A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 21 May 2016

International Conference to condemn Amoris Laetitia!

#ALConf — International Conference to condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’: June 25th

Immagine 053
“How are they of the Catholic Church, who have shaken off the Apostolic faith, and become authors of fresh evils?”— St. Athanasius, Discourses Against the Arians, Discorse I, 4

A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy

Rome, May 2, 2016 A.D.:  Veri Catholici, announces that it will hold a Conference/Manifestation in Rome, on Saturday June 25th to condemn the errors contained in the papal document, Amoris Laetitia, and demand in the name of all that is holy and true in the Catholic Religion, that the document be rescinded and that its authors and supporters repent publicly and undo the scandal they have caused.
Veri Catholici, an international association of Catholics dedicated to opposing the errors promoted by Cardinal Kasper, is calling on all Catholics in the world to join us in Rome to condemn the document Amoris Laetitia and its many errors, and to demand from the Pope and Sacred Hierarchy that the document be withdrawn and its errors condemned, formally and canonically.
We intend this conference to be a universal manifestation of the true Sensus Fidelium of Christ’s Mystical Body. We believe it absolutely necessary to take this initiative for the good of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of souls.
The official Twitter Hashtage for this Conference is #ALConf
The Official Name of this Conference is “A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy“.
NOTE: This conference, which will be FREE to all who attend, will cost several thousand dollars, THEREFORE, if you can help us out, make a donation using our PayPal link to the right of this page. Thanks.
If you can translate this notice into any 1 of the languages listed on the top of this page, please post it in the comment section so that we can provide this information to the Catholics of all nations.


Who is Veri Catholici?
We are an informal association of Catholics from around the world, who currently number 1350 members. You can become a member by following our webpage or liking us on FB. You can show your membership by displaying our official Logo on your blog or website or twitter header. We have no president or officers. We are truly a lay organization of sheep.
So who are we? We are nobodies, yes, but nobodies who have been adopted as children of the true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Thankful and grateful, and zealous to remain such in the present crisis.
Where in the City will this Conference take place?
We will announce the venue about 2 weeks in advance. If the numbers of those intending to attend are great, we may change the venue or location of the event to accommodate everyone. We will tentatively begin the meeting at 9 AM, but if great numbers attend, and we are forced to hold this event outdoors, this may change, to avoid standing under the summer Sun of Rome.
What format with the Conference have?
Most conferences have important or famous people speak, and one attends the conference to hear them and meet them in person. They are organized for many various reasons but have a temporal or earthly motive mixed in.
The Conference to condemn Amoris Laetitia and its errors is not like this. Any Baptized Catholic who sees any specific error or heresy, or blasphemy or problem in Amoris Laetitia and is present in person can speak,* as an adopted son of God — indeed there is no title more important in this world — the reason for attending and speaking is the same, to make an act of faith before the Pope and the Sacred Hierarchy and the whole world to counter the scandal of that document and to call on the Pope and the Hierarchy to reject its errors, to rescind it and to take a stand against it as a sign to the whole Catholic world that they are still Catholic.
As laymen, it is our right to demand that our pastors be faithful, teach rightly and in times of grave scandal give by their words and actions a sign that they have not apostatized or separated from Christ Jesus.
Its not a conference to condemn persons, the formal canonical judgement of the Church on this document and on those responsible for it or who are now promoting it, pertains to the Sacred Hierarchy. We call for this, but as laymen we can do nothing more than that, giving our reasons why.

Tentative Schedule during the Event

Introduction of Event by Veri Catholici Organizers
Reading of certain Public Petitions published during the Pontificate of Pope Francis
Introductions of Speakers
Speakers on the problems with Amoris Laetitia
Reading of the Resolution calling For the errors to be condemned
Vote on the Resolution to condemn the errors
Reading of the Resolution calling for the Condemnation of the Document
Vote on the Resolution to condemn the document
Reading of the Resolution demanding the Pope to rescind the Document
Vote on the Resolution to rescind the document
Reading of the Petition to the Pope and Supporters of the Document to repent and repair the Scandal
Reading of the Petition to the Sacred Hierarchy to formally condemn the errors, canonically
Vote on the Final 2 Petitions
Concluding Remarks

What you cannot do at the Event

There is not permitted the sale or distribution of anything in a public place at Rome, without permission of the civil authorities. Anyone doing this at our Event will be ushered out of the reserved area.
We will not be offering food and refreshments at this event. So If you have need of these things, during a long conference or public manifestation, bring them on your own. If the venue is outdoors, bring what you need for the occasion, as public places in Rome offer no seating arrangements other than sitting on the ground.

