of concerts held in churches has given rise to doubts in the minds of pastors and rectors of churches as to the extent to which such events are really necessary.
A general opening of churches for concerts could give rise to complaints by a number of the faithful, yet on the other hand an outright refusal could lead to some misunderstanding.
Firstly, it is necessary to consider the significance and purpose of a Christian church. For this, the Congregation for Divine Worship considers it opportune to propose to the episcopal conferences, and in so far as it concerns them, to the national commissions of Liturgy and music, some observations and interpretations for the canonical norms concerning the use of churches for various kinds of music: music and song, music of religious inspiration and music of non-religious character.
4. At this juncture it is necessary to re-read recent documents which treat of the subject, in particular the constitution on the Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, the instruction Musicam Sacram of March 5, 1967, the instruction Liturgicae Instaurationes of September 5, 1970, in addition to the prescription of the code of Canon Law, can. 1210, 1213 and 1222.
In this present letter the primary concern is with musical performances outside of the celebration of the Liturgy.
The character and purpose of churches
5. According to tradition as expressed in the rite for the dedication of a church and altar, churches are primarily places where the people of God gather, and are "made one as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one, and are the Church, the temple of God built with living stones, in which the Father is worshipped in spirit and in truth." Rightly so, from ancient times the name "church" has been extended to the building in which the Christian community unite to hear the word of God, to pray together, to receive the sacraments, to celebrate the Eucharist and to prolong its celebration in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Cf. Order of the Dedication of a Church, ch. II, 1).
Churches, however, cannot be considered simply as public places for any kind of meeting. They are sacred places, that is, "set apart" in a permanent way for divine worship by their dedication and blessing.
As visible constructions, churches are signs of the pilgrim Church on earth; they are images that proclaim the heavenly Jerusalem, places in which are actualized the mystery of the communion between man and God. Both in urban areas and in the countryside, the church remains the house of God, and the sign of his dwelling among men. It remains a sacred place, even when no liturgical celebration is taking place.
In a society disturbed by noise, especially in big cities, churches are also an oasis where men gather, in silence and in prayer, to seek peace of soul and the light of faith.
That will only be possible in so far as churches maintain their specific identity. When churches are used for ends other than those for which they were built, their role as a sign of the Christian mystery is put at risk, with more or less serious harm to the teaching of the faith and to the sensitivity of the People of God, according to the Lord's words: "My house is a house of prayer" (Lk 19:46).
Importance of sacred music
6. Sacred music, whether vocal or instrumental, is of importance. Music is sacred "in so far as it is composed for the celebration of divine worship and possesses integrity of form" (Musicam sacram n. 4a). The church considers it a "treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art," recognizing that it has a "ministerial function in the service of the Lord" (Cf. SC n. 112); and recommending that it be "preserved and fostered with great care" (SC n. 114).
Any performance of sacred music which takes place during a celebration, should be fully in harmony with that celebration. This often means that musical compositions which date from a period when the active participation of the faithful was not emphasized as the source of the authentic Christian spirit (SC n. 14; Pius X Tra le sollecitudini) are no longer to be considered suitable for inclusion within liturgical celebrations.
Analogous changes of perception and awareness have occurred in other areas involving the artistic aspect of divine worship: for example, the sanctuary has been restructured, with the president's chair, the ambo and the altar versus populum. Such changes have not been made in a spirit of disregard for the past, but have been deemed necessary in the pursuit of an end of greater importance, namely the active participation of the faithful. The limitation which such changes impose on certain musical works can be overcome by arranging for their performance outside the context of liturgical celebration in a concert of sacred music.
7. The performance of purely instrumental pieces on the organ during liturgical celebrations today is limited. In the past the organ took the place of the active participation of the faithful, and reduced the people to the role of "silent and inert spectators" of the celebration (Pius XI, Divini cultus, n. 9).
It is legitimate for the organ to accompany and sustain the singing either of the assembly or the choir within the celebration. On the other hand, the organ must never be used to accompany the prayers or chants of the celebrant nor the readings proclaimed by the reader or the deacon.
In accordance with tradition, the organ should remain silent during penitential seasons (Lent and Holy Week), during Advent and Liturgy for the dead. When, however, there is real pastoral need, the organ can be used to support the singing.
It is fitting that the organ be played before and after a celebration as a preparation and conclusion of the celebration. It is of considerable importance that in all churches, and especially those of some importance, there should be trained musicians and instruments of good quality. Care should be given to the maintenance of organs and respect shown towards their historical character both in form and tone.
8. The regulation of the use of churches is stipulated by canon 1210 of the Code of Canon Law:
"In a sacred place only those things are to be permitted which serve to exercise or promote worship, piety and religion. Anything out of harmony with the holiness the place is forbidden. The Ordinary may, however, for individual cases, permit other uses, provided they are not contrary to the sacred character of the place."
The principle that the use of the church must not offend the sacredness of the place determines the criteria by which the doors of a church may be opened to a concert of sacred or religious music, as also the concomitant exclusion of every other type of music. The most beautiful symphonic music, for example, is not in itself of religious character. The definition of sacred or religious music depends explicitly on the original intended use of the musical pieces or songs, and likewise on their content. It is not legitimate to provide for the execution in the church of music which is not of religious inspiration and which was composed with a view to performance in a certain precise secular context, irrespective of whether the music would be judged classical or contemporary, of high quality or of a popular nature. On the one hand, such performances would not respect the sacred character of the church, and on the other, would result in the music being performed in an unfitting context.
It pertains to the ecclesiastical authority to exercise without constraint its governance of sacred places (Cf. canon 1213), and hence to regulate the use of churches in such a way as to safeguard their sacred character.
9. Sacred music, that is to say music which was composed for the Liturgy, but which for various reasons can no longer be performed during a liturgical celebration, and religious music, that is to say music inspired by the text of sacred scripture or the Liturgy and which has reference to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to the saints or to the Church, may both find a place in the church building, but outside liturgical celebration. The playing of the organ or other musical performance, whether vocal or instrumental, may: "serve to promote piety or religion." In particular they may:
a. prepare for the major liturgical feasts, or lend to these a more festive character beyond the moment of actual celebration;
b. bring out the particular character of the different liturgical seasons;
c. create in churches a setting of beauty conducive to meditation, so as to arouse even in those who are distant from the Church an openness to spiritual values;
d. create a context which favors and makes accessible the proclamation of God's word, as for example, a sustained reading of the Gospel;
e. keep alive the treasures of Church music which must not be lost; musical pieces and songs composed for the Liturgy but which cannot in any way be conveniently incorporated into liturgical celebrations in modern times; spiritual music, such as oratorios and religious cantatas which can still serve as vehicles for spiritual communication;
f. assist visitors and tourists to grasp more fully the sacred character of a church, by means of organ concerts at prearranged times.
10. When the proposal is made that there should be a concert in a church, the Ordinary is to grant the permission per modum actus. These concerts should be occasional events. This excludes permission for a series of concerts, for example in the case of a festival or a cycle of concerts.
When the Ordinary considers it to be necessary, he can, in the conditions foreseen in the Code of Canon Law (can. 1222, para. 2) designate a church that is no longer used for divine service, to be an "auditorium" for the performance of sacred or religious music, and also of music not specifically religious but in keeping with the character of the place.
In this task the bishop should be assisted by the diocesan commission for Liturgy and sacred music.
In order that the sacred character of a church be conserved in the matter of concerts, the Ordinary can specify that:
a. Requests are to be made in writing, in good time, indicating the date and time of the proposed concert, the program, giving the works and the names of the composers.
b. After having received the authorization of the Ordinary, the rectors and parish priests of the churches should arranged details with the choir and orchestra so that the requisite norms are observed.
c. Entrance to the church must be without payment and open to all.
d. The performers and the audience must be dressed in a manner which is fitting to the sacred character of the place.
e. The musicians and the singers should not be placed in the sanctuary. The greatest respect is to be shown to the altar, the president's chair and the ambo.
f. The Blessed Sacrament should be, as far as possible, reserved in a side chapel or in another safe and suitably adorned place (Cf. C.I.C., can 928, par. 4).
g. The concert should be presented or introduced not only with historical or technical details, but also in a way that fosters a deeper understanding and an interior participation on the part of the listeners.
h. The organizer of the concert will declare in writing that he accepts legal responsibilities for expenses involved, for leaving the church in order and for any possible damage incurred.
11. The above practical directives should be of assistance to the bishops and rectors of churches in their pastoral responsibility to maintain the sacred character of their churches, designed for sacred celebrations, prayer and silence.
Such indications should not be interpreted as a lack of interest in the art of music.
The treasury of sacred music is a witness to the way in which the Christian faith promotes culture.
By underlining the true value of sacred or religious music, Christian musicians and members of scholae cantorum should feel that they are being encouraged to continue this tradition and to keep it alive for the service of the faith, as expressed by the Second Vatican Council in its message to artists:
"Do not hesitate to put your talent at the service of the Divine Truth. The world in which we live has need of beauty in order not to lose hope. Beauty, like truth, fills the heart with joy. And this, thanks to your hands" (Cf. Second Vatican Council, Message to Artists, December 8, 1965).
Rome, November 5, 1987
Paul Augustine Card. Mayer, O.S.B.

