A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Bergoglio answers phone at general audience - get's played!

Good satire. It had me fooled!

t's not the first time that Pope Francis took a phone call during a general audience in a
display of rudeness, narcissism, and personalism. I mean, what could be so important? Well, James Martin, of course. Must have been more plotting on the sodomic church of Bergoglio Well, if the man has any self-awareness, let this be a lesson for him not to be so rude to his guests. But I doubt it.

Read on and enjoy the schadenfreude:

Put an End to the Madness! - Crisis Magazine

"Unlike everyone else who witnessed the Holy Father taking a phone call in the middle of a General Audience in St. Peter’s Square the other day, I was not the least bit surprised. And why should I be, since I was the one who made the call?

No sooner had I dialed the number than I was put immediately through to the pope, who seemed quite delighted to hear from me. For about five seconds, that is, no doubt thinking I was the Reverend James Martin, whom I had instructed the switchboard operator at the Vatican to inform the pope was on the other line. 

And until things fell apart, which happened fairly quickly, I was hoping for a productive exchange. Once he realized he’d been snookered, however, he abruptly hung up, leaving me to imagine the number of heads likely to roll on the floor of the Vatican switchboard."

I wonder what happened to the switchboard operator?

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Archdiocese of Toronto goes DEI woke propagating CCCB “prayer” for Pentecost

It is so subtle, you would almost miss it unless you were awake. Yet, it is so blatantly obvious and insidiously diabolical.

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Archdiocese of Toronto web page promoted "LGBTQ" labelling in 2022 under Thomas Collins; not this year, change has come under Archbishop Leo.

Every once in a while, I blow it. I have been corrected and offer apologies to anyone who read this article or came to it before I corrected it.

This screen shot from the archdiocesan web page was sent to me late last night. The sender did not notice and nor did I that this was form last year, 2022. The Chancery staff responsible for Communications removed this year's advertisement by Manresa and this old one.

I thank Neil MacCarthy for bringing clarity to this and the error to my attention and I apologize for the error.

It is too bad that Thomas Collins saw no issue with this but that is history.

The Archdiocese of Toronto has a Courage Apostolate which is below.

Thank you for your understanding. I had not yet had my covefe.


Saturday, 20 May 2023

St. Michael's Cathedral bulletin in Toronto promotes Thomas J. Rosica's "LGBT" lecture


As noted below, I was sent the notice of this as it appeared then at archtoronto.org. After contacting Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications, seeing the problem, had it removed and I confirmed it. He did the right thing. Alas, it appears it was not stopped from going to parishes and being printed in bulletins. Well, Neil? What do you have to say for yourself and the deception? Was I duped? Were you? Was ++Francis Leo? Or, all you all culpable and at least we know where we stand?

Not a good start!

Reports from readers that it has appeared in numerous church bulletins including that of the former Chaplain for the Extraordinary Form Mass. 

Readers in Toronto, send links of the parishes where it has been published.
St. Clare of Assisi Woodbridge
St. Aidan, Scarborough

Happy Sunday!

The bulletin for this Sunday in Toronto's St. Michael's Cathedral features a post promoting the Rosica lecture to take place at the Jesuit Manresa retreat centre. In itself, there is nothing wrong with a session for parents of those suffering from same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The point is, the labelling by using the alphabet moniker. The Church does not label people by their sin. People have dignity as men and women, there are no others. This is the point of the post below.


Last week, a Toronto priest sent me a notice of this, it was on his diocesan update and a web page at archtoronto.org. Seeing it, I wrote to Archdiocesan Director of Public Relations Neil MacCarthy and questioned whether this was the new breeze of Archbishop Francis Leo or a "chancery rat." Neil confirmed it was a "rat" and that Archbishop Leo was not aware and the post was removed. Now, we find that in Archbishop Leo's own Cathedral's bulletin, the alphabet mafia has won.

As I wrote to Neil, is it not bad enough for Catholics on a daily basis to be assaulted by this demonic symbol, be it the alphabet labels ever expanding or the abominable abuse of God's rainbow? Can we not even find peace away from it in the Temple of God?

Is this in the bulletin because a secretary chose to do it?

Was it the Rector's decision?

If not, does the Rector know, does he proof read the bulletin?

Does Archbishop Leo know? Did he sanction it? 

The Vigil Novus Ordo Mass for Ascension Thursday transferred to Sunday on Saturday night is in just over an hour. Will they pull the bulletin?

