A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 17 January 2021

On this Second Sunday after the Epiphany and in the time of the Gospels of manifestations of Our Lord, there is still

I sang a Requiem yesterday. It was very sad as the deceased was known to me. Cardinal Collins partly relented in his inane decision, allowing the Mass for weddings and funerals. The Mass was held within the provincial restrictions proving that it can be done. Cardinal Collins is in grievous error as the Metropolitan Archbishop for his lack of leadership and the shuttering of churches and elimination of daily and Sunday public Mass. 
Your Eminence, I know that you are reading this. Restore the Mass now. Order the priests to comply or face suspension. Each priest is to say three Masses per day. if not a First Class Feast or Solemnity, then  convert the weekday Masses to Sunday. If a parish has two priests, that is six Masses. All can work out a system to stay within the provincial guidelines. Suspend Holy Communion at Mass except by appointment for individual or family and provide on tongue as it is private and the priest and people can properly wash. Respect those of us who will not receive by the hand. Host too small? Use larger hosts or rectangular shaped. There are lots of options. Late or not, partner with our Evangelical Christian brothers who are going to court. Advise the Premier he can arrest all priests and bishops, our churches are opening. Your actions have caused much of what you called in the leaked webinar, "collateral damage." You know well what that collateral damage is. Depression, suicide, increase in drug use and alcoholism, abuse, financial disaster for individual and small business. You closed the churches. You have contributed to this "collateral damage." The toll which the closed churches have taken on the faithful is known to God and will be revealed to all of us at the end of time. 

Are you prepared to answer for that? 

Charity compels me to call you out and correct you in your error!

There is an antiphon set to polyphony by Palestrina called Tribus Miraculis. It is an Epiphanytide text that recalls the ancient traditional belief that the Epiphany, the Baptism of the Lord and the Wedding Feast at Cana all happened in their specific years on the same date. Epiphany once had an Octave, done away with by an ill-advised Piux XII as recommended by Annibale Bugnini. The liturgical rot began that long ago. The Octave Day was the Baptism of the Lord, January 13 with the Gospel being the Lord's Baptism at the Jordan by John the Baptist and the next Sunday, today, followed with the Gospel of the Wedding Feast at Cana. As for the calendar in the modernist rite, the moving of Epiphany to Sunday along with Baptism the next Sunday acknowledges this "octave" at least nominally and without calling it such. On one Sunday in the three year cycle, the Gospel of the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time has the Marriage Feast of Cana gospel. As someone who never attends it, I have no idea what year this is. The Sundays between now and the Gesimas all are oriented towards similar manifestations of Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah. One other matter about today, the actual Collect is the same in both, the only Sunday of the year that this occurs as Father Zuhlsdorf explains.

If we were at Mass today in either the traditional or modernist, assuming the modernists would use the actual offertory chant proper to the day, you would hear what is arguably the most wonderful Offertory antiphon of the church year, it is certainly my favourite. It appears again in Eastertide, though on different Sundays.

Since you cannot attend Mass today, may I suggest Matins and Lauds from the Divine Office, specifically the Divino Afflatu that has none of the tainting of Bugnini or Pius XII or John XXIII. It will take about 45 minutes, but what else are you doing today? I will guarantee you that it will be a greater offering to God and more efficacious than watching a Mass on your computer screen. You are, after all, not at Mass. 

Not the familiar Salzburg but at least I won't disgrace this post with Subdeaconess carrying the cross. Pure and beautiful voices, real faith.

Saturday 16 January 2021

Ratzinger and Bergoglio receive Wuhan Virus, abortion-tainted vaccine!


The father who abandoned his spouse and children to an evil and abusive stepfather have committed the ultimate child abuse today, not surprising since they spent years covering up abuse.

Popes Francis, Benedict receive their first doses of COVID-19 vaccine (catholicregister.org)

They took a vaccine for the Wuhan Virus that was developed using the stem lines of an aborted baby for testing. In the post one below, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto stated:

Good luck boys on your particular judgement. I expect at the Last Judgement, the victim will be there to accuse you to all of us.

Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip;                      because the day of their calamity is at hand, their doom comes swiftly.                                                                                                                     Deuteronomy 32:35

Friday 15 January 2021

Cardinal Collins of Toronto relents - Mass permitted for weddings and funerals - "encourages" Catholics to take a vaccine tested on aborted baby's stem cells!

On January 13, Cardinal Collins issues a memorandum to "all clergy and staff" of the Archdiocese of Toronto now posted on the web page at Cardinal Collins update - January 13, 2021.pdf (archtoronto.org). One might ask why this was not addressed to the directly to the "faithful." Unless one's priest communicates these or you look at the web page, or read Vox Cantoris, how would you know what the Cardinal is doing or advising?

No doubt under intense pressure as many have been inundating the Cardinal with over his inane decision to ban the public celebration of Holy Mass but permitting a "communion service," Collins has permitted Mass up to ten persons for weddings and funerals. If for weddings and funerals, why not just every day, Your Eminence? Why not order it to happen in all parishes, daily rather than leave it to the Andy MacBeth's of the world to shut down parishes completely as he has done at St. Margaret of Scotland. He's still looking for money all over the parish bulleting. MacBeth shuts the church but expects you to open your wallet. And the Cardinal permits this.

