A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 18 September 2015

625,000 Catholics Ask Pope to Dispel Moral Confusion at Synod

How absurd is it that nearly three-quarters of a million Catholic from around the world have to beg the Pope to be Catholic!

Sign it!

News release: 625,000 Catholics Ask Pope to Dispel Moral Confusion at Synod

By TFP Student Action   
September 17, 2015
Catholics are asking Pope Francis to reaffirm traditional Church teaching on marriage and family at the Synod in Rome next month.  A coalition of 58 pro-family groups is promoting a worldwide petition called Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis on the Future of the Family.  So far the petition has been signed by 8 cardinals, 170 bishops and more than 625,000 concerned Catholics from a total of 160 countries.
Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza
"Catholics in general are deeply perplexed," said HIRH Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, one of the prominent petition signers.  "As the sexual revolution continues to claim the innocence of our children and rip the family apart, we find shepherds within the sacred walls of Holy Mother Church who issue statements that contradict and undermine 2,000 years of sound Church teaching."

Some prelates slated to attend the upcoming Synod have openly challenged Church moral doctrine.  For example, in a recent interview with La Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit periodical,  Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna spoke approvingly of homosexual unions.  “We can and we must respect the decision to form a union with a person of the same sex," the prelate said, "[and] to seek means under civil law to protect their living together with laws to ensure such protection.”

However, many high-ranking Church leaders disagree with Cardinal Schönborn, a delegate at the upcoming Synod.

Cardinal Raymond Burke declared in a video interview released by Polonia Cristiana that, "It is heresy to teach that homosexual relations...are not disordered, to teach that they have positive elements."

In the same documentary video, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga added: "... if we believe that homosexuals brought something into the Church, it is nothing but debauchery and licentiousness. ... The Holy Scripture beautifully says that such people will not get into Heaven."

Meanwhile, concerned Christian families -- including non-Catholic ones -- who signed the Filial Appeal petition are praying that Pope Francis will set the record straight, dispel the confusion, and reaffirm the Church's unwavering fidelity to divine and natural law.

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza concluded: "In times like these, we must recall God's promise to Saint Peter, 'That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' (Matt. 16:18).  It is our duty to remain faithful, knowing that God has already won against the forces of darkness."

On September 29, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, the worldwide pro-family petition to Pope Francis will be officially presented in the Vatican.

Those who wish to sign the petition may still do so, here:

Rosica and Baldissiri in conversation: "there must be an update ... the Church must be made incarnate into time." Barona asks, "What does he mean?"

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB of the great Salt+Light media empire and official English-language spokesman for the Round II of the Synod on the Family interviewed Lorenzo Cardinal Baldissiri in July 2014 on the "Witness" series on the same Salt+Light.

Cardinal Baldissiri was in charge of the Synod on the Family at the behest of Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome.

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has posted a portion of less than a minute from the interview.
"Things have happened, may new things" exclaims the Cardinal to Rosica as he tries to defend how the great Familiaris Consortio needs to be thrown on the dust heap of history as Humanae Vitae will be with this new Synod on "conscience."
So, what does the Cardinal mean? Could it mean, as Father Thomas Rosica has said many times that:
"Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love?" Does he mean that "Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights?" Or does he mean that, "It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world?" 
It is all becoming clearer. With the Bergoglio motu proprio permitting "millions" of annulments, the question of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried, that heretical proposal put forward by Cardinal Kasper and so admired by Pope Francis, is now a moot point. Writing on his blog at Salt+Light, Rosica says that:
"Today’s decrees did not address the significant question of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried. The Church did not back down from its stand on divorce, but the Church was at least trying to show greater compassion and outreach to those who have experienced a breakup of their marriage. By implementing the compromise in advance, Pope Francis has not resolved the Communion debate; he has put it into a new context. The question must be studied further by the pastors of the Church."
And there we have it. There is no need to debate whether Catholics who divorce and remarry civilly should receive Holy Communion (they cannot as they are in a state of mortal sin - adultery) because everyone can get an annulment and then it is no problem!

The Pope is duplicitous. (as a Catholic, I can't believe I just wrote that). On the one hand, he upholds doctrine on Holy Communion and on the other hand he changes the pastoral practice (by providing annulments for nefarious and new invented reasons such as lack of faith) so that it's no longer an issue. They've done it. They've done exactly what they said that they would do. Earlier this year, I was sued for saying that they would do this even though I was quoting there own very words.

Ipso chango facto!

The next time that they tell you that the Pope did not create "Catholic Divorce" with these reckless changes to the annulment process, read them the quotes above and then get ready for the next wave of heresy that is coming out of Rome under the watchful eye of Francis himself aided and abetted by pervert protectors such as Danneels, sodomite union advocates such as Bonny and those who would equate the murdering of babies and cutting up of their bodies for money with unemployment such as Cupich.

