A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 12 April 2015


As Father Z writes, this Sunday has many nicknames. It is liturgically called the Second Sunday of Easter in the Missal of 1970, the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite and in the traditional liturgy, the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite it is the First Sunday After Easter. It is also known of course as Divine Mercy Sunday after the request by Our Lord through St. Faustina and proclaimed as such by St. John Paul II in 2000. It has also been called in the traditional rite Low Sunday in contrast to previous weekend. I've never liked this term or the term "Low Mass" (Missa Lecta or Read Mass is more appropriate) No Sunday and no Mass, can be "low." Also in the traditional rite, it has been known as White Sunday or Missa in Albis for the catechumens who would have come to Mass today and then put away there white robes or albs, which they'd worn since their baptism on Holy Saturday. 

And yet, there is another name and it comes from the Introit or Entrance Antiphon of the Mass in both Forms -- Quasi modo Sunday. "In the same manner as newborn babes long for the rational milk without guile..." from the First Letter of St. Peter 2:2.

How unfortunate that in the Ordinary Form of the Mass, the opening hymn or song was not Quasi modo but some other non-liturgical text. Here is hoping that it was at least edifying such as Christ the Lord is Risen Today or At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing. Regardless, the loss of the liturgical texts in the practical use of the Missal of 1970 remain a stumbling block to the Mass properly being said or sung, notwithstanding the GIRM's permission to substitute based on the disastrous 1967 document, Musicam Sacram. Gradual solemnity had merit, the rubrics of the traditional Missal are very restrictive, but this document went much too far with the allowance to substitute the Proper of the Mass, Introit, Offertorium and Communion with hymns. This has been a liturgical disaster that we will never recover from until it is revoked. This antiphon is in the Altar Missal and it is in the various permanent or disposable pew missals. It is in the official chant book for the 1970 Missal the 1974 Graduale Romanum and in various English offerings such as the Simple English Propers. There is an Offertory Antiphon as well for the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. It was only a few months ago when in a conversation about the Simple English Propers after a Mass with a Bishop, I was asked what "that" was as he pointed to the Offertory Antiphon. Perhaps that is best left for another post.

There is one more little tidbit about today which you can read below. It comes from the quill of Victor Hugo for it was on this day, the First Sunday After Easter or Quasimodo Sunday that he found the deformed creature and thus the poor boy received his name.

Sixteen years previous to the epoch when this story takes place, one fine morning, on Quasimodo Sunday, a living creature had been deposited, after Mass, in the church of Notre- Dame, on the wooden bed securely fixed in the vestibule on the left, opposite that great image of Saint Christopher, which the figure of Messire Antoine des Essarts, chevalier, carved in stone, had been gazing at on his knees since 1413, when they took it into their heads to overthrow the saint and the faithful follower. Upon this bed of wood it was customary to expose foundlings for public charity. Whoever cared to take them did so. In front of the wooden bed was a copper basin for alms.

The sort of living being which lay upon that plank on the morning of Quasimodo, in the year of the Lord, 1467, appeared to excite to a high degree, the curiosity of the numerous group which had congregated about the wooden bed. The group was formed for the most part of the fair sex. Hardly any one was there except old women.

In the first row, and among those who were most bent over the bed, four were noticeable, who, from their gray cagoule, a sort of cassock, were recognizable as attached to some devout sisterhood. I do not see why history has not transmitted to posterity the names of these four discreet and venerable damsels. They were Agnes la Herme, Jehanne de la Tarme, Henriette la Gaultière, Gauchère la Violette, all four widows, all four dames of the Chapel Etienne Haudry, who had quitted their house with the permission of their mistress, and in conformity with the statutes of Pierre d'Ailly, in order to come and hear the sermon.

However, if these good Haudriettes were, for the moment, complying with the statutes of Pierre d'Ailly, they certainly violated with joy those of Michel de Brache, and the Cardinal of Pisa, which so inhumanly enjoined silence upon them.

"What is this, sister?" said Agnes to Gauchère, gazing at the little creature exposed, which was screaming and writhing on the wooden bed, terrified by so many glances.

"What is to become of us," said Jehanne, "if that is the way children are made now?"

"I'm not learned in the matter of children," resumed Agnes, "but it must be a sin to look at this one."

Friday 10 April 2015

Catholic Teacher Patricia Jannuzzi reinstated!

Patricia Jannuzzi, the Catholic Teacher fired for stating her views on the homosexualist agenda has been reinstated by Immaculata High School.

Congratulations to Mrs. Jannuzzi!

Bishop Bootkoski, the Monsignor Pastor and the School Administration committed a grievous act against Mrs. Jannuzzi. They were wrong and they can't wiggle out of it no matter how they try in this letter.  Had Mrs. Jannuzzi's family not gone public with the injustice these cowardly so-called Catholic leaders would have not backed down and she would have been unemployed in August. She was able to raise the funds for a lawyer no doubt and John and Mary Catholic were able to voice their condemnation of the deceitful manner with which she was treated. Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund trial attorney Charles LiMandri provided extensive legal advice to Patricia Jannuzzi, and assisted her local counsel David Oakley, in achieving a mutually satisfactory resolution of this matter. 