In a salute to big-pharma and the globalist cabal, Collins says that we "pray" for a vaccination process even though the currently available vaccines were tested on the stem lines of an aborted baby. Collins even offers church property to the "virtuous" health officials to jab you in the arm. At the document above, Collins gives you links where theologians twist themselves into pretzels justifying why it's okay to take a vaccine that has used a murdered baby in its development. 

We can open our churches for an abortion tainted vaccine but not for Holy Mass.

Quite the legacy.

Monday 11 January 2021

Bergoglio legalises women to be Instituted Lectors and Acolytes

Giving yet one more reason to abandon the Novus Ordo Missae, its errors and the culture which has formed it and which it continues to form for tradition, Bishop of Rome, Francis, has today formerly permitted women to be Instituted Lectors and Acolytes. 

For those unaware, a little history. Prior to 1973 there were two orders on the path to ordination in religious orders and seminaries. These were the minor orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist and Acolyte known as the Minor Orders and Subdeacon, Deacon and Priest, known as the Major Orders. At one time, these minor orders were not just reserved to those on the path to the priesthood but were open to laymen as servants of the Mass, particularly Lector, to sing the Old Testament Lessons, never the Epistle (Subdeacon) and to serve as Acoyte - to bear the candles, the cross was carried by the Subdeacon. In 1973, Paul VI eliminated these to be replaced by Lector and Acolyte for seminarians but also again for laymen. Other than the Diocese of Lincoln and at one time in LaCrosse and in the odd and rare situation for a layman to support the liturgy in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, no bishop that I know of ever made wide use of the provision for an Instituted Lector or Acolyte. No doubt because it could no include women and an Instituted man would displace Susan from the Parish Council reading at Mass. Don't even get me started on Serviettes - Girl Altar Boys.

Today, Jorge Bergoglio has changed all that. If he were ever truly interested in instituting the laity in this manner why did he not do it in Buenos Aires. 

This is about sowing seeds and tearing down. 

A few days ago, a priest said to me, "They are trying to build a new church."

Indeed they are.

One more thing.

With the tragic situation in Italy and the world brought about by germ warfare unleashed upon the world by communist China, with all the unemployment, the loss of business, the loss of life, the depression, suicide, alcoholism and more, this is what Bergoglio focuses on.

Nothing this writer writes will change his mind. Nothing will move him. It does not matter. We must always speak truth to power. We must never submit to these evil men. The man is not your friend, nor mine. He is no friend of Christ. 

Pope Francis Admits Women to Ministries of Lector and Acolyte in New Motu Proprio| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

Sunday 10 January 2021

It is the Feast of the Holy Family or, if you prefer, the Baptism of the Lord and you know the line.

 For Thomas Cardinal Collins and the clericalist overlords there is a Holy Mass. But there is 

And given what Doug Ford is going to do this week, there won't be one for a long while.

Bergoglio tells you to take the China Virus vaccine - "It must be done!"

For nearly eight years, I along with may others have exposed the errors and horrors of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. How many times have I written that the man is an evil monster?

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were tested on the stem lines of an aborted baby. Other vaccines are worse in that they are using stem lines in production. This is not hyperbole. Theologians can debate the degree of evil and participation with it in the same way as they can debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. 

Let those theologians debate it with Jesus Christ, King of the Universe at their particular judgement. I will be held accountable for much including calling this man who at least denies being the Vicar of Christ, "an evil monster." I will take my purgatory for that, I will not take Hell for the vaccine. I will not have that baby beside Jesus at my judgement to accuse me of taking part of her body for this.

What will you do?

Friday 8 January 2021

Guest post by Pater Ignotus: A Reflection on the Feast of the Epiphany, 2021

A Reflection on the Feast of the Epiphany, 2021 

In the Traditional calendar we are now in Epiphanytide. We continue to reflect on this Mystery of light, the manifestation of Christ to the nations. The importance of this Feast theologically and liturgically cannot be overstated. St Peter Chrysologus observed: In the mystery of our Lord’s Incarnation there were clear indications of his eternal Godhead. Yet the great events we celebrate today disclose and reveal in different ways the fact that God himself took a human body. Mortal man, enshrouded always in darkness, must not be left in ignorance, and so be deprived of what he can understand and retain only by grace (Sermon 160 PL 52, 620-622). This mystery and all mysteries need to be celebrated in all their splendour and import, lest we be left in ignorance, and so be deprived of what [we] can understand and retain only by grace. In the Church, this instruction is generally speaking accessible in the sermon or homily; and the grace to retain what we have learned is obtained through the celebration of the Sacraments and our willingness to be formed by the doctrine of the faith. 