We did not get the Pope we needed in 2013, we got the Pope we deserved.

As Christopher Ferrara states in this video, "They've wrecked the liturgy, they've wrecked the Church's mission to the world" and now they want to wreck the family under their false vision of mercy and maniacal ecumenical infantilism that is better suited to the P2 Lodge than the Holy Catholic Church. When the Grand Lodge of Italy proclaimed that "with the election of Bergoglio nothing will be the same again," know it to be true. 

May the days of this tribulation be shortened lest more souls be lost because of false teachers and false prophets and may we soon see a Holy Pope who will "restore all things in Christ" emerge on the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica not with "good evening" but with a resounding Viva Cristo Rey!

Why is Pope Francis blind to Germany's rich and porn producing bishops?

Marx - Germany's new Luther?
The Rhine and Tiber have clearly merged into one filthy polluted river washing over faithful Catholics like the rising floods of Noah. Kasper, Marx and others from Germany continue to scandalise the faithful and debase the truth all under the watchful eye of Jorge Bergoglio, the man whom the Grand Lodge of Italy remarked that with him "nothing will be the same." 

The Synod on the Family became a cesspool of dissent where over half the bishops, though not the two-thirds required, actually wanted some kind of accommodation for Holy Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics and unrepentant sodomites. It was to be on the family but it was taken over by these neo-Protestants from Germany. They did this under a false illusion of mercy and deceit and they did it with the acquiescence of the Pope himself for reasons which will become clearer in a moment. 

We've heard a lot about mercy, but we here little of  truth. The homosexualist and sodomite cabal that has overtaken the world from government to schools to businesses is a steamroller of fascist supremacy that will squash anything in its way. The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexual orientation as a mental illness not because of science or medicine but because of politics. This same filthy, debased and accursed cabal has infiltrated the Church in a partnership with others to bring down our Church. Some unseen hand is operating in this regard and it has now overplayed itself. Yet, there is another unseen hand that is actually the Hand of God. That it is the Holy Spirit and He is exposing this filth that has infiltrated the Holy Catholic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ for all to see.

We know that they cannot win, that the "gates of Hell will not prevail" but in these times we must ask, "Where is the Pope?"

A few years ago, LifeSiteNews wrote about the "German Bishops being caught in a massive porn scandal." After a papal rebuke, they announced that it would be sold. Yet we find that one year ago, this has not only not happened; but these same filthy Rhine bishops actually pumped over one billion Euros from Catholics back into its production!

The Catholic Church in Germany is the largest employer after the Government and Mercedes-Benz with over 600,000 employees. Yes, you read that number correctly. The bishops in Germany also earn incomes of up to 150,000 Euros. There is no collection at the Offertory. The Church in Germany is funded through taxes and if you don't pay you don't receive the sacraments. This is simony! What lays behind this German assault on the truth at the Synod is their own survival as a privileged class of bishops in a failing Church. 

These filthy degenerate bishops have taken control of this papacy and it is time to ask Francis a few questions.

"Holy Father, why have you allowed this and what are you doing to cleanse the Church of this filth?"

If you are not familiar with Regina Magazine you should be, and it is free. Published in February 2014, before all these Rhineland shenanigans, is this piece by Beverly De Soto of Wiesbaden titled, The Secret Catholic Insider Guide to Germany and German Catholic Church, Inc. by Harry Stevens. 

It nails the German bishops to the wall and I say that instructively as they refuse to carry their crosses. This rot and filth is falling at the feet of Francis, it is high time we find the courage to call them out, and him.

The mask is falling off.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Sodomite propaganda increasing on the German Bishops' website before the Synod

Homosexual takeover of the Church in Germany: homo-propaganda increasing on the German Bishops' website before the Synod

Mathias von Gersdorff reports on his excellent blog, that the German Bishops Conference is actually increasing its homosexualist propaganda in the run-up to the Synod. In katholische.de, the propaganda arm of the German Bishops' Conference, an article by theology student, Simon Linder,  provides a broad outline of the German bishops' hopes for acceptance of active homosexuality. The bishops, through another propaganda arm, the Central Committee of German Catholics (Zdk) has proclaimed the following: 

Which can be found if you click on Toronto Catholic Witness!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

"But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?

It seems that Salt + Light has so run out of faithful Catholics or Pro-Life warriors such as Linda Gibbons to interview that they've now turned to the secular world. 

Steven Colbert

Stephen Colbert and Rev. Thomas RosicaIn an interview with Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, Executive Producer of the same network and English-language Vatican spokesman, American comedian Steven Colbert said that, “When I heard a woman say ‘This is my body,’ the freshness of hearing a woman say that gave the message a universality that it always should have — and I’m not saying it doesn’t coming out of a male priest — but it opened my ears to the possibility that it is also my body. That in my participation in the Eucharist, I participate in the gift that Christ gives me …”

Mr. Colbert, my Catholic brother; did nobody correct you?

