A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Is Jorge Bergoglio skirting around what appears to be a heretical notion on the Holy Eucharist?

In a stunning address to the ecclesial community of the heretic Martin Luther in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio Bishop of Rome came as close as he could to mock the Holy Eucharist and hint at his desire for inter-communion with the heretical Lutherans.  He actually had the temerity to joke about "being scared" before Kasper and that he "dare not say anything more" concluding his diatribe.

Does Jorge Bergoglio believe Catholic dostrine in the Euchar

His remarks are insulting and demeaning to every Catholic who believes in the Body, Blood. Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Holy Eucharist.
He refuses to genuflect at the altar to Christ, truly present yet he can grovel on the floor to wash the feet of a Muslim. Is it his health or does he just not believe? How can it be his health if he can wash feet on the floor. 

Does his belief actually coincide with that of the heretic, Martin Luther? The Lutheran understanding of the Holy Eucharist is not Transubstantiation but consubstantiation, a heretical doctrine attempting as outlined in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
This heretical doctrine is an attempt to hold the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist without admitting Transubstantiation. According to it, the substance of Christ's Body exists together with the substance of bread, and in like manner the substance of His Blood together with the substance of wine. Hence the word Consubstantiation. How the two substances can coexist is variously explained. The most subtle theory is that, just as God the Son took to Himself a human body without in any way destroying its substance, so does He in the Blessed Sacrament assume the nature of bread. Hence the theory is also called "Impanation", a term founded on the analogy of Incarnation. 

Lutheranism is heresy

Lutheran bishops have no apostolic succession. They don't even try to argue the point that they do have it, as Anglicans insist upon doing. Their ministers have no power to consecrate bread and wine to Our Lord's Body and Blood. They do not have the belief, nor the intent to confect the Holy Sacrament, let alone the power.

When the Missal of Paul VI was issued it contained a blatant heresy that was corrected; or was it?
ORIGINAL TEXT OF November 1969 Missal of Paul VI

The Lords Supper or the Mass is the sacred assembly or gathering together of the people of God, under the presidency of a priest, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord. That is why the promise of Christ  : ‘ Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them ’ (Mt 18.20) applies in a special way to this local gathering of Holy Church.


In the Mass or the Lords Supper, the people of God come together, under the presidency of a priest who represents Christ, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord or Eucharistic sacrifice. That is why the promise of Christ  : Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Mt 18.20) applies in a special way to this local gathering of Holy Church. For in the celebration of the Mass, in which the sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated, Christ is really present in the very community which has gathered in His name, in the person of the minister, in His Word, and indeed substantially and continuously under the Eucharistic species.

Does the Bishop of Rome believe the heresy of the Preface to the Missal of Paul VI, the Novus Ordo Missae? It was corrected, did he acknowledge the correction or does he subscribe to the heresy?
The Eucharist is not a "supper!" It is the Propitiatory Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary brought forward in time and re-presented in an unbloody manner on the Altar. 

Does the Pope believe this or not?

Bergoglio of Rome is telling this woman to deal with it as her conscience dictates. If he is telling her to approach for Holy Communion what is the doctrinal basis for this? What does this say about where he intends to take the Church? Is he giving us yet another clue of what he intends to do as a follow-up to the recent Synod?

Jorge Bergoglio, stop this insanity. You are the Bishop of Rome! You are creating division and anxiety amongst the Catholic faithful. You are creating confusion. You are playing with heresy. You have told this woman to commit sacrilege. 

Step back from the brink of heresy

Bergloglio is on the verge of heresy. History will condemn him.

Is this enough for Bishops and Cardinals to intervene?

Now, read below all of his words in answer to a question by a woman in a “mixed” marriage where she referred to "the hurt we've felt together due to [their] difference of faith" and asked about their ability "to finally participate together in Communion."

