A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 25 November 2017

It's okay, you can have a cow

I'll let me faithful readers comment on this blasphemy and the bishop who permits it.


Ana Milan said...

No words can describe how outraged I feel looking at this sacrilegious depiction in the midst of a consecrated (though little used) Catholic Church in Belgium. This is not art - it is Satanic & is clearly the artist's personal mud-slinging at Our Lord & the True Faith. It is unbelievable how the Bishop (Monsignor Patrick Hoogmartens) can stand over his decision to allow such an evil portrayal to be exhibited in a Diocesan church. He must have no love for God himself & should be required to resign immediately. Both he & the artist should be charged with causing a public scandal. Allowing such desecration to occur must have grave consequences for him & the local people must insist on this happening. Our prelates must be answerable to the people they serve and support them. They evict worshippers from churches & a cathedral while saying the Rosary in order to allow schismatics to hold their service & now this heinous act, God must be "boiling with rage" but that doesn't faze them because they demonstrate on a daily basis that they don't believe in God. My local church is used by two Protestant denominations for their services while the church is closed during the week to its Catholic parishioners who built it & sustain it by their contributions. This Satanic false ecumenism has taken over the entire prelature as Our Lady predicted & we are still awaiting the formal correction, not of a true pope, but of a Masonic/Marxist plant.

Anonymous said...

After reading the story I stared into space for several minutes, stunned, at a loss for words.
As appalling as this is, it is merely a symptom of a cancer that continues to spread throughout a dying hulk; a once great thing now gasping for breath on its deathbed.
Only a remnant remains.
Confession, a valid mass, the rosary, prayer...and wait, for in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph though it will be late.

Anonymous said...

This is but a part of the legacy of VII and the NO mass and the weaklings who led a church to compromise with the world.

Anonymous said...

We Catholics better make reparation for this blasphemy, especially Belgians who still have a spark of love for our crucified God. Belgium is begging for fire & brimstones...

Kathleen1031 said...

My ire is no longer with the Bishops. They are almost all apostates, so what more is there to say.
Be consoled, there WERE real and true Christians who tried to break in and saw this blasphemy down, but they were stopped by weak and effeminate "Christians" who made sure to virtue signal that this attempt to saw it down was wrong and made sure to condemn the attempt as well. God forbid we have any response of outrage which results in more than a petition (I'm not sure I'm signing those anymore). As far as I'm concerned it's action or nothing.
We are as weak as kittens, unwilling or incapable of doing anything about these blasphemers.
But God is not weak nor incapable. There is every reason to be discouraged except that He said this would happen and that He would be with us to the end of the world. Despite all indications to the contrary, we have every reason to be hopeful.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

The artist and the bishop both reached the level of the bovine in what they believe to be an ascension toward the divine.

Peter Lamb said...

The sooner the penny drops that all this stuff has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the Catholic Church, the better. The sooner one stops attending invalid novus bogus ceremonies and munching novus bogus cookies, the better. There are plenty of Catholics out there. All one has to do is join them. They are called ....wait for it..... sedevacantists. Fancy name for good old-fashioned Catholics whose eyes are open and when they look at it, see that the Chair of Peter is currently empty, or vacant. They know the Faith and remain loyal to it.

TLM said...

This is beyond INFURIATING!! I don't know how the faithful cannot be BREATHING FIRE after looking at this abomination!! The 'Bishop' needs to be DEFROCKED. He obviously is not a Catholic Bishop, more like a 'Bishop in the church of Satan', and Satan will claim him some day.

Anonymous said...

No surprises here. To be expected.

Another good reason to avoid Mass as much as possible. It is better for the little faith that I still have.


Truth Seeker said...