Monsignor blames the medial and presumably, bloggers for being "hurtful." The letter also mentions "theology" numerous times insisting that the matter was not "theological." 

As I found out in my own recent situation with a clerical bully, we must stick together when these clericalists attempt to silence us and the new gestapo, or gaystapo, comes at us.

Thanks be to God for this victory and for justice. 

Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund - "Obama's Call to Ban Therapy would violate Constitutional Rights!"


Following the post below on the situation regarding JONAH, I have heard from Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of FCDF. Coincidentally, the American President has threatened just in the last day, those who counsel individuals with same-sex attraction. Far be it from the current President of the United States to uphold the Constitution. After all, he has a pen and a phone.

Here is their press release:

Obama's Call to Ban Counseling Therapy would
Violate Constitutional Rights
Refusal to recognize the rights of Americans to seek help is nothing new, but in this case it is also unconstitutional
Rancho Santa Fe, California – Today, President Obama injected his views into the personal decisions of private individuals seeking counseling, calling for a ban on conversion therapy for minors.
“President Obama and politicians in Washington have no place prohibiting teens and parents across America from seeking counseling. Dictates from Washington that prevent free people from exercising their First Amendment rights to make these personal decisions without government interference are repulsive,” said Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. 
The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund will defend these First Amendment rights in court this summer by defending JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), a Jewish group which helps those who deal with unwanted same-sex attractions by providing a community with educational outreach services, including counseling referrals, for affected individuals and their families. 
“Seeking counseling is a very private and personal decision people make and coercive tactics to shut down all alternatives for people with same-sex attraction is simply wrong. The President’s refusal to recognize the rights of Americans to seek help is nothing new, but in this case it is also unconstitutional,”  Gallagher noted.
The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund is a nonprofit, public-interest law firm which defends the conscience rights and religious freedom of those of all faiths and no faith. The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund's mission is to defend religious freedom by providing protective legal services at the trial level to persons whose religious liberty and free-speech rights have been attacked. Located in San Diego and led by experienced trial attorney Charles LiMandri, FCDF assists individuals and organizations nationwide with pro bono services.
Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, is available for commentary.  Please contact Ryan Hughes at RHughes@SBPublicAffairs.com, by phone at (703) 739-5920 or by cell at (224) 723-8688 for more information.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
For Life and Freedom, 
Scott Maxwell
Executive Director 
Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund

Wednesday 8 April 2015

JONAH INTERNATIONAL - More persecution by the homosexualist agenda and the hard Left

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Mr. Arthur Goldberg, the Co-Director of JONAH INTERNATIONAL - Institute of Gender Affirmation. JONAH, -- Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing, is a non-profit international organization dedicated to educating the world-wide Jewish community about the social, cultural and emotional factors which lead to same-sex attractions. JONAH works with those struggling with unwanted same-sex sexual attractions (SSA) and with families whose loved ones are involved in homosexuality.

Our Jewish brothers' Rabbinical sages explain that because mankind has been endowed by our Creator with a free will, everyone has the capacity to change. Furthermore, the Rabbis emphasize that parents, teachers and counselors have a special responsibility to educate, nurture, and provide an opportunity for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions to journey out of homosexuality. As Catholics who accept the teaching of the Church we believe this as well. I know people personally who have come out of the sin of sodomy to live holy and productive lives. We only have to look at the Courage Apostolate to know of the good work that is done and the success that people can have in living as children of Our Creator.

Through psychological and spiritual counseling, peer support, and self-empowerment, JONAH seeks to reunify families, to heal the wounds surrounding homosexuality, and to provide hope.

Mr. Goldberg has reached out to seek the support of the readers of this blog. I have reprinted below his letter. Friends, we are in this together. The fight for the truth is not easy and it is not going to go away. We have seen the persecution of little people such as pizza makers and florists. JONAH INTERNATIONAL and Mr. Goldberg are also on this list and are in need of our prayers and financial support.

I imagine that there was at time when the Southern Poverty Law Centre did good and worthy work; if they ever did, that time has long since past.

Dear Readers of Vox Cantoris,

I am being defended in a "first of its kind" lawsuit by a superb Catholic oriented pro-bono law firm, Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (www.consciencedefense.org) (FCDF). They have spent nearly $3 million (American) to date to defend us. However, as the date for the trial is quickly arising (June 2) and an immense amount of pre-trial work is now needed, FCDF must raise some additional funds. Thank the Lord, a benefactor based in the mid-west has offered a $100,000 matching grant to them. In other words, FCDF must raise $100,000 in order to receive the extra $100,000. This will be a major breakthrough in reaching their goal of $300,000.  With this matching grant, a gift today of $100 becomes $200, a $1,000 gift becomes $2,000, a $10,000 gift is doubled to $20,000, and so on.  I therefore wondered if you would be willing to post on your blog information about FCDF (who have successfully defended a number of cases attacking Christians on a pro bono basis.) I am hoping that your readers may decide to help a co-religionist whose commitment to Catholic principles is without question. FYI, FCDF has scheduled a 54-day Miraculous Novena starting on April 9 to pray for their successful defense of us and for the protection of religious freedom.  Please allow me to set forth below a bit more about the specifics.  

