A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Sykes, Picot, Bush and Obama, you have much to answer for!

Radical Islamofacism along with homosexualism are two sides of the same coin of chastisement that is occurring by the removal of the protecting hand of the Most High because of our sins. When ancient Israel turned against Adonai, He removed his protection. We have turned against the Lord by our sins of sodomy, abortion, pornography, rampant greed, heresy, religious indifferentism and now, the wrong interference in the affairs of others. 
Jan Sobieski

Islam has, from its beginning represented an existential threat to Christianity. This applies now even though the lands once "Christian" may not be in their policies, or Christians as individuals. Over history, Islam has been humiliated with defeat after defeat and generally pushed back. These push backs have taken hundreds of years in some cases, the Iberian peninsula as an example. In some cases, it has only been through Heaven's intervention as at Lepanto and the courage of great Catholics such as Charles Martel, Don Juan, Jan Sobieski and St. Antonio Primaldo to lead the citizenry with prayers to the One, True, God to defeat these Mohammedans and their evil intentions. 

Now, we are faced with it again. 

Notwithstanding the evil that these monsters associated with ISIS/ISIL have done, there is a reason for it. We can go back the current dilemma as far as Sykes-Picot and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire for the roots. The creation of borders and new nations out of sync with historical tribal and ethnic boundaries and a lack of respect for the peoples in these lands. combined with a sucking of the lifeblood economically and the propelling to power of heinous dictators is at the historical root of all of what we are facing. The victors of the Great War laid the foundations for the current bloodshed just as they laid the foundations for Hitler's rise to power and the next war. As Germany was bled to the point that it gave rise to to Adolf Hitler, so has the Wests actions and attitudes in the Middle East lead to today's crisis. We are so arrogant we deny that Russia has a right to its interests in Syria whatever they be in the same manner as ourselves. Such hypocrites we are.

Millions and millions of souls have been lost because of the evil Masonic masters behind Europe and North America dictating their goal to dominate the world. The only solution now is more bloodshed to destroy these monsters, lest they cause us more destruction. It is them or us. 

We cannot negotiate with these monsters. This is not a war with Islamic nations, it is a war against an Islam of individuals who, notwithstanding the reality of living in a modern world, have fallen into first century Islamic actions of murder and mayhem so inspired by their deranged, murderous, perverted founder. Yet, many of the Islamic nations actively support and finance these monsters and we turn a blind eye as we continue to trade with them and operate business as usual.

Those men from Sykes and Picot up to Bush and Obama and the European heads of Masonic governments have much to answer for. George W. Bush was warned by Pope John Paul II. He dismissed the Holy Father's pleas and insulted the Nuncio. The invasion and destruction of Iraq, a ridiculous creation in the first place under Sykes-Picot, was a disaster. It should never have happened. It unleashed Hell on the innocent there. That being said, the malefactor Barrack Hussein Obama committed a greater evil by abandoning those suffering people and deserting them at the time of their greatest need. At the end of the day, his crimes are even greater and more blood is on him as he was in a position to not let this happen. If all of this were not enough; the destabilisation of Syria by Barrack Hussein Obama has lead directly to the current situation. Basher Assad was never the problem anymore than Saddam Hussein was the problem. For their own people? Sure, and action short of invasion and all out war should have been taken. But why are we not invading Zimbabwe? I don't think Robert Mugabe is much better than Assad or Hussein. The difference is, Zimbabweans are Africans and they have no oil. In the case of Hussein, like Tito in the former Yugoslavia, these men were governing areas that were multi-ethnic and artificial creations where only a strongman could keep the peace. Neither Iraq, nor Syria represented and existential threat to Europe or America, but now, the Islamic monsters spawned by a century of corruption do.

Yet, there is an even greater crime. Notwithstanding whatever historical roots to the current problem remain, the fact that Hussein Obama and most of Europe sat by whilst Christians were beheaded, disemboweled, crucified, removed from their historical lands and literally wiped out as articulated so well by Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, is the greatest curse upon them. They could have acted and did not. They could have stopped ISIS in its tracks two summers ago, they did not. They could have prevented the whole refugee-migrant crisis and they did not. 

Now, these same Masonic malefactors and their newest puppet, Justin Trudeau, demand that we further erode what is left of our Christian culture by admitting hundreds of thousands more Muslims to it.

No, this is not the answer. The answer must now be to destroy ISIS in every way, support the legitimate governments now there and create safe-havens for all these migrants to return. If this means providing global funds to rebuild, then so be it. The answer for these people is there in their own land and if necessary, with new borders undoing the damage of the last century. 

For those Muslims in our countries, they must live in peace and we must be strong enough in our Christian faith to evangelise them and bring them to Christ. Mohammed will not save them. If they meet him in the next world, it will not be in a nice place. If they cannot live in peace in our lands, then there are options. We have seen them before in Canada during past wars. They may become necessary again. 

There is no excuse for the vicious, vile, evil, monstrous actions of these Islamist hordes of barbarians, they are vile and they must be stopped and if necessary, eradicated from the face of the earth. We cannot though turn a blind eye to history while at the same time condemning and aggressively assuring that their actions which can never be justified and will be ultimately defeated.