Format for Speakers’ Submissions

For the sake of the smooth running of the event, we ask that all those who will attend in person and who wish to speak, submit their talks in written format 2 weeks before the event.
Submissions must be by Email, and must have this following format or it will not be accepted!
TO: veri . catholici @ g mail . com  (without the spaces)
SUBJECT:  #ALConf – Intervention AL # (Paragraphs of Document Containing error)
CONTENT:  1-15 minutes (note that if there are a great number of speakers, each talk will be limited to 3 minutes, so if your talk exceeds 3 minutes, prepare a shortened version of it)*
LANGUAGE:  Your talk can be in Any Language BUT it will be only accepted if you provide an English or  Italian Translation!
Rules for submission:  Your talk cannot contain any calumny or libel of anyone, as it is a crime in Italy to calumniate others in public. If your prepared talk has anything of this kind, it will not be selected and you will not be invited to speak. If while speaking you do calumniate anyone, your talk will be interrupted and you will be asked to leave the podium.
Nota Bene: In your talk you will not have to introduce yourself, the Moderator will do that.
– – –
Suggested format of an intervention or talk:
Start by faithfully quoting the official text of the Document in any 1 of the official translations!
  1. Then, Say what it says, say what it does not say.
  2. Say what it allows itself to be understood to signify, on account of what it says and does not say.
  3. Say what is wrong with it.
  4. Say the Catholic truth which should be said instead of it.
  5. Tell the consequences of the error which will break out in the Church if it is not corrected.
  6. Show how it is in conflict with Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition or the perennial Magisterium of the Church, the teachings of the Saints, the natural law or common sense.
  7. If it appears to you deceitful or disingenuous or to contain factually incorrect affirmations, say so and say why.
  8. Summarize.
  9. And Conclude with a formal request to those attending that this error or these errors be condemned.
Remember:  The purpose of this Event is to condemn errors, blasphemies, sins, heresies, deficiencies, deceits, ambiguities.  Its a work of Mercy will will call on the guilty to repent. Insults and calumnies will not be tolerated since they are contrary to the act of charity which this Conference intends to be. So write and come in this spirit, to work a great work of Mercy!
Nota Bene: Veri Catholici is not offering any reimbursement for speaking at the Event. If you speak, you speak out of love for Christ and His Church. Expect your recompense in Heaven! As all who are working on this Conference are doing!
* Obviously, if there are great numbers of faithful present, we will for the sake of time, have to limit each of them to small interventions regarding 1 specific error of their choice etc..

Friday, 20 May 2016

The heresy in the "but" of Bergoglio

More Friday follies from this Pope Bergoglio!

He willfully forgets his scripture.
"What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." Mark 10:9
How wily and crafty these modernists, these heretic are. They state the truth and then they say "but." Do you know what "but" does? It relegates everything previously stated to the dustbin.

He speaks of being casuistic. 

He is being casuistic equating the Truth and the Gospels with legalisms. 

Who is the legalist?

He is the legalist. It is the Law of Bergoglio, or else.

Who is the hypocrite?

He is the hypocrite, calling those who uphold the "commandments" because we love Him, as in "f you love me, keep my commandments" legalists when it is he, himself who crafts new law, new statutes, new burdens on faithful Catholics.

Who is the heretic?

Not those who uphold truth. Not those who do not accept the god of surprises.

The god of surprises is not the God of Heaven!

Will no bishop or cardinal call him out for what he said today?