There are no women priests in the Catholic Church and there never will be.

Women can say it's "my body" all they want and they can even cry if they want to, but it doesn't make it so. It's also not your body and that woman, did not celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. You can call it what you want but it does not make it so. 

It seems that Mr. Colbert has, in the past, given a legendary defense of Planned Parenthood, according to Gawker. Also, the Huffington Post reports on his mocking of the State of Arizona's abortion law stating that "They're not only Pro-life, they're pre-life!"

Katie Couric

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has found this little gem. It seems that Katie Couric of Yahoo News paid a visit to the network.

According to Barona: 

Planned Parenthood, the same Planned Parenthood that kills for money and cuts up babies for even more money received money from this guest and she was featured on Canada's Catholic Channel of Hope? Amazing. It was an "honour & privilege" to welcome her, we are told. She also gave funds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation? Is embryonic stem cell research a problem?

Celebrity chasers, pfft.

Message to Salt + Light Board of Directors. You cannot sue me for this. I have posted the facts and photos and information publicly available to one and all. 

It's not my fault you continue to lose subscribers. I feel sorry for the old man.

That is all.

Pope's protection of minors is hypocritical - Cardinal Danneels appointed to Synod on the Family by Francis urged minor to "keep quiet!"

Pope Francis has committed a grave scandal against the Catholic faithful by appointing to the Synod on the Family a man that told a minor abused by a sodomite bishop to "keep quiet." 

Every Catholic must rise up and demand that this Pope uphold his supposed concern for justice and the children abused by homosexual and other paedophile priests and rid the Synod of this scandalous Cardinal. This Pope made a big deal about Bishop Finn in Kansas City who's actions came nowhere near the criminal and moral violations of this Cardinal Danneels, why does he appoint Danneels to a Synod on the Family?

The Pope is responsible for this mess. It is high time that he got the message that we, the Catholic faithful are not going to put up with this any longer.



Cardinal urged Catholic sex abuse victim to keep quiet, new tapes reveal

A conversation published this weekend by Belgian media provides a rare glimpse into a transaction between church officials and victims involved in Catholic sex abuse scandals.

A former Belgian church leader privately urged a victim of sexual abuse to remain silent this past spring, at a time when the Vatican was denying the scope and scale of a pedophile scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church to its core.
The April 8 conversation, captured on tapes published this weekend and confirmed by church authorities as genuine, offers a rare glimpse into a transaction between church officials and victims in what has been described as a widespread practice of hushing pedophile cases.
Cardinal Godfried Danneels is heard telling the victim, a nephew of Bishop Robert Vangheluwe, “The bishop will resign next year, so actually it would be better for you to wait… I don’t think you would do yourself or him a favor by shouting this from the rooftops.”
The tapes came from an April 8 meeting between Cardinal Danneels, Bishop Vangheluwe, and the unidentified victim to discuss how to proceed in an instance of sexual abuse the victim had long tried to report. The case was long ignored until media organizations in Ireland and Germany, as well as The New York Times, revealed a broad pattern of pedophilia by priests that went well beyond Catholic clergy in the United States.
In the taped conversation, published Saturday by the Belgian dailies Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard, the victim asks for help in reporting the case. But Danneels – the former archbishop of Brussels who ordained Vangheluwe as bishop of Bruges in December 1984 but left his post in January – says he is not in a position to report the case to church authorities or Pope Benedict.
Danneels asked the victim to accept a private apology from Vangheluwe and not "drag his name through the mud" – at least until the bishop retired, which he was expected to do in the coming year. The victim replied, “He [Vangheluwe] has dragged my whole life through the mud, from 5 until 18 years old… Why do you feel sorry for him and not for me?”
Vangheluwe resigned on April 23, admitting that he had illicit relations with a “boy in my close entourage.”
The resignation followed a threatening e-mail to Belgian bishops from someone close to the nephew, calling for Vangheluwe to step down or risk exposure of his misdeeds.
The bishop’s resignation, which came two weeks after the April 8 meeting and two days after Pope Benedict XVI vowed action on sexual abuse of children by priests, followed weeks of a Vatican campaign to downplay the Catholic sex abuse scandal and to attack news organizations for exaggerating pedophilia claims. Pope Benedict later asked forgiveness for the church.
In an April 19 address to a Belgian college, Vangheluwe stated, "I think you need to be well informed about these things... Yes it [pedophilia] is embarrassing... but there have been articles implying that pedophilia is nowhere so little prevalent than in the church," he said, according to a report in De Standaard.
In an April 21 edition of Church and Life, a Flemish Catholic monthly, the bishop writes that "everywhere there are stories of priests abusing children. It is horrible to see these things surface and they hurt us deeply. This shouldn't blind us from the fact that the majority of priests lead exemplary lives."