As for the Balfour Declaration and Zionism balanced against the reality of the right of the Israeli people to exist in safety and security; well, that's a whole other matter.

We cannot defeat them without Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do not return to Him, then this will get worse and order out of chaos will be demanded resulting in global governance and dictatorship and and end to all religion in the name of a new world order of the ages. To say that we may be on the verge of emergence of the son of perdition is not a stretch.

Whom do you choose?

By Gerald Celente
Publisher, Trends Journal

KINGSTON, NY, 18 November 2015 — Following 9/11, the explanations for terror strikes on the World Trade Center and Pentagon had nothing to do with America’s Middle East policy. No, “America was targeted for attack… because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity,” declared President George W. Bush. It was the work, he asserted, of “enemies of freedom.” 

Now, following the deadly strikes in Paris, the narrative is similar. It had nothing to do with France’s foreign policy, according to Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. He said the strikes were against French values and French way of life: “What they do not accept is, it is not our actions – it is what we are” and they “don’t accept the fact that we dance.”

However, a witness featured on BEM television heard one terrorist shout, “What you are doing in Syria, you are going to pay for it now.” So, was it about “actions"? Was the attacker referencing the financial and military support of Sunni Islamist militias by France, the US and Arab League to overthrow the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad that has resulted in the death of over 250,000 Syrians, displaced half its population and caused 4 million refugees to flee the bloodshed?

Or, was it because they “don’t accept the fact that we dance”?

For years, France, the US and its coalition have vociferously demanded that Assad — the ruler of a sovereign country that poses no military threat to any nation — step down from power. And, just a week before Friday’s terror strike in Paris, French President Francois Hollande announced plans to deploy the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to drop more bombs on Syria… ostensibly not to overthrow Assad, but to destroy ISIS.

Absent is any media coverage of who is responsible for the crimes against humanity that created the chaotic conditions that spawned ISIS and Islamist militias:

  • Which nations contributed to the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Middle East since George W. Bush launched the Afghan War and the War on Terror?
  • Who launched the illegal war against Iraq that has devastated the nation, tortured thousands and left it in ruins?
  • Led by France, which Western and Arab League nations financed and militarily supported Sunni jihadists associated with al Qaeda and its affiliates, which overthrew Libya’s sovereign leader and left the country in mayhem?
Once again, following the Paris attacks, the airwaves are filled with screams for revenge and a doubling down on the fight against “evildoers.”

So debased from reality has it become that the crowd at last week’s Presidential Reality Show debate cheered when GOP contender Marco Rubio declared that terrorists “hate us because our girls go to school. They hate us because women drive in the United States.”

Trend Forecast:
 If the causes and effects of foreign policy – doing to others as you would have them do to you – are not truthfully examined, the War on Terror will escalate into World War III.

©MMXV The Trends Research Institute®

Cardinal Sarah gives clarity as opposed to those who give scandal

If any priest, bishop, cardinal or even a pope himself orders you out of some threat of obedience to follow error, call him out and let him be anathema!

Listen to what a Catholic Cardinal really sound like.

As for the likes of the others, may their eyes be opened, or closed as heaven sees fit to paraphrase Fr. Nicola Bux.

Overrated Synod. Before All Else in the Church There Is a Crisis of Faith

This is what African cardinal Robert Sarah maintains in his book “God or Nothing” and in the discussion that has followed. An exclusive preview of his remarks in the next issue of “L'Homme Nouveau” 

by Sandro Magister

ROME, November 19, 2015 – In the four jam-packed pages of the dossier that the French Catholic magazine “L'Homme Nouveau” is about to publish in its next issue, the word “synod” does not occur even once. Much less does one find cited there the “Relatio finalis” that the synod fathers have delivered to the pope.

And yet the topics addressed in the dossier include the most controversial ones from the two-part synod on the family, from homosexuality to communion for the divorced and remarried.

And above all, the author of the dossier was a leader of the highest caliber at the synod. He is Cardinal Robert Sarah, age 70, Guinean, appointed by Pope Francis one year ago as prefect of the congregation for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments, and therefore with competence and authority concerning precisely the three sacraments at the center of the synod discussions: Matrimony, the Eucharist, and Penance.

So why this silence?

Cardinal Sarah has become known all over the world for the extraordinary interest raised in recent years by his book entitled “God or Nothing.”

A book that right from the title puts at the top of list of vital questions facing Catholicism the crisis of faith that it is going through.

Readers of Sarah’s book have sent him many comments, favorable and unfavorable. And in the dossier that is about to come out in “L'Homme Nouveau,” the cardinal responds to a good number of the objections he has received.

But it is precisely what these objections reveal that has convinced Cardinal Sarah even more that the serious case of the Church today is none other than a crisis of faith.

A crisis that lies beneath the questions debated at the synod, because it touches the very foundations of the Catholic faith and brings out into the open a widespread illiteracy concerning the age-old teaching of the Church, present even among the clergy, precisely those who are supposed to act as guides for the faithful.

The cardinal goes so far as to say, with regard to the sacrament of the Eucharist:

“The entire Church has always firmly held that one may not receive communion with the knowledge of being in a state of mortal sin, a principle recalled as definitive by John Paul II in his 2003 encyclical ‘Ecclesia de Eucharistia,’” on the basis of what was decreed by the Council of Trent.