The question on sharing the Lord’s Supper isn’t easy for me to respond to, above all in front of a theologian like Cardinal Kasper – I’m scared! I think of how the Lord told us when he gave us this mandatum to “do this in memory of me,” and when we share the Lord’s Supper, we recall and we imitate the same as the Lord. And there will be the Lord’s Supper in the final banquet in the new Jerusalem – it’ll be there! But that will be the last one… in the meantime, I ask myself and don’t know how to respond – what you’re asking me, I ask myself the question. To share the Lord’s banquet: is it the goal of the path or is it the viaticum [etym. “to accompany you on the journey”] for walking together? I leave that question to the theologians and those who understand.
 It’s true that in a certain sense, to share means that there aren’t differences between us, that we have the same doctrine – underscoring that word, a difficult word to understand. But I ask myself: but don’t we have the same Baptism? If we have the same Baptism, shouldn’t we be walking together? And you’re a witness of a likewise profound journey, a journey of marriage: itself a journey of family and human love and of a shared faith, no? We have the same Baptism.
 When you feel yourself a sinner – and I’m much more of a sinner – when your husband feels he’s sinned, you go forward to the Lord and ask forgiveness; your husband does the same and also goes to the priest and asks absolution, [thus] I’m healed and kept alive in my Baptism. When you pray together, that Baptism grows, becomes stronger. When you teach your kids who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come? What did Jesus do for us?, you’re doing the same thing, whether in the Lutheran language or the Catholic one, but it’s the same.
 The question [Pope draws question mark with his finger]…. The supper? There are questions that only if one is sincere with oneself and the little theological light one has, must be responded to on one’s own. See for yourself. This is my body. This is my blood. Do it in remembrance of me – this is a viaticum that helps us to journey on.
 I once had a great friendship with a bishop who went a little wrong – 48 years old, he married [then had] two children. This made for great discomfort in him – a Catholic wife, Catholic children, him a bishop. He accompanied them on Sunday, his wife and children, to Mass, and then went to worship with his community…. It was a step toward his participation in the Lord’s Supper. Then he went forward, then the Lord called him [to realize] “I’m not right.”
 I can only respond to your question with a question: what can I do with my husband that the Lord’s Supper might accompany me on my path? It’s a problem that each must answer [for themselves], but a pastor-friend once told me that “We believe that the Lord is present there, he is present” – you believe that the Lord is present. And what's the difference? There are explanations, interpretations, but life is bigger than explanations and interpretations. Always refer back to your baptism – one faith, one baptism, one Lord: this Paul tells us; and then consequences come later.
 I would never dare to give permission to do this, because it’s not my own competence. One baptism, one Lord, one faith. Talk to the Lord and then go forward. [Pauses] And I wouldn't dare – I don’t dare say anything more.

Good plan not to say "anything more." 

You've said quite enough!

What France was, she must become again. There is simply no other "Way"

Jesus par la France.jpg

Pope St. Pius X

The allocution Vi Ringrazio (Nov. 29, 1911)9

“What shall I say to you now, dear sons of France, who groan beneath the weight of persecution? The people who made an alliance with God at the baptismal font of Rheims will repent and return to its first vocation. Her faults will not remain unpunished, but she will never perish, the daughter of so many merits, so many sighs, and so many tears.

A day will come, and we hope it will not be far, when France, like Saul on the road to Damascus, will be surrounded by a heavenly light and will hear a voice repeating to her, “My daughter, why do you persecute me?” And to her response, “Who art thou, Lord?” the voice will reply, “I am Jesus, whom you persecute. It is hard for you to kick against the goad, because, in your obstinacy, you destroy yourself.” And she, trembling and astonished, will say, “Lord, what wouldst thou have me do?” And He will say, “Rise up, wash the filth that has disfigured you, awaken in your heart those dormant affections and the pact of our alliance and go, eldest daughter of the Church, predestined nation, vessel of election, go, as in the past, and carry my name before all peoples and before the kings of the earth.”

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hamilton, Ontario Bishop and President of CCCB Crosby owes an explanation to Catholics about the anti-Catholic activity of his employee

Douglas Crosby, Bishop of Hamilton, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and former Pastor at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Ottawa, a parish that continuously dissents on Catholic teaching has on staff a rather interesting employee.

KW Tradtional Catholic writes:

Did you know the Diocese of Hamilton has an Office of Justice and Peace? We even have a coordinator for it. I don't know if it's a full time position, part time, or volunteer, but I assume full time. What's the compensation package for a chancery office coordinator? I'd guess somewhere between $40K-$50K salary plus benefits, vacation, travel expenses (to attend social justice conferences, trips to the Vatican, etc) office expenses, etc. So the collection baskets in the diocese fork out around $60,000/yr for this role. Does anyone know what a justice and peace diocesan coordinator does all day?