Why nephew released tapes

Media outlets in Belgium and Luxembourg, citing church sources, have reported that the victim has received monetary compensation for years from the bishop; the victim has said he released the tapes to show that he hadn’t attempted to blackmail his uncle.
The New York Times reported this summer that the victim's family was angered that Danneels, rather than the new archbishop of Brussels, Andre-Joseph Leonard, met in April to discuss the case.
The Times also reported that a retired Belgian priest, Rev. Rik Deville, said he had earlier tried to make the the victim’s case known to church authorities, but was “berated for doing so.”
The bishop’s resignation and admission set off a chain of events in Belgium that led to hundreds of people coming forward to report abuse to an official commission. It was also followed by Belgian police raids on a bishops meeting and on Danneels' home.
The Belgian daily Le Soir reported in August that a significant number of Catholics in the country have asked to be taken off census rolls that identify them as Catholics when they are baptized as infants. Similar reports have come from Ireland and Austria, countries where priestly abuse of children has also been widely discovered. Most of the reported cases took place in the 1970s through the 1990s. 

Time Bomb in Synod document, Canada's Bishops' Shame of the Winnipeg Statement chickens coming home to roost thanks to Pope Francis

Major appeal by theologians urges Pope to delete ‘seriously defective’ Synod text on contraception

Note: Ask Pope Francis to uphold traditional Church teaching on marriage and family at the Synod. Join 615,000 and sign the petition here
ROME, September 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- As many as 60 highly distinguished Catholic moral theologians and philosophers are appealing to Pope Francis to delete a controversial paragraph from the preparatory document for the Synod of the Family that they say “contradicts” Catholic teaching against the “intrinsically evil act” of using contraception.
They say if the text is approved during the Synod next month in Rome, it could have “devastating consequences for the faithful.”
Read all of it at:

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pope Francis! You have appointed octogenarians Kasper, Sodano and Danneels to Synod but Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hong is too old and there are "no exceptions"

Hong Kong Cardinal deemed too old to go to family synod

Cardinal John Hong ton resized

The head of the largest Chinese Catholic diocese in the world will be absent from the synod on the family because he has been deemed to be too old.

Cardinal John Tong Hon of Hong Kong was not invited to participate in October’s synod because he is older than 75, UCA News reported.

“Now I know that I am not going to the synod,” the 76-year-old cardinal told ucanews.com in a late August interview.

The normal retirement age for bishops is 75.

The cardinal said he was told by a Vatican representative that the Vatican “does not want to make any exceptions” regarding age.

Cardinal Tong said he was unaware if another representative from Hong Kong was chosen in his place.

He knew only that he was “disqualified by age”, he said, laughing.

“They will find somebody . . . if they need somebody,” the cardinal said.

Pope Francis is 78 years old.

Synod participants in general are elected by local bishops’ conferences.

Hong Kong, a former British colony and the largest Chinese diocese in the world with a Catholic population of 560,000, remains a mission area and does not have its own bishops’ conference.

Some Hong Kong Catholics expressed disappointment that the diocese may not be represented at the synod.

“It is a pity that no one from Hong Kong is going,” said Francis Law, a member of a Chinese Facebook page called “Catholic Parents”.

Mr. Law said Hong Kong Catholics could contribute to discussions at the synod, expressing concerns about recent developments on same-sex unions around the world, particularly in the United States.

“These kinds of voices needs to be brought to the synod,” said Mr Law, who is a member of the Diocesan Youth Commission.

Cardinal Tong participated in last year’s extraordinary family synod.

The cardinal said he agreed family and marriage are the most fundamental issues facing the Church and believes the synod fathers will find ways to resolve outstanding issues in line with the Pope’s vision.

Pope appoints pervert priest protector Danneels to Synod on the Family! - Is Francis being blackmailed? Is Daneels a sodomite or hetero pervert?

Rorate reports that the Synod delegates list is now final. In what can only be described as a set-up from the Pope himself, the list includes two retired Cardinals, Walter Kasper and Godfried Danneels who carry an agenda that is against the doctrine of the Church and Holy Scripture with regards to marriage, sodomy and the reception of Holy Communion. They are backed up by Cupich, Wuerl and Maradiaga.

There is an old saying about being known by the company one keeps. 

Who is this Danneels, this quite satisfied pope-maker?