JONAH, the organization I co-direct, (www.jonahweb.org) and I (individually) have both been sued by the radical Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for "consumer fraud" for simply providing resources for men and women with unwanted same-sex attractions to find appropriate assistance to lead a life consistent with G-d's commandments.  The purpose of the plaintiffs in the litigation is to create a chilling effect on people and organizations that stand for the position that change is possible, a position that is directly commanded  by  the Bible. (See my book: Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change.)  JONAH only works with people who express dissatisfaction with their homosexual ideation (or other sexually based issues such as pornography or sex addiction), helps them assess and overcome deep issues, and does not seek to coerce anyone into changing their sexual orientation. We support the right of client self-determination. Because the intent of this lawsuit is to totally deny individuals the freedom to seek help for their own unwanted same-sex attractions and directly affects freedom of religion, a fabulous law firm specializing in freedom of religion cases, Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, agreed to defend us pro-bono. (See, www.consciencedefense.org.)  The case has dragged on for nearly two years and, in the process, our pro-bono attorneys have spent approximately $3 million of their own funds defending us. The trial is scheduled to begin in early June and while the attorneys are beginning the intense pre-trial work to defend us, they have exhausted much of their own financial resources and now find themselves in a major economic bind. Thank G-d, they recently received an offer from a benefactor in the mid-western United States to provide a matching grant of up to $100,000 and I as their client wish to assist them in finding the necessary matching funds. I am hoping that you can publicize their need on your blog how every dollar contributed will provide the resources for us to be properly defended in court.

Charles LiMandri, the CEO and President of FCDF has been standing up to bullies such as the SPLC for over 12 years – defending an individual's right to matters of conscience and not forcing someone to violate the laws G-d handed down to us to follow. Chuck believes we have a very good chance of winning the case by convincing the jury that we did not commit fraud while trying to help men overcome same-sex attraction, a choice made freely by those who come to us.   But we need help to do so.

In order to complete the tasks at hand with the case, FCDF actually needs to raise a minimum of $300,000 but a major start is raising $100,000 so that they can receive the second $100,000 pledged under the matching grant. I am reaching out to you to publicize their work in defending our precious constitutional and religious rights. This first-of-its-kind case is the tip of a very large and dangerous spear aimed at the heart of religious minded people in America. The SPLC has made it clear that its $340 million war chest will be used for lawsuits to bankrupt traditional Jews, Christians, and other believers as though we were violent haters and racists. In addition to a war chest of multiple millions, the SPLC has 15 activist lawyers on this case ready to make life a living hell for anyone who dares to resist their efforts to shut down help for homosexual people seeking to live a life as envisioned by the Holy Bible. They aren’t concerned about the cost; they’re assuming that none of us will care enough to pay the price of defending freedom.

Mr. LiMandri has stated that "JONAH is perhaps the most critical religious liberty case of our time. It has the potential to set a chain of events in motion that will severely hamper ministries that help men and women with unwanted same-sex attraction."

The opposition has no intent to stop these attacks on our Constitutional and religious rights until they completely exterminate our religious freedom. They will not tolerate any of our faith beliefs, and they have a $340 million fund available in their attempts to silence us! The Southern Poverty Law Center wants to silence us. We need to stop them and  need to find additional finances to continue the fight.

If your readers wish to provide secure online donations directly to FCDF, they can do so by going to their website,  www.consciencedefense.org.  Alternatively, checks may be sent to the FCDF address at P.O. Box 9520, Rancho Sante Fe, CA,  92067.

Most sincerely,

Arthur Goldberg, co-director

New NAZI's!

Below are just four links which I quickly took off of PewSitter. When we consider these, Patricia Jannuzzi, Memories Pizza and Barronelle Stutzman, the florist in Washington State, all are current situations for which we can easily call out the homosexualist movement as the new fascists.

My question is this:

Why are we taking this and when are we going to fight back; and why are we allowing what is no more than 2% of the population to dictate and dominate the agenda as they have been allowed to do?





Welcome to those from WDTPRDAD!

Welcome to all those who have found their way here from What Does the Priest Really Do All Day?

I hope you'll stay a while and learn a thing or two.

Just don't expect me to link back.


Thursday 2 April 2015

Hoc est enim corpus meum.

Italian Interview with Cardinal Burke - Has Crux given you the full story?

Rarely, and only if necessary, do I read Crux. This is one of those times. I consider it in the same category as the National Catholic Reporter and now even the National Catholic Register owned by EWTN and having sacked blogger Pat Archbold.  Crux and the mainstream Catholic media are very good at manipulating the story for their advantage and that of those who prop them up. They and many clerics are also very good at bullying those who stand up for the truth and bloggers are easy targets. I should know.