As with Steve Skojec, I am sick of this. I am sick, sick, sick of this man on a weekly and daily basis undermining the faith. I have other things to do. I have other places that I need to place my energies. Yet, I cannot. I cannot sit by whilst this man who sits on the Chair of Peter abuses my faith, the Faith. 

As Skojec says, this Bergoglio is the "single greatest threat to the Catholic world today."


 Pope Francis preaching at the daily Mass. - OSS_ROM
(Vatican Radio) Announcing the word of God should never be dissociated from the understanding of human weakness. That was Pope Francis’ message during the daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. Commenting on the Gospel passage in which Christ speaks with the Pharisees about adultery, he said the Lord overcomes the human vision which would reduce the vision of God to a casuistic equation.
The Gospel, the Pope said, is full of examples of the Pharisees and the doctors of the law attempting to trap Jesus by catching Him off guard, seeking to undermine the authority and favour he enjoys with the people. One of those attempts is related in the day’s Gospel, in which the Pharisees tempt Him by asking if it is licit for a man to put away his wife.
Truth, not casuistry
Pope Francis speaks of the “trap” of “casuistry,” concocted by “a small group of enlightened theologians,” convinced that they “have all the knowledge and wisdom of the people of God.” It is a snare from which Jesus escapes, he says, by going “beyond,” “to the fullness of matrimony.” The Lord had already done so with the Sadducees, the Pope recalled, when they had questioned Him about the woman who had had seven husbands. At the resurrection, Jesus affirmed, she would not be the wife of any of them, because in heaven “they neither marry nor are given in marriage.”
In that case, the Pope said, Christ looked to the “eschatological fullness” of marriage. With the Pharisees, on the other hand, He referred to “the fullness of the harmony of creation.” “God created them male and female,” and “the two became one flesh.”
They are no longer two, but one flesh,” and so “no human must separate what God has joined. Both in the case of the levirate marriage and in this case, Jesus responds with the overwhelming truth, with the blunt truth: This is the truth! Always from the fullness. And Jesus never negotiates with the truth. And these people, this small group of enlightened theologians, always negotiate with the truth, reducing it to casuistry. And Jesus never negotiates with the truth. And this is the truth about marriage, there is no other.
Truth and understanding
“But Jesus,” Pope Francis continued, “so merciful, He is so great, that he never, never, never, closes the door to sinners.” And so He does not limit Himself to proclaiming the truth of God, but goes on to ask the Pharisees what Moses had established in the Law. And when the Pharisees responded that Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce, Jesus replied that this was permitted “because of the hardness of your hearts.” That is, the Pope explained, Jesus always distinguished between the truth and “human weakness” without “twisting words.”
In the world in which we live, with this culture of the provisional, this reality of sin is so strong. But Jesus, recalling Moses, tells us: “But there is hardness of heart, there is sin, something can be done: forgiveness, understanding, accompaniment, integration, discernment of these cases… But always… But the truth is never sold. And Jesus is capable of stating this very great truth, and at the same time being so understanding with sinners, with the weak.
Forgiveness is not an equation
And so, Pope Francis emphasized, these are “the two things that Jesus teaches us: truth and understanding.” This is what the “enlightened theologians” fail to do, because they are closed in the trap of “a mathematical equation” of “Can it be done? Can it not be done?” and so they are “incapable both of great horizons, and of love” for human weakness. It is enough to see, the Pope concluded, the “delicacy” with which Jesus treated the adulteress woman who was about to be stoned: “Neither do I condemn you: Go forth, and sin no more.”
May Jesus teach us to have at heart a great adhesion to the truth, and also at heart a great understanding and accompaniment for all our brothers who are in difficulty. And this is a gift, this is what the Holy Spirit teaches us, not these enlightened doctors, who to teach us need to reduce the fullness of God to a casuistic equation. May the Lord give us this grace.

Barry McGrory - Another Sodomite-rapist-priest protected by his Canadian Bishops!

Promoted by the now defunct, heretical and dissenting Catholic New Times.

Activist with Pax Christi.

Protected by the once great Sisters of St. Joseph at their former Morrow Park Motherhouse.