And immediately afterward he adds:

“Not even a pope can dispense from such a divine law.”

The following is a preview - kindly authorized by “L'Homme Nouveau” - of a part of the dossier, in which one may note how, in order to respond to his critics on the questions discussed at the synod, Cardinal Sarah must first give them a refresher course on the basics of doctrine, including those dogmatic constitutions of Vatican Council II that are so often cited but so little known for what they truly say.

The dossier will be published in the French magazine in the issue dated November 21, 2015:

> L'Homme Nouveau

Here is a preview of it, with the original section headings.
Four objections, four responses, and one conclusion

by Robert Sarah


Q: According to one of my critics, the Catholic Church “is not only the hierarchy of bishops, including that of Rome, but the baptized as a whole. In order to say what is the ‘position of the Church,’ it would therefore be legitimate to assume the judgment of this majority.”

A: The first statement is correct. But the thought of the faithful does not represent the “position of the Church” if it is not itself in accord with the body of bishops.

Vatican Council II, dogmatic constitution “Dei Verbum,” no. 10: “The task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church, whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Moreover, this is not a matter of majority, but of unanimity. Vatican Council II, dogmatic constitution “Lumen Gentium,” no. 12:

“The entire body of the faithful, anointed as they are by the Holy One, cannot err in matters of belief. They manifest this special property by means of the whole peoples' supernatural discernment in matters of faith when, from the Bishops down to the last of the lay faithful, they show universal agreement in matters of faith and morals. That discernment in matters of faith is aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth. It is exercised under the guidance of the sacred teaching authority, in faithful and respectful obedience to which the people of God accepts that which is not just the word of men but truly the word of God. Through it, the people of God adheres unwaveringly to the faith given once and for all to the saints, penetrates it more deeply with right thinking, and applies it more fully in its life.”

Finally, this unanimity is a sufficient condition for declaring that an assertion is in the deposit revealed by God (as in the case of the Assumption of Mary), but it is not a necessary condition: it can happen that the magisterium may solemnly define a doctrine of faith before unanimity has been reached (as for papal infallibility, at Vatican Council I).


Q: According to one critic whose fidelity to the priesthood I admire, thousands of priests do not hesitate to give communion to all.

A: In the first place we note the absence of doctrinal authority in this myriad of sacred ministers, who in other ways are certainly respectable. Moreover, no matter how authentic this “statistic” may be, this position mixes up, among persons living in a notorious and habitual state of sin (for example, adultery and permanent infidelity to one’s spouse, frequent and grave fraud in business):

a) a believer who finally repents with the firm intention to avoid falling in the future, receives holy absolution and as a result may receive the holy Eucharist, and

b) the believer who does not want to stop committing acts of grave objective guilt in the future, contradicting the Word of God and the covenant signified precisely by the Eucharist.

This latter case excludes the “firm intention” defined by the Council of Trent as necessary to be forgiven by God. We should specify that this firm intention does not consist in knowing that one will not sin again, but in making the deliberate decision to employ the means suitable for avoiding the sin. Without a firm intention (and apart from a total and non-culpable ignorance), such a Christian would remain in a state of mortal sin and would commit a grave sin by receiving communion.

In the hypothesis that his state is publicly known, the ministers of the Church for their part have no right to give him communion. If they do so, their sin will be more grave before the Lord. It would be unequivocally a premeditated complicity and profanation of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus.


Q: A person who writes to me and whose age inspires the greatest respect evokes the case of a Catholic woman, divorced following domestic violence, who lives as “remarried” but participates intensely in the life of her parish. Should this not incite us to give holy communion to this person?

A: I acknowledge the generosity of heart underlying the objection. But this mixes up or forgets various aspects. Here they are.

1. If one undergoes domestic violence, one has the right to leave one’s spouse (Code of Canon Law, canon 1153).

2. The Church allows one to ask, with divorce, for the civil effects of legitimate separation (John Paul II, January 21, 2002, address to the Roman Rota). Simple divorce does not exclude one from the sacraments.

3. A spouse who abandons himself in a habitual way to domestic violence is probably suffering from a psychological illness, which may be grounds for the nullity of the marriage in question from the very beginning (Code of Canon Law, canon 1095 § 3).

4. If the Church declares the first marriage null, the victim could contract another, granted that the other conditions of this sacrament are present.

5. It can happen that a divorced person, for important reasons such as raising the children, may not be able to leave the second spouse. In this case, in order to be absolved and receive holy communion, the person must resolve no longer to commit with this second spouse the acts that, according to divine law, are reserved for true spouses (“Familiaris Consortio,” no. 84). Now, the experience of numerous couples shows that this is often very difficult, but it is nonetheless possible with the help of God’s grace, spiritual direction, and the frequent practice of the sacrament of reconciliation. In effect this latter permits one, if one falls, to start again more firmly on the right way, gradually progressing toward chastity.

6. The participation in parish life on the part of a divorced and remarried person not yet ready to promise chastity disposes him precisely to open his heart to the grace of making this necessary promise (“Familiaris Consortio,” no. 84).


Q: According to another priest who bases himself on his experience as a “Fidei donum” missionary in Africa, the African family does not correspond to the description I have given.

