A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 14 May 2015

The Francis Effect and what has gone wrong - Father Linus Clovis

Father Linus F. Clovis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Castries, St. Lucia in the West Indies.  He studied for the priesthood at the Angelicum in Rome and was ordained in 1983 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. He spoke last week at a forum for ProLife leaders in Rome. 

It can be found on Gloria TV http://gloria.tv/media/CG5Dyd1WWLg and Steve Skojec has transcribed some of the main points.

Father gives a clear assessment of the current situation. It is profound and lays out for the hearer. His clarity is refreshing, his honesty is shocking.

Let me give you a few examples:
“When a bishop — a Catholic bishop — can applaud sin publicly, it causes us to tremble. But this is essentially the ‘Francis Effect.’ It’s disarming bishops and priests, especially after the Holy Father said, ‘Who am I to judge?’ I as a priest say Mass, preaching, and I make a judgment about a sin, one breaking the ten commandments, I would be condemned for judging. I would be accused of being ‘more Catholic than the pope’. There used to be a saying — rhetorical — ‘is the pope Catholic?’ That’s no longer funny.” (in reference to Dolan’s “Bravo!” comments regarding the coming out of football player Michael Sam.) 

“Obedience is owed to the pope, but the pope owes obedience to the word and the apostolic tradition. We have to obey the pope, but the pope himself must obey the written word. He must obey the tradition. He must respond to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Obedience is owed to the pope, but it is the duty of the pope to give the character of possibility to this obedience. The pope has to facilitate our obeying him, by himself being obedient to the Word of God. Pope Felix III told us, ‘an error that is not resisted is approved. A truth that is not defended is suppressed.’ So we have an obligation to resist error, and we must do everything that we can to promote the truth.”
Please visit OnePeterFive for the rest of the transcript.


Pope Francis; you're becoming known by the friends you keep!

Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez : Theologian, Environmental Scientist and Expert in the oral arts!
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive. One might objectively ask, is the deception intentional, or is the Pope just oblivious to the mess he has created by the men with whom he has chosen as confidants? This papacy has become a joke.

We have the discredited pervert protector in Belgium, Cardinal Danneels, we have the German Kasper who wants to defame the Holy Eucharist through some false idea of mercy, there is the Barros in Chile, who allegedly witnessed sodomite rape of three boys, can it get better?

Yesterday, we had the report of Maradiaga, who should be paying more attention to the slums and suffering in his own country of Honduras instead of lecturing me and you about the false flag of global-warming and climate change state that opponents are nothing more than greedy capitalists.

Now, if the pope has a ghost-writer for an apostolic exhortation or an encyclical why the heck should I pay any attention to it. I expect the pope to write it himself. Am I to believe that that the philosophical depth of John Paul II's work and intellectual vigour of Benedict XVI's were written by plebeians? Well, not so with Pope Bergoglio. He has a ghost-writer for that Lutheran Lite document known as Evangelii Gaudium. Do you know who he was? The same scientific-expert, ghost-writer of the upcoming Al Gore Encyclical!

And about that upcoming encyclical?

The Pope can only bind Catholics on matters of "faith and morals." His Encyclical will be a dead-letter when it comes to the faith and for me, I will burn a copy to incense the air and cause a little more pollution. We can ignore it as baseless and not binding on Catholics. It is drivel out of the competence of Pope Bergoglio and now that is proven.

Want something more?

The writer of that apostolic exhortation and this encyclical is an expert in kissing through interviews of course, not personal experience.

What kind of priest interviews people about their kissing? I'm not prude or puritan, the Fox and Vox enjoy kissing very much but I'm certainly not going to discuss it with my priest. What kind of priest takes delight in interviewing people about their kissing?

What kind of Pope brings this kind of man into his inner circle?

Tell us Archbishop. Same-sex or opposite sex kissing?

How the hell would you know? 