Example of the sour cream of Antigonish and St. Francis Xavier University.

All around sodomite, rapist and filth pervert.

Protected by his Bishops!

A millstone would have been better. 



Gospel Jihad - the new Bergoglian Blasphemy!

And then there is La Croix's official English translation of this Bergoglian blasphemy!
La Croix:  The fear of accepting migrants is partly based on a fear of Islam. In your view, is the fear that this religion sparks in Europe justified?
Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Cardinal Schönborn took instruction from laity on papal vote - Did he channel Mahony's pen demon?

Well, what do we have here?

The Beer Mass approving, and Balloon Mass celebrating, Rock Mass aficionado and gay-positive embracing, Medjugorjan sycophant Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, had two mystical experiences directing him to vote for Jorge Bergoglio as Pope of Rome.

Wow, this is just like old pervert protecting, Marxist heresiarch Roger Mahony wrote:

"I picked up my pen to write, and I began.  However, my hand was being moved by some greater spiritual force.  The name on the ballot just happened.  I had not yet narrowed my thinking down to one name; but it was done for me. I wrote it, then trembled deeply.  That's when I knew the Holy Spirit was fully working within the Church of Jesus Christ, and that my role was not to "select" the new Successor to Peter, but to "write down" his name--a name that had been given to me."

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn met up after a Mass with a couple of South Americans he knew and said to them:

"You have the Holy Spirit, can you give me advice for the Conclave that will start in a few hours? And the woman whispered in my ear ‘Bergoglio’, and it hit me really: if these people say Bergoglio, that’s an indication of the Holy Spirit.

This simply man has news for these two Cardinals.

It might have been a spirit, but it wasn't Holy!

You both need exorcisms.

Read it and weep.

Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave – Cardinal

From John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor, The Telegraph

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, who was himself widely tipped as a possible successor to Pope Benedict, said he had personally had two “strong signs” that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was “the chosen one” in the run up to vote. The "Chosen One?" Chosen by whom? Would it be the one who directed Cardinal McCarrick to "talk (Bergoglio) up?" 

He said only divine intervention could explain the speed with which the Argentine Cardinal - who did not feature on any of the main lists of likely candidates compiled by Vatican experts - was elected. (Pope Benedict was quite clear, the Holy Spirit does not elect the Pope, at best, he prevents these men from electing someone who would totally destroy the Church. The Holy Spirit influences and guides but these men must be docile and based upon what we know about the period leading up to the conclave, they were anything but docile. They were lobbying, and had outside influence.)

Speaking to an Anglican conference in London, he also said the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, had a “strange similarity” to the new Pope. (Yeah, I'd believe it.)

He said that the two elections were a “little miracle” and a “sign from the Lord” that the two churches should work towards closer unity. (Only in his dreams maybe. Perhaps he's not heard of Anglicanorum Coetibus, that was the "little miracle.")

Addressing an audience of 5,000 people in the Royal Albert Hall, at a conference organised by the prominent Holy Trinity Brompton church in west London, he said that he was certain that on the evening of March 12, as the papal Conclave began, none of the Cardinals had known who would be chosen. (Some did)

“It was a tremendous experience of the Holy Spirit,” he said. (the god of surprises, maybe.)

“We were driven by the Holy Spirit to this man – he was sitting in the last corner of the Sistine Chapel: This man he is the chosen one.” (more like groupthink)

He added: “I received at least two strong signs: one I can tell, the other was in the Conclave I can’t speak about – but real signs of the Lord giving me indication ‘he is the one’.”

The Cardinal said that just after a special mass before the Conclave began he came across a couple from Latin America who are friends of his.

He said: “I met them outside the Basilica and I asked: ‘You have the Holy Spirit, can you give me advice for the Conclave that will start in a few hours?’

“And the woman whispered in my ear ‘Bergoglio’, and it hit me really: if these people say Bergoglio, that’s an indication of the Holy Spirit. (!!!)