Ines St. Martin wrote yesterday about Cardinal Burke wherein she quotes an interview His Eminence gave to the Italian online journal, La Nuova Bussola QuotidianIt is unfortunate that she did not print more of the actual interview and instead chose selectively to continue what is a scandalous attempt to discredit Cardinal Burke as evident in the combox there. The Cardinals answers are detailed and clear and easy to understand. The readers at Crux would have benefited from the full interview, but when you have an agenda, what does truth matter?

This is not new. 

Salt+ Light Television, Alicia Ambrosio undertook the same smearing and scandalous attempt to discredit the Cardinal stating that he lived in an "Ivory Tower" - the evidence is out there (so come and sue me, if you dare). We can put Crux, the National Catholic Reporter in this same category with the absolute distortion of the recent interview at LifeSiteNews where Cardinal Burke was alleged to have said that adulterers and gays were no better than murderers. Headlines can say many things to the non-thinking, non-reading masses and can do much damage to the truth to Catholics and non-Catholic alike. That is not what the Cardinal said as the interview makes clear. However, mortal sin is mortal sin. Some are worse than others. No good work by a murderer, an adulterer or a sodomite will make up for it, only repentance through the Sacrament of Penance and amendment of life will.

I have taken the interview in La Nuova Bussola Quotidian and translated it using Google Translate and have tidied it up a little. It is well worth reading in its entirety. Once again, Cardinal Burke speaks with clarity and truth and remains an inspiration to Catholics everywhere.

la nuova bussola quotidiana

In recent months Raymond Cardinal Burke has been portrayed as a fanatic, an ultra- conservative, an anti-conciliarist and a conspirator against Pope Francis, even ready to a schism if the upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family opens unwelcome changes to Church teaching. The campaign against the Cardinal is so strong that even in Italy several bishops have refused to accommodate his lectures in their dioceses. And when somewhere he is allowed to hold a meeting - as recently in some cities of northern Italy - invariably some of the priests have contested it, accusing him of spreading propaganda against the Pope. 

"They are all nonsense, I just do not understand this attitude. I never said a word against the Pope, I strive only to serve the truth, a task that we all have. I've always seen my work, my activities as a support to the Petrine ministry. People who know me can testify that I'm not a Pope. On the contrary I have always been very loyal and I've always wanted to serve the Holy Father, which I do even now. "

In fact, meeting him in his apartment around the corner from St. Peter's Square, he is affable and very spontaneous and appears as a thousand miles away from the image of dour defender of "cold doctrine", as described by the mainstream press.

In the debate that preceded and followed the first Synod on the family some of Cardinal Burke’s statements are actually played as a criticism of Pope Francis, or so they have been interpreted. For example, recently there was made by the media lot of noise that his "I will resist, resist" as a possible response to the Pope's decision to grant communion to divorced and remarried.

“But it was a sentence misrepresented, there was no reference to Pope Francis. I believe, that because I have always spoken very clearly on the issue of marriage and the family, some want to portray and neutralize me as an enemy of the Pope, or even ready to schism, just using that answer I gave in an interview with a French television station.”

So how then should that answer be interpreted?

“It is very simple. The journalist asked me what I would do, if hypothetically, - not referring to Pope Francis - a pontiff was to make decisions against the doctrine and practice of the Church. I said that I should resist, because we are all in the service of truth, starting with the Pope. The Church is not a political body in the sense of power. The power is Jesus Christ and his gospel. To this, I replied that I will resist and would not be the first time that this happens in the Church. There were several moments in history where someone had to stand up to the Pope, beginning with St. Paul against St. Peter, who wanted to impose circumcision to the converted Greek. But in my case I'm not at all undertaking any resistance to Pope Francis, because he has done nothing against the doctrine, nor do I see myself at all in the fight against the Pope, as they want to paint me. I'm not pursuing the interests of a group or a party; I just try to be as Cardinal, a teacher of the faith.”

Another "count of indictment" against him is his alleged passion for "lace," as it is said in a demeaning way and something that the Pope cannot stand.

“The Pope has never made me doubt the way I dress, which however, is still within the norm of the Church. I also celebrate the liturgy in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and there are for this vestments that do not exist for the celebration in the Ordinary Form, but I always wear what the rule is for the ritual that I am celebrating. I do not engage in politics against the way of dressing of the Pope. We have to also say that every Pope has his own style, but that does not then impose this style to all other bishops. I do not understand why this should be a cause for controversy.”

But the newspapers often used a photo in which he has worn a Cardinals galero a headdress definitely out of time.

Ah, that; but it's amazing. I can explain. It is a picture that has spread after a newspaper had used it to publish an interview with me during the Synod. The interview was done well, but unfortunately they used a photo that was taken out of context, and I'm sorry for it, because by doing this they gave the wrong impression of a person living in the past. What happened, in fact, was that, after being appointed cardinal, I was invited to a diocese in the south of Italy for a conference on the liturgy. For the occasion, the organizers wanted to give me the gift of a former cardinal's hat - they did not know who’s it had been. Obviously it is in my hand and I had no intention of wearing it regularly, but he asked me if I would put it on to be able to do at least one photo with the hat, so I wore it. This was the only time I put that hat on my head, but unfortunately that picture has been all over the world and someone used it to give the impression that I go around like that. But I've never worn it again, not even in a ceremony.”