The Epiphany celebrates the truth of Our Saviour revealed to the nations as the world’s salvation and glory. He who is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega is both the ontological and cosmological centre of our life. When we consider the journey of the magi guided by the star, we are given to understand something of the grandeur of the Mystery of the Incarnation. The whole of creation, the world itself, the stars and the heavens, the cosmos in its entirety proclaim the wonder of this Mystery and through the nature that He has created, God reveals and announces the world’s salvation. There is no other means to salvation than Christ, for in him all the fullness of God dwells in bodily form (Col. 2:9). The revised liturgical calendar fails to give this Feast the recognition it merits as this Feast is in most places relegated to the first Sunday of the new year. 

There is much to learn from the magi about our own journey to God. These men undertook an arduous journey in search for the truth. We can imagine the challenges they faced travelling as they did on foot and with the aid of animals. Their experience resonates with those of the faithful who in this unprecedented time certainly in our country set out on journeys in search of the sacraments and especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We think also of the priests who are now beginning to undertake their own travels and journeys from place to place in their efforts to bring the sacraments of the scattered and fervent remnant faithful. 

Anyone who assents to Our Lord’s invitation of salvation undertakes a very personal and intimate journey out of the self. This is perhaps the hardest of all journeys because we leave behind in some cases the illusion of spiritual and moral self-sufficiency and in others, the prisons of despair and doubt that prevent us from living the fullness of life in Christ by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Just as the star beckoned the magi out of their country, so the light of God’s truth beckons us out of the darkness of ignorance and the chaos of lies that afflicts the world in the absence of the light of God’s truth. 

The prince of this world appears at this time to have the upper hand, certainly as it concerns the exercise of our freedoms and especially our freedom to worship God. Our Lord says of the devil: He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). The excuse of the pandemic is being used to deprive us of the basic tenets of justice. This is increasingly evident as the duplicity of the ruling class is exposed. This chaos of lies has spilled over into the ecclesiastical sphere and in many cases it would seem, has found more than a ready welcome. A “health dictatorship” is fast becoming a tyranny and those who govern the Church, with very few exceptions, have made common cause with the governing class in what amounts to the oppression of the Church. Is this cooperation willful, that is to say, formal? The effects of this new ungodly order are already seen in the trivialization of the Eucharist in its different modes of reception, some of which can only be described as sacrilegious. Those who govern the Church have a grave responsibility before God for the souls that He has entrusted to them. Cardinal Manning soberly observed that sacrilege carries the seeds of its own dissolution. Those entrusted with the care of souls, and this includes parents and educators, do well to ponder these words. The sacraments and most especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass cannot be in any way compromised by even the faintest hint of irreverence and most especially sacrilege. We may soon witness the dissolution of the great façade of a worldly church, of the antichurch that has relativized the truth of Christ and is now silently complicit in the attack against the truth of Christ and by consequence also the Church of Christ with her deposit of the faith (depositum fidei). 

Those who love the Messiah, Our Saviour and the Church he founded must now imitate what St. Leo the Great calls the obedience of the star [that] calls us to imitate its humble service; to be servants as best we can of the grace that invites all men to find Christ. The obedience of the star that leads to Christ becomes the obedience of faith (Rom. 16:26) by which we ourselves are drawn evermore deeply into the Mystery of Christ and in turn, lead others to Him. The deepening of faith accompanied by a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the truth of Christ gives birth to a life of genuine piety and the fruits of a devout life: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness [and] faithfulness (Gal. 5:22), to name but a few. A devout life in Christ lived humbly and generously in a spirit of prayer is what we the faithful need to be fortified in this time of trial and the witness of such a life will invite others to find Christ. The magi inspire us to become co-workers of the truth (cooperatores veritatis), willing especially in these our times to search out places where the truth of Christ is cherished and proclaimed. The journey of the magi is our journey into the Heart of Christ Our Saviour, King and centre of all hearts, and in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. -- Pater Ignotus


I wish more Catholics in Toronto loved Mass more than they fear (a tiny risk of) death

The title of this post is borrowed from Dorothy Cummings at LifeSiteNews,  I wish more Catholics in Scotland love the Mass more than they fear (a tiny risk of) death.

The communists in Poland could not shut down the Holy Mass. Yet, here in Ontario, many parts of Canada and the United States our politicians have done it and where they have not, our bishops and Cardinals, such as Cardinal Thomas Collins here in Toronto have done what the communists in Poland could not do.

If Catholics in Toronto rose up and demanded that Cardinal Collins open churches for Mass, even at ten, and threw down the gauntlet to Ford that we would be reestablishing Mass at 30% and that he must immediately declare church attendance as "essential," do you not think he would do something? The man is fundamentally weak and ineffectual - that has been proven by his dithering and reversing of decisions in the past. True to form, this kind of personality can also be tyrannical, as has happened recently with a certain priest forced into early retirement. If you've watched the leaked webinar, he repeatedly said, "I will shut you down, I will shut you down, I will shut you down." 

Toronto Catholics, what are you doing? Do you care about the Mass more than the fear of really, really, really tiny risk of illness or death where there is no documented evidence that any of this came from the Holy Mass?







I wish more Catholics in Scotland loved Mass more than they fear (a tiny risk of) death | Blogs | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Thursday 7 January 2021

Cardinal Collins to pay churches to livestream - what are the implications? What does this really mean?