Virgilio Noรซ
Tit. Archbishop of Voncaria

****The text appeared in Sacred Music Vol. 114, N. 4 (Winter) 1987
- See more at: http://www.adoremus.org/concerts.html#sthash.cFBrOHDx.dpuf

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Secular promotion video filmed in a Catholic Church!

The video below is of a young singer, the daughter of a David Wang a musician and former contributor to Toronto's Catholic Register. He is the "manager" of his daughter's career. 

This is about the flagrant abuse of a Catholic Church for self-promotion; be it photographs, business ventures or music videos.

Blessed Sacrament Parish in Kitchener, Ontario in the Diocese of Hamilton was used for this video. The Pastor did not permit this video, he was unaware of its filming, no permission was given and the Blessed Sacrament was present in the tabernacle.  

Miss Wang performing in bare feet in a cocktail dress, in a Catholic sanctuary is wrong. Even if she were wearing moccasins, a tunic and mantilla, it is still wrong. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Sacra Liturgia 2013

If you've not already been made aware, the liturgical conference of the decade is about to begin in Rome; Sacra Liturgia 2013. It's impressive list of speakers includes: Antonio Cardinal Caรฑizares Llovera, Walter Cardinal Brandmรผller, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Alexander Sample, Bishop Dominique Rey, Bishop Marc Aillet, CSM, Bishop Peter Elliott, Abbot Jean-Charles Nault OSB, Abbot Michael John Zielinski OSB Oliv., Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro, Monsignor Andrew Burnham, Monsignor Stefan Heid, Father Uwe Michael Lang, Cong. Orat., Fr Paul Gunter OSB, Dr Guido Rodheudt, Don Nicola Bux, Dom Alcuin Reid, Professor Tracey Rowland, Dr Gabriel Steinschulte, Professor Miguel Ayuso and Mr Jeffrey Tucker of the Chant Cafรฉ and Editor of the New Liturgical Movement.

Liturgies will be celebrated in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite.

For those of my readers in southern Ontario, you will be pleased to know that there are no less than ten priests and seminarians from the Archdiocese of Toronto and the dioceses of London attending. The future is going to look a lot different.

For more information you can visit the Sacra Liturgia 2013 webpage or Facebook page.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Vox Cantoris exclusive: An Interview with Patrick J. Buchanan

This is a great honour for Vox Cantoris; an extensive interview with the great conservative politician, commentator, advisor to three American presidents and traditional Catholic, Mr. Patrick J. Buchanan. 

The interview was conducted by our friend and colleague and the Vice-President of the Toronto Traditional Mass Society-UNA VOCE TORONTO, Mr. Michael Krupa for a Polish conservative periodical. Mr. Krupa has graciously has allowed Vox to post the exclusive English language version here.


1. In your view, does there exist a possibility for a conservative revival in the United States along the lines of the famous “Goldwater Revolution” or has the nation, the culture and the political elite moved so far to the left, that American conservatism will remain an embattled political position with its intellectual and political adherents losing ground as time goes by?

A new Goldwater populist movement like the one to which I belonged in college and graduate school is possible, though today’s movement would be more libertarian.  But the Goldwater movement did not triumph.  It was crushed nationally in 1964.