Trusted theologian says Francis is stronger than adversaries inside the curia

Robert Mickens, Rome
The theologian widely acknowledged as the principal ghostwriter of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, says the Jesuit pontiff has already begun changing the Church in ways that cannot be reversed.
Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, rector of the Catholic University of Argentina, said that, even if the pope’s adversaries tried to turn back the clock in the next pontificate, the People of God would not stand for it.
“The people are with (Francis) and not with his few adversaries,” he said in an exclusive published Sunday in the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera.
The 52-year-old Fernandez is one of the pope’s principal theological advisers. Francis, who had to fight Vatican opposition to name his fellow countryman university rector in 2009, appointed the theologian titular archbishop only two months after he became pope.
The archbishop said the 78-year-old Jesuit pope is patiently laying the groundwork for reforms that cannot be undone. 
“No, there’s no turning back,” he told the paper’s highly respected political analyst, Massimo Franco.
“If and when Francis is no longer pope, his legacy will remain strong,” the archbishop said.
“For example, the pope is convinced that the things he’s already written or said cannot be condemned as an error. Therefore, in the future anyone can repeat those things without fear of being sanctioned,” he added.
Archbishop Fernandez is one of the leading theological aides to the pope, who last year was appointed to a special commission inside the Synod of Bishops.
Below is our English translation of the bulk of his interview in the May 10 edition of Corriere della Sera.
Archbishop Fernandez, in the two years since the pontificate began has resistance to the pope inside the Vatican increased or diminished?
“I don’t live in Rome and I can only talk about what I see when I go there. You have to make distinctions. I saw that some people in Rome were shocked at first, but now they understand the meaning of what Francis is calling for and they’re happy to be part of this path (he’s set out) for the Church, and they are helping the pope. Others tend to say: we’ll do what we can, go along with him as long as he’s here, because in the end he’s the pope. This group seems to be in the majority, even though I can’t confirm that. Others — really just a few — are, instead, going their own way. And from what one can see, they tend to ignore Francis’ teachings.”
Could you give us an example?
“I’ve read that some people say the Roman Curia is an essential part of the Church’s mission, or that a Vatican prefect is the sure compass that prevents the Church from falling into ‘light’ thought; or that this prefect ensures the unity of the faith and guarantees a serious theology for the pope. But Catholics, reading the Gospel, know that Christ assured special guidance and enlightenment for the pope and bishops all together, but not for a prefect or another structure. When you hear such things it almost seems as if the pope were their representative, or was someone who came to cause trouble and needs to be controlled.”
It doesn’t seem like that’s a line that’s being followed, though.
“It’s not, because most of the People of God love Francis. Maybe the council of nine cardinals could help to better clarify how far the jurisdiction of the most important prefects extends. But the thing that worries me most is that theologians are not offering new analyses on the Church, the theological reasons for its structures, the jurisdiction of national and regional episcopal conferences and the proper place of the Roman Curia in relation to the pope and the College of Bishops.
Some say Francis is isolated. Do you think that’s true?
“Not at all. The people are with him and not with his few adversaries. This pope first filled St. Peter’s Square with crowds and then began changing the Church. Above all, for this reason he is not isolated. The people sense in him the fragrance of the Gospel, the joy of the Spirit, the closeness of Christ and thus they feel the Church is like their home. But I would also say that he has a wide circle of people from whom he asks advice on various issues. He listens to more people than just those in the dicasteries of the curia, and in this way he is closer to the different voices in the Church and in society. I’m referring to those people he receives at Casa Santa Marta, to the requests that arrive in letters, to the encounters in the squares. It’s exactly for this reason that today the Church is listened to more in the international debates and world leaders look at her with great respect.”
No doubt, and in a deep and clear way, especially at the beginning. And yet, more recently, there’s a certain anxiety. Thing are proceeding more slowly. The reform of the curia seems to be stalled.
“The pope goes slow because he wants to be sure that the changes have a deep impact. The slow pace is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the changes. He knows there are those hoping that the next pope will be turn everything back around. If you go slowly it’s more difficult to turn things back. He makes this clear when he says ‘time is greater than space.’”
When Francis says he will have a short pontificate doesn’t this help his adversaries?
“The pope must have his reasons, because he knows very well what he’s doing. He must have an objective that we don’t understand yet. You have to realize that he is aiming at a reform that is irreversible. If one day he should intuit that he’s running out of time and he doesn’t have enough time to do what the Spirit is asking him, you can be sure he will speed up.”
Would it be possible to have a pope without Vatican or away from the Vatican?
“The Roman Curia is not an essential structure. The pope could even go and live away from Rome, have a dicastery in Rome and another one in Bogota, and perhaps link-up by teleconference with liturgical experts that live in Germany. Gathered around the pope, in a theological sense, is the College of Bishops in order to serve the people.”
Aren’t you worried that his pontificate will quickly be tossed aside after he’s no longer pope?
“No, there’s no turning back. If and when Francis is no longer pope, his legacy will remain strong. For example, the pope is convinced that the things he’s already written or said cannot be condemned as an error. Therefore, in the future anyone can repeat those things without fear of being sanctioned. And then the majority of the People of God with their special sense will not easily accept turning back on certain things.”
Don’t you see the risk of “two Churches”?
“No. There’s a schism when a group of important people share the same sensibilities that reflect those of a vast section of society. Luther and Protestantism came about that way. But now the overwhelming majority of the people are with Francis and they love him. His opponents are weaker than what you think. Not pleasing everyone does not mean provoking a schism.”
Isn’t this idea of the pope having a direct rapport with the people something risky, while the Church’s ecclesiastical class feels marginalized?
“But the Church is the People of God guided by their pastors. Cardinals could disappear, in the sense that they are not essential. The pope and the bishops are essential. Then again, it is impossible that everything a pope does and says will please everyone. Did everyone like Benedict XVI? Unity does not depend on unanimity.
Do you think a conclave would re-elect Francis today?
“I don’t know, possibly not. But it happened, and everything one could image before or after the conclave is not important. The only thing that matters and that’s important is that the voting is done in the conclave, with the special assistance of the Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit guides the conclave and you cannot contradict the Holy Spirit. If some (cardinals) now have regrets it doesn’t change anything.”
Do you think Francis could be forced to leave Casa Santa Marta for security reasons, because of a terrorist attack by Islamic fundamentalists?
“He doesn’t think like that. And I haven’t found any decisive arguments for that to happen. Then again, I think those that organize these big attacks have a certain intelligence and are able to distinguish between the United States of Bush and the Vatican. Certainly, there could be an isolated fanatic … No, I think Francis will remain at Casa Santa Marta, strong and with great confidence.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Cardinal Maradiaga condemns those who don't believe in the environmental god - battle breaking out with CDF! "Cardinal against Cardinal"