He was also listed as the inspiration, if not the promoter, of the "Petition to Pope Francis on the family", which was released for collecting signatures on a few sites amongst the world’s traditionalists.

“I signed that document, but it was not my initiative or my idea. Nor did I write or co-write the text. Those who have said otherwise stated falsely. For all I know it is an initiative of lay people, I was shown the text and I signed it, as have many other cardinals.”

Another of the charges put to him is to be anti-conciliarist, against the Second Vatican Council.

“Labels are easy to apply, but there is no basis in reality. All my theological education in the major seminary was based on the documents of Vatican II, and I am still trying today to study more deeply these documents. I'm not at all opposed to the council, and if one reads my writings will find that many times I quote the documents of Vatican II. One on which however do not agree is the "Spirit of the Council", this realization of the council who is not faithful to the text of the documents but that purports to create something totally new, a new church that has nothing to do with all the so called aberrations of the past. In this, I follow fully the bright presentation that made Benedict XVI in his address to the Roman Curia for Christmas 2005. It is the famous speech in which he explains that the correct interpretation is that of reform in continuity, as opposed to hermeneutics of rupture in the discontinuity that many sectors carry on. The intervention of Benedict XVI is brilliant and explains everything. Many things that happened after the Council and attributed to the council have nothing to do with the council. This is the simple truth.”

But the fact remains that Pope Francis has "punished" him by removing him from the Apostolic Signatura and entrusting the patronage of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

“The Pope gave an interview with Argentine newspaper La Nacion that has already answered this question by explaining the reasons for this choice. This says it all, and not for me to comment. I can only say, without violating any secret, I was never told by the Pope or given the impression that he wanted to punish me for something.”

What is certain is that this "bad image" has to do with what Cardinal Kasper also, in recent days, called the "synodal battle". That seems to grow in intensity as you get closer to the Ordinary Synod next October. Where are we?

“I would say that there is now a much more extensive discussion on the topics covered by the Synod and that's good. There is a greater number of cardinals, bishops and lay people who are intervening and this is very positive. I do not understand why all the noise that was created last year around the book "Remaining in the Truth of Christ," to which I have contributed along with four other cardinals and four specialists on marriage.”

That book is where was born the theory of a plot against the Pope, a view echoed recently by Alberto Melloni in the Corriere della Sera, and that cost him a lawsuit by the publisher Italian Cantagalli.

“It is simply absurd. How you can be accused of conspiracy against the Pope with what the Church has always taught and practiced on marriage and communion? It is certain that the book was written as an aid for the Synod to answer the thesis of Cardinal Kasper. But it is not controversial, is a presentation faithful to the tradition, and is also the highest scientific quality possible. I am totally available to receive criticism about the content, but to say that we have taken part in a plot against the Pope is unacceptable.”

But who is fomenting this witch hunt?

“I do not have any direct information but surely there is a group that wants to impose on the Church not only this thesis of Cardinal Kasper on communion for divorced and remarried, or for people in irregular situations, but also other positions on issues related to the themes of the Synod. I refer to the idea of ​​finding the positive elements in sexual relations outside of marriage or homosexuality. It is evident that there are forces pushing in this direction, and for that they want to discredit us who are trying to defend the Church's teaching. I have nothing personal against Cardinal Kasper, but for me, the question is only to present the Church's teaching, which in this case is related to words spoken by the Lord.”

Looking at some of the themes that emerged strongly in the Synod, the about a gay lobby is common.

“Without being able to pinpoint, I do see more and more that there is a force that goes in this direction. I see people who, consciously or unconsciously, are carrying out a homosexual agenda. How this is organized I do not know, but it is evident that there is a force of this kind. At the Synod we have said that talking about homosexuality had nothing to do with the family, rather it would have been better to convene a special Synod if you wanted to talk about this issue. But we found in the Relatio post disceptationem this issue that had not been discussed by the fathers.”

One of the theological justifications in support of Cardinal Kasper that today is very often repeated is that of the "development of doctrine;" -- not a change, but a depth which can lead to a new practice.

“Here, there is a big misunderstanding. The development of the doctrine, as it has for example presented by Blessed Cardinal Newman or other good theologians, means a deepening in appreciation, knowledge of a doctrine, not the change of doctrine. The development in any case leads to change. One example is that of the Post-Synodal written by Pope Benedict XVI on the Eucharist, is "Sacramentum Caritatis;" - in it is presented the development of the knowledge of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, also expressed in Eucharistic adoration. There were some in fact contrary and opposed to Eucharistic adoration, because the Eucharist is to be received within. But Benedict XVI explained - also citing St. Augustine - that if it is true that the Lord gives us himself in the Eucharist to be consumed, it is also true that you cannot recognize this reality of Jesus' presence under the Eucharistic species without worshiping these species. This is an example of the development of doctrine, but it is not that the doctrine on the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist has changed.”

One reason for the controversy on the Synod is the alleged opposition between doctrine and practice, doctrine and mercy. Even the pope insists that the often self-righteous attitude of those who use the doctrine create a distance and prevent love.