Nixon cobbled together his winning coalition in 1966, 1968, 1970, and 1972 by uniting the Goldwater movement with the GOP base, and capturing the Daley-Rizzo Democrats in the North, and the Solid South to create a New Majority that won him 49 states in 1972.  Could that New Majority coalition be recreated?
Unfortunately not.  It is history.  There are 18 states, including the mega-states of California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, that Democrats have won in all of the last six presidential elections.  Absent a national disaster under a Democratic president, they are moving out of reach for Republicans in presidential elections.
The counter-culture of the 1960s against which Nixon and Reagan inveighed is now the dominant culture.  The traditional culture is almost a sub-culture.  Half the country receives regular checks from government and half the country pays no income taxes.  

In the 1960s the electorate was 90 percent Euro-American.  That figure has fallen to 74 percent and is inexorably sinking.  These folks provide nearly 90 percent of all Republican votes in presidential races.  The fastest growing ethnic groups are Hispanics and Asians. Both voted around 70 percent for Obama.  Demography and culture are grinding down the Grand Old Party.  What interrupts or halts the process in the long term, I cannot now see. 

2. In your book “A Republic, Not An Empire” you basically predicted that the continuation of a hyper-interventionist foreign policy would lead to a catastrophe in the American homeland. 9/11 was that moment. It seemed logical to some that ignoring the laws of “blowback” could no longer go on. However, George W. Bush decided on a completely different approach – more intervention, more meddling, more moralizing and more war. In your opinion, was this policy approach a result of “Dubya’s” strong sense of moral purpose or was post-9/11, as many claim, “the neoconservatives 15 minutes”?

George W. Bush underwent a Damascene conversion after 9/11.  He became a resolute and focused president. And when he set out after Al Qaeda, and to overthrow the Taliban if they did not hand him over, he had America behind him.  The initial Afghan invasion was brilliantly done and fully justified.  Then we should have come home.  Instead, President Bush adopted the neoconservative agenda as his own.  He became a missionary for global democracy.  He made it America’s role to ensure the world‘s worst dictators did not get the world’s worst weapons.  Whereupon North Korea did exactly that.  He declared that America was going to confront an axis of evil including North Korea, Iraq and Iran in perhaps the most ruinous speech given by a U.S. president.  He divided his worldwide coalition, and divided his country, and set out on a crusade almost certain to end like the Children’s Crusade led by Peter the Hermit.  Gen. William Odom called Bush’s decision to invade Iraq the worst blunder committed by an American President.  That is near my view.  Among the few benefits this nation has realized from the Afghan and Iraq wars is that they have helped to re-convert the American people to anti-interventionism.  But our losses from these unnecessary wars of choice are huge.  Neoconservatives played a supporting role in killing the Nixon-Reagan New Majority and crippling the Bush II presidency.

3. You are a well-known critic of the current model of American-Israeli relations. Some have claimed you are an anti-Semite. Does Pat Buchanan hate Israel?

No, Pat Buchanan does not hate Israel.  From June of 1967, when Richard Nixon and I visited Israel after the Six-Day War, for two decades, I was a strong supporter.  At Key Biscayne, when the Yom Kippur War broke out in 1973, I urged President Nixon to send all possible aid to rescue the Israelis.  They were in the our camp in the Cold War, America’s war, in which I believed.  And Moscow had armed Egypt and Syria.  But with the collapse of the Soviet empire and breakup of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War, I returned to the non-interventionist stance that is traditional conservatism.  This put me at odds with the neocons, many of whom equate a posture of non-intervention or neutrality between Arabs and Israelis as anti-Semitic. And for a decade I had defended John Demjanjuk against the charge he was Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka.  As he was about to be hanged in Israel, thankfully, Soviet archives revealed it was another man.  Buchanan had been right.  Not only was Demjanjuk not Ivan, he had never even been at Treblinka.  But it is not politically profitable to be correct on an issue like that and to have exposed those clamoring for Demjanjuk’s hanging as having exhibited the unmistakable traits of a lynch mob.

On the Middle East, I think we should gradually disengage from its quarrels and conflicts, be they ethnic, ideological, sectarian or civil.  The Ottomans were run out, then the British and French, then the Russians.  Now the Americans should go.  As Sarah Palin said, “Let Allah sort it out.”   

