A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday 5 September 2020

Joe Biden, fake Catholic and the Marxist Democrat Party are ANTIFA


Kathleen1031 said...

Yes they are. Slowly it begins to dawn on people that this is correct, but we don't have the luxury of time, not in America, anyway. We've got an election, and Catholics need to sort this out quickly. A 74 year old white lady in Manhattan was just punched in the face by a group of 4 black yoots. If your heart bleeds for the yoots, and you are going to vote Democrat to prove how righteous and to apologize for your "white privilege", then, you need to realize you have been manipulated and gaslighted by the church and our sick culture. Voting Democrat will get us more of those delightful incidents, lots more. For heaven's sake people, fellow Catholics, you can't vote for Democrats on the issue of abortion and homosexuality alone, but why on earth would you want more violence?? Say NO to Biden, Harris, Democrat Party, and sadly, our woebegone Catholic Church. Nobody knows who you vote for when you cast your vote. Nobody needs to know.

TLM said...

You all need to watch the podcast by Fr. James Altman: "You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat.....PERIOD!" An amazing priest who is as courageous as he is dynamic! You can find it on YouTube. God has not left us as orphans. As far and few between as they are, we do have some excellent and faithful shepherds. Praise God!

Anonymous said...