“And I’m sure many of us have received similar signs during the Conclave, it wouldn’t have been possible to have this election so soon and so rapidly.” (The fact that it was so quick after what happened to Benedict XVI was a sign to me as I awaited the Habemus Papam that something was terribly wrong. When he came out, I wanted to vomit for hours.)

To applause, the Cardinal went on: “You know there is a strange similarity with your Archbishop Justin, I hope so much that they will meet soon.”

Laughing, he added: “I don’t know the secrets of the ‘conclave’ at Lambeth Palace.

“But it looks like a little miracle that he became the Archbishop, so I think the Lord as given us a great sign through these two elections and other signs and what I have deeply in my heart … it is as if he would say to the world ‘come home, I wait for you’.”

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Two guys who like to push women around

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has assaulted two Members of Parliament, one of them a woman.

Trudeau was rushing to ensure Party Whips were in place to usher in euthanasia.  It was also the day that this poseur introduced a Bill to declare transvestites and trans-sexualis as protected under Human Rights when in reality it is perversion and mental illness.

"Get the bleep out of the way" and "a piece of sh*t" he said after charging across the floor or Parliament. Following up on his father's famous "fuddle-duddle" epithet in Parliament a generation ago.

He assaulted a woman Member of Parliament with intent and purpose. That is obvious from the video!
“We knew that the prime minister admired basic Chinese dictatorship but we did not think he would actually emulate it,” snapped Conservative interim leader Rona Ambrose
Keep the boxing in the ring, Dear Leader, and out of my Parliament!

The Prime Minister must resign!

Pius XI or Francis - Whom do you believe?

Whom do you think is correct?

Can they both be?

 States must be secular. Confessional states end badly. That goes against the grain of History. I believe that a version of laicity accompanied by a solid law guaranteeing religious freedom offers a framework for going forward. We are all equal as sons (and daughters) of God and with our personal dignity. However, everyone must have the freedom to externalize his or her own faith*. If a Muslim woman wishes to wear a veil, she must be able to do so. Similarly, if a Catholic wishes to wear a cross. People must be free to profess their faith* at the heart of their own culture not merely at its margins. Francis of Rome, La Croix interview
 Pius XI:
 It would be a grave error, on the other hand, to say that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs, since, by virtue of the absolute empire over all creatures committed to him by the Father, all things are in his power... If We ordain that the whole Catholic world shall revere Christ as King, We shall minister to the need of the present day, and at the same time provide an excellent remedy for the plague which now infects society. We refer to the plague of anti-clericalism, its errors and impious activities. This evil spirit, as you are well aware, Venerable Brethren, has not come into being in one day; it has long lurked beneath the surface. The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected. The right which the Church has from Christ himself, to teach mankind, to make laws, to govern peoples in all that pertains to their eternal salvation, that right was denied. Then gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened to false religions and to be placed ignominiously on the same level with them. Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas

"Little by Little" Rome is being dragged kicking and screaming to accept the Society of St. Pius X!

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Daily News

SSPX’s Bishop Fellay: Little By Little Rome Is Giving Us All We Need for Reconciliation (521)

In a wide-ranging interview with the Register, the leader of the traditionalist priestly society details how Pope Francis has opened the door to the SSPX’s full integration with the Church.

 05/18/2016 Comment
Edward Pentin
Bishop Bernard Fellay
– Edward Pentin
MENZINGEN, Switzerland — Reconciliation between the Society of St. Pius X and Rome looks to be imminent as a key obstacle — opposition to certain aspects of the Second Vatican Council — may no longer be a cause for continued separation from the Church.
Bishop Bernard Fellay, the superior general of the SSPX, told the Register May 13 that he is “persuaded, at least in part, by a different approach,” in which, he believes, Pope Francis is placing less weight on the Council and more emphasis on “saving souls and finding a way to do it.”

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/sspxs-bishop-fellay-little-by-little-rome-is-giving-us-all-we-need-for-reco/#ixzz490PdxdB2

Monday, 16 May 2016

"Fundamental agreement should be established" with SSPX says Pope Francis

It has certainly been coming. What began with Pope Benedict XVI may finally be delivered by Pope Francis. May it be so. May it be so, soon. If any Pope can do this, if only because of his sheer will to do things out of the ordinary, and more than often enough causing us consternation because of it; if any Pope can do this, it is Francis. 