Just when you think once again you have "seen it all" - which is not possible of course to know that is even possible as long as humans exist on earth - sure enough along comes yet another despicable and outrageous assault against our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. The torture He went through in his passion and horrific death on the cross for each of us has not ended. And this sickening blasphemy depicted in a Catholic Church is actually allowed by the so-called "bishop" is so mind boggling to me. Priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, the pope himself...are held to a higher standard - yet increasingly - it seems daily - a new blasphemy, heresy, or other form of outrage against what Jesus taught - against what we as Catholics are to believe - against the doctrines and dogma, and the magisterium, are being perpetuated - and ALLOWED to be, and those priests, bishops, cardinals...are allowed to continue in their priestly ministry?? How does one explain that to those one might be trying to convince that the Catholic church is the TRUE church, founded by Jesus Christ?? How? I hope the tabernacle is empty behind this despicable outrage. Lord Have Mercy on Us!!

Anonymous said...

Our Lord Himself gave these prayers to Sister Mary of St. Peter:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Adorable Face of Thy Beloved Son, for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name and for the salvation of all men.

N.B. Our Lord also told her that one can offer up His Holy Face for any intention.

Prayer to Defeat Communists and All Revolutionary Men

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and all the instruments of His Holy Passion, that Thou mayest put division in the camp of Thine enemies, for as Thy Beloved Son hath said: "A kingdom divided against itself shall fall."

The Golden Arrow (specifically in reparation for blasphemy):

May the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Adorable, Most Mysterious and Unutterable Name of God be praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all God's creatures, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. AMEN.

N.B. This is the correct translation of the Golden Arrow. Other translations have "and under the earth" instead of "and in the hells". The late John Vennari once wrote about the difference between the two.

Pray these in reparation and pass these prayers on to everyone you know.

Unknown said...

Rome schismed in 1054 and it's been a slow downhill ever since.

The gates of hell have most certainly prevailed on the Roman church.

Anonymous said...

I have been doing these prayers on a daily basis for years. Lol!

Anonymous said...

The words "Cast not your pearls before swine "comes to mind .

byron said...

“Oh, you, who are my friends, and my faithful children, look and see if there be any sorrow like mine. Everywhere My enemies despise and insult both my Eternal Father and My Church, the cherished Spouse of My Heart. Will no one rise up to console Me by defending the glory of My Father, and the honor of My Spouse, which has been so cruelly attacked? I can no longer remain in the midst of a people that will continue to be so heedless and so ungrateful. Look at the torrents of tears that stream from My eyes! Can I find no one to wipe away these tears by making reparation to My Father, and imploring forgiveness for the guilty?” — Words of Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

Sr. Mary of St. Peter (French: Marie de Saint Pierre) (1816–1848), was a Discalced Carmelite nun who lived in Tours, France. From 1844 to 1847, our Lord spoke to her about spreading throughout the world, the devotion to His Most Holy Face. He also revealed to her, in particular, that the Father was greatly offended by sin, especially by the widespread violation of the first three of the Ten Commandments: the Holy Name of God blasphemed, and the Holy Day of the Lord profaned. Through this work of reparation to the Holy Face, God’s justice would be disarmed. He promised to imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His most holy countenance, and He further promised that all who would defend His cause in the Work of Reparation by words, by prayers, or in writing, will be defended by Him before His Father.

Anonymous said...

Lol? Our Lord sees that you're making reparation and that consoles Him. Perhaps you prevented something worse by praying these prayers. You'll find out on Judgement Day how much good you accomplished through these prayers.

Anonymous said...

@Paul Morphy

Folks here can contact the "bishop" of the diocese at the following address.

Folks can phone the diocesan office at (32) 011 28 84 56.

"Bishop" Hoogmarten is the person supposedly in charge of that diocese.

Make your views known to him using the contact details above.

Anonymous said...

I hope so. At the rate things are going, the only missing piece in Pope Francis's portfolio is participation in a satanist ritual. Sigh...

Justina said...

A blow, expected, repeated, falling upon a bruise . . . (from Brideshead Revisited).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Demonic ‘art’ desecrates another Belgian Church https://www.traditioninaction.org/RevolutionPhotos/A758-Skull.htm