4. Let us return to domestic policy. In your famous 1992 speech at the Republican Convention in Houston you stated that America was experiencing a “culture war”, a war that would decide the fate of the Republic for decades to come. In 2003 you returned to this theme in your book “The Death of the West”, where you touched on the theme of Antonio Gramsci’s methodology for the literal destruction of Old Christendom, and thus, Western Civilization. Can we now state that the so-called “long march through the institutions” of the West is at an end, and the Revolution has purged any significant chances of a Counterrevolution, or have there been stumbling blocks along the way that could give traditionalists reason to still hope?

In Death of the West and Suicide of a Superpower, I have argued that, “When the faith dies, the culture dies, the civilization dies, and the people begin to die.”  This seems true of the West.  Europe is far advanced, having abandoned the Faith and rejected Christianity.  Many in what was once the West worship now at new altars: consumerism, materialism, democracy.  Not one Western nation has a birth rate among its native born that will keep its people alive.  This has been true for thirty years.  

Traditionalists have lost large swaths of ground in these last fifty years with the triumph of the counter-culture and its capture of the arts, entertainment, academia, and the media.  In nations like the United States and in some European countries, there remains a remnant resisting going into that good night, but there is no denying that we have been executing a long retreat.  And there is no denying the direction in which we are headed.  We won the Cold War, but Gramsci’s long march through the institutions has neither slowed nor stopped. 

5. You had the rare opportunity of advising three American presidents. I want to especially touch upon your relationship with Richard Nixon. I myself am fascinated with the man. On the one hand, a presidency that ended in shame and tragedy, on the other, a man with immense intellectual capabilities and a strong character, a “fighter”, a rare breed when compared with the contemporary “Big Fish” in the Beltway and especially with the current occupant of the White House. How would you describe the Nixon phenomenon? Was he really a ‘crook’, a national embarrassment, or maybe one of the last true American statesmen?

Nixon was no crook.  He was a friend and mentor, a good man, and I am proud of and fondly remember the years I was at his side.  During Watergate, no one alleged he ever took any money.  His failure was in misplaced loyalty and not appreciating the malice and ability of his enemies.  And he was not what he used to tell me a British statesman said a great leader must be -- “a good butcher.”

He should have acted more decisively dealing with Watergate.  Yet, consider his first term.  He extricated us from Vietnam with honor, brought the POWs home, left every provincial capital in South Vietnamese hands, and was committed to use U.S. air power to enforce the peace.  He ended two decades of hostility between the United States and China.  He negotiated the greatest arms treaty since the Washington Naval Agreement of 1922 -- SALT and the ABM Treaty.  He was the first President to travel behind the Iron curtain, to Romania, then Poland, and Russia.  He created the Environmental Protection Agency and Cancer Institute.  And he won the greatest electoral landslide of modern history, 62 percent of the vote and 49 states.  Nixon’s first term was a triumph, especially when one considers that both houses of the Congress, the federal bureaucracy, and the national media were irredeemably hostile.

6. Apart from being a legend in the world of American media, a true “rock star” of American conservatism, and an uncompromising political figure you are also one of the last public apologists of traditional Catholicism in the West. The theme of “old-school”, pre-Vatican II Catholicism and of a truly “Ecclesia Militans” is very much present in your writings. Do you believe, like many in the Church today, including myself, that any discussion of a Catholic revival cannot ignore two crucial issues: a prudent revision of some of the documents of Vatican II and the restoration of the Tridentine Mass?

The collapse of the Catholic sub-culture in Europe, a product of two centuries of the acids of modernity working their will, and the collapse of the vibrant Catholic sub-culture we had in America in the 1940s and 1950s probably precludes that kind of Catholic revival we would love to see. Moreover, we have had two generations here that have grown up in the post-Vatican II Church and have no memory of what the church and world were like before that.  I fear that the historical pessimists were right, both about the West and the Church in the West.  The converts are being made in sub-Sahara Africa.

7. Going back to domestic issues – will the Supreme Court uphold traditional marriage in America, or is another loss in the Culture War waiting around the corner?

Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg believes the Court erred in Roe v Wade in declaring abortion a constitutional right, rather than allowing each state to decide the issue legislatively, as the states were doing in 1973.  The Supreme Court may strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act and invalidate the popular vote in California that reinstated a ban on homosexual marriage, but it will likely leave the question of “homosexual marriage” up to each state to determine.  The court would ignite a social revolution it imposed “marriage equality” or “gay marriage” on the entire nation. 

8. Many politicians in Poland and pundits hold to a very simple assumption when it comes to Polish-Russian relations. The assumption rests on the belief in the “benevolent hegemony” of the United States in its commitment to protecting Poland from a “neo-imperialist Russia”, a Russia ruled by a former “Chekist”. The neoconservative influence here is clearly evident. Many in Poland had hoped that Mitt Romney’s victory in the presidential election would have led to a renewed interest on the part of Washington in projecting American power in Eastern and Central Europe. The Obama-Medvedev reset has been labeled by many in Poland as a “betrayal”. As a person who knows how power in Washington is exercised, the many factors that come into play and the interests which must be considered, is it right and just for Poles to feel angry and betrayed by an American president who is trying to act first and foremost in the American interest? Should we finally dispel the myth of “benevolent hegemony” and realize that the United States, as any normal state, has partners on the international stage that are more important than others?

Poland trusted in her war guarantee from Britain and France, neither of which came to her rescue in 1939.  They declared war and then sat behind the Maginot Line.  Churchill sold the Poles out to Stalin in Moscow.  FDR told Stalin at Teheran he could keep what he had taken, but asked him not to leak word of the concession until after the 1944 election.  Poles in Chicago and Detroit voted.  After the war, only anti-Communist Americans kept the truth of Katyn alive.  At the time of Solidarity, I recall urging President Reagan to put the Jaruzelski regime in default.  He chose no to do so.  It would have sunk some German banks.  Reagan and Bill Casey, however, did aid the Polish resistance led by Lech Walesa.

The truth is this: No matter Poland’s NATO guarantee under Article 5, no European nation is going to declare war on Russia if a collision occurs.  The United States would surely condemn Russia but we would not declare war on or fight a country with a capacity to annihilate us all.  History teaches that. 
As for U.S. relations with Russia, America should deal with Moscow and leave their internal affairs to the Russians to settle and solve.  Poland is as friendly a nation as we have on this earth and millions of Polish ancestry are U.S. citizens.  I went to Catholic schools with them in the 1940s and 1950s.  But Russia is a mighty European and Asian power with whom we have to and ought to correct and cordial relations.  I don’t want another Cold War.  One in a lifetime was enough.

As for “projecting U.S. power” into Central and Eastern Europe, America is headed the other way.  Most Americans think it is past time that European allies like Germany, France and Italy provided the arms and the men for their own defense.  When the Russians left Germany and Eastern Europe, we Americans should have come home as well.  As my late friend Jeane Kirkpatrick wrote, we should have become again “a normal country in a normal time.”

9. Do you project any serious harm to Obama coming out of the latest series of unprecedented scandals?

President Obama will suffer both short and long-term damage from the scandals.  The Benghazi massacre and cynical attempt in the “talking points” to mislead the nation, the IRS abuses, the Justice Department secret investigations of journalists, show him to be a president out of touch with what is happening in his own government. And they contradict his carefully crafted image of a politician of superior ethics and morality.  The NSA revelations show a leader who held out the promise of being different acting in the same old secretive mode.  The greatest damage has been done to him among those constituencies that most believed in him.  He is approaching the nadir of his presidency with his public approval  rarely lower and his disapproval never higher. 

10.  It has been alleged by your biographer, Tim Stanley, that your favorite movie is “The Godfather”. Can you confirm?

Tim is right.  When I was young my favorite was “Shane,” the 1950s classic, but have seen “The Godfather”  and “The Godfather: Part II” many more times in recent years.  Those movies are not only about the Mafia, but about the amoral world of nation states.

© 2013 Vox Cantoris Publications

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This interview by Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institute expands on the theme above:

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Obama's evil attack on Catholics cranks up!

Okay, it is my honeymoon but I have Frankie's permission to blog this!

(I won't say what I really think  ... )

Courtesy of Breitbart: R.I.P. Andrew.