Francis will do it and some may fear it, thinking the Society will compromise. What is happening, in my view, is really quite simple; the Holy Spirit and Our Lady will bring this all together are bringing this all about in spite of the personalities involved. 

Pope Francis has his reasons for doing this, he certainly likes, "dialogue." Bishop Fellay and the other leadership know that it is not healthy to put another generation through the insecurity and isolation - it will not have good long-term effect. For those who fear what Francis or others might do to the Society, in my view, there is nothing which can be done to negatively affect the Society unless they "sell-out" which is not going to happen. They simply would refuse. Good heavens, have you ever met these priests? They are men of God, men of Mary, men of steel!

This is the work of the Holy Spirit right before our eyes. While on one hand we see much in the Church at near collapse, we see the work of the Paraclete actively preserving the Holy Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as I believe He did acting through Msgr. Marcel Lefebvre throughout the 1970's and 80's. The Holy Spirit also gave us Benedict XVI who was and is hated by many for Summorum Pontificum. From countless others, he is loved for this, and more. If they hate Papa Ratzinger for that motu proprio, then they hate the Holy Spirit and Christ Himself. 

As for explaining why Pope Francis seems prepared to reconcile, maybe it's just as simple as he wants to do everything for everybody or maybe its the active work of the Holy Spirit dragging all of them kicking and screaming to what must happen.

La Croix: You received, on the past April 1st, Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior-General of the Society of Saint Pius X. Is the reintegration of the Lefebvrists in the Church once again being considered?
Pope Francis: In Buenos Aires, I always spoke with them. They saluted me, they asked for [my] blessing on their knees. They consider themselves Catholic. They love the Church. Bp. Fellay is a man with whom we can dialogue. It is not the case of other somewhat strange elements, such as Bp. Williamson, or others who have radicalized. I think, as I had expressed in Argentina, that they are Catholics on the path to full communion. During this Year of Mercy, it seemed that I should authorize their confessors to pardon the sin of abortion.[*] They thanked me for this gesture. Before that, Benedict XVI, whom they respect greatly, had liberalized the Mass according to the Tridentine Rite. We dialogue well, we do a good work.
La Croix: Would you be ready to grant them a status of personal prelature?
Pope Francis: It would be a possible solution, but, before, a fundamental agreement should be established with them. The Second Vatican Council has its value. We move forward slowly, with patience.

Cardinal Burke is pretty clear and as Catholic as ever!

Cardinal Burke has given important messages, twice, in the last week.

Above, is an interview, transcribed in part below by John Vennari;

Professor Stark confronts the Cardinal with the announcement of Pope Francis that Amoris Laetitia should be understood according to the explanation of Vienna’s Cardinal Schönborn. When presenting Amoris Laetitia in the Vatican, Schönborn said among other that Amoris Laetitia overcomes an “artificial distinction” between “regular” and “irregular” marriages.
In his reply Cardinal Burke calls Schönborn’s explanation “puzzling”. And: “The distinction between a regular and an irregular union is not artificial at all. It is a reality.”Confusion in Amoris Laetitia 305
Professor Stark refers to Amoris Laetitia 305 which, in the context of persons living in adultery, speaks about “an objective situation of sin – which may not be subjectively culpable”.
Cardinal Burke explains this passage as “a confusion” that has its roots in a wrong understanding of the Catholic teaching on factors, which can diminish the culpability of an individual sinful act. The Cardinal gives examples of such factors such as passion, influence of drugs or undue pressure. But he adds, “That reasoning does not apply to living in public sin.”
Priests should refuse and face the consequences - read the rest at CFN.

Read as well, his talk at Voice of the Family.