Sarah Guinta is our Justice and Peace Coordinator. She graduated from the University of Guelph three years ago with a degree in Political Economy and Administrative Change. Previous work experience at Me To We and AIESEC Canada. I'd guess her age in the mid-twenties. I have no idea what the skill set or experience level for a diocesan justice and peace coordinator are but let's assume Sarah's qualified for this position, whatever it's suppose to do for us. 

After some googling and browsing on employment websites, I could not find any advertisements for this position. Were there other candidates? This is all I could find, the announcement of her hiring in September 2015. I'm not sure who does the hiring at the Diocese of Hamilton Chancery Office, but do they check potential new employee's social media accounts?

For the rest visit:


But put your coffee down, lest you ruin your keyboard.





Will we always have Paris?

Will we always have Paris? Or will it be lost to a deranged underclass of evil and political response to it that will betray its exalted liberty? We have in Paris, a mass murder committed by Muslims. May those murdered rest in peace, may the Muslims who did this receive Divine Justice.

The truth is, Paris was lost over two hundred years ago. It was lost with the persecution of the Church. It was lost with regicide. It was lost when the whore of man called, "reason" was put upon the Altar of God in Notre-Dame Basilica. It was lost at the War on the Vendée and the Martyrs of  Compiègne.

France made its choice in 1789. The King of France made his choice a century earlier by failing to consecrate France to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus setting in motion what we had last night in Paris. What does it say for us today and the refusal of the Pope and Bishops to follow Our Lady's request?

This will happen again and again and no words from Cameron or Obama or Hollande will come to the solution. As for Trudeau, well, he's just not ready in more ways than one. Trudeau is a curse upon Canada. Islam is a curse upon the earth.  

There is no "moderate Islam." This is the real Islam and it is how the Christian world from Persia the rest of the Middle East and across northern Africa was destroyed. Europe was invaded numerous times. It took hundreds of years to push the Mohammedan hordes back and now Britain and Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States invite them in. 

Of course, there are good Muslims, but let us be clear; if they are good and peaceful it is not because of their religion, it is in spite of it. 

They can yell that their "god is great." He is not, their god is Satan, no matter what Father Thomas J. Rosica has to say about their call to war and mass murder not being that at all. He is not expert and he knows nothing of what he speaks. They do not worship the One, True God. They worship the devil. What we see now is the real Islam. Rosica and Vatican II's nuanced statements are wrong.

Islam is a curse upon the earth. It, together with the sodomite and lesbian agenda, are twin curses upon the earth because the True God has removed his protective hand because we have turned from Him. 

In 2006 in Regensburg Germany, Pope Benedict XIV quoted Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos saying:
"Show me just want Muhammed brought that was new and there you will find things only bad and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
The Emperor lived from 1391 to 1425, he knew well what it was he was speaking of because he had to live with it. 

The current occupant of the Chair of Peter, whilst Archbishop of Buenos Aires responded saying, 
"Pope Benedict's statements don't reflect my own opinions; ... these statements will serve to destroy in twenty seconds the careful construction of a relationship with Islam that Pope John Paul II built over the last twenty years." 
The statement today by the Vatican is more of the same.
“We are shocked by this new manifestation of maddening, terrorist violence and hatred which we condemn in the most radical way together with the Pope and all those who love peace,” Holy See press office director Fr. Federico Lombardi said in a statement. “We pray for the victims and the wounded, and for all the French people. This is an attack on peace for all humanity, and it requires a decisive, supportive response on the part of all of us as we counter the spread the homicidal hatred in all of its forms.”
This is a statement of Masonic origin. It is a betrayal of Truth as found in Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no mention of him. The words nothing more or less than what any secularist leader would say. It is not what the Church should say.  It is bile and shows the fundamental fundamental problem, the bishops and popes of the true Church of Christ have bought in to the world and diplomacy and international brotherhood as stated in equality, fraternity and liberty. It is a lie and these men will be held accountable for it. 

Whom do you think was more accurate; Jorge Bergoglio? Federico Lombardi? How about St. John Bosco:
“It would take too long to tell you all the stories about this famous impostor (…) Mohamed’s religion consists of a monstrous mixture of Judaism, Paganism and Christianity. Mohamed propagated his religion, not through miracles or persuasive words, but through the force of arms. [It is] a religion that favors every sort of licentiousness and which, in a short time, allowed Mohamed to become the leader of a troop of brigands. Along with them he raided the countries of the East and conquered the people, not by introducing the Truth, not by miracles or prophecy; but for one reason only: to raise his sword over the heads of the conquered shouting: believe or die.” 
What must happen is for Europe, Canada, America, Australia, etc., to return to the faith of its fathers, The answer is not in no religion, the answer is in true religion. Nature abhors a vacuum and so does evil. If evil, in this case, the false religion of Islam, meets no resistance of Truth, it will fill the vacuum of no religion that has permeated throughout what was once called, Christendom. 