As for Tom Rosica, if the litigious bully and serial plagiarist wishes to leave the bedpans of Presentation House he can be assured this blogger will be writing. 

If Archbishop Francis Leo was not aware of this and did not approve, then he knows even more now where he must act quickly to assert his authority. If he did approve or does not act, then we know a little bit more of our new Shepherd and what it means. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

The rehabilitation of Thomas J. Rosica continues - Jesuit retreat to "Parents of LGBTQ Young Adults!"

The "rehabilitation" of the litigious slap-suit ecclesial bully (full disclosure, against this blogger.) and serial plagiarist Thomas J. Rosica continues. In Advent 2021, he delivered a reflection at a church in Toronto and later in the Diocese of Hamilton. One talk is upcoming in the Diocese of Peterborough. The Jesuits of Canada intended to have Rosica host an online conference, "Discerning and Re-Imagining the Church." After this blog wrote it up and passed and this writer registered to attend as well as some other publicity, it was mysteriously

Vox Cantoris: Tom Rosica makes a comeback - being hosted in a Zoom broadcast by the Jesuits of Canada!

It was this blogger who first provided the information that Rosica was a plagiarist. Following the global outing of the disgraced plagiarist, Rosica spent time at Southdown Institute and later was sent by his Basilian order to chaplaincy work at Presentation House in Toronto, a retirement home for aged religious. Plagiarism is theft.

Vox Cantoris: Thomas Rosica - from Southdown to a Seniors Home for Priests - More on the Serial Plagiariser

The Jesuits continue in aiding Rosica's rehabilitation with this seminar at their retreat centre in Pickering, just east of Toronto.

There has been much written that the Church and Christians should not refer to those suffering from same-sex attraction by this secular label. "God made them male and female," and He stated it was "an abomination" for those of the same sex to "lay together." St. Paul was emphatic on this. 

Some parishes in Toronto, specifically St. Clare of Assist in Woodbridge under Monsignor John Borean, have promoted this in their bulletins. 

Father Rosica needs to look after those under his spiritual care.at Presentation House. That does not include the Catholic laity. 

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

It seems that the Pope said something nasty again about those that adhere to the Tradition. This is more important!

GiveSendGo - Supporting Andrew Rivera and Son: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site.

As for what the Bishop of Rome said:

[Francis:] I wouldn’t know how to answer that theoretically, but I certainly know that the Council is still being applied. It takes a century for a Council to be assimilated, they say. And I know the resistance to its decrees is terrible. There is incredible support for restorationism, what I call “indietrismo” (backwardness), as the Letter to the Hebrews (10:39) says: “But we do not belong to those who shrink back.” The flow of history and grace goes from the roots upward like the sap of a tree that bears fruit. But without this flow you remain a mummy. Going backwards does not preserve life, ever. You must change, as St. Vincent of Lérins wrote in his Commonitory when he remarked that even the dogma of the Christian religion progresses, consolidating over the years, developing with time, deepening with age. But this is a change from the bottom up. The danger today is indietrismo, (backwardness) the reaction against the modern. It is a nostalgic disease. This is why I decided that now the permission to celebrate according to the Roman Missal of 1962 is mandatory for all newly consecrated priests. After all the necessary consultations, I decided this because I saw that the good pastoral measures put in place by John Paul II and Benedict XVI were being used in an ideological way, to go backward. It was necessary to stop this indietrismo, which was not in the pastoral vision of my predecessors.


Saturday, 6 May 2023

The fundraiser for the single dad

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for any donation you made. Andrew has a long haul ahead of him. I am trying to respect his privacy as much as possible so if you decide to mouth off in the comments about why I am not telling every detail, you can just decide now to pass by and forget about leaving a comment. Rather, you can find in your heart a little Christian charity and perform a temporal work of mercy rather than being a jerk.

The situation is best described as watching an episode of House (Watch House Episodes at NBC.com). One thing seems to lead to another as they try to determine the cause of a number of maladies that do not seem related, just like an episode of House.

We have broken $20,000.00 and that is wonderful. 

We need to double that and add $10,000.00. His hospitalisation will be months and months of recovery at home. 

I am asking this as a personal favour to me if you have ever found this blog to be edifying, or not.

Please find it in your heart to give any amount.






Thank you and may the Lord bless you.

David A. Domet