This good Cardinal has been maligned by many. That did not happen on this blog. It was my view then, as now, that he is extremely measured and thoughtful and as a Canon lawyer, knows much more than the rest of us about what needs to be said, and when.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Fatima secret not all released - alleged by a friend of Pope Benedict XVI - Secret warned of "a bad Council and a bad Mass"

Maike Hickson  has a blockbuster story today. She spoke personally to Father Ingo Dollinger a close personal friend of Joseph Ratzinger and a former seminary rector in Brazil. 
"Not long after the June 2000 publication of the Third Secret of Fatima by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told Fr. Dollinger during an in-person conversation that there is still a part of the Third Secret that they have not published! “There is more than what we published,” Ratzinger said. He also told Dollinger that the published part of the Secret is authentic and that the unpublished part of the Secret speaks about “a bad council and a bad Mass” that was to come in the near future."
Why did Father Dollinger give this interview today? This was not the first time that he revealed this information as you will read shortly. What does he know about the current state of affairs and Pope Benedict XVI? Does he feel he is soon to die and wants to clear his conscience? Is he, by doing this, attempting to force what can be done in the blogosphere to raise this matter and focus on it demanding action once and for all?  

The late Father Nicholas Gruner spent his life on matters pertaining to Fatima, the Third Secret and the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Many others have also. Books have been written about it and most, with any knowledge of the issues around Fatima, do not believe the truth has been fully released. Even Pope Benedict alluded to this as Hickson states in her article.

Yet, this is not the first time Father Dollinger has spoken out on these matters.

 “…Now after this took place, the German theologian who I am referring to went back to the country in South America where he was Rector of a seminary and he explained to a young priest what Cardinal Ratzinger had related to him. And precisely when he related that Our Lady warned against changing the Mass and there would be an evil Council in the Church, the both of them saw a plume of smoke coming up from the floor. Now it was a marble floor. This could not be anything of a natural phenomenon. Both the young priest and the old German Rector were so impressed they drew up a dossier and sent it to Cardinal Ratzinger.”

The time has come!

The Pope must tell the Catholic faithful the truth.

Has the Third Secret of Fatima been released in its fullness?

Did Heaven, through Our Lady, warn John XXIII about the Council and changing the Mass?

Is this the reason that the full Secret was not then and has not now been released? ("It is not for our time," John XXIII was alleged to have said)

Why did Pope Francis visit Archbishop Loris Capovilla, the 90 plus year-old former Secretary to John XXIII who also present at the opening of the Secret. Why was he made a Cardinal at the last consistory?

If this is true; if this is what the Third Secret of Fatima contained, the implications are catastrophic for the Church. It confirms that the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo Missae was a fraud and a direct attack on the Holy Catholic Church straight out of Hell. It calls into question much of what has been done over the last fifty years! It calls into question the canonisations and beatifications of three Popes!

If Dollinger's claims are legitimate, it explains many things including the renouncement of the Office of Peter by Joseph Ratzinger. Was he planning on going further down the road of truth and disclosure? Was he trying to repair the damage, as Hickson surmises, with Summorum Pontificum and the lifting of the excommunications on the SSPX bishops and more that we are unaware of?  Was he threatened in some way and forced to resign the papacy? Was he driven from Office?

It's time for answers. The salvation of souls is at stake.

If the Pope, Cardinals and Bishops of the Church do not deal with this, Our Lord Jesus Christ will and it won't be a Church of Nice.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Come Down O Love Divine

Come down, O Love Divine and deliver your faithful people from evil men who have set their hands upon Your Holy Church. Send forth Thy Holy Spirit, O LORD and defend the true faith and doctrine given to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ from those who would corrupt it with the stench of this world. Grant us Father, the Holy Spirit that he may bring us the strength of heart and clarity of mind to stand against those wolves, who dressed as shepherds have set out to devour the sheep and that by serving you, O FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT, we may win our own salvation through the blood of Christ and bring others to You, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Coming soon to a Catholic parish near you!

Society of St. Pius X in New Hamburg growing - what is it saying about the Diocese of Hamilton?

New Hamburg is a lovely old Ontario town just west of Kitchener which prior to the great European family fight that killed 20,000,000 was called Berlin; it has a large historical German population.

The Society of St. Pius X purchased an unused elementary school a few years ago and a solid community has grown around it. An old woodshop was converted to a lovely little chapel. They have just announced the purchase of a Martin Luther worship centre, ironically called St. Peter's Lutheran Church, with the intent to turn it into a Catholic Church. 

Congratulations to the Society on this growth and work towards the restoration of the Catholic faith.

The Diocese of Hamilton and its Bishop will be held accountable some day for the hardship of the Catholics in Waterloo, Kitchener and Hamilton.They have had the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite bounced around from parish to parish and from time to time and in Hamilton, to a ridiculous twice per month and wherever, to ridiculous times of day!

Please friends, support the work of Una Voce Hamilton. They are committed and hard-working. They are friends of this writer -- priests and laity; but they have been waging an uphill fight from the get-go with little to no support. At the same time, let us appreciate and pray for the wonderful work being done by the priests of the Society in New Hamburg and Toronto where a third Sunday Mass has also been added even though they are only two kilometers from two Sunday Masses at the Oratory.

The day will come friends, when the Church will apologise for what it did to Marcel Lefebvre. The unjust suspension of the 1970's under Paul VI and excommunication under John Paul II and on that day he will be known as Venerable Marcel Lefebvre and his cause will begin. 

History will look back and agree that the Holy Ghost was working through that great man with the serene countenance. When we look at the realities today, it can no longer be denied.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Si, Si, No, No?

Yes, No, I Don’t Know, You Figure It Out. The Fluid Magisterium of Pope Francis

He never says all that he has in mind, he just leaves it to guesswork. He allows everything to be brought up again for discussion. Thus everything becomes a matter of opinion, in a Church where everyone does what he wants

by Sandro Magister

ROME, May 13, 2016 – How the magisterium of Pope Francis works was explained a few days ago by one of his pupils, Archbishop Bruno Forte. He recounted that during the synod on the family, for which he was special secretary, the pope said to him: 

“If we talk explicitly about communion for the divorced and remarried, you have no idea what a mess these guys will make for us. So let’s not talk about it directly, you get the premises in place and then I will draw the conclusions.”

And so, thanks to this “wise” advice - Forte continued - matters came to “fruition” and the papal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” arrived. In which the reformers have found what they wanted.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

There have never been women deacons, period!

Let's be perfectly clear.

Deacons are men and only men, just as Catholic priests are only men. This is an ontological fact. A Deacon is a liturgical minister to assist the Bishop, that is their origin. It is ontological. It is sacramental. A woman can no more be a Deacon than Bruce Jenner can be a woman.

In the early Church, any women called Deaconesses were the wives of Deacons.

Any role of "service" that they provided was to women being baptised by immersion and to assist in other situations to preserve the modesty and dignity of the woman and the priest or bishop or deacon.

They did not provide Sacraments, unless baptism as any layman can do under an emergency. They did not assist at the Holy Sacrifice any more than any other layman or woman. They did not preach. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant or a liar.

The Church studied the issue under the International Theological Commission in 2002. Women are not deacons. It was reported on then by Zenit, it was no secret. The answer was "No!"

No woman ever wore a dalmatic. If anyone tells you that the fresco of the woman at right praying in the orans position is a deacon and is wearing a dalmatic they are either ignorant or they are a liar. There is no evidence anywhere that a woman was ever "ordained" as a deacon, nor can they be, it is ontologically impossible - they don't have the parts!

Deaconesses were either wives of Deacons or they were holy woman, widows and others who gave their lives for a life of service to Christ and His suffering. They evolved with different charisms and they came to be called Nuns! Deaconesses in the early Church performed no liturgical function. They did not preach at Mass as that would have been a direct violation of St. Paul's own command. 

Holy Orders is priesthood and diaconate, A woman making final vows as a Nun does just that, makes solemn vows. She receives no Sacrament.

Anyone telling you any different is a liar.

If anyone, even a Pope, should come along and attempt to change the nature of the ontological priesthood to include women deacons he will simply be unable to do it because it cannot be done.

And he will be a great deceiver.
