A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Friday 6 October 2023

Bergoglio is "consciously breaking with the Church's tradition."

Some of us have been on to this Peronist for a decade. It is now so obvious that the full plan of this wicked man is so clear that everyone can see it.

'The assumption must be faced that Pope Francis is consciously breaking with the Church’s tradition' - Catholic Herald


Kathleen1031 said...

Catholics are going to "vote with their feet", and make changes of their own. There are always going to be people who would continue on, even if virgins were sacrificed at the altar. They would defend Francis and defend his words and actions, no matter what. Many Catholics have been so gaslighted about "obedience to the Holy Father", that they are now incapable of realizing their fidelity to God has been jettisoned, it has been replaced, with fidelity to an evil man, of whatever persuasion you want to call him, all of them seem to fit, atheist, Marxist, communist, globalist, Peronist, New Ager, pagan, whatever he is, he isn't Catholic, nor perceptibly Christian. If the Cardinals and bishops do not act soon, there will be little left of the church except the non-Catholics who don't even realize they aren't Catholic anymore. He is promoting evil. He is not defending nor passing down the faith. His one job.
The true church will continue in the Latin Rite.

Robert said...

Strategically, I am happy to shift from recognize and resist to disobedience and defiance. When new policies and procedures are introduced, I think some reverse gaslighting is in order...Pope Francis' Synod is nothing more than some crazy conspiracy theory advanced by some socially isolated geriatrics.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Bergoglio's "god of surprises" who commands the young, the agents of change: "Go and make mess" is a figment of his sick imagination. As a postmodernist who fancies himself as a co-creator of reality, driven by a sick imagination, he convinced himself to be one and the same as this god.

Should any Bergoglian sycophant read this, I, a backward ossified medieval literalist am informing you: As soon as you rejected Catholic teaching about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you should have left the Holy Church. But you preferred to collapse her from within. Cowards, weasels (apologies to non-human weasels), wolves in sheep's clothing, children of Lucifer. Even if you wanted to, you can't perceive Truth any more. To you it is intellectual sophistication and moral superiority. But God sees you for what you are.

Kathleen1031 said...

Co-creator of reality is accurate. The hubris of this person is truly astonishing. What kind of person tampers with the words of the Lord's Prayer. Who besides this man would dare do that.
And all the other outrages besides. His entire persona is arrogant. We've seen it many times over these ten years. Apparently many Catholics don't see it, they see smiley pope, and that's enough. That he is laying waste to the church and the faith, they don't see. Maybe don't care.

Father John Matthew Duffy said...

As the Cathloic Church has already taught authoritatively on all matters of Faith, the very tabling of synodal topics such as female ordination and the "blessing" of sodomite unions blasphemously infers that the teaching of the Faith has always been wrong and that the Holy Spirit was not available to the Church until the arrival of a boorish leftist thug from Argintina.

Father John Matthew Duffy said...

As the Cathloic Church has already taught authoritatively on all matters of Faith, the very tabling of synodal topics such as female ordination and the "blessing" of sodomite unions blasphemously infers that the teaching of the Faith has always been wrong and that the Holy Spirit was not available to the Church until the arrival of a boorish leftist thug from Argintina.