Earlier today, the Archdiocese of Toronto under the authority of Cardinal Collins and issued by Jim Milway, a layman and Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs, a memorandum to all priests and parishes. The Archdiocese will give a grant of up to $10,000 for adding or improving the capability of live-streaming. 

Those parishes that have done live-streaming are apparently learning that is valuable beyond just the celebration of the Holy Mass according to the document.

But what does this mean? What is the Archdiocese telling us by the issuance of this memorandum and grant which could be in the millions of dollars.

Cardinal Collins is telling us that we are far from having any regular restoration of Holy Mass and church life. They have refused to do their duty and defend the Church from the diktats of politicians who have attached our constitutional rights and they are in panic mode. 

Panic mode?

The funds come out of the trust from the Family of Faith campaign not regular collections and the cathedraticum. The are in panic mode because they see the cathedraticum collapsing as parish contributions dry up.

They close our churches and expect we should still open our wallets. They deny  us the sacraments and expect us not to deny them funds. They will stop at nothing to fine every way to keep in touch with us because they know that Epiphanytide is history and Lent, the Triduum and Easter are gone too. They want to reach into your computer to keep a hold on us and our wallets. 

Why not just suggest people watch the feed from St. Michael's Cathedral? 

Because it is all about money and as I've been told by many a Toronto priest, the post-China Virus Toronto Church is going to look a lot different. Mass closures are coming. 

Nobody is coming to save us. 

Except Our Lord Jesus Christ. "Put not your trust in princes."

Wednesday 6 January 2021

We are living a lie and Dumb and Dumber want you to keep buying it. Now, who are Dumb and Dumber?

You'll find them somewhere, they are on this blog. Smiling and cajoling one another. I know where I'll be at 12:00 Noon Saturday. 

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, it was not last Sunday but regardless, there is still, according to the diktats of Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Collins


And it is an utter disgrace. That this man, this so-called Shepherd of the Catholic faithful in the Metropolitan See of Toronto, has since before Advent cancelled the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. That is quite the legacy in what will no doubt be his last year as Archbishop of Toronto. This man has denied you the Holy Mass. This man has denied God His due right to public worship. This man has denied you the sacraments because many of his presbyterate have chosen to cower in their rectories out of more fear for a bad flu than of God and Hell itself. This man's people determined that it is "just not worth it" to have Mass when the church must be limited to ten by provincial diktat of an imbecilic unchurched lout. This man, this Cardinal, has failed utterly in his duty before God and His flock to defend the Church, to uphold the rights of the God and the rights of the faithful. He has put mammon from the government ahead of you and your desire to worship God.

Yet, there others, other priests, many other priests who will never be identified by this writer here or anywhere else who are ministering to the faithful who do not refuse to offer the Holy Sacrifice. These priests who are loved by God and by his people. These priests who are risking everything for the faithful. To these priests, to these men of Christ, to these humble servants who have a higher obedience, to Jesus Christ Himself rather than sinful men who have put in their lot with the corrupt state, to these priests, and you know who you are because you are reading this, we salute you. we thank you. we love you. May God bless each and every one of you and protect you from the diktats of a corrupted church and state.

If you cannot get to Mass on a rock, or in a basement chapel or on a dining room, or in the forest or a barn (and don't think for a moment that I am exaggerating) may I suggest you pray at least Matins, Lauds and Vespers for today from the Divine Office tab which you find above. It will take you to today's date and my recommendation is according to Divino Afflatu. 

Please enjoy the uplifting music for Epiphany. God bless you.

Sunday 3 January 2021

Today, Sunday, is the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and there is still


Today is the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, it falls on the Sunday after the Octave Day of Christmas and Feast of the Circumcision and before the Epiphany. Today is not the Epiphany.

INTROIT Philip. 2:10-11

At the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of the Father.

Ps. 8:2. O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is Your name over all the earth!

V. Glory be . . . 


O God, it was You who conferred the name of Jesus upon Your only-begotten Son, the Savior of the world. Grant that by venerating His holy name on earth we may enjoy His presence in heaven. Through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and rules with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. 

EPISTLE Acts 4:8-12

In those days, Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said to them: "Ye princes of the people and ancients, hear. If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole: Be it known to you all and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him, this man standeth here before you, whole.

" This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved." 

GRADUAL Ps. 105:47; Isa 63:16

Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the nations that we may give thanks to Your holy name and glory in praising You.   

V. You, O Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer. From eternity is Your name. 

Alleluia, alleluia! V. Ps. 144:21

My lips shall speak the praise of the Lord; let all men bless His holy name.


GOSPEL Luke 2:21

At that time, after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 


I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forever. For You, O Lord, are sweet and mild, abounding in kindness to all who call upon You, alleluia! 


O Most Merciful God, may Your blessing, which gives life to all creation, sanctify the sacrifice we offer in honor of the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Let this act of praise be pleasing to Your majesty and profitable towards our own salvation. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord . . . 

The Preface for Christmas is said. 


All the nations You have made shall come and worship You, O Lord, and glorify Your name. For great You are and do wondrous deeds. You alone are God. Alleluia! 