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was right about most things. He said it two decades ago. He was mocked for most of the last part of his life. He has been right about most things. No less here.

Because the immigration polices of the West and the lie of multiculturalism has happened and it was combined with a self-hatred of our Catholic heritage and declining birth-rate, it may now be too late. What may happen is a restriction of liberty, internment of whole classes of people and mass deportation. Are we ready for that? 

Muslims of good will who wish to live in peace must, must root out this evil, extremist, Islamist ideology. it must be terminated in every way.

The short-term response is military. They must be hunted down and killed whether in Paris, Toronto or Syria. There is justifiable killing. 

Unless the Catholic Church starting with the Pope preaches to the world that only through Our Lord Jesus Christ can true peace be found then this will continue and get worse. How much more of this will need to happen before people wake up? 

God help us.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Pervert Protector and Bergoglio confidant and Masonic guest speaker Godfried Danneels lectures Africans not to be too Catholic - proves himself a racist in the same way as Kasper

Leader of St. Gallen mafia club Danneels, second from left
In a statement that has racialist overtones hearkening back to the days of Belgian colonialism in Africa, the pervert-protecting Godfried Danneels, heresiarch confidant of Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome has today lectured African Catholic not to be too Catholic.

During a question-answer interview in Vatican Insider, this episcopal failure advises Africans to "steer clear of triumphalism," because clearly, he is qualified to give advice. Maybe a little "triumphalism" would have been a good think in a land that in twenty years or less will have few Catholics and be overrun by Mohammedans.

Old European racialist colonisers
Danneels protected a sodomite bishop and chastised the victim that came to him for help, the actual nephew of the sodomite episcopal pervert. He lobbied the King of Belgium, for what he is worth, to back abortion and was a player behind the election of Jorge Bergoglio and the "St. Gallen mafia club." 

He calls any idea that the growing and vibrant Church in Africa might lead the way to evangelise a dying European culture as nothing more than "ecclesiastical politics." More of the same European racialist, arrogant, obnoxious attitude that cause close Bergoglio advisor and heresiarch advocate of Holy Communion for adulterers to state, "These Africans should not tell us too much what to do."

May Danneels live many, many years so that he can witness the destruction that will come upon Western Europe in general and Belgium in particular due to his dereliction of duty and zeal for Christ and the Truth. He has no courage to convert the Mohammedans. He'll be lucky to survive the first wave of Belgian beheadings.

He will get his reward.

Bishop of Rome Bergoglio and Danneels at the Synod on the Family

The entire interview can be read at:
Some say that the salvation of Catholicism can only come from “healthy” African Churches that are doctrinally robust compared to the “decaying” Churches of the West. Starting with you Belgians…
“Some African bishops tell us: you are pagans. You wiped everything out. But I remember Belgium being full of vocations, there were huge seminaries and novitiates being built up until the 60s. Christian families did everything they could to give their children a sense of belonging in the Church. But we started seeing the faith dwindling in boys and girls aged 17-20. This wounded them it caused great suffering. Is it right to say it was their fault and that the parents were not goof Christians? No, that’s not the case. The act of becoming Christians and persevering in the faith remains a mystery and is not the result of some educational or sociological mechanism. It seems to me that all the talk about “robust” Churches that should save the rest of Catholicism, is for the purpose of ecclesiastical politics. The abstractness of it is striking.” What abstractness?
“European Churches have been overrun by the effects of secularisation that have also led to rising individualism. But this very individualism could reach Africa sooner or later: that phenomenon that sees people thinking of themselves as individuals  rather than as members of a group, a community, or a mass. It is possible that the crisis we have had will spread there too, with all that this entails. Africans may also experience a situation similar to ours. Then they might call us up to see how we dealt with it. To get some useful tips.” And what advice would you give them?
“I have always acknowledged that perhaps God drove us towards a sort of new “Babylonian exile”  in order to teach us to be more humble and realise that the Church can only live and grow with the strength of Christ’s Grace. So I would always advise everyone to steer clear of all forms of triumphalism and claims to self-sufficiency. Whoever thinks they are standing, should watch out they do not fall.”