“I think you have to distinguish between what the Pope said on a few occasions and those who claim a contrast between doctrine and practice. You can never admit in the Church a contrast between doctrine and practice because we live the truth that Christ tells us in his holy Church and the truth is never a cool thing. It is the truth that opens to us the space for love, to really love you must respect the truth of the person, and the person in the particular situations in which he or she finds themselves. So to establish a kind of contrast between doctrine and practice does not reflect the reality of our faith. Whoever supports the thesis of Cardinal Kasper - change of discipline that does not touch the doctrine - should explain how it is possible. If the Church admits to communion a person who is related in a marriage but is living with another person in another marriage relationship, that is in a state of adultery how can one believe at the same time that marriage is indissoluble? The relationship between doctrine and practice is a false contrast that we must reject.”

But it is true that you can use the doctrine without love.

“Sure, and that's what the pope is denouncing, use of the law or doctrine to advance a personal agenda, to dominate people. But that does not mean there is a problem with the doctrine and discipline; only there are people of ill will commit abuses that may for example by interpreting the law in a way that harms people. Or applying the law without love, insisting on the truth of the situation of the person but without love. Even when a person is in serious sin we must love the person and help as the Lord has made example to us with the adulteress and the Samaritan woman. He was very clear in announcing the state of sin in which they were, but at the same time showed a great love by inviting them to come out of this situation. What did not the Pharisees, which instead showed a cruel legalism: denouncing the violation of the law, but without giving any help to the person to exit from sin, so as to find peace in his life.”

Wednesday 1 April 2015

BREAKING : Pope Francis to Pontificate on Easter Sunday at Traditional Latin Mass in St. Peter's Basilica!

VATICAN CITY - In a surprise announcement this morning, the Director of the Vatican Press office, Father Federico Lombardi, S. J., announced that Pope Francis will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Easter Sunday morning. The Holy Father has been studying in secreto the Traditional liturgy. The Pope was ordained in 1969 right after the implementation of the Novus Ordo Missae by Pope Paul VI. Although he is familiar with the ancient Mass from his youth and years in seminary he has never celebrated it as a priest. Lombardi would neither confirm nor deny reports that the Society of St. Pius X has been quietly working behind the scenes with the Pontiff on the liturgical finer points.

When asked about singing the Mass, Lombardi said, "Well he is a Jesuit after all, but Pope Francis will chant quietly in recto tono those parts of the Mass particular to him as the Holy Father has some difficulty with singing. 

The Pope will enter St. Peter's Basilica carried on the sede gestatoria not used since the short pontificate of Pope John Paul I, suspected of being murdered by the wolves Pope Benedict XVI warned about. As for papal vestiture, 

Monsignor Guido Marini verified that "the Pope will will be properly dressed." This will include the fanon, buskins and gloves as shown in this photo of Pope Paul VI. In fact, he will wear these exact vestments as shown including the mitre as these were used by Pope Paul VI the last Pontiff to celebrate the most solemn and ancient liturgy of the Latin Rite in St. Peter's Basilica. 

It was also announced that the papal court has been reconstituted today in the Motu Proprio "Quis ego sum iudex nimis" by Pope Francis and the procession will include the ostrich feathered flabellum not seen in over a half-century.  In an effort to dissuade fears amongst PETLNFB -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Large Non Flying Birds, Lombardi said that in "harmony with the upcoming encyclical on the environment, no ostriches were harmed in the accumulation of feathers." Father Lombardi was uncertain if the Holy Father would wear the Papal Tiera.

Lombardi also announced that Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, of Salt + Light Television, Canada's Catholic Channel of Hope will be handling the worldwide broadcast of the Holy Mass. In keeping with Pope Francis' Year of Mercy, Father Lombardi praised Rosica for his recent merciful example to an obscure and dyspeptic blogger. 

Sources indicate that ever since Father's interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX, he has been secretly studying the traditional rites and has been consulting with experts at the Toronto Traditional Mass Society on the finer points of the liturgy. Father Rosica is studiously preparing to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and the Ego Sum Vox Cantoris Schola Cantorum is expected to provide  Gregorian chant. The Mass is to be held at Holy Rosary Church to commemorate the departure of the Basilian Fathers and bless the recently renovated rectory. It is reported that the original rood screen, now stored away in the basement, is being reconstructed for the occasion, just in case.

Countering speculation that this story is too far-fetched to be true, Father Lombardi indicated that a new fresco has been unveiled outside the entrance to the Chapel of the Hotel Santa Marta where the Pope says Mass daily which should answer any doubts as to the veracity of his announcement.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Vatican makes statement on appointment of Bishop of Osorno, Chile

It seems that Rome has decided to speak:

(Vatican Radio) The vice-director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Ciro Benedettini, has issued the following statement concerning the nomination of Bishop Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid as Bishop of Osorno, Chile:
"Prior to the recent appointment of His Excellency Msgr. Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid as bishop of Osorno, Chile, the Congregation for Bishops carefully examined the prelate’s candidature and did not find objective reasons to preclude the appointment."