Godfried Danneels second from right with Pope Jorge Bergoglio on the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica

The Fall of the Belgian Church

In Belgium, today, police searched the residence of the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and the crypt of the Archbishop’s cathedral in Mechelen. They were looking for evidence of cover-ups in the ongoing investigation into widespread pedophilia practices within the Belgian church in the decades during which Cardinal Godfried Danneels was Archbishop. Danneels retired in January of this year.
Police also confiscated 450 files containing reports of pedophile offences by members of the clergy, that had been submitted to an investigation committee which was established within the church to deal with pedophilia cases.
Since the revelation in April that Cardinal Danneels’s close friend and collaborator, Mgr Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges, had been a practicing pedophile throughout, and even before, his career as a bishop, victims have gained confidence that they will be taken seriously, and complaints have been pouring in, both to the courts and to the extra-judicial investigation committee of the archdiocese. The new archbishop Mgr. AndrĂ©-Joseph LĂ©onard, has urged victims to take their case to the courts.
His predecessor, the liberal Cardinal Danneels, who was very popular with the press in Belgium and abroad, was Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium from 1979 until 2010. The sympathy for pedophile attitudes and arguments among the Belgian bishops during this period was no secret, especially since 1997 when the fierce controversy about the catechism textbook Roeach made the headlines. The editors of Roeach were Prof. Jef Bulckens of the Catholic University of Leuven and Prof. Frans Lefevre of the Seminary of Bruges. The textbook contained a drawing which showed a naked baby girl saying: “Stroking my pussy makes me feel groovy,” “I like to take my knickers off with friends,” “I want to be in the room when mum and dad have sex.” The drawing also shows a naked little boy and girl that are “playing doctor” and the little boy says: “Look, my willy is big.”
 The drawing also showed three pairs of parents. Those with the “correct” attitude reply: “Yes, feeling and stroking those little places is good fun.” This “catechism textbook” was used in the catechism lessons in the catholic schools, until one day I discovered it among the schoolbooks of my eldest daughter, then 13 years old. On 3 September 1997 I wrote a letter to Cardinal Danneels, saying:
“When I see this drawing and its message, I get the distinct impression that this catechism textbook is designed intentionally to make 13 and 14 year olds believe that toddlers enjoy genital stimulation. In this way one breeds pedophiles that sincerely believe that children actually think that what they are doing to them is ‘groovy’, while the opposite is the case.”
I told Cardinal Danneels that, although I was a member of Parliament for the Flemish-secessionist party Vlaams Blok, I was addressing him as a Catholic parent “who wishes to remain faithful to the papal authority and also wishes to educate her children this way.” I insisted that he forbid the use of this book in the catechism lessons: “This is why I insist – yes, the days of meekly asking are over – that you forbid the use of this ‘catechism book’ in our children’s classrooms.”
Today this case, that dates from 12 years ago, assumes a new and ominous significance. Especially now that I know that Mgr Roger Vangheluwe, the pedophile child molesting Bishop of Bruges, was the supervising bishop of both institutions – the Catholic University of Leuven and the Seminary of Bruges – whence came the editors in chief of this perverted “catechism” textbook.
Monsignor Vangheluwe not only entertained pedophile ideas, but also practiced them on his 11-year old nephew. Hundreds of children who were not raped physically were molested spiritually during the catechism lessons.
After I started my campaign against the Roeach textbook, many parents contacted me to voice their concerns. Stories of other practices in the Catholic education system poured in. There were schools where children were taught to put condoms over artificial penises and where they had to watch videos showing techniques of masturbation and copulation.
Because Cardinal Danneels refused to respond to requests to put an end to these practices, I and hundreds of concerned parents gathered in front of his palace on 15 October 1997. We carried placards with the text “Respect for parents and children,” and we said the rosary. Cardinal Danneels refused to receive a delegation of the demonstrators. “I shall not be pressured,” he said in the libertine magazine Humo on 21 October 1997. The Archbishop’s door remained closed when we demonstrated again on 10 December 1997.
When we demonstrated at the palace of the Bishop of Antwerp on 19 November 1997, Mgr Paul Van den Berghe received a delegation of mothers that included a local councilor from the Christian-Democrat party and myself. Mgr Van den Berghe, who was the Episcopal supervisor for education, listened to the mothers, wept and promised to investigate the practices in the sex education and catechism lessons. He also announced this intention in a declaration to the press.
He must have been reprimanded by his colleagues, because on 24 November, after a meeting of the Bishops’ Conference, in a press release to the press agency Belga, the Bishop of Antwerp announced that, in spite of his promise, there would be no investigation. Today we know that one of the colleagues present at the Conference was the child molester Vangheluwe, which makes that incident, too, very unsavory indeed.
On 18 February 1998 we were at Cardinal Danneels’s door again, myself and a group of parents. Again the door remained closed. So on 18 March 1998 a group of two hundred parents went to the Papal Nuncio, the ambassador of the Vatican, in Brussels. But the Nuncio, who was a friend of Danneels, also refused to meet us. He had, however, alerted the police, who had several water cannons at the ready just around the corner.
Meanwhile Danneels’s friends in the press started a campaign against me. “Colen continues to pester the bishops,” was the headline in Gazet van Antwerpen. One evening Toon Osaer, Danneels’s spokesman at the time, phoned me to tell me that as a Catholic I had to “be obedient” to the bishops. In Humo Danneels insinuated that I was “conducting my election campaign.”
On 5 January 1998 the daily newspaper Het Volk interviewed Patrick Vanhaelemeesch, a catechism teacher in the diocese of Bruges and one of the co-authors of Roeach. He gave some details about the illustration concerning masturbating toddlers in the catechism book. He said that the illustration was intended to convey the message that “toddlers experience sexual lust.” Vanhaelemeesch revealed that the committee of bishops had mentioned this illustration in an evaluation report of the catechism book. The report stated: “The presentation of the sexual-pedagogical attitudes is rendered ridiculous in the eyes of the pupils by the text balloons.” According to Vanhaelemeesch this criticism “indicates that the bishops had no objections at all to the message conveyed [i.e. toddlers experience sexual lust], but feared that the pupils would not take it seriously.”
When I had exhausted all possibilities and it was clear that the Belgian church did not want to hear the parents, I decided to sever all ties with the Catholic education system. I took my five children out of school and set up a homeschool together with other parents, so our children would be educated in a Catholic environment.
I sent a letter to all the cardinals in the world to inform them about the contents of the Roeach textbook. “Please be assured that this Dicastery will give your report all due consideration, answered Mgr. Clemens, Cardinal Ratzinger’s personal secretary, for the Congregation of the Faith in Rome; Cardinal Gagnon from Rome appreciated “the just battle which you are conducting”; “The matter which you raised is very important,” wrote Cardinal Arinze from Rome.
I received letters of support from cardinals from all parts of the globe. “I share your concern. It is important that you do not leave the matter uncontested,” wrote Cardinal Meisner of Cologne; “You have good reasons to be concerned,” wrote Cardinal Wamala of Uganda; “I feel strongly enough to write to Cardinal Danneels in the hope that he may enlighten me,” wrote Cardinal Vidal of the Philippines; “If I have the opportunity to discuss with Cardinal Danneels the matter you have drawn to my attention, I will do so,” wrote Cardinal Williams of New Zealand; “I shall try to do something in order to help you,” wrote Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez of Santo Domingo; “I am aware that your concerns have been brought to the attention of Cardinal Laghi, Prefect for the Congregation for Catholic Education,” wrote Cardinal O’Connor of New York.
On 27 February 2010 the daily newspaper De Standaard wrote that these letters “enhanced Rome’s perception of the weak church leadership in Belgium.” Hence, the liberal Danneels was replaced by Mgr LĂ©onard. Rome hopes that he will be able to restore the church in Belgium. I share this hope. However, it is a pity that it has taken so long. The damage that has been done is greater than anyone could have imagined.