Sodomitical heretic Dominican Adriano Oliva

Further to the article below, on December 14, 2015, five young Dominicans rebuked this malefactor. I thank a reader for bringing it to my attention.


Five Dominicans shred fellow Order member’s claim that Aquinas endorses ‘homosexual love’

December 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Five Dominicans, four friars and one sister, have jointly published a short but sharp refutation of the thesis of another son of Saint Dominic, Fr Adriano Oliva, who has published a book claiming that homosexual love justifies homosexual acts even though plain sodomy is still a grave sin. His sophistry is put bare by Fr. Bernhard Blankenhorn, Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste and Fr. Efrem Jindráček, all of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the “Angelicum” in Rome) and Fr. Dominic Legge and Fr. Thomas Joseph White of the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. Their text was published on Friday by First Things.

The Order of Preachers has long since ceased to be Catholic. Any man who remains a priest in this rotten Order of Perverts is a fool.  

Prominent Dominican publishes book claiming Thomas Aquinas said homosexuality is ‘natural’
Nov. 12, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - A Dominican friar, Fr. Adriano Oliva, has celebrated the 800th anniversary of his religious order with a book about “the Church, the divorced and remarried, and homosexual couples.”
Image result for Fr. Adriano OlivaAmours (“Loves”) is a study of St Thomas Aquinas’ definition of love and aims to show that the “Angelic Doctor” recognized the “natural” character of homosexuality. In the wake of the Synod on the family, Oliva pleads for new ways of welcoming divorced and remarried and homosexual couples into the Church and of recognizing their unions in civil law.
His editor, the “editions du Cerf” publishing house, is the historic Dominican editor in France, founded at the request of Pope Pius XI in 1929. It still functions under religious supervision.
Fr. Oliva's subjectivist distortion – one might even say prostitution – of St Thomas’ teachings cannot be set aside as the very marginal ravings of an isolated individual. Fr Oliva is a prominent representative of the religious Order of Preachers – and teachers. 
“The highest of friendships: this is how St Thomas Aquinas calls the unique, faithful and gratuitous love between two spouses who give themselves to each other in consecrated union, as a sacramental sign of the love of Christ for the Church, His spouse. Should couples who are divorced and remarried, who live out their union in a responsible manner, be banned from this friendship? Could it be that homosexual persons, who live as a couple with responsibility, be banned?” reads the text accompanying the book on the Cerf’s web-shop.
It goes on: “Does a theological assessment of the ‘naturality’ of the homosexual inclination, which St Thomas recognizes, not open the doors to new ways of welcoming same-sex couples within the Church? The anthropology of ‘naturality’ then demands that civil rights be accorded to such couples in national legislations.”

De Mattei: The Pharisees and Sadducees of our time

There are many in the Church today who talk of "Pharisees." It's a tactic right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The so-called "theologians," neo-Cath commentators, tweeting priests, bishops and even the Bishop of Rome himself have used these tactics against simple Catholics who believe what the Church has always taught. They speak of "change" and moving "forward" and if one opposes their Marxist and Masonic, anti-Christ, modernist, ideological and heretical agenda, they target the person for attack. This writer knows well the evil these men are capable of. 

Fundamentally, they are liars, have no faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and they are bullies. The way to counter them is to use every tool and fight back. Out them. Expose them. Call them out as the liars and betrayers they are. How vile and putrid are these malefactors, these priests and bishops, many of them Freemasons and sodomites bent on the destruction of the One, True, Faith. They hate Our Lord Jesus Christ. They hate you.