O Almighty and eternal God, who created and redeemed us, graciously hear our petitions. Receive kindly and favorably this saving Sacrificial Victim, which we have offered to Your majesty in honor of the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Pour out Your grace upon us, that we may rejoice to see our names written in heaven under the glorious name of Jesus, who is the pledge of our eternal predestination. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord . . .

Friday 1 January 2021

Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario shows Cardinal Thomas Collins how to lead, how to pastor, how to love Christ and how to stand up to tyranny!

In Waterloo, Ontario in the Diocese of Hamilton whose bishop, Douglas Crosbie, OMI has followed lead of Toronto's Thomas Cardinal Collins to cease public religious services, police have charged the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel for holding religious services against the diktats of the Ontario politburo headed by Premier Douglas Ford. 

Jacob Reaume has issued a press release which should be an embarrassment to Thomas Collins who has lots of money and lots of lawyers to fight the unjust provincial diktats. He even lacks the courage to follow them to the letter because his presbyterate won't obey him.

Read Pastor Reaume's letter. Tell me that this is not more Catholic, more God-fearing, more Christ-loving than anything coming out of the Chancery in Toronto or most of our parish priests. This man speaks as Thomas Collins should speak. This man builds up as Thomas Collins should build up but does not.

Jacob Reaume is more Catholic than the hirelings in the Catholic Church.

Have a nice New Year's Dinner, Eminence. 






Press Release - All Elders of Trinity Bible Chapel Charged | Trinity Bible Chapel


By Jacob Reaume    |   December 31, 2020    |      

New Years Eve, December 31, 2020



Yesterday evening, all six of the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel were charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27. We are peaceful family men seeking to pastorally care for our families and our church in sincere obedience to God. We are not criminals. Officers from the Waterloo Region Police Service (WRPS) showed up at each of our homes last night at roughly 8pm and gave us each a summons to court. While other pastors in Ontario have faced similar charges under the ROA for holding church services, to our knowledge this is the first time that each and every member of an entire elders board has been charged for gathering a church to worship. Although we know of officers within the WRPS who personally disagree with these charges, it appears the WRPS is trying to make an example of us. For years we have taught our children to respect police, and now our children and grandchildren are witness to their fathers and grandfathers receiving charges from police for worshipping Christ with our church. It is a dark day for Waterloo Region and Ontario.

Since we decided to re-open the church in June, implementing various COVID protocols in our services, we have not had a single outbreak traced back to our church. We thank God for that.  Instead, we have heard a plethora of stories from many of our congregants about how they were negatively affected spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially during the first lockdown. On December 3, we informed our governing authorities that we cannot shut down the church again in an open letter entitled, “Here we Stand: The Church Must Meet.”[1] Not one of our officials replied with an attempt to work with us.  Our church community has become a vital refuge for hundreds of people during these times of despair. Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.[2] This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.[3] These are unlawful laws, a violation of God given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

We have ancestors who fought in wars to protect us from state abuses of this nature, and many of our families fled police states that eerily resemble what we are being subjected to at the present. Our high school teachers, parents, and grandparents warned us against governments that act this way.

While we seek to honour and pray for our governing officials, we are also grieved over the apparent hypocrisy and arbitrary applications of law. Several politicians have been caught violating their own laws by visiting cottages, hosting gatherings, or jaunting to warmer climates. Our very own Chief of Police, Brian Larkin, publicly endorsed much larger public gatherings in June. While Ontarians were restricted to outdoor gatherings of 5 or less persons, the Chief of Police offered the “full support” to a protest in which the “crowd may have been between 12,000 and 20,000 strong.”[4] Chief Larkin explained to participants, even as they contravened lockdown orders, that police “will ensure you have the support needed to practice your democratic right and have your voice heard.”[5]  The arbitrary rule of law is dangerous even as it is contrary to our inherited values.

Our Saviour shed His blood to purchase the church, and therefore, deeming the church “unessential” is tantamount to deeming the blood of Christ unessential, which is a public act of blasphemy.  One day our elected officials, bureaucrats, and police will stand before the court of God’s justice for these acts.  We earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them to his Son, Jesus Christ, who offers free grace and forgiveness to all who would repent and put their faith in him.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and therefore we must honour and obey him above all earthly governments. We emphasize that our hope in Christ’s goodness is firmly anchored.  Our Saviour is just, equitable, and loving towards his people.  He has every hair on our heads numbered, and his eyes see all things. He will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, and we will fear no evil.  He has taught us to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and to count our sufferings as pure joy.  We embrace his will in humility by submitting to his heavy hand trusting that in the proper time he will exalt us because he cares.

Members and adherents of Trinity Bible Chapel can anticipate internal communication by Friday at 5:30 PM.  If you are a member or adherent and do not receive that communication please contact one of the elders.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience” – C.S. Lewis

[1]From https://trinitybiblechapel.ca/here-we-stand-the-church-must-meet/, accessed December 31, 2020.

[2] The CDC’s survival rates are as follows:

0-19 yrs old: 99.997%

20-49 yrs old: 99.98%

50-69 yrs old: 99.5%

70+ yrs old: 94.6%

From: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html, accessed December 31, 2020.

[3]From https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-15.html, accessed December 31, 2020.