Dr. Alexandra Colen MP is a member of the Belgian House of Representatives.

Monday 14 September 2015

Cardinal Burke speaks that "A growing confusion and error has entered into the Church" and that if all hell breaks loose, you and I must, "Stay Faithful!"

His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke talk on Sunday, September 13, 2015 at St. Louis, Missouri. The title of this talk is The Truth of Christ in Marriage. 

Rorate Caeli blog has an astounding post of an article which clearly shows the thinking of the Pope in this change to the annulment process.
It is clear from this article -- from which we present significant passages here, in a translation made expressly for Rorate-- that we are facing not a mere procedural reform but a true revolution regarding the "divorced and remarried" and the Church's very understanding of justice and mercy. The reforms are bluntly described as coming from 'Our Lord' and from the 'Holy Spirit', acting through Francis. The "divorced and remarried" are now redefined as forming part of "the poor" for which the Church should have a special solicitude; anyone aware of the heightened place held by "the poor" (e.g . the "preferential option for the poor") in the post-Conciliar Magisterium should be aware of the magnitude of the shift involved here.
On LifeSiteNews, Father Brian W. Harrison, O.S., who was present at the dinner provides this account:

 Tue Sep 15, 2015 - 11:37 am EST

What do we do if the Synod takes a ‘strange turn’? The simple answer just got Cardinal Burke big applause