Roma locuta, causa finita est.

Terri Schinder - May our sister rest in the peace of Christ our Lord

The events of ten years ago today are not far from me. Terri Schiavo died ten years ago today; correction, Terri was murdered ten years ago today by her estranged husband, supported by the courts of the State of Florida and that of the United States of America. 

At the time, my own mother was 89 and she would die 18 months later. I cared for my mother in my home until the day she died with assistance from my sister and paid caregivers. I will never regret the sacrifice made out of love. The Schindler family never had that opportunity. It was taken away from them along with the life of their daughter. Nightly, we would watch the drama unfolding on Fox or EWTN, the drama of a murder taking place live while most went about their business and cared not.

The Bishop of the diocese where Terri and the family resided failed in his moral duty. Matt C. Abbott includes in his column today the letter sent from Terri's brother to Bishop Lynch. This is the same Bishop Lynch who, in January 2015 said“Therefore, I do not wish to lend our voice to notions which might suggest that same-sex couples are a threat incapable of sharing relationships marked by love and holiness and, thus, incapable of contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society."

Blindness in one area leads to blindness in many.

Terri's brother Bobby has laboured for this past decade building the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network. Bobby Schindler pens a poignant recollection at Lifenews. Included is an artists rendition of what the beautiful woman above looked like on the last day of her life according to his memory. 

A few days later the world would watch another death and another example of suffering. 

Both of them were redemptive. 

Saturday 28 March 2015

The example of true humility and mercy by a kind and humble prelate

The sad and vile commentary in some secular media and a Catholic newspaper in the United States today using "Catholic" in their title against the order of two bishops stands in direct contrast to the real Cardinal Burke who is, in fact, a gentle and prayerful and humble pastor. The St. Louis Dispatch picked up on the article. I do not suggest reading it as the commentators are from the pit of Hell and it is not much better at the so-called "Catholic" paper. 

The criticisms are based on the an interview published in LifeSiteNews a few days ago. The Cardinal is correct. Someone who commits murder cannot be absolved of it by giving to a food bank or being nice. It is mortal sin. Sodomy and adultery are also mortal sin. Neither can they be absolved by being nice to puppies.

Let us pray for Cardinal Burke. He is a giant of a man and yet as gentle as a dove. He is the true example of masculinity in the priesthood and humility amongst prelates. Others in Rome should learn from him. Thank you Cardinal Burke for your steadfastness in the faith.

When the news of the rumours of the removal of Raymond Cardinal Burke from the Apostolic Signature broke a few months ago, I wrote the recollection of a story in The Lion of Rome. Published in Celebrate Life Magazine, it was originally titled "Coming Out of Sodom" and was written in 2011 based on the author's actual conversion in 1998 in La Crosse. 

Here is the story now since removed from the magazine; I have not published the man's name.