[4] From https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/as-it-happened-thousands-of-people-gather-for-peaceful-black-lives-matter-march-in-kitchener-1.4966927, accessed December 31, 2020.

[5] From https://www.wrps.on.ca/en/news/wrps-supports-solidarity-march-for-black-lives-matter-we-stand-united-with-you.aspx, accessed December 31, 2020.

An Octave Day of Christmas Open Letter to Thomas Cardinal Collins - what will be your legacy?

The legacy

Dear Cardinal Collins,

On January 16, 2022 you will turn 75. On that date you will tender your resignations to the Pope, whomever he may be at the time. Rumor has been for a while now that it will be immediately accepted, assuming Francis is still Pope. Does he still hold his rageful anger against you and the others for your signature on that letter when you had courage and were part of the thirteen. We were so proud of you then. Of course, it didn't last long considering you went on to praise the heretical document, Amoris Laetitia

Leaving other details aside for now, the failure to clean house upon your arrival, leaving heretical priests who deny the Holy Eucharist in their parish offering invalid Masses and abusing the faithful (anyone want to guess where?) and banishing faithful priests to early retirement (yes, Eminence, we know) You've left homosexual priests in active parish ministry, and you banished a traditional religious order because they followed a higher law on how to administer Holy Communion (FSSP), and so much more. So much more that this writer knows personally.

This brings us to where we have been since the beginning of Advent and where we are now on the first day of the new secular Year of Our Lord, 2021. There is a Mass for you, Eminence, but no mass for me or my wife or for any of us. No Mass for us. 

While Douglas Ford may be an ignoramus a simpleton and an unchurched lout, you, are to be our shepherd. You, are to be our spiritual father. As you have said yourself, you are the pope in the diocese. You know better and yet, what do we see? A double-down on the Premier's insane decision and the cessation of the public offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Without a doubt, you know you have erred. How do I know this? Because you have replaced the Holy Mass with an Anglican-style Service of Holy Communion. You are trying to back-track without anyone noticing. What you don't know is that you are in a hole and you need to lay down the shovel and stop digging. Your idea of assembly theology that could once not comprehend the idea of separating the Holy Mass from Holy Communion has done exactly that. 

I know Catholics, myself and my wife included, who have not had Holy Communion in nine months because we will not take It in the hand. I have seen Latin Mass communities since June increase in size even though Holy Communion is not distributed. Now, the Mass been ripped away from us again. Not by Ford, but by you and many of your brother bishops. (Pembroke and St. Catharines being the exception) Yet, now, you allow Holy Communion without the Mass. Ironically, you have actually partly taken some of my advice. What was that?  Separate Holy Communion for the people from Mass - suspend it except by appointment during the week thus allowing more Masses on Sunday to cope with the Premier's ridiculous diktat, a diktat that you are now unable to stop because you accepted it for too long. 

As the post below this one eludes, what is the real reason? I will tell you what I have discerned through your actions and my own research.

You now know, no doubt because of the pressure of this writer and others, that you were wrong. You are trying to reverse it with a substitute. You have built into it the option to ignore you because you know that most of your presbyterate do not want even this. Andy MacBeth in his own bulletin online proves it. Therefore, how could you ever reverse yourself on Mass for up to ten persons? Heck, most won't even open the church for private prayer. They instead cower in their rectories just like MacBeth. No Mass. No Holy Communion. No private prayer. How many more Andy MacBeth's are there?

I will tell you what you need to do, Your Eminence. I will do the job for you that those around you will not do. Not your Auxiliary Bishops, not your circle of priests whom you rely on, not your lawyers or accountants or communications experts. I, a simple and sinful layman will tell you what you need to do.

Immediately issue a Memorandum, just like the one below. 

1.    All priests MUST open the churches for set hours. Adoration daily and reparation for an end to this virus and the demonic uses of it be evil men.

2.    All priests will develop a reasonable lottery to select the people to attend Mass and develop a rotation.

3.    Homily is limited to three minutes and Holy Communion is suspended at Mass using this as a teaching moment that we go to Mass to worship God, give Him thanksgiving, seek forgiveness for our sins and ask for our needs. Not one of these four reasons for Holy Mass is to receive Holy Communion. You've already proven that Mass and communion can be divorced from one another. Holy Communion is by appointment during the week to individuals or family units, on the tongue if requested because the priest can thoroughly wash his hands with soap and water, and wear a mask, as he should even when giving into the hand.

4.    A priest will offer three Masses during the week and five Masses on Sunday. Parishes with two priests or more, follow accordingly.

5.    Any priest who refuses is called in to your office personally and asked to explain. Any refusal to follow your direction will be met with immediate suspension and an order to vacate the rectory. Any fear that you would need to close churches for the reduction of priests is moot. You've closed them anyway. (After all, you've sacked or forced into early retirement good priests for lesser reasons or none at all, no?)

6.     Immediately contact Pastor Peter Youngren and join his legal suit against the government (only the injunction, hard to get, was refused.) Provide your lawyers and money and round up the rest of the Ontario bishops to get on side. Notwithstanding the lateness of this legal move, (you should have done it in March 2020) it must be done, notwithstanding.

