“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Andrew Rivera has been a friend of mine for many years. He has been a collaborator with me on the organization of many Masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite across the Greater Toronto Area. He is known to many here both in the diocesan traditional community and the Society of St. Pius X. Andrew is a single father of a five-year-old boy, pictured with him above, his wife having passed away three years ago.
Just after Easter, Andrew had a serious attack and went into a diabetic coma. The next few weeks were like an episode of House (without the cursing and such). Every time I spoke with his mother there was another issue. Infection. Kidney failure and dialysis and the usual things and indignities that accompany such a situation. The most shocking and profound was a stroke caused by clots that can happen due to inactivity. (No jab here folks, so let's leave that one alone). However, it turns out that the cause of the clots may have been a previously undetected "hole in the heart." more properly known as an atrial septal defect and is from birth. In addition to this, there is ongoing neuropathy from the stroke.
Tomorrow morning, Monday, September 18, Andrew will have PFO Closure surgery. Please remember Andrew today at Mass and in your prayers, that God will guide the surgeon's hands so that all will be well and grant a full recovery in all these things to Andrew.
Now, the recovery from this is going to add to the other maladies. It is simply not known when Andrew will be able to return to work.
Thus, I am asking you to be generous with our fundraising campaign.
Your help is most appreciated, Andrew has seen all the data from the GiveSendGo and you are all in his prayers.
"Gina Walker just let us know that Frank had a stroke Thursday night. He is heavily sedated in ICU. The prognosis is for a full recovery, but it’s going to be a long road back. So, we’re all going to be without Frank’s amazing service and hard work of combing the web for every interesting link for a while."
Frank has been a good friend of this blog. His work on Canon212 has been valuable.
First, I want to thank you for all your donations thus far for Andrew Rivera. You are very kind. May God bless you abundantly.
It is August 16 and it has now been over four months since that Easter Week incident that sent Andrew and his family into this crisis. I spoke with him yesterday and he is making great progress. I'm sorry I am not disclosing here all the medical circumstances, I am trying to respect his privacy as much as possible given the circumstances and I am sure you understand. Andrew is not yet "out of the woods." There are more tests to go because as is often the case, when a medical crisis happens and one is exposed to all of these tests and interventions, causes or sometimes new issues are discovered and that is the case. It is too early to say how it will be dealt with and while Canadian health care will cover the medical needs, there is no indication as yet, when he will be able to return to work. If further surgery is required, it will be many, many months.
On behalf of Andrew and his family, thank you again and God bless you.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has recently made comments that a Cardinal present at the Conclave in 2013 which gave us the Bergoglio has made statements that the election of Bergoglio was fraudulent.
It is entirely believable given the actions of Bergoglio and his sycophants and the machinations of Mr. McCarrick and the rest of the mafia.
The alleged Cardinal is concerned about coming forward due to the "pontifical secret." Well, if true, he already broke it. Further, if Bergoglio is not the pope, then there is no "secret" to maintain.
If this is true, the Cardinal must speak out. He must clear the air and call on those present to do likewise.
It really is that simple.
If not, then he can go to his grave and throw himself on God's mercy for not interventing to save the Church and the faithful for he would be a complicit coward and an accomplice to the destruction.
I've sung and heard many Ave Maria's in my time as a member of the Toronto Oratory Choir, Sacred Music Society, and the award-winning Victoria Scholars. If there is a more sublime setting of the Ave Maria, I do not know it. Schubert? Bach- Gounod? They can't touch this. Victoria? Yes, comes close, but this is by far, the best!
A blessed Feast of the Assumption to all.
Most Blessed Mary, ever-virgin, intercede for this writer and his readers. Amen.
A Toronto priest on loan to the Diocese of Peterborough, Neil Pereira, 33, has been arrested and charged with sexual crimes against a minor. Prior to leaving for campus ministry at Trent University and Sir Sandford Fleming College. Ordained in June 2020 by Thomas No Mass For You Collins, Pereira was Associate Pastor at St. Isaac Jogues in Pickering.
I don't know who this D.J. Lafferty is. A short search reveals he is featured on web pages called, Future Church and Where Peter Is. No links to these, they can be found if you must and the fact that they feature him, reveals much about him. He allegedly is a Ph.D., though I hardly find that impressive. He states he is a Catholic.
funeral of Bishop Emeritus Mons. Luigi Bettazzi, who died last Sunday at the
age of 99, was celebrated by his current successor Mons. Edoardo Cerrato. Born in
1923, Mons. Bettazzi was the only Italian bishop still alive to have
participated in the Second Vatican Council (he was consecrated bishop in 1963,
as auxiliary of Bologna, becoming then ordinary of Ivrea in 1966).