A: I don’t know what African country and diocese this priest is talking about. But in Western Africa, in spite of the massive presence of Islam, in the pure tradition of our ancestors marriage is monogamous and indissoluble. I have spoken of this in my book “God or Nothing.” I have therefore affirmed that “still today, the family in Africa remains stable, solid, traditional.”

I did not intend in any way to say that the non-Christian African family would be a model, since it evidently suffers from the imprint of sin and also knows its difficulties. I simply intended to say that in African culture in general:

1. the family is still founded on a heterosexual union;

2. marriage is seen as being without divorce, in spite of the paradigm of simultaneous polygamy;

3. it is open to procreation;

4. family bonds are seen as sacred.

Isn’t this precisely what my missionary correspondent wanted to emphasize? (I emphasize here the generosity of the “Fidei donum,” meaning those Western diocesan priests who become voluntary evangelizers in mission countries).

However, the question that he raises is another one: it is that of the possible gradual progression of the pastoral evangelization of non-Christian families, still imbued with deviations provoked by sin, but some traditions of which can be evangelized and serve as a point of departure for the proclamation of Christ.

In any case, if my correspondent seems implicitly to accuse me of having reduced “the African family” to that which lives the Christian ideal, neither can it be reduced in the other direction to the polygamist typology, whether “traditional” or Muslim.


To conclude, I feel wounded in my heart as a bishop in witnessing such incomprehension of the Church’s definitive teaching on the part of my brother priests.

I cannot allow myself to imagine as the cause of such confusion anything but the insufficiency of the formation of my confreres. And insofar as I am responsible for the discipline of the sacraments in the whole Latin Church, I am bound in conscience to recall that Christ has reestablished the Creator’s original plan of a monogamous, indissoluble marriage ordered to the good of the spouses, as also to the generation and education of children. He has also elevated marriage between baptized persons to the rank of a sacrament, signifying God’s covenant with his people, just like the Eucharist.

In spite of this, there also exists a marriage that the Church calls “legitimate.” The sacred dimension of this “natural” dimension makes it an element awaiting the sacrament, on the condition that it respect heterosexuality and the parity of the two spouses when it comes to their specific rights and duties, and that the consent not exclude monogamy, indissolubility, permanence, and openness to life.

Conversely, the Church stigmatizes the deformations introduced into human love: homosexuality, polygamy, chauvinism, free love, divorce, contraception, etc. In any case, it never condemns persons. But it does not leave them in their sin. Like its Master, it has the courage and the charity to say to them: go and from now on sin no more.

The Church does not only welcome with mercy, respect, and delicacy. It firmly invites to conversion. As its follower, I promote mercy for sinners - which all of us are - but also firmness toward sins incompatible with the love for God that is professed with sacramental communion. What is this if not the imitation of the attitude of the Son of God who addresses the adulterous woman: “Neither do I condemn you. Go and from now on sin no more” (Jn 8:11)?


On the book “God or Nothing" and its author:

> A Pope from Black Africa (10.4.2015)

The “review” of the book made by pope emeritus Benedict XVI, in a letter to Cardinal Sarah:

“I have read 'Dieu ou rien' with great spiritual profit, joy, and gratitude. Your testimony to the Church in Africa, to its suffering during the time of Marxism and to a dynamic spiritual life is of great importance for the Church, which is somewhat spiritually weary in the West. All that you have written concerning the centrality of God, the celebration of the liturgy, the moral life of Christians is particularly significant and profound. Your courageous answers to the problems of gender theory clear up in a nebulous world a fundamental anthropological question.”

Sarah was also one of the eleven cardinals who on the verge of the synod last October spoke out in defense of the traditional pastoral care of marriage in a book published in five languages: in English by Ignatius Press, in Italian by Cantagalli, in French by Artège, in German by Herder, and in Spanish by Ediciones Cristiandad.

And he was also one of the eleven African bishops, including seven cardinals, who also on the verge of the synod called attention to Africa’s contribution to the current season of the Church, in a book published in English by Ignatius Press and in Italian by Cantagalli:

> First Five, Now Seventeen Anti-Kasper Cardinals (31.8.2015)

Sarah was moreover one of the thirteen cardinals who at the beginning of the synod expressed their “concerns” to Pope Francis in a letter delivered to him personally:

> Thirteen Cardinals Have Written to the Pope. Here’s the Letter (12.10.2015)

And the synod fathers subsequently elected him among their twelve representatives on the council of cardinals and bishops that will remain in office until the next synod.


An important article published by Cardinal Sarah in "L'Osservatore Romano" of June 12, 2015, in his role as guide of the Catholic liturgy:

> The Silent Action of the Heart


“L'Homme Nouveau” also has exclusive distribution rights in France for the French edition of “L'Osservatore Romano.”


English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Oh Father Charamsa, look how lovely, your vestment is ready. Father, are you there?

There was a bishop in a Canadian diocese once asked, "Is it true, Your Excellency that half of the priests of the Diocese of Nameless are sodomites?

To which the now Emeritus replied with a sigh. "If it were only half."

If this piece of shite was only made for Sodomite Charamsa and now languishes on a mannequin who would care. Alas, it exists in a liturgical store in Rome, Manicelli's. 