ST. LOUIS, Missouri, September 15, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- On Sunday, September 13th I had the honor to be one of the hosts for His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, here at a dinner/lecture in the Clayton Plaza hotel ballroom, sponsored by the St. Louis lay apostolate "Credo of the Catholic Laity," to which I am the spiritual adviser. 
His Eminence was warmly welcomed and introduced by the retired Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis, the Most Rev. Robert Hermann, and then spoke to an audience of over 300 about "The Truth of Christ in Marriage". He discussed spiritual, social, doctrinal and canonical aspects of the current crisis affecting marriage and the family in Western culture, warning that this crisis has led to serious confusion and even rebellion within the Church herself. 
Cardinal Burke emphasized that in our increasingly secularized and hostile culture, more weight than ever is now falling on the shoulders of Catholic parents in giving children a formation, by word and example, in what real Christian marriage is. Along with the Church's authentic and perennial teaching, he said, this sound family formation will prove to be the main source of guidance for children and adolescents, as the basic means by which parents pass on Christian truth in word and deed to the next generation.
Cardinal Burke recommended the well-known 2014 "Five Cardinals'" book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ, and again expressed strong disagreement with Cardinal Walter Kasper's proposal of admitting some divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to Holy Communion. His Eminence also noted that certain problems could arise in connection with Pope Francis' new marriage nullity legislation, promulgated on September 8th. He commented respectfully that these revisions to the Code of Canon Law, which among other things eliminate the required confirmation of nullity decrees by a tribunal of second instance, will require "very careful interpretation and application" in the light of the Church's long canonical and doctrinal tradition. Cardinal Burke referred to his own chapter in the aforesaid book, in which he recalls his earlier experience as a Monsignor in the Apostolic Signatura during the period 1971-1983, when the 2nd instance tribunal confirmation of nullity decrees was almost completely suspended in the United States. Cardinal Burke repeated in his lecture what he said in the book: that the American experiment in “streamlining” the nullity process led in practice to a serious laxity which became widely perceived as "Catholic divorce." It seems this was one reason why the 1983 Code restored the obligatory second instance review (which had been introduced by Benedict XIV back in 1740).
After his talk, in answer to a question as to what Catholics should do if the upcoming Synod of Bishops should take a "strange turning," His Eminence gave an immediate two-word answer that drew a big round of applause: "Stay faithful!"  Those two words well summarize the whole thrust of Cardinal Burke's courageous and outspoken witness at this time of division and uncertainty over grave moral issues in today's Church. May God bless, strengthen, and protect him!

Is Bishop Bonny a Sodomite? Is he being blackmailed? Does he truly believe animals are "homosexuals" and that makes it all okay?

In sweeping critique, Vatican Synod father attacks Humanae Vitae—and even the notion of natural law


ANTWERP, Belgium, September 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- In a sweeping critique of Catholic teaching, Belgian Bishop Johan Bonny, who will participate in the Ordinary Synod on the Family next month, has attacked not only the Church’s teaching against contraception but even the very notion of the natural law.
In a contribution for the recent German book, ZerreiĂźprobe Ehe, published by Herder Verlag, the bishop of Antwerp makes a strong critique of the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae and questions the Church's understanding of sexuality. He also criticizes the natural law as a moral foundation because it describes certain acts as good or bad independently of one's personal life history and biography.
Bonny claims in his essay, which is entitled "The Synod of Bishops on the Family - Expectations of a Diocesan Bishop," that the encyclical Humanae Vitae lacked the consensus of the bishops and therefore immediately caused "tensions, conflicts and breaches.” He regrets that the Church does not give more space for "the individual conscience" of the faithful with regard to the question of "methods of family planning and birth control," and says he hopes that the upcoming 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family will correct this purported defect.
"All constitutions and decrees of the Second Vatican Council, also the difficult ones, were finally accepted with a consensus. Of this kind of collegiality, there was little left three years later, when Humanae Vitae was published,” Bonny writes. “That the pope would make a judgment concerning the problems of 'population, family, and births' was foreseen by the Council. But that he would ignore the collegial striving for a greatest possible consensus, was not foreseen by the Council."

"This ecclesial policy has left behind a broad trace of tensions, conflicts and breaches. This split should not remain such."
Bishop Bonny also discusses in his article the question of homosexuality and the Church’s traditional rejection of homosexual acts. According to Bonny, "scientific progress allows us to modify this point of view. First of all, one knows that homosexuality exists also in the world of animals." With his reference to the animal world, Bonny tries to show that the natural instinct for heterosexuality, as put into nature by God, might not exist, after all.
Bonny also argues that "in our personalistic culture, the interdiction of homosexual relationships is regarded as an unacceptable discrimination: there shall be men and women who do not have the right to live out their sexuality, only because they do not live in the same manner as the great majority of the people live!"
Finally, Bonny claims the "externally induced suppression of the sexual practice" is the cause of ailments such as alcoholism, aggressivity and drug abuse.

Sunday 13 September 2015

BREAKING: German Bishop wants the Church to bless homosexual "unions ... assist them with prayer and a private form of blessing..."

Homosexualist Bishop Franz-Josef Bode
Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has the breaking story!

...the Church can help civil unions in discussion and provide positive support and assist them...with prayer and a private form of blessing you will be able to accompany them on their way... 

The whole translation of the interview is now available at Catholic Conclave.

This homosexualist cleric (I don't necessarily mean that he is a sodomite, as homosexualism is a fascist political movement) is a delegate to Pope Francis' upcoming Synod from Hell.

Pope Francis, this is your doing. You have called a Synod and instead of dealing with the crisis in the family you allow these pathetic clerics to raise issues that have nothing to do with the family.