Italian exponent of Vatican II and perhaps also of that "Vatican III"
dreamed of by those who already in the aftermath of the assembly was not yet
satisfied with the earthquake of changes that took place in a few years. To the
point that, even before the council ended, 42 bishops (Bettazzi was the only
Italian) gathered at the Catacombs of Domitilla to sign a pact in the name
of... "Church of the poor" (a slogan that has often ended up
impoverishing the Church by reducing its message to mere social accompaniment).
his thirty-year episcopate of Eporedi and also in the long years that followed
him as emeritus, Bettazzi remembers above all the letters to Berlinguer, the
battle on the fiscal objection for military spending, the pacifist marches and
finally the openings – in open support of the Prodi government – on the subject
of Dico and various positions that have made the elderly prelate a (red) flag.
the cursus honorum of Mons. Bettazzi lacks nothing, including a rather fanciful
exegesis in November 2022 in which the prelate admitted to "subverting the
Church's conception of abortion," hypothesizing in summary that the embryo
is not automatically a person, or at least not immediately (speeches that we
have recently heard echoing at higher levels.). In short, it was undoubtedly a
"prophetic" voice – whereas "prophetic" usually means
"left-wing priest". Prophetic was, however, actually in the famous
interview of February 2012 when he spoke of the possible resignation of
Benedict XVI, then actually happened a year later. Benedict died, in a new
interview in January 2023 he repeated the experiment announcing the resignation
of Francis (who will live, will see). And even the remote "prophecy"
of the catacombs has come true, but in the sense of impoverishing above all the
action of the Church of its spiritual dimension and thus depriving the poor
themselves. Also thanks to the contribution of "prophetic" voices
like his.
small detail of the funeral of Mons. Luigi Bettazzi: on the coffin the book of
the Gospels and... the "flag of peace" (the one with the colors of
the rainbow, not to be confused with the similar but not identical LGBT flag).
Better still would be to call it a "pacifist" flag, to remember that
ism that marks the difference with Christian peace that does not need flags.
symbol inevitably marked by a political connotation, typical of a certain
left-wing movement – and also raised in certain parades where there is never a
lack of someone animated by excessive non-violent zeal that leads him to smash
cars and shop windows. A symbol, however, made its own, especially in the early
2000s, also by a part of the Catholic world to which the cross is no longer
enough and ends up being "prey to easy enthusiasms and fashionable
ideologies" (quoting Battisti).
"divisive" symbol, we would say, towards those who do not share those
"easy enthusiasms and fashionable ideologies" and yet would be part
of the flock entrusted to the rainbow clergy who, opening up to the
"world", end up excluding rather than including, moreover,
overturning the evangelical dictate: the good ... left.
us pray to the Lord of the harvest to send us shepherds, not faction-leaders.
penetrating kiss is when you suck and slurp with the lips. The penetrating kiss
is when you stick in your tongue. Watch out for the teeth,” Tucho writes.
boyfriend gets a hard mouth when he kisses me. He hasn’t yet learned how to
loosen his lips. Lovely!”
I like the most is the kiss of peace at Mass. That was the first kiss with the
hottie I have now.”
love kissing his fingertips. It gets more affectionate than anything else.”
once went crazy with the pleasure I was given from being kissed on the eyes.
But I didn’t say this because it’s going to leave me blind.”
This filthy piece of pond scum will now lord it over all of us in his role in whatever is left of the doctrinal coherence of the Church.
mouths are full of the 'people of God', of 'walking together', of the synod of
synods. But we have never been with less people, walking alone and with a synod
that does not even interest the synod members, even though they are well paid.”
From La Plata to Rome.Francis rewarded Tucho Fernandez, a cover-up of pedophiles, with a central position in the Vatican
To confirm that his papacy is an accumulation of pure gestures, Bergoglio puts a bishop of his confidence as Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith (the old Inquisition), the position occupied, among others, by Ratzinger before becoming pope. As archbishop of La Plata, Fernández was noted for disparaging victims and covering up for abusers.
