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Thursday 10 March 2022

Challenging the Narrative on the Russia/Ukraine War

Very, very erudite commentary here from Eric Sammons. Thinking people are able to wade through the Russian and Western propaganda. Sammons is one of them. There are no good guys in this.


Mary Kay said...

There may be no good guys in this war but there is definitely a bad guy. The actor/president of Ukraine has been blackmailed by Biden and company. All one need do is look at his biggest supporters. The 30 *US) bio-labs are bad enough but the sex trafficking is horrendous. I believe Ukraine has some of the highest numbers for traficking in women, boys and girls. It is fairly easy for me to hope for a win for Russia.

Mary's Child Mariann said...

Excellent sharing. One pet peeve is there isn't nukular anything; the word is nuclear power, nuclear war, nuclear weapons, etc.

I wholeheartedly agree that introspection, looking within our Country, is the best place to start. The "President" of Ukraine is an actor or comedian...he has CIA color revolution written all over him judging by his immoral videos.

Additionally, the U.S.A. has built and established bio-warfare labs in many locations of Ukraine.

Finally, the lies and fear mongering continuously bombarding us will only end when we say, "Enough," to our own government. Do not let them do this to us again. Our government is totally corrupt and bankrupt morally and financially. Allow Europe and Asia to take care of their problems--which may not be quite as big as we are told. Purge the evil going on here and make America great for our children, grandchildren, and so on down the line.

Thanks for posting this, and God bless you and your family!

mazara said...

Ukraine flag on the Annointing Stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. https://twitter.com/TaylorRMarshall/status/1503425956547022849?t=84dz6R7jMNPerbmPgoYrpA&s=19