The Church is being scourged as was Our Blessed Lord at the pillar. It is being scourged by deceitful men. Freemasons and sodomites who wear cassocks have infiltrated Her and think they have the final word. Some of them are in the curia, some head dioceses and seminaries, some are even media talking-heads. You will be outed.

Schism is coming. May the LORD help us to endure it. May we flee to the protection of the Immaculate Heart. 

Saturday 12 September 2015

Revolt against Francis! - From the German Die Zeit

Courtesy of Novus Ordo Watch (yes, I know, so what? they were very supportive and kind to me during Rosciagate) is their translation from the original German of a blockbuster article on the revolt against Francis over his latest motu proprio.


Revolt Against Francis
High-ranking Vatican clerics are rebelling against Francis’ most recent decision regarding marriage annulments. They are accusing him of giving up an important dogma.
by Julius MĂĽller-Meiningen
They’ve had enough. In three weeks’ time, the Catholic bishops of the world will meet in synod to deliberate about the future course of their church. In Rome, the clergy will encounter an apparatus that is dead set against the Pope, definitively. A dossier is being circulated in the halls of the curia, which has been made available to The Christian and the World of DIE ZEIT [weekly journal included in ZEIT], which systematically lists the alleged sins of the Pope. “Francis has taken off his mask”, a high-ranking Vatican cleric says. Some prelates even feel physical aggression coming up against the Pontiff, and they’re even willing to say so under cover of anonymity [<-- this last sentence has since been removed from the German original, without acknowledgment —Transl., 12-SEP-15].
The trigger for what one can confidently call the preparations for an organized resistance against Francis, was the most recent decree of the 78-year-old Argentinian. With the document he published last Tuesday [Sep. 8], which enables simpler and faster annulments of marriages in church, he set the Church before a fait accompliMitis Iudex Dominus is the title of the edict, which is supposed to be in reference to Jesus the meek Judge. But within the curia, the meekness that Francis wants to show the faithful who find themselves in conflict with ecclesiastical norms, is out of the question. A number of monsignors who are officially in charge of directing the affairs of the church at large, are beside themselves.
This is manifest in an incisively-worded dossier that has recently been disseminated throughout the most important offices of the Vatican, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Secretariat of State. In it, the decree for the simplication of marriage annulments is juridically picked apart. The main accusations [against Francis] are that the Pope bypassed the committees that are in charge of this matter that is of such fundamental importance to the church, and that he has introduced de facto “Catholic divorce”. The report, which several pages long, speaks of “unsettling developments” and argues that Francis “circumvented” the regulated process for changing legislation for the universal church. Most of the safeguards found in matrimonial annulment trials were deliberately “eliminated”, the report claims.
The importance of matrimony, especially the question how to deal with divorced spouses who marry again [sic], is at the epicenter of the debate about the future direction of the church. The indissolubility of marriage is the dogma conservative clerics stick to. “Divorce the Catholic way”, enabled by the Pope, would mean the worst-case scenario for the guardians [sic] of doctrine such as the German Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig MĂĽller. On his desk, too, is found the inofficial bill of indictment against Francis. Muller and his friends, who are spread throughout the curia, fear that the entire edifice will collapse if one of its foundations is removed. In their view, this is a matter of the very continuation of the true Catholic Church.
The introducion of a speedy process for discerning the nullity of marriages under the supervision of the [local] bishop is of particular concern to the Pope’s critics. From their point-of-view, a lot of controverial theological problems were ignored by Francis. Thus in the decree are found several extremely vague reasons that suffice for getting a speedy trial started, such as “lack of faith” or other motives that are not clearly defined. If, as is feared by the Pope’s opponents, this should now lead to a flood of annulments, the problem of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments, which has long affected the church, would be practically eliminated. From now on they would be able to simply exit their Catholic marriage, supposedly contracted in perpetuity, without a problem. Per papal decree.
The synod, set to begin October 4, is thus in danger of being turned into a merry-go-round of debate. The Pope — such is the tenor — makes his decisions according to his own pleasure anyway. He didn’t stick to the regular process of changing legislation, according to the seven-page document. The bishops’ conferences as well as all curial offices were bypassed, including the Vatican’s own canon lawyers.
A commission put together by the Pope, which had been ordered to keep silent, quietly drafted the [new] legislation. Otherwise it would presumably have been crushed and prevented by the curial apparatus. Although there were loud protests at the previous synod last fall against the idea of a speedy process for determining the nullity of a marriage under the supervision of the [local] bishop, it nevertheless is now a part of church law — even before the synod could take up the matter once more.
Does the Pope want to impose his long-predetermined course of action with all his might? In the most important offices of the curia, the doubts have long turned into certainty. Many of the faithful, however, will be cheering.
[Julius Muller-Meiningen, “Aufstand gegen Franziskus”Zeit Online, Sep. 10, 2015; translated by Novus Ordo Watch]