Really Eminence, you are hardly qualified to pronounce in this area. 

The danger with the upcoming encyclical on the environment which is now delayed because the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will not approve it is that it is potentially beyond the qualification of the Pope to pronounce upon.

If the encyclical talks of being good steward of the earth and ending our Western habit of being wasteful of the earth's resources that is one thing; but if it backs unproven theory that is quite another. What happens if this Pope decides that global warming or climate change pronouncements from him are binding on all Catholics and the "science" is prove wrong? 

Man is commanded by God to "subdue the earth." He has given us the minds to develop technology to solve our problems. It is not the place of the Church to become lobbyists for environfacists. It is a scandal and it is doing the work of the AntiChrist. 

This Cardinal from a country where gangs of bandits rape and pillage the people daily. Perhaps Maradiaga should spend more time in the peripheries of Honduras with the scent of the suffering sheep than lecturing me on this junk science and bowing down to his Freemasonic United Nations Worshipful Masters.

What god does this man serve?

“The ideology surrounding environmental issues is too tied to a capitalism that doesn’t want to stop ruining the environment because they don’t want to give up their profits,” said Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga.

Given my post post below on "Russia's Errors" we can see how far communism's tentacles have reached from these wolves dressed as shepherds who fail to preach Christ and instead preach a god of freemasonry, envirofascism and globalism.

Watch it friends. This environmental scam on the part of the powers at the Vatican with the blessing so far of Pope Bergoglio is nothing more than an attempt to deflect our attention away from the real fight coming this October.

Can we trust any of these men?

It is late and Russia's errors are upon us

Ninety-eight years ago today in a field known as the Cova da Iria belonging to the Santos family of Fatima in Portugal an event happened of such profundity that its occurrence is still felt and yet, disregarded - the apparition of the Virginal Mother of God, Our Lady of Fatima. Over the course of the next six months, she would appear again to the three shepherd children culminating in the public witness by 70,000 people of miraculous cures and celestial events.

Just over twenty years later, the "Lady" appeared again to the last remaining child, then a Religious Sister. At that time in 1939, the Lady came to ask for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart so that Russia would be converted lest its "errors" be spread throughout the world and to prevent the "annihilation" of many nations. 

Was the visionary, Sister Lucia, delusional?

She was certainly not delusional on May 13, 1917 or for the months after that. Some will argue that this is "private revelation" and I don't have to believe it because it is no in the catechism. Fine, don't. Yet, the Church has a feast day in honour of Our Lady of Fatima, there are shrines and churches and schools named after her; so clearly, something happened at Fatima.

In 1942 and again in 1952, Pope Pius XII attempted this "consecration." It was not done in the manner instructed [specifically Russia and Russia only and with all the bishops of the world united with the Pope.] It was attempted again twice by St. John Paul II but again, not in the form required.

So, was Sister Lucia delusional? 

The answer must be "no." If she were delusional, then why did two Popes attempt the consecration? She must have been right or they would not have done so and those who say that the consecration has never been done must be right because nowhere in history can you find that it has occurred with the specific mention of "Russia!"

Is it too late as it was in France when the King failed to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart until it was too late for France, or is it just late? 

Is the Russia of 1939 still the Russia of today? What of its errors and what of the annihilation of nations?

When we join Fatima with Our Lady of Akita we see an ominous time that could be nuclear catastrophe leading to the "annihilation of nations." This very day, talks continue to prevent or permit an nuclear Iran and Saudi Arabia may have used a tactical battlefield nuclear weapon in Yemen. 

But is there something more about Russia's errors and what were they? We are living in a time when it is "late," for Russia's errors have spread and nations have been annihilated. We need to look beyond the obvious political and economic errors of "Russia" which are clearly communism. That Russia, the Soviet Union, no longer exists in a sense, de jure, though some will argue that there are those their that desire its de facto return. Does this mean that it is "too late" that the Consecration should not still occur? What were Russia's evils?  

Communism is Godless, it is political atheism. It removes God and in His place, it exalts Man embodied in the State. It denies the image of God in Man and instead puts forward Rights of Man as if it itself were a god. Communism is Freemasonry and its errors have spread throughout the world. In the West - in Europe, Canada, the United States and Australia and elsewhere, communism has spread and infected our culture. Those communists of today know that there economic theory was a shame and a failure, that is obvious - they lost the battle, but they picked up another one and today they have achieved nearly final victory. Rampant secularism, corporate fascism, globalism, environmentalism, homosexualism, abortion are all the errors which stemmed from Russia and communism. Now we see more and more every day, the persecution of Christians and specifically, Catholics at the hands of the masonic-globalist-fascist monster with its roots in Russia where not even owners of pizzerias or flower-shops are safe. 

More than political-economic

We have seen only nuclear war and the physical annihilation of nations as a possibility. The Bishop of Utrecht and Primate of Holland recently announced that one-thousand churches would soon close. Has Holland been annihilated as a nation? Belgium is another where abortion and euthanasia are practiced as a science and combined with low birth-rates are not so slowly ceding their nations to Islamism. The rest of Europe is not far behind. "Nations will be annihilated" by Russia's errors of atheism, secularism and the exaltation of Man. In North America, we are only behind Europe and moving quickly to join her in this self-destruction. 

I propose that we have been missing a more critical element of Our Lady's message at Fatima and after 1939 that while not removing the political and economic element is something even greater and more damning - the corruption of the Catholic Church by Russia. This corruption has lead to the inability of Catholics, and therefore nations, to engage the culture of death and secularism that is leading us to destruction. 

Was Our Lady, in speaking of the spread of Russia's errors speaking of the Catholic Church? 

After the rise of communist Russia and the persecution of the Church, the Pope sent bishops clandestinely to Russia to ordain priests. Stalin was outraged and increased the persecution. More though than that, he determined that he had to destroy the Church, yet; he knew that he could not in an all out war. 

The order went out around to communist cells throughout the world and particularly in the West to infiltrate the Church and destroy Her from within by destroying the faith of the people. We have the testimony to the United States Senate of Bella Dodd as well as her own book attesting to it. She personally planted over one-thousand men into the Catholic priesthood between 1930 and 1945. Stalin gave us the communist and atheist priests and they rose up the ranks to Vocation Directors, Seminary Rectors, Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals and they gave us more just like them and worse, they brought in the sodomites who would destroy lives and souls and the very fabric of the Church in scandal and shame.

They gave us Liberation Theology which has poisoned the Church in the Americas, even the African-American protestant churches have bought into this Marxist lie and heresy. We have the admittance that Liberation Theology was a KGB plot (as if we did not know that already) and we have a Pope who his rehabilitating the relationship of its founder. The Church with Paul VI's ostpolitik sold out the lives of Cardinals Mindzenty and Slipyj and will soon do the same with the real Catholics in China. The Second Vatican Council was taken over by modernists and heretics who laid "time-bombs" in the Documents that are rotting the Church from within with false-ecumenism, an inter-religious dialogue that refuses to preach Christ, a protestantised liturgy that fails to worship the Triune God in the fullness and therefore is deficient in grace and dissent tolerated where what was once true is no longer true and what was false is now treated as truth.

Russia's evils and errors are upon us and we are living it because of our sinfulness and lack of faith. The "great apostasy" is here. Islam is being used to confound us because of our lack of obedience to God who will not be mocked. In the same way that ancient Israel committed fornication and was chastised by God we are now reaping what our reward for committing fornication with the world - a world filled with the errors of Russia.

It is late, but it is not too late.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre right?

Quaeritur: I don't publish all comments; but why does any defense of this man and result in such vehement insults?

Well, well, well. How is it possible that it has taken over 50 years to come discover this little ditty from Rorate Caeli blog.

Gaudium et Spes 24: 'Quapropter dilectio Dei et proximi primum et maximum mandatum est.'

For non-Latinists, this claim (it is a complete sentence in the conciliar document) can be translated as follows: 'For love of God and of neighbour is the first and greatest commandment'. No Latin is needed to realise that this is a flat contradiction of the teaching of Christ. There is a deliberate allusion in Gaudium et Spes 24 to the wording of the divine teaching it is contradicting, as can be seen from looking at the Vulgate text of that teaching:

Matthew 22:35-39: "Et interrogavit eum unus ex eis legis doctor, temptans eum; 'Magister, quod est mandatum magnum in lege? Ait illi Iesus: 'diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, et in tota anima tua, et in tota mente tua. Hoc est maximum et primum mandatum. Secundum autem simile est huic: diliges proximum tuum, sicut teipsum.'"

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre said:
"All the dogmatic councils have given us the exact expression of Tradition, the exact expression of what the Apostles taught. Tradition is irreformable. One can never change the decrees of the Council of Trent, because they are infallible, written and published by an official act of the Church, unlike those of Vatican II, which pronouncements are not infallible because the popes did not wish to commit their infallibility.  Therefore nobody can say to you, "You are clinging to the past, you have stayed with the Council of Trent." For the Council of Trent is not the past. Tradition is clothed with a timeless character, adapted to all times and all places." 
He later made famous the phrase, "Timebombs" when referring to the Councils documents.

Perhaps the Archbishop was not so wrong in his assessment of the situation. That statement in Gaudium et Spes clearly and unequivocally contradicts Sacred Scripture.  I admit to missing it, clearly; millions of others with great degrees and letters after their names and much more qualified than I, missed it too.

Or did they?

Monday 11 May 2015

Msgr. Vincent Foy - Champion for Life

It is hard to believe that it is almost a year. June 7 of 2014 was the Vigil of Pentecost and a glorious Mass was held in Toronto with yours truly having the honour to organise and direct the Schola and Choir. The Mass was filmed for a production by Dunne Media and the date has been announced for the airing of the documentary on EWTN.

God bless Monsignor Vincent Foy will is in his 100th year of life and 76th of priesthood!

He still confounds many and good for him!

I hear Salt + Light will be purchasing the Canadian rights (not!)

EWTN documentary premiere
EWTNThe television premiere of the 1/2 hour documentary “Msgr. Vincent Foy, Champion for Life” will air on Eternal Word Television Network on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 (my 76th Ordination Anniversary) at 6:30pm ET and in a repeat broadcast on August 14, 2015 (my 100th birthday) at 6:30pm. Thanks to EWTN, Dunne Media and all who helped with this production.

Archbishop Daniel Bohan - what are you thinking?

Bishop Bohan signing a "covenant" with Anglican laypeople
There are times that it is nearly impossible to believe the absolute evil and distortion of the Truth promulgated by some Shepherds. Now, it is Bishop Daniel Bohan, the Archbishop of Regina. This in-depth article by Pete Baklinski at LifeSiteNews must be read and shared.

Aside from the obvious about the event allowed by this bishop to take place was his absolute refusal to answer the legitimate questions on the matter by LifeSiteNews stating "journalistic incompetence and inability to accurately report events."

You can read the facts as reported at LifeSiteNews.

What a pathetic scandal; yet, they will call us "extremists" and "right-wing Catholics" and "Taliban Catholics" while they continue to distort the faith and scandalize the faithful. Yet, they

Coincidentally, Voris' video today speaks to the broader issue of the homosexualist mafia and the coming persecution. It is posted at the bottom of the article.

Catholic archbishop hosts gay activists at cathedral to help set transgender student policy

REGINA, Saskatchewan, May 7, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic archbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan, Daniel Bohan, welcomed gay activists to his Cathedral hall in March to guide about 75 Catholic teachers in creating a policy on care for “transgender” students.
The event, which the archbishop attended and said he was “pleased” about after the fact, was keynoted by a Catholic priest who tells LifeSiteNews that he disagrees with Church teaching that humans are created male and female.
Panelists at the March 20 event on the “pastoral care for transgendered students” included LGBTQ activists and a trans couple consisting of a biological man and woman who now both look like and claim to be women. The keynote speaker at the event taking place in Holy Rosary Cathedral Hall was Redemptorist Catholic ethicist Fr. Mark Miller.

The archbishop replied through spokesperson Yanko: “Two years ago Life Site News [sic] was refused a second permission to attend the CCCB Plenary Meeting as an journalist observer. This was because of its lack of journalistic competence and inability to accurately report events. It is therefore not my desire to give an interview to them.”

Sunday 10 May 2015

Where is your outrage? When will Moslems stand up and rid this from within?

Was this poor Yazidi child murdered. We do not know, the image was found on the phone of a dead Islamist monster.

If she was not murdered, anyone who would pose a child in this way is an evil monster deserving of a firing squad.

There is much blood on the hands of western leaders. I am proud that my Prime Minister, Stephen Harper sees things differently and that our brave Royal Canadian Air Force men are there.

When will Muslims stand up and put an end to this crime against humanity and God.

muslims decapitate baby

Saturday 9 May 2015

Kneel before man? Not according to St. Peter, the Apostle and first Pope!

The First Reading for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, this Sunday, in the Ordinary Form of the Mass begins with this from the Acts of the Apostles:
"When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and, falling at his feet, paid him homage. Peter, however, raised him up, saying, “Get up. I myself am also a human being.”
A week ago, Jorge Bergoglio, Pope and Bishop or Rome said this:
"How I wish, he said, that Christians could kneel in veneration when a poor person enters the church."
Here we are, only days after the Pope said what he did, that we are confronted with the obvious from Holy Scripture and the Sacred Liturgy.

How do we square this circle?

Can 2 + 2 really = 5?

Friday 8 May 2015

Toronto's Catholic Register - Slam down to Michael Coren

Let us give credit where credit is due. 

Toronto's Catholic Register has published a column by Dorothy Cummings McLean on the Michael Coren saga. She sums up well the problem of living a double-life by worshipping as an Anglican whilst dissenting on the truths of the Faith and taking money for it. Let us be clear, Coren boasted on his own Twitter and Facebook that he was in fact, already gone and had the Anglican Diocese not published that picture of him outside of St. James' Cathedral in Toronto, he might still be doing engaging in a business taking money from Roman Catholics.

It was my intent to leave this man to his own self; however, given my criticism of the Catholic Register previously, I certainly owe them a bouquet when they do something right.

Professional Catholics must be professional and Catholic

  • May 7, 2015
According to the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, Catholic Register columnist Michael Coren was received into the Anglican Communion on April 19. Despite Coren’s fame as an apologist for the Roman Catholic faith, his break with Rome went almost unnoticed. The news was made public by a tweet congratulating Coren on his reception. This disappeared from Twitter, although not before a sharp-eyed reader took a screenshot and posted it to a blog.
Initial reactions to his conversion included shock, sorrow, doubt, scorn, satire, exhortations to pray and emails to Roman Catholic organizations. In Coren’s words, preserved on yet another blog: “Some right-wing Catholics finally realized I’d been an Anglican for a year and spent last 24 hrs telling everybody.”
Imagine being called “right-wing” by Michael Coren. But I digress.
Read the rest of it at the Catholic Register.

Finn and Danneels - Why the contradiction?

Hilary White of LifeSiteNews gives a brilliant assessment of the situation showing the juxtaposition of justice, or lack thereof in the Church under Francis.

It is important reading. 

Hilary provides the facts of the mistreatment of Bishop Finn revealing in it also, true humility of himself, as opposed to the false humility we see elsewhere contrasted with the intent of lawbreaking and arrogance of a Belgian Cardinal in the good books of Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop or Rome. She draws in the circumstances of other bishops in Italy and Central America with something in common to Bishop Finn. 

The article closes with a quote from John Allen of Crux;

"A good chunk of the Church may conclude that if the pope sees them as the enemy, there's no good reason they shouldn't see him the same way."

And that my friends, is what it is coming down to.

Bishop Finn and Cardinal Danneels: two different responses to abuse ‘cover-ups’

ROME, May 7, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – For some time, observers have expected the final outcome for Bishop Robert Finn, former head of the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese, who was ordered by Vatican officials to tender his resignation last month. The predictable sides have lined up: either condemning and saying, ‘It’s about time,’ or defending him. With all the noise made, it may be difficult for most readers to tease out the truth, but an examination of the facts of the Finn case and that of another high-profile prelate may be enlightening.

If Finn, why not the many, and much worse, others?

With Finn’s 2012 conviction of the misdemeanor offence of “failure to report” a priest caught with images of children on his computer, some of which were judged to be pornographic, it has been expected by supporters and enemies alike that the bishop would be asked by Rome to step down. But while the mainstream secular and liberal Catholic press are triumphing, some very pertinent questions are being left unanswered, primary among which is, if Finn, why not others? All the others…all the many, many others?
Read the rest at LifeSiteNews.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

No Toronto Catholic Register. No L'Osservatore Romano, IT IS NOT BLASPHEMY to mock Mahomet! HE IS NOT GOD!

Toronto's Catholic Register is parrotting this story from RNS referring to a front-page article at L'Osservatore Romano calling the cartoons of Mohomet "blasphemous."

mohammed-dendermonde-1This is quite incredible really.

One can blaspheme God.

One cannot blaspheme a man.

If Mahomet ever really existed can be debated. If he did, he was a warlord; a murderer, a child-molester and a Jew-hating Christ denier -- and antichrist.

He was no prophet.

I'm not suggesting that we should engage in mocking anyone; but I won't call the mocking of a man, blasphemy because it is not.

Shame on those Catholics who would use such a word reserved for Him who is truly One in Three Persons.

Shame on the Catholic Register and its Editors to use such a headline.

Do these people have any theological or historical or religious education? Are they just plain stupid or do they really believe the lies they are trying to sell as truth?

More of Mahomet's useful idiots they are.


Late evening (May 6) I watched an interview with Franklin Graham. He spoke the same line as Bill Donahue previously. As Christians, we should not be provoking anyone to anger. This is not to excuse in any way the attempted attack in Garland, the perpetrators got what they deserved and have been judged by God for their action and their false religion. However, what of the picture above? It is from a church in Belgium and shows the pulpit held up by an angel with his feed on Mahomet and his book of lies. Is that any different from the cartoons? Should we now erase this history? Mahomet was what he was. Yet at the same time, should we go out of our way to provoke people when we know their response will be violent as we have insulted them? Perhaps we should. What the event in Garland did is to show America that jihadists are within and at the same time, two of them were eliminated. Perhaps we need to see this in broader terms than personal or religious insult. We are in a war for our very existence. However, we will not win this war unless we call upon the Lord our God to defend us and to do that, we need to return to Him. Graham and Donahue are right. On an individual basis, it is wrong for me or you to go up to a Muslim and insult them. The question of speaking the truth of what is a curse upon the world and the cause of millions of deaths in this century and tens to hundreds of millions since its inception in the seventh century is something quite different. 


Muhammad cartoons 'blasphemous,' Vatican paper says

  • May 6, 2015
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican’s semi-official newspaper blasted a series of cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad as “blasphemous” but also condemned the “mad and bloodthirsty” extremists who opened fire at a Texas exhibit of the cartoons.
The front-page article in L’Osservatore Romano likened the exhibit in Garland, Texas, to pouring “gasoline on the fire” of religious sensitivities and was critical of its sponsors, the American Freedom Defense Initiative and professional provocateur Pamela Geller.
Police on May 3 shot and killed two gunmen who opened fire outside the exhibit that was designed to provoke Muslim sensitivities; the so-called Islamic State has since claimed responsibility for the attack that injured a security guard, and promised more to come.
The newspaper said the Texas event “resembles only remotely the initiatives of Charlie Hebdo,” referring to the French satirical weekly whose office was attacked by Islamist extremists in January. Twelve people were gunned down at the Paris premises by the Islamist militants, who targeted magazine staff for publishing similar cartoons.
After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Pope Francis condemned the idea of killing “in God’s name” but warned that “you cannot provoke, you cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”
While L’Osservatore Romano said the Texas exhibition could be compared to Charlie Hebdo “for its provocative intention, almost a desire to throw gasoline on the fire,” the Vatican newspaper reserved a stronger condemnation for those behind the attacks.
Garland was “certainly not Paris,” while the anticipated “participation of some ultra-conservative European politicians” was also noted. The Vatican newspaper went on to urge respect, which it described as “the necessary attitude to approach the religious experience of another.”
L’Osservatore Romano is largely autonomous from the Vatican but rarely publishes anything that does not have the tacit approval of Vatican officials.

Welcome to the 1970's!

Tantumblogo has some special things to add.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

If this were only a comedy routine, I would laugh, alas; it is not!

Never before have Popes given "daily homilies." This practice by the current occupant of the Chair of Peter belittles his teaching role. He has reduced the universal papacy to the mutterings of an incoherent pastor bordering on lunacy

He said today:
When St. Paul is persecuted, despite a thousand tribulations, he remains firm in his faith and encourages others to hope in the Lord. Pope Francis was inspired by the passage from the Acts of the Apostles, in the First Reading, to dwell on these three points: tribulations, trust and peace – saying that to enter the Kingdom of God, one must "go through dark times, difficult times." The Christian bears tribulations with courage However, he warned, "this is not a sadomasochistic attitude", rather, it is "the Christian struggle" against the prince of this world who tries to tear us away "from the word of Jesus, from faith, from hope." "To endure the tribulations" is a phrase, the Pope pointed out, that the Apostle Paul uses frequently:
Does he have any fledgling idea what the word "sadomasochism" actually means. I searched for a theological understanding but it does not appear in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
From Psychology Today: "Sadomasochism can be defined as the giving or receiving of pleasure, often sexual, from the infliction or reception of pain or humiliation. It can feature as an enhancement to sexual pleasure, or, in some cases, as a substitute or sine qua non. The infliction of pain is used to incite sexual pleasure, while the simulation of violence can serve to form and express attachment. Indeed, sadomasochistic activities are often initiated at the request of, and for the benefit of, the masochist, who often directs activities through subtle emotional cues."
From Merriam-Webster: "Sexual behavior that involves getting pleasure from causing or feeling pain."
The Free Dictionary Online: "The combination of sadism and masochism, in particular the deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse."
Oh Benedict, why did you desert us?

Monday 4 May 2015

Our Catholic hearts are in turmoil

How hard it is for any of us as Catholics to criticise the Pope. I know that when I do my Catholic heart bothers me. 

I have been disturbed by Pope Jorge Bergoglio from that evening he came out on the loggia with his "good evening." The next day, he celebrated his first Mass and did not genuflect after the Elevations and does not to this day. He refused to bless the assembled media because he respected their "consciences." Well, what about the Catholics there or those who might have benefited from this grace? A few days later, he more than genuflected by grovelling on the floor to wash the feet of non-Catholics on Holy Thursday when these should have been priests. If he wishes to wash the feet of the poor in a humble manner do it without cameras on any of the 364 other nights of the year, but not that night.

It has only gotten worse. The insults, the confusion, the literally idiotic statements. He has invited a man to pray in the Vatican whose "religion" was founded by a murderous, pervert and antichrist. We are now told to kneel in veneration of the poor while he still does not genuflect at Mass at the Consecration! Last week, pro-abortion and population controllers were at the Vatican at an environmental conference. Today, he met with some silly woman in clerics from Sweden who needs a therapist as she thinks she's a bishop as Jenner thinks he's a woman. Frankly Bruce Jenner has more potential to become a bishop than this Swede. There is the persecution of the FFI and so much more.

My friend Aged Parent of The Eye-Witnesss blog has a post that resonates:
The current Pope has, let us face obvious facts, left the Church in a state of disarray, not to say blind panic.  From one day to the next we hear messages from his garrulous lips that are either mildly orthodox, of dubious orthodoxy and/or outright rubbish.  No one seems to know if he has the intellectual capacity for his exalted position or if he just likes to talk, to say anything that enters his head, without much forethought.  He cannot be pinned down.  His words and actions are so "all-over-the-place" that no one can form a definitive judgment.  I most certainly can't.  He keeps everyone on tenterhooks or, worse, in a state of real fear for the Church.  Dignity does not seem to be a concept he is too familiar with, so when an ordinary Catholic sees him putting on a clown nose they cringe with embarrassment for the Church, and for him.  These are not the actions of a grave or earnest man. 
Imagine, Catholics who are so distressed over the occupant of the Chair of Peter that we are forced to write in this manner in alarm for what we are facing. 

And Asia Bibi still suffers on death row.