Yet, there is a victory in Trier, Germany - just now. An elderly priest, Father Adolf Mohr, 86, has died, May he rest in peace. His will included the request for a Requiem Mass according to the traditional liturgy. Heresiarch Stephen Ackermann denied it. The push-back of Catholics through blogs, Twitter and email caused Heresiarch Ackermann to change his mind. Ackermann is an example of:

The Pharisees and Sadducees of our time

by Roberto de Mattei

Criticism of the "Pharisees" is often found in the words of Pope Francis. In numerous speeches 2013-2015 he has spoken on the "disease of the Pharisees" (September 7, 2013), "accusing Jesus of not honoring the Sabbath day" (April 1, 2014), from the "temptation of self-sufficiency and  clericalism, that codifying of faith in rules and instructions, like the scribes, the Pharisees and the lawyers of the time of Jesus" (September 19, 2014). During Angelus of 30 August 2015, he said: "As  then for  the Pharisees there is also for us the danger that we order, or worse: to consider ourselves better than the other based solely on the fact that we keep the rules, the customs,  even if we do not love our neighbor, are hard of heart, proud and arrogant. "On November 8, 2015, he compared   the attitude of the scribes and the Pharisees and their "exclusion", to Jesus, who was based in "inclusion." The reference to the Pharisees is equally evident in the speech in which the Pope concluded last October 24  for the XIV. Ordinary Synod on the Family. Who else are the "closed heart, who often hide behind even the teachings of the Church or behind  good intentions to sit  in the chair of Moses and - sometimes condescendingly and with superficiality - to address  the difficult cases and the injured Families,"  if not "the Pharisees, who made ​​religion to an infinite chain of commandments (June 26, 2014)?" Pharisees seem to be anyone who defend with stubborn pride, the existence of absolute and incontrovertible commandments, laws, rules of the Church.

Who Were the Pharisees Really?

Who were the Pharisees really? When Jesus began his teaching years, the Jewish world was divided into different currents, about which we are told from the Gospels, among historians, like Flavius Josephus (3 -100 AD.) in his works "Antiquities of the Jews" and "History of the Jewish War ". The main sects were those of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. The Pharisees were concerned with the details of the religious rules, but had lost the spirit of truth. They were arrogant men who forged the prophecies about the Messiah and interpreted the divine law  according to their opinions. The Sadducees taught even more serious mistakes. They doubted the immortality of the soul and rejected the majority of the Holy Scriptures. Both were fighting for power in the Sanhedrin, who, when Jesus was condemned, was led by the Sadducees.

The Sadducees are even mentioned by Mark and Matthew three times, while the Pharisees occur repeatedly in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.  Chapter 23 of St. Matthew in particular, is an open accusation against them: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Your tithe mint, anise and cumin, and left the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faithfulness. One must do the one thing without neglecting the others."

The St. Thomas Aquinas, Augustine and Bonaventure about the Pharisees

St. Thomas Aquinas explains in his commentary on this passage of Matthew that the Pharisees were not condemned by the Lord because they paid a tithe, "but only because they valued the lower more than  the spiritual commandments. But [deliver the tithe] in practice he seems to praise it, saying: 'These things shall be done' (Haec oportuit facere) according to the law, as Chrisostomos adds (Summa Theologica, II-IIae, q 87,. a. 2 ad 3).

St. Augustine said, referring to the Pharisees, of which St. Luke writes (18:10 to 14), that he has not been convicted of his works, but because he has boasted of his alleged sanctity (Epistola 121,1,3).  St. Augustine explains the same in his letter to Casulanus that the Pharisee was not condemned because he fasted (Luke 18,11ff), but "because he was inflamed in pride over the publicans" (Epistola 36,4,7). Because it is "fruitless for a man to fast twice during the week as the Pharisees, on the other hand, yet it is an exercise of religion in a  believer who is humble or  one who is a faithfully humble man  when Scripture does not say that the Pharisees had been condemned, but rather that the tax collector was justified." (Epistola 36,4,7).

The most concise definition of the Pharisees is found from St. Bonaventure: "Pharisaeus significat illos qui propter opera exteriora se reputant bonos; et ideo non habent lacrymas compunctionis" (De S. Mary Magdalene Sermo I, in: Opera omnia, Ad Claras Aquas, Florence 2001 Vol IX, col 556b..). "A Pharisees is described as one who thinks of themselves good because of their outer works  and therefore has no tears of penitence."

Pharisees were Proud Conservatives, the Sadducees Unbelieving Liberals

Jesus condemned the Pharisees because he knew their hearts: they were sinners, but considered themselves holy. The Lord wanted to teach his disciples that the external fulfillment of good works is not enough. That which is a good act is not only so in its own property, but the intention. Nevertheless, if it is true that good works are not enough, if good intentions are lacking, as it is also true that the good intentions are not enough, if good works are missing.   Gamaliel, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea (Antiquities of the Jews 20.9.1), and even St. Paul (Acts 23.6) who belonged to the party of the Pharisees, were better than that of the Sadducees, precisely because they, despite their hypocrisy, acclaimed the laws, while the Sadducees, from whose ranks the high priests Annas and Caiaphas came (Jewish Antiquities 18.35.95), also disregarded this.