For 12 years, my life was centered on same-sex relations. I lived it: the nightlife, the drugs and the impurities. Now, because of my good bishop, I am Catholic and happy. As best as I can determine, my same-sex attraction began in reaction to my father, who was a violent alcoholic. He often drank, came home to throw things around the house and abuse my mother in addition to threatening me and my brother. I thought he hated us. Consequently, I didn't want to be anything like him.
In my sorrow, I started looking for the love of my father in the arms of other men. At age 17, a predator took advantage of me under the teacher/pupil dynamic and I became completely mixed up about human sexuality. Over the years, one thing led to another until I moved in with a man more than 20 years my senior.
Before we go any further, it is important to realize a major cause of same-sex attraction disorder. As a former insider of the community, I can tell you that the so-called gay rights/abortion rights coalition is a proximate result of the contraceptive mentality which was predicted 40 years ago by Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae. People abusing one another as sexual objects brought about a mainstream culture of death that tolerates and advocates all kinds of adultery and child abuse, including abortion. This selfish mentality also led to human embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia.
Return to my Father
From 1990 to 1994, I went to Mass off and on. In 1995, I told my "partner" that I couldn't go anymore because I was very angry with the Church. I boxed up all my crucifixes and Bibles and dropped them off at the office of the bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin with a letter renouncing the Catholic faith.
To my surprise, Bishop Raymond Burke replied with a kind letter expressing his sadness. He wrote that he would respect my decision and notify the parish where I had been baptized. Ever so gently, Bishop Burke said that he would pray for me and look forward to the time when I would reconcile with the Church.
As one of Wisconsin's most outspoken "gay" activists, I thought, "What arrogance!" Then I replied to Bishop Burke with a letter accusing him of harassment. I told him that his letters were unwelcome and I asked how he could dare to write to me.
My efforts failed to put him off. Bishop Burke sent one more letter assuring me that he wouldn't write again — but if I should want to reconcile with the Church, he would welcome me back with open arms.
Indeed, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit never gave up on me. Within a few years, I spoke to a good priest, who intensely added to Bishop Burke's prayers every day in August 1998.
On August 14, the feast of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe and the vigil of our Blessed Mother's Assumption, divine mercy penetrated my soul at a Chinese restaurant — of all places. Little did I know as I entered that restaurant with my "companion" of over eight years that the Lord would seize me that very afternoon and bring me to another place outside of Sodom, to the very judgment seat of His healing mercy, the holy Sacrament of Penance.
The priest I had consulted was there. As I gazed across the room at him, an inner voice spoke to my heart. It was gentle, radiant and clear inside my soul. The voice told me, "This priest is an image of what you can still become, if you will only return to Me."
On the way home, I solemnly told my companion, "I need to return to the Catholic Church." Although he was tearful, he lovingly responded, "Eric, I've known that for a long time. Do what you need to do in order to be happy. I knew all along that this day would come."
Next, I called Bishop Burke's office. His secretary knew me well by then, so I told her that I wanted Bishop Burke to be the first to know that I was returning to the Church — that I was preparing for the Sacrament of Penance. She asked me to hold. When she returned, she announced that Bishop Burke wanted to schedule a meeting.
Afterwards, I confessed my sins to a local, humble, devout Catholic pastor of souls and received absolution.
As an essential part of my recovery, a good Catholic family gave me shelter until I could find my own home.
A month after my reconciliation to God and the Church, I went to Bishop Burke's office, where he embraced me. He asked if I remembered the belongings I had turned over to him with my letter of renunciation. Of course I remembered and Bishop Burke had saved them in the diocesan archives because he believed that I would return.
For two years, I wondered if the mystical message meant that I was supposed to become a priest. Finally, I realized that I was not called to the priesthood. After all, the Vatican rules that men who have a well-established inclination to homosexuality may not be admitted to Holy Orders or monastic communities. Rather, the priest I saw at the restaurant was an image of what I could become — faithful and holy through the sacraments. Like all persons — single, married and religious — I am called to chastity. It is enough for me to try and get to heaven. Therefore, I strive to faithfully live the single vocation.
Ever since my mystical experience, I rejoice because of Raymond Burke, now the prelate of Saint Louis, Missouri. While some malign Archbishop Burke for his fidelity to God, Church and all souls, I say that he is a true shepherd of the faithful and a present-day Athanasius. I tell you that he remains a mentor and an inspiration to me. Although my own biological father rejected me, Archbishop Burke became my spiritual father by lovingly representing our Father in heaven. Like the Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity, Archbishop Burke was and is absolutely faithful to me.
The key to happiness
Despite the blessing of Archbishop Burke and priests like him, I want to stress that there are others who lead souls away from eternal life and happiness.
For example, when I recently went to confession, a priest told me something that is both a contradistinction from and a contradiction of the truth that Archbishop Burke taught me.
The apostate priest told me:
You're gay and the Church calls us to accept our sexuality. I am an ethicist — a scholar. And the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is very close to this position — and this is the position — am I going too fast for you? If you are attracted to members of the same sex, that is natural for you. And for you to deny that and resist that is to go against natural law. I believe, as an ethicist, that you can have a male roommate and be intimate — of course without genital expression. But if you do slip in that regard, it would not be a mortal sin.
This is the type of advice that convinced me to leave the Church. I heard it all too often from Protestants and various Catholic priests during the 1980s. I heard every heresy about sexuality and our Lord. Today, since I am separated from the "gay community," I only hear such heresies from older priests in their fifties and sixties, but not priests in their forties or younger. Bad bishops and bad priests have led so many people astray about same-sex attraction alone. Yet there is no new gospel or scholarship and this spiritual malpractice must end.
As someone who suffered in the state of mortal sin for many years, I assure you that there is no happiness outside of the moral order. The only authentic response to the challenge of same-sex attraction and sin is the truth in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
In addition to God's teachings and grace, there is visible help on earth. For those who suffer from same-sex attraction, Father John Harvey established the Courage Apostolate and Encourage, which ministers to their families and friends. It is endorsed by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family. Through Courage, strugglers find the support and healthy friendships necessary to holiness and happiness, a way fully consonant with the culture of life. See more about Courage retreats, conferences and resources at www.couragerc.net or call its New York City office at the Church of Saint John the Baptist, 212-268-1010.

"The voice of the faithful must sound the alarm"

Vatican embraces Masonic-Marxist environmentalist "Earth Hour"

To counter these communists and lying Freemasons in the Vatican the Vox homestead shall be lit up for the hour inside and out.

I just can't wait for that Environmental Manifesto, I mean, Encyclical.

Meanwhile, Asia Bibi remains on death row in Pakistan.

St Peter's Basilica to go dark for Earth Hour

St Peter's Basilica - EPA
28/03/2015 14:21

(Vatican Radio) St Peter’s Basilica will go dark for one hour Saturday evening, joining once again the international "Earth Hour" effort to raise awareness about climate change. 
The annual initiative, which began in 2007, invites cities around the world to turn off the lights on their national monuments and public buildings, as well as in offices, shops and homes, to help raise awareness about the need to adopt more environmentally sound practices.
Earth Hour is being observed 28 March in major cities across the world, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30, local time in each country. This year in Rome, the Great Synagogue and the Great Mosque will join the initiative for the first time.