The Italy correspondent for the conservative Argentine daily La Nación on Saturday called it a "bombshell news" and an "unexpected designation." It probably is for those who align themselves with the most reactionary, ultra-medieval and most obscurantist sectors (in short, they all are) of the Roman curia. But considering the moves made by Jorge "Francisco" Bergoglio in recent years, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise.
The news in question is that the Vatican has just published in its Official Gazette that the archbishop of La Plata Víctor Manuel "Tucho" Fernández was elected by the new pope "prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith", as reported in the bulletin of the so-called Holy See. Fernández would take office in September, replacing Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.
The Dicastery is the direct successor of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisitioncreated in 1542 by Paul III and whose legacy for humanity was to have watered part of the world with blood with its hunts for "witches", torture and humiliation of "heretics" and other bloodthirsty methods to control the wayward population with the "apostolic and Roman Catholic doctrine". Among some of its milestones, the Inquisition tried and condemned Galileo Galilei for his heretical theories.
Although modern inquisitors no longer send their executioners to extirpate satanic confessions under torture or burn women in bonfires mounted in public squares (that today is done more civilly by States and their governments) it is still the "ministry" of the Vatican that controls, censors and sanctions everything related to the "values" of official Catholicism. This includes the systematic plan to cover up thousands and thousands of rapes of children and adolescents in schools, institutes and parishes around the world.
Precisely, Tucho Fernández is a specialist, among other things, in guaranteeing this systematic cover-up while issuing communiqués and blocking homilies in which, as Bergoglio commands, the abuses committed by his cassocks employees are culpably condemned. The few who manage to break the silence of the ecclesiastical walls and jump to public opinion, of course.Very valuable task
The Official Vatican Bulletin publishes a letter that Francis sends to Tucho. There he says that he entrusts to him a "very valuable" task, such as "guarding the teaching that springs from faith to 'give a reason for our hope, but not as enemies who point and condemn.'" As if to "clarify," the pope acknowledges that the Dicastery "in other times came to use immoral methods" and that "these were times when, rather than promoting theological knowledge, possible doctrinal errors were pursued. What I expect from you is certainly something very different," he tells his handler.
Curiously, the Roman monarch makes explicit the intention of freeing the new prefect from having to take charge of "attending" to the complaints of sexual abuse that arrive in Rome. "Given that for disciplinary matters – especially related to the abuse of minors – a specific Section has recently been created with very competent professionals, I ask you as Prefect to dedicate your personal commitment more directly to the main purpose of the Dicastery, which is to 'keep the faith'", he orders.
Strictly speaking, this new "section" of which he speaks is an office dedicated to receiving the handful of "officialized" complaints against bishops, priests and nuns that dioceses around the world consider that the Vatican should "investigate" and "give sentence." But it is an office that answers directly to the Dicastery that Fernández will lead shortly. Pure story.
Moving tiles
The pope's move seems to be in line with others in recent years in which the Argentine supreme pontiff was placing in key places in the Vatican men of his confidence who, in addition, adhere to his "theology of the people" (doctrinal aspect that, appealing to populist topics, aesthetically distances itself from the most ultraconservative sectors of the Church). Aware that his health declines with the passage of time, the so-called "Peronist pope" is already planning his succession by filling St. Peter's Square with an addicted civil servant.
The most emblematic case is that of the former bishop of Oran, Salta, Gustavo Zanchetta, Bergoglio's extremely trusted man. Between December 2018, when allegations against him of two abused seminarians (the victims could have been many more) and March 2022, when he was sentenced to four and a half years in prison; the merciful pope sought to "save" Zanchetta by placing him in charge of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See.
Better known as the Vatican's "real estate," the office handles more than five thousand properties worldwide with an estimated value of $3 billion. Finally, Zanchetta had to return to Argentina to undergo the trial. Of course, today he enjoys a house arrest that is denied to any Christian for much less serious crimes.
So far it is unknown if Tucho Fernández directly abused minors, seminarians or students of the Argentine Catholic University when he was its rector. What is known is that in recent years he was responsible for covering up any stray sheep that was denounced for these crimes, doubly aggravated because they were representatives of a religious cult (with the level of vulnerability of the victim that this implies).
In a special report published by La Izquierda Diario last December (carried out together with Pulso Noticias), eleven of the cases reported so far in La Plata are detailed and in which, in various ways, "Tucho" played a clear role of covering up his priests. A cover-up that goes hand in hand with dehumanization and contempt for victims and survivors.