You know full well, as you reportedly told the Premier. that the virus is not being transmitted at Mass. You know full well that your "worship safe" guidelines have been followed and the people have, no matter how reluctantly, cooperated. You know full well that the Toronto Board of Health and the "virtuous" doctors have made unreasonable and unconstitutional demands. Your lack of leadership in this regard has caused deep sorrow amongst the faithful, the very faithful who would be your greatest supporters. The very ones that would defend our churches and our priests. 

What will be left, Eminence, of your post China Virus Church? What will be left? Your own words and those of your staff on webinars reveal the interest in money. The need for point of sale devices and pre-authorised giving. You want our money, but you give us no Mass. You have closed our churches but you expect us to open our wallets. You have, rather than rely on your faithful, taken stained money from the government to pay your employees and your priests. You have taken Cesare's gold and Cesare now controls you.

On this day of the new year, this Feast of the Circumcision, this Octave Day of Christmas, I can give you no peace, you are undeserving of it. You have stripped peace from me, my wife, my friends, the readers of this blog and faithful Catholics in the Archdiocese of Toronto and across Ontario. You have denied us the Holy Mass, for that, you can have no peace.

As with Ebenezer Scrooge, you can expunge what will be a legacy of failure and banality of lost opportunity and of collapsing parishes that your successor will need to address. A legacy of no Triduum, no Masses for last Easter, no time after Pentecost, no Advent not Christmas and I have no doubt, no Easter 2021. This, Eminence is your legacy. A Shakespearian tragedy and a mockery of the priestly heroes of the Tudor persecution whom you so often quote. A legacy of failure when it could have been a legacy of courage and of leadership. A lot of alleged "charity" but too little "clarity." Too little to none of speaking truth to power.

Will you change it? Will you repent of this? Will you act like a Shepherd and not a hireling? Speaking truth to power is not easy. It is not always liked. It is, however, always necessary and today, I have done that.

Vox Cantoris

Thursday 31 December 2020

Cardinal Collins approves Sunday Communion Service without Mass to end of lockdown - but is there more to the story?


What was once satirical has now become reality. 

From: MacCarthy, Neil <neilm@archtoronto.org> on behalf of Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Sent: December 30, 2020 5:42 PM
To: Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Subject: Dec. 30 Communication from Cardinal Collins - Direction regarding additional Holy Communion Services 

December 30, 2020 

To all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese of Toronto, 

Blessings to you and your parishioners during this Christmas season! Thank you for all that you continue to do.

I have received feedback from priests and the Auxiliary Bishops regarding the Holy Communion Services held on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Those who were able to offer these services have indicated that it was a fruitful opportunity to provide the faithful with spiritual nourishment given the current lockdown restrictions. Some parishes have requested that permission be granted to continue the services on weekends during the lockdown period.

By way of this communication, I grant permission, for parishes that wish to do so, to continue offering Holy Communion Services, at times determined by the pastor, on Saturdays after 3:00 pm, and on Sundays. This may continue during the period of lockdown. The text previously circulated should be used for these services, and adapted (as with a short Gospel reading from the Sunday, and the Sunday Collect). Parishes wishing to organize Holy Communion Services must observe WorshipSafe protocols and ensure this can be done safely, with no more than 10 people inside the church at any given time.

Parishes are under no obligation to offer Holy Communion Services but should remain open for private prayer on a regular basis, with a schedule determined by the pastor.  The availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is also important. And it is spiritually helpful for parishes to continue to livestream services, where possible, and to maintain outreach with parishioners using appropriate communication tools.

I pray that these options provide spiritual support for your community during the lockdown period. Once again, I thank you for your incredible work this year in caring for the faithful under these most difficult circumstances. 

Sincerely in Christ, 

Thomas Cardinal Collins

Archbishop of Toronto

Notwithstanding that the Ford government has severely limited church attendance to ten with little pushback except from some brave Baptists and Evangelicals, the Cardinal has shut down public Mass, though the Bishop of St. Catharines and the Bishop of Pembroke have not, Mass continues with the provincial limit.

The alternative that Cardinal Collins has now provided is the communion service as on Christmas to be held every Sunday until the lockdown is lifted. The Cardinal should be commended for his munificence and spiritual concern. We should thank him for we have been given the "crumbs from the Master's table."

Yet, as with anything, the devil is in the details and in this, he really is. The parishes are under "no obligation" and they "should" remain open for private prayer, not must, not will, but should. Permission to easily ignore his request.

We see now our problem. Let us look at just one parish, St. Margaret of Scotland in the tony neighbourhood of Avenue Road. A pastor, Andy MacBeth an Associate Alexander MacDonald and a Deacon Robert Klinghorn and not one of them has the decency to follow the Cardinal's request and provide the Holy Communion service or open the church for private prayer. There was no Holy Communion for you on Christmas at St. Margaret of Scotland and now the Church is sealed up. We can shame these three clerics for their lack of charity, their lack of faith, their lack of spiritual care. You can read to the right and at this link the proof of their dereliction. 27 DECEMBER 2020 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH.pdf (archtoronto.org)

How many other Father MacBeth's are there? Slothful, selfish and arrogant clericalists. Television narcissists. Cowards cowering in their rectories. Do they have compromised immune systems and fear a virus more than they fear Hell, a Hell that they probably don't believe exists. How many within the Toronto presbyterate have told the Cardinal they won't cooperate? Where is their "obedience" to their Ordinary. Did MacBeth not promise obedience to the bishop that ordained him and his successors?