I encourage all the Sodomite priests of Rome to wear it. I encourage all the sodomite priests in any diocese to buy one and wear it with PRIDE. 

Come out boys, Come on out.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

To my Anonymous and dear, dear friend

My dear Anonymous friend,

I received your comment today on a post a few below this one. I publish all comments unless they are derogatory to the Catholic faith, even those which insult and deride me. Thank you for helping me to be humble and realise what a sad and miserable man I really am.

"I am deeply saddened by the inner-turmoil and confusion that voices itself in the writing of this blog author. I am also sad for all the people who this person misleads because of his own confusion and self-deception. on What does Thomas J. Rosica, CSB not get about Islam?"

Your comment reminds me of someone whom I know. He has often expressed to me his "sadness" over my obvious mental instability and my inferior spiritual maturity in the most hypocritical and superficial of ways. He has accused me of all kinds of things and has even threatened my livelihood in more ways than one.

You, like him; are the one that really needs sympathy. You are free to think as you and I am free to think as me. Others are too. The beauty of the Internet is that we can all find each other and express our opinions and even more; we can defend the Catholic Church and the Faith given to us by Christ from men such as you that would tear her down. This is very hard for you to understand given your obvious clericalist-fascism.

You say you are "deeply saddened" about my supposed "inner-turmoil." That would come as some surprise to dearest Fox and my many friends, to be sure. As I am one who often wears his heart on his sleeve, they would be the first to know if I were suffering from some unreported "inner turmoil." As for the people whom I allegedly "mislead," it is not I, dear friend, but it is you who misleads and everyone knows it.

You see, you wake up in the morning and you must come to grips with the fact that your life is straw. You have reached the pinnacle and yet, you are standing on thin ice. The ice will crack soon and you will be left in the frigid water to fend for yourself. You have no fruit, no progeny. You have this reality, that your work over your lifetime has been for nought because it is based on error and lies and heresy. Reading this makes you angry because you are all alone and faced with the reality that it is all going to come crashing down and you will be left with nothing because you lack everything, you lack true Faith.

Truly friend, it is you whom we should all be "deeply saddened by the inner-turmoil" which you in fact suffer and the gross "misleading" which you undertake on a regular basis.

Have a nice day.


Part, the Second

They must be really worried that Vox and others are not afraid to fight back and expose them or they wouldn't be paying any attention.

Anonymous said...
"You have reached the pinnacle and yet, you are standing on thin ice. The ice will crack soon and you will be left in the frigid water to fend for yourself"

I felt a little threat here. Dude, you really need to step down and take some medicines. Your blog is killing your soul.

Blah, blah, blah. The Church of the "tradilocos" isn't more than one tenth of her, according to number of the coward clergies in the Synod who supposedly had sent a letter to their Pope just to denied it thereafter.

That's: who is living for nothing, to be a sterile man, etc., it's seeming to be another person here. Do you agree, Vox?
12:42 a.m., November 18, 2015
Blogger Vox Cantoris said...

Oh my Anonymous II, such a little fool you are. You see, if the Church of the "tradilocos" as you refer to them are no more than a tenth, then that simply lines up with the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ as to whether He will find "any faith" left on earth when He returns. It also lines up with Benedict XVI's words in 1969 about a "smaller Church."

You see, the Church is not the buildings. It is the people of Christ under a bishop and under a pope, (even if he is wrong on many things). You can have the buildings, we will have the Faith. As Blessed Anne Katherine Emmerich said, "the bread would not rise." Your bread is dead, as is your own soul, sold out to modernism.

Your disdain for the thirteen Cardinals (one of whom was our own in Toronto) reveals your own heretical and sodomitcal notions of what the Church is all about. As for threats, you're a liar. Now, go to Confession, if you still believe in it.
5:34 a.m., November 18, 2015

Thomas Rosica's Muslim Dhimmitude

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 195: 

Narrated Anas:

The Prophet set out for Khaibar and reached it at night. He used not to attack if he reached the people at night, till the day broke. So, when the day dawned, the Jews came out with their bags and spades. When they saw the Prophet; they said, "Muhammad and his army!" The Prophet said,
 Allahu--Akbar! (Allah is Greater) and Khaibar is ruined, for whenever we approach a nation (i.e. enemy to fight) then it will be a miserable morning for those who have been warned."

Monday, 16 November 2015

What does Thomas J. Rosica, CSB not get about Islam?

In a blog post, Father Thomas J. Rosica has written that a Muslim chant which shall not disgrace this blog does not mean what we think it means. You can read it there.

Has he ever read the book that Muslims follow? A book dictated by a desert illiterate who was nothing more than a wretched and blood-thirsty murderer, warlord, thief, pervert and paedophile. 

Given the statement of St. Thomas Aquinas or the one by Thomas Rosica, whom do you think has a greater understanding? Is Tom Rosica contradicting Aquinas?

Let's take a look at Surah 8:39
And fight them until there is not fitnah (sedition, civil strife) and until the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Seeing what they do.  
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but the overwhelming majority of terrorists are Muslims. If a Muslim is a good person it is not because of their religion, it is in spite of it. It is because of Natural Law, something which our churchmen discount and deride. Muslims, objectively speaking, will spend eternity in Hell unless the merciful God chooses to save them through the Catholic Church because of their invincible ignorance and a good life based upon Natural Law. However, we cannot know this for certainty. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

What does Tom Rosica think of St. Nicholas Tavelec and Companions martyrdom? What would Tom Rosica say to St. Perfectus and the Martyrs of CordobaWould he show any respect towards St. Antonio Primaldo and the Martyrs of Otranto?