The Pharisees were proud conservatives, the Sadducees unbelieving liberals. But both unified rejection of the divine mission of Jesus (Mt 3.7 to 10).

Who are the Pharisees and the Sadducees of our time? We can give an answer to this with quiet certainty. There are those who have tried before, during and after the Synod and will try to change the practice of the Church and through the practice of their teaching, on the family and marriage.

Pharisees and Sadducees rejected the divine teachings of Jesus

Jesus proclaimed the indissolubility of marriage as God had thought from the beginning, and she founded this on the restoration of the natural law, from which the Jews had removed, and strengthened them by the raising of marriage to a Sacrament. Pharisees and Sadducees rejected this doctrine by denying the divine Word of Jesus and introducing their own opinion. They appealed disingenuously to the law of Moses, as the innovators of our time invoked an alleged tradition of the early centuries, by falsifying the history and doctrine of the Church.

For this reason, a brave bishop and defender of the true faith, Monsignor Athanasius Schneider, speaks of a "neo-Mosaic practice". "The new disciples of Moses and the new Pharisees in the two most recent Synodal Assemblies (2014 and 2015) have veiled their practical denial of the indissolubility of marriage and their occasionally lifting the Sixth Commandment under the guise of charity, by expressions like  'way of distinction,' 'accompaniment', 'orientation by the bishop ', 'dialogue with the priest', 'internal forum', 'a more complete integration into the life of the Church' which are used to eliminate the accountability [in the law] of cohabitation in cases of irregular connections as much as possible (see. Relatio finalis, no. 84-86). "

The Pharisees and Sadducees of Today

The Sadducees are the innovators who openly claim to overcome the doctrine and practice of the Church. The Pharisees are those who, although they confess the indissolubility of marriage with  their mouths, still hypocritical deny it  by their deeds, by proposing a "from-a-case-by-case" - transgression of the moral law.

The real disciples of Jesus Christ belong to neither the Party of neo-Pharisees nor the party of neo-Sadducees, both modernist, but follow the school of St. John the Baptist, who preached in the spiritual desert of his time. The Baptist was, when he denounced the Pharisees and Sadducees as a "generation of vipers" (Mt 3,7) and admonished Herod Antipas for his adultery, not hard-hearted, but moved by love for God and for souls. Hypocrites and Hardhearted were the advisers of Herod Antipas, who wanted to bring his sinful and unrepentant loose life in harmony with the teaching of Scripture.  Herod had John the Baptist executed to bring the voice of truth to silence, but the voice of the forerunner is  still audible 20 centuries later. Whoever defends sound doctrine publicly, does not follow the example of the Pharisees and Sadducees, but the example of St. John the Baptist and Our Lord. 

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

Thursday, 12 November 2015

When prominent, intellectual priests in the public square now say that Francis is trying to "change" the Church, you'd better believe it!

This blogger and others have been saying it for days, weeks, months, some of us even nearly three years. We have given examples of what those closest to the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, have said. We have even finding obscure videos of their talks which disclose much. Whether Thomas Rosica, CSB and his unattributed use of a "professional theologian" comments that "that doctrine changes pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge" to "Uncle Teddy" Cardinal Mccarrick's "powerful and influential Roman" who tells him, that Bergoglio "could put us back on track" and instructs him to "talk him up" we have been consistent in our warnings. 

Jorge Bergoglio is trying to change the Church and do it by changing doctrine through changing practice.

Now, the  intellectually and highly respected and doctrinally sound priest-journalist Father Raymond J. de Souza of the Archdiocese of Kingston in Canada and columnist with the Catholic Register and the National Post, is saying the same thing. While he says it with more diplomacy and nuance, make no no mistake, the implication is clear. When it gets to the point that a priest such as Fr. de Souza can write what he has today, then you must know that something is gravely wrong.

Father de Souza says it quite boldly, "He (Francis) strongly suggested that he did not agree with the tradition taught by St. John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio or Benedict XVI in Sacramentum Caritatis.

Considering that those two paramount documents are consistent with the teaching of the the