If this is the case, the responsibility for the failure falls right back on Cardinal Collins who has failed to lead. Failed to challenge the Premier in court. Failure to order his priests to be priests after the model of St. John Vianney or St. Maximillian Kolbe or to follow the example of Bishop Michael Power who gave his life bringing the sacraments to the sick and dying in this very city. He didn't cower in his rectory like Andy MacBeth.

Update: I'm told in the combox that Father MacDonald is a good man and probably following the necessary "obedience" to the pastor. Poor man was just ordained two years ago. Imagine what he has to put up with now? Shut up in a rectory for heaven knows how long with Andy MacBeth. This "obedience" is why I get these memos from priests, not a priest, priests. This is why nearly daily I receive phone calls, text messages, emails from priests echoing their disgust at the Cardinal's actions and the Andy MacBeth's who seem to be in the majority. 

Cardinal Collins, this is to be your legacy. You can change it.


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

Good old YouTube took it down.

Here it is on vimeo.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

The Reverend Father Yves Normandin - Requiescat in pace


It is reported that Father Yves Normandin has passed into eternity this morning at 4:50 A.M. EST. Father Normandin was a priest of Montreal who was the father of the restoration of the traditional Mass movement in Canada. There were three of these men, all who ministered in their own way. Father John Mole, OMI who founded the community of St. Clement in Ottawa died in 2004. Father Liam Gavigan, whom I knew personally and worked with him numerous times, passed on in 2017 and founded the communities now at St. Lawrence the Martyr and St. Patrick's in Schomberg in the Archdiocese of Toronto. It was Father Normandin, however, who was the lion. He travelled the entire country establishing chapels and offering the Mass in homes paving the way for both the Society of St. Pius X, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and other diocesan traditional Masses. Without Father Normandin and Mole and Gavigan, the Mass would have been lost entirely. There was a time, that there were only three priests in all of Canada offering the pre-modernist Latin Rite. This trinity of servants of God and his people are heroes.

No information is yet available on details. 

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

The history of the Mass in Quebec is inseparably tied up with the history of Fr. Yves Normandin and Sainte-Yvett’s parish in Montréal. On 14th May 1975 Fr. Normandin decided to revert to the Mass of his ordination. On April 18, however, the CCCB had decreed that, effective 30th June 1975, only ill and elderly priests could thenceforth celebrate the traditional Mass, and only in private.

Oct. 27th 1975 in a meeting with Abp. Grégoire Fr. Normandin was told ‘I must demand your resignation because you stubbornly insist on celebrating the Mass of St. Pius V, contrary to the ordinance of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops…… You are to resign immediately. Otherwise, effective Nov. 5, you shall lose all jurisdiction in this diocese.”

Nov. 9th Abp. Lefebvre celebrates pontifical high Mass at Sainte-Yvette’s. Nov. 12th. Mgr. Grégoire published a letter which declared the Mass of all time is no longer the Mass of today, and that the cure of Sainte-Yvette’s is deserving of his removal by virtue of his unrepentant disobedience to the Church.

To cut a long story short the battle moves on to court, to the barricading of the rectory doors and the changing of locks; to Fr. Normandin having to leave the rectory, on Dec. 15th by stepladder from the balcony to escape notice of the guards and attend court. The rectory doors are broken down and Fr. Normadin starts a new phase in the ‘Traditional Latin Mass Movement’ in Canada.

This phase is what I would characterize as that of a wandering priest. Fr. Normandin ‘As a young man, I had dreamed of an apostolate as an itinerant missionary in the jungle, with the White Fathers of Africa. Now, at 52 years of age, I discover that Canada, thanks to our own post conciliar bishops, has become a missionary frontier, once again a spiritually barren land, offering itself to priests loyal to infallible and indestructible Tradition.

‘Every Sunday about 400 continue to attend the Traditional Latin Mass in spacious quarters in Montréal and we have found the means to expand our ministry, to Ottawa and to Northern New Brunswick, to Toronto, London and Stratford, to Winnipeg and to Vancouver and Victoria and even as far away as Florida.’

After the expulsion of Fr. Normandin there arose a movement under the leadership of Mr. Roman Bhattacharya. It is from this movement's fidelity to the traditional Roman Liturgy that formed primarily the faithful group, which is at the origin of the community Saint-Paul in Montreal. Their first "priest", providentially, was Fr. Normandin who for nine years after the expulsion from his Parish, led a heroic life of missionary activity providing access to the traditional liturgy across the Canada. It is at this point that Fr. Normandin visited Vancouver to offer the Mass.

Fr. Normandin was parish priest of the Latin Community Catholic St-Paul October 7, 1985, to January 1, 2010, i.e. for almost twenty-five years before finally retiring.