Those three alone prove two things:
  1. The history of Islam is one of murder and mayhem upon Christians. 
  2. Tom Rosica has his head in the sand or up somewhere else and doesn't know what he is speaking about. 
  3. The Pope and the rest of the hierarchy who refuse to call out Muslims for the murderers they were and are have the blood of those in Paris and Beirut on their hands every bit as much as the perpetrators themselves.
If the above is not enough for Tom Rosica, then maybe Dr. Taylor Marshall is someone whom he should consult. Then again, we can consult the Saints. Even Phil Lawler has seen through this fallacy.

Do we as Catholics desire the salvation of Muslims? We surely must not. We do not speak to them, in all this talk of mercy, of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.

Fundamentally, this contemporary Catholic praxis is actually a disdain and a hatred for Muslims and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus and Protestants and so on. This ecumaniacal religious dialogue is not based on love and mercy. If it were, the Church would care enough about the souls of these to preach to them that they must come to Christ.

It is also self-hatred because it is religious indifferentism, a heresy.

Logically, there can be no other conclusion. 

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Is Jorge Bergoglio skirting around what appears to be a heretical notion on the Holy Eucharist?

In a stunning address to the ecclesial community of the heretic Martin Luther in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio Bishop of Rome came as close as he could to mock the Holy Eucharist and hint at his desire for inter-communion with the heretical Lutherans.  He actually had the temerity to joke about "being scared" before Kasper and that he "dare not say anything more" concluding his diatribe.

Does Jorge Bergoglio believe Catholic dostrine in the Euchar

His remarks are insulting and demeaning to every Catholic who believes in the Body, Blood. Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Holy Eucharist.
He refuses to genuflect at the altar to Christ, truly present yet he can grovel on the floor to wash the feet of a Muslim. Is it his health or does he just not believe? How can it be his health if he can wash feet on the floor. 

Does his belief actually coincide with that of the heretic, Martin Luther? The Lutheran understanding of the Holy Eucharist is not Transubstantiation but consubstantiation, a heretical doctrine attempting as outlined in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
This heretical doctrine is an attempt to hold the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist without admitting Transubstantiation. According to it, the substance of Christ's Body exists together with the substance of bread, and in like manner the substance of His Blood together with the substance of wine. Hence the word Consubstantiation. How the two substances can coexist is variously explained. The most subtle theory is that, just as God the Son took to Himself a human body without in any way destroying its substance, so does He in the Blessed Sacrament assume the nature of bread. Hence the theory is also called "Impanation", a term founded on the analogy of Incarnation. 

Lutheranism is heresy

Lutheran bishops have no apostolic succession. They don't even try to argue the point that they do have it, as Anglicans insist upon doing. Their ministers have no power to consecrate bread and wine to Our Lord's Body and Blood. They do not have the belief, nor the intent to confect the Holy Sacrament, let alone the power.

When the Missal of Paul VI was issued it contained a blatant heresy that was corrected; or was it?
ORIGINAL TEXT OF November 1969 Missal of Paul VI

The Lords Supper or the Mass is the sacred assembly or gathering together of the people of God, under the presidency of a priest, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord. That is why the promise of Christ  : ‘ Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them ’ (Mt 18.20) applies in a special way to this local gathering of Holy Church.


In the Mass or the Lords Supper, the people of God come together, under the presidency of a priest who represents Christ, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord or Eucharistic sacrifice. That is why the promise of Christ  : Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Mt 18.20) applies in a special way to this local gathering of Holy Church. For in the celebration of the Mass, in which the sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated, Christ is really present in the very community which has gathered in His name, in the person of the minister, in His Word, and indeed substantially and continuously under the Eucharistic species.

Does the Bishop of Rome believe the heresy of the Preface to the Missal of Paul VI, the Novus Ordo Missae? It was corrected, did he acknowledge the correction or does he subscribe to the heresy?
The Eucharist is not a "supper!" It is the Propitiatory Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary brought forward in time and re-presented in an unbloody manner on the Altar. 

Does the Pope believe this or not?

Bergoglio of Rome is telling this woman to deal with it as her conscience dictates. If he is telling her to approach for Holy Communion what is the doctrinal basis for this? What does this say about where he intends to take the Church? Is he giving us yet another clue of what he intends to do as a follow-up to the recent Synod?

Jorge Bergoglio, stop this insanity. You are the Bishop of Rome! You are creating division and anxiety amongst the Catholic faithful. You are creating confusion. You are playing with heresy. You have told this woman to commit sacrilege. 

Step back from the brink of heresy

Bergloglio is on the verge of heresy. History will condemn him.

Is this enough for Bishops and Cardinals to intervene?

Now, read below all of his words in answer to a question by a woman in a “mixed” marriage where she referred to "the hurt we've felt together due to [their] difference of faith" and asked about their ability "to finally participate together in Communion."

The question on sharing the Lord’s Supper isn’t easy for me to respond to, above all in front of a theologian like Cardinal Kasper – I’m scared! I think of how the Lord told us when he gave us this mandatum to “do this in memory of me,” and when we share the Lord’s Supper, we recall and we imitate the same as the Lord. And there will be the Lord’s Supper in the final banquet in the new Jerusalem – it’ll be there! But that will be the last one… in the meantime, I ask myself and don’t know how to respond – what you’re asking me, I ask myself the question. To share the Lord’s banquet: is it the goal of the path or is it the viaticum [etym. “to accompany you on the journey”] for walking together? I leave that question to the theologians and those who understand.
 It’s true that in a certain sense, to share means that there aren’t differences between us, that we have the same doctrine – underscoring that word, a difficult word to understand. But I ask myself: but don’t we have the same Baptism? If we have the same Baptism, shouldn’t we be walking together? And you’re a witness of a likewise profound journey, a journey of marriage: itself a journey of family and human love and of a shared faith, no? We have the same Baptism.
 When you feel yourself a sinner – and I’m much more of a sinner – when your husband feels he’s sinned, you go forward to the Lord and ask forgiveness; your husband does the same and also goes to the priest and asks absolution, [thus] I’m healed and kept alive in my Baptism. When you pray together, that Baptism grows, becomes stronger. When you teach your kids who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come? What did Jesus do for us?, you’re doing the same thing, whether in the Lutheran language or the Catholic one, but it’s the same.
 The question [Pope draws question mark with his finger]…. The supper? There are questions that only if one is sincere with oneself and the little theological light one has, must be responded to on one’s own. See for yourself. This is my body. This is my blood. Do it in remembrance of me – this is a viaticum that helps us to journey on.
 I once had a great friendship with a bishop who went a little wrong – 48 years old, he married [then had] two children. This made for great discomfort in him – a Catholic wife, Catholic children, him a bishop. He accompanied them on Sunday, his wife and children, to Mass, and then went to worship with his community…. It was a step toward his participation in the Lord’s Supper. Then he went forward, then the Lord called him [to realize] “I’m not right.”
 I can only respond to your question with a question: what can I do with my husband that the Lord’s Supper might accompany me on my path? It’s a problem that each must answer [for themselves], but a pastor-friend once told me that “We believe that the Lord is present there, he is present” – you believe that the Lord is present. And what's the difference? There are explanations, interpretations, but life is bigger than explanations and interpretations. Always refer back to your baptism – one faith, one baptism, one Lord: this Paul tells us; and then consequences come later.
 I would never dare to give permission to do this, because it’s not my own competence. One baptism, one Lord, one faith. Talk to the Lord and then go forward. [Pauses] And I wouldn't dare – I don’t dare say anything more.

Good plan not to say "anything more." 

You've said quite enough!

What France was, she must become again. There is simply no other "Way"

Jesus par la France.jpg

Pope St. Pius X

The allocution Vi Ringrazio (Nov. 29, 1911)9

“What shall I say to you now, dear sons of France, who groan beneath the weight of persecution? The people who made an alliance with God at the baptismal font of Rheims will repent and return to its first vocation. Her faults will not remain unpunished, but she will never perish, the daughter of so many merits, so many sighs, and so many tears.

A day will come, and we hope it will not be far, when France, like Saul on the road to Damascus, will be surrounded by a heavenly light and will hear a voice repeating to her, “My daughter, why do you persecute me?” And to her response, “Who art thou, Lord?” the voice will reply, “I am Jesus, whom you persecute. It is hard for you to kick against the goad, because, in your obstinacy, you destroy yourself.” And she, trembling and astonished, will say, “Lord, what wouldst thou have me do?” And He will say, “Rise up, wash the filth that has disfigured you, awaken in your heart those dormant affections and the pact of our alliance and go, eldest daughter of the Church, predestined nation, vessel of election, go, as in the past, and carry my name before all peoples and before the kings of the earth.”

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hamilton, Ontario Bishop and President of CCCB Crosby owes an explanation to Catholics about the anti-Catholic activity of his employee

Douglas Crosby, Bishop of Hamilton, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and former Pastor at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Ottawa, a parish that continuously dissents on Catholic teaching has on staff a rather interesting employee.

KW Tradtional Catholic writes:

Did you know the Diocese of Hamilton has an Office of Justice and Peace? We even have a coordinator for it. I don't know if it's a full time position, part time, or volunteer, but I assume full time. What's the compensation package for a chancery office coordinator? I'd guess somewhere between $40K-$50K salary plus benefits, vacation, travel expenses (to attend social justice conferences, trips to the Vatican, etc) office expenses, etc. So the collection baskets in the diocese fork out around $60,000/yr for this role. Does anyone know what a justice and peace diocesan coordinator does all day?

Sarah Guinta is our Justice and Peace Coordinator. She graduated from the University of Guelph three years ago with a degree in Political Economy and Administrative Change. Previous work experience at Me To We and AIESEC Canada. I'd guess her age in the mid-twenties. I have no idea what the skill set or experience level for a diocesan justice and peace coordinator are but let's assume Sarah's qualified for this position, whatever it's suppose to do for us. 