The cases are those of the former chaplain general of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary ServiceEduardo Lorenzo (committed suicide in December 2019 in a Caritas headquarters minutes after being arrested), the creator of the Miles Christi congregation Roberto Yanuzzi (the only one excommunicated by the pope, although for his doctrinal differences and not for his abuses), Héctor Giménez (denounced but unpunished), Rubén Marchioni (publicly denounced but not judicially), Maximiliano Di Virgilio (the family of his victim withdrew a criminal complaint), the former chaplain of the Gendarmerie in Misiones Raúl Sidders (with an absurd house arrest and close to an oral trial) and five former capos of the Provolo Institute of La Plata (Nicola Corradi, Horacio Corbacho, Giuseppe Spinelli, Giovanni Granuzzo and Eliseo Primati).
Along with Fernández, in almost all these cases the auxiliary bishop of La Plata, Alberto Bochatey, a servant formed by the ultra-reactionary Héctor Aguer, predecessor of "Tucho", played a central role in the cover-up plans. Although there are no known allegations about him and despite the "enmity" between Bergoglio and Aguer, in 2017 the pope appointed Bochatey "apostolic commissioner" to investigate allegations of sexual abuse at the headquarters of the Provolo Institute in Mendoza. Obviously he did not investigate anything and much less collaborated in the judicial case that ended up condemning Corradi and Corbacho to almost fifty years in prison.
"Tucho" and Bochatey, among other aberrations, organized the "homage mass" (and body present) to the suicide Lorenzo in the same parish of Gonnet in which the priest, for years, abused teenagers whom he corrupted and extorted to satisfy his desires for oppression.
Nothing less could be expected from the pope himself. In addition to having been an accomplice of several crimes of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship (when he already had a high position in the Argentine Curia), in his country he has spent years protecting criminals of the stature of Julio Grassi, Zanchetta, Justo Illaraz, Agustín Rosa Torino and dozens of priests and bishops with canonical investigations that only gave impunity. With the exception of the mafioso Yanuzzi, not even the few priests convicted criminally were expelled from the Church.
Another characteristic of Víctor Fernández is his vocation to "mediate" in social conflicts, when they threaten the political power of the day. For example, in 2018 he came to the aid of the then governorMaría Eugenia Vidal when hundreds of workers left from the entrances of the Río Santiago de Ensenada Shipyard to occupy the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy in La Plata in repudiation of the adjustment and delivery plans of the company by the management of Cambiemos. To this end, the archbishop devised a demobilizing maneuver together with part of the union leadership of the region that endorsed (by action or omission) Vidal's plans.
Now, after five years "cleaning" (based on liturgical cosmetics and silences bought at a good price) the archdiocese of La Plata of the ultraconservative remnants that Aguer had left, "Tucho" has to transfer part of his experience to the Vatican.
Of course, to occupy a position that intellectuals such as Joseph Ratzinger once held, Fernández does not lack a curriculum. He will become prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith after having been dean of the Faculty of Theology of Buenos Aires, president of the Argentine Society of Theology and of the Commission of Faith and Culture of the Argentine Episcopate. And before assuming the Archbishopric of La Plata, he was rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. What is said is a true picture for all the needs and urgencies that the Vatican has in its particular Bergoglian stage.
While the Bishop of Rome is the Head of State of the Vatican City State, the perverted William Jefferson Clinton is a private citizen and no longer a Head of State. There was no obligation for Bergoglio to meet him. So, was he bringing him into the Church? Preaching him of the salvation of Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church? They exchanged gifts, so this was clearly set up.
Who do we have here? Why, it's Alexander Soros. When that self-hating Jew, globalist Marxist George Soros is dead and dust we will have his progeny to tell us all what to do and to run our politicians.
kiss me with your mouth Argentine theologian Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández
is the new prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The Pope is unwell.
Not much more can be said about this travesty.
Keep your mind and heart on Jesus. The rest is a clown show.
pope goes slow because he wants to be sure that the changes have a deep
impact. The slow pace is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the changes.
He knows there are those hoping that the next pope will turn everything back
around. If you go slowly it’s more difficult to turn things back. . . You have
to realize that he is aiming at reform that is irreversible. If one day he
should intuit that he’s running out of time and doesn’t have enough time to do
what the Spirit is asking him, you can be sure he will speed up.” –Tucho
And thus, Bergoglio's time is very, very short and this filthy degenerate will be around after him.
Two years ago with the attack on the Church in Canada due to the reports of alleged graves of children in residential schools, a much-respected pastor at Merciful Redeemer parish in Mississauga spoke out and made the statement that not all things in the residential schools were bad, some good came from them. CITY 24, always an amateur and bombastically Marxist media outlet in Toronto, and others crucified the good monsignor. CITY and CBC are continuing their anti-Catholic hate. For the record, the Indigenous residential schools in Canada were Canadian government policy that, like the lockdown of Mass, the Church mistakenly went along with in exchange for mammon. The pastor was forced to leave the parish, he and it had been threatened with violence, and Thomas "No Mass For You" Collins and his sidekick, Neil MacCarthy threw the Monsignor under the media bus whilst pinching incense to Ba'al rather than defend him and the truth. Some good, maybe much good came out of the residential schools in spite of the policy of the Government of Canada.
Throwing Toronto priests under the media bus is not new for Neil and the gang of apparatchiks in the chancery. It happened a few years earlier when a Toronto archdiocesan priest at St. Leo the Great in Brooklin, Ontario, northeast of Oshawa, had the nerve to mention certain sins to school children using the fairly typical "examination of conscience" pamphlet with which most of us are familiar not dissimilar to that found at this link. The actions of the communications bureaucrats at the chancery office were deplorable, literally condemning the priest to the media because some TwitYourInstaFace Karens ran to the CBC that Father was talking about sin to children.
These same officials told priests a few years earlier not to discuss the issue of gay-straight alliances in Catholic schools; that they were "handling it." I was told by more than one priest that they were ordered by Neil MacCarthy not to preach on it from the pulpit. Imagine that, a communication director-- a layman ordering priests. Oh, Tom and Neil handled it all right. Badly. They trusted a government headed by a lesbian Premier who threw her cuck husband into the basement so she could bring her new babe into the family home. Good move.
Now to the latest.
At St. Gertrude's parish in Oshawa, east of Toronto, the pastor allowed the distribution of a flyer condemning the attack on families and children by the Marxist alphabet mob. The mob has taken over the movement so far beyond the rights of same-sex attracted people to not be harassed or discriminated against that even many of them are questioning it.
Is it any wonder the chancery spokesman, Neil MacCarthy, is the butt of jokes and held in such disdain by the diocesan priests and so few of them trust the bishops?
“While the insert in question was not created
by the parish, the pastor had allowed for it to be distributed. We have reached
out to the pastor and he highly regrets permitting this to be circulated and is
preparing to apologize unequivocally to the congregation at all Masses on
Sunday. Please know that the Archdiocese was not made aware of this material in
advance, had not given permission for it to be created, printed or distributed
as it is clearly unacceptable and offensive and has no place in the church
bulletin or elsewhere for that matter.”
The Archdiocesan officials and presumably Archbishop Francis Leo, as in the case above, threw the pastor under the bus loaded with anti-Catholic bigots and forced the Pastor to grovel as the chaceryrats held his feet to the fire.
“I recognize that much of the content was
inappropriate and offensive and caused hurt and distress starting in our own
parish family and reverberating out into the wider community. I should not have
allowed it to have been circulated. I sincerely apologize for my actions.”
It's reasonable to question the prudence of the pastor in allowing an outside flyer to be distributed at the church. I've seen the flyer and it will not be posted here. It reveals private contact information. While one can sympathize with the writer, they did Father no favour. This is not how you fight back, illogical rants are not the way. One lowers themselves to the level of the cultural Marxists and becomes the antagonist themselves. The literal online hatred and bile being spewed at the Church should have been foreseen. No priest needs this, no parish. That being said, it is disgraceful that he was hung out to dry, publicly by the Chancery proving that pastors are nothing more than branch managers. A few weeks ago, St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto and others promoted a talk by Thomas Rosica using the alphabet moniker? How prudent was that? Lowering people to an alphabet label is not Catholic!
Rather than wade into the public debate on the legitimate fears of most Catholics and particularly, parents about their children and the attack on their faith and morals, a teaching moment was wasted as the new Archbishop is seen as just another weak and ineffective shepherd refusing to be a defender of faith and culture.
The question we all have is this; Does the new Archbishop, Francis Leo, sanction this public flogging of his priests or is this just another case of the chanceryrats pushing back on him and letting him know who the real boss is.
Well Archbishop Leo, what say you?
Did you approve of this?
Was this Neil acting on his own once again?
Do you wonder, Your Grace, why you can finish the sentences at the Tuesday priest visits?