After some googling and browsing on employment websites, I could not find any advertisements for this position. Were there other candidates? This is all I could find, the announcement of her hiring in September 2015. I'm not sure who does the hiring at the Diocese of Hamilton Chancery Office, but do they check potential new employee's social media accounts?

For the rest visit:


But put your coffee down, lest you ruin your keyboard.





Will we always have Paris?

Will we always have Paris? Or will it be lost to a deranged underclass of evil and political response to it that will betray its exalted liberty? We have in Paris, a mass murder committed by Muslims. May those murdered rest in peace, may the Muslims who did this receive Divine Justice.

The truth is, Paris was lost over two hundred years ago. It was lost with the persecution of the Church. It was lost with regicide. It was lost when the whore of man called, "reason" was put upon the Altar of God in Notre-Dame Basilica. It was lost at the War on the Vendée and the Martyrs of  Compiègne.

France made its choice in 1789. The King of France made his choice a century earlier by failing to consecrate France to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus setting in motion what we had last night in Paris. What does it say for us today and the refusal of the Pope and Bishops to follow Our Lady's request?

This will happen again and again and no words from Cameron or Obama or Hollande will come to the solution. As for Trudeau, well, he's just not ready in more ways than one. Trudeau is a curse upon Canada. Islam is a curse upon the earth.  

There is no "moderate Islam." This is the real Islam and it is how the Christian world from Persia the rest of the Middle East and across northern Africa was destroyed. Europe was invaded numerous times. It took hundreds of years to push the Mohammedan hordes back and now Britain and Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States invite them in. 

Of course, there are good Muslims, but let us be clear; if they are good and peaceful it is not because of their religion, it is in spite of it. 

They can yell that their "god is great." He is not, their god is Satan, no matter what Father Thomas J. Rosica has to say about their call to war and mass murder not being that at all. He is not expert and he knows nothing of what he speaks. They do not worship the One, True God. They worship the devil. What we see now is the real Islam. Rosica and Vatican II's nuanced statements are wrong.

Islam is a curse upon the earth. It, together with the sodomite and lesbian agenda, are twin curses upon the earth because the True God has removed his protective hand because we have turned from Him. 

In 2006 in Regensburg Germany, Pope Benedict XIV quoted Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos saying:
"Show me just want Muhammed brought that was new and there you will find things only bad and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
The Emperor lived from 1391 to 1425, he knew well what it was he was speaking of because he had to live with it. 

The current occupant of the Chair of Peter, whilst Archbishop of Buenos Aires responded saying, 
"Pope Benedict's statements don't reflect my own opinions; ... these statements will serve to destroy in twenty seconds the careful construction of a relationship with Islam that Pope John Paul II built over the last twenty years." 
The statement today by the Vatican is more of the same.
“We are shocked by this new manifestation of maddening, terrorist violence and hatred which we condemn in the most radical way together with the Pope and all those who love peace,” Holy See press office director Fr. Federico Lombardi said in a statement. “We pray for the victims and the wounded, and for all the French people. This is an attack on peace for all humanity, and it requires a decisive, supportive response on the part of all of us as we counter the spread the homicidal hatred in all of its forms.”
This is a statement of Masonic origin. It is a betrayal of Truth as found in Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no mention of him. The words nothing more or less than what any secularist leader would say. It is not what the Church should say.  It is bile and shows the fundamental fundamental problem, the bishops and popes of the true Church of Christ have bought in to the world and diplomacy and international brotherhood as stated in equality, fraternity and liberty. It is a lie and these men will be held accountable for it. 

Whom do you think was more accurate; Jorge Bergoglio? Federico Lombardi? How about St. John Bosco:
“It would take too long to tell you all the stories about this famous impostor (…) Mohamed’s religion consists of a monstrous mixture of Judaism, Paganism and Christianity. Mohamed propagated his religion, not through miracles or persuasive words, but through the force of arms. [It is] a religion that favors every sort of licentiousness and which, in a short time, allowed Mohamed to become the leader of a troop of brigands. Along with them he raided the countries of the East and conquered the people, not by introducing the Truth, not by miracles or prophecy; but for one reason only: to raise his sword over the heads of the conquered shouting: believe or die.” 
What must happen is for Europe, Canada, America, Australia, etc., to return to the faith of its fathers, The answer is not in no religion, the answer is in true religion. Nature abhors a vacuum and so does evil. If evil, in this case, the false religion of Islam, meets no resistance of Truth, it will fill the vacuum of no religion that has permeated throughout what was once called, Christendom. 

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was right about most things. He said it two decades ago. He was mocked for most of the last part of his life. He has been right about most things. No less here.

Because the immigration polices of the West and the lie of multiculturalism has happened and it was combined with a self-hatred of our Catholic heritage and declining birth-rate, it may now be too late. What may happen is a restriction of liberty, internment of whole classes of people and mass deportation. Are we ready for that? 

Muslims of good will who wish to live in peace must, must root out this evil, extremist, Islamist ideology. it must be terminated in every way.

The short-term response is military. They must be hunted down and killed whether in Paris, Toronto or Syria. There is justifiable killing. 

Unless the Catholic Church starting with the Pope preaches to the world that only through Our Lord Jesus Christ can true peace be found then this will continue and get worse. How much more of this will need to happen before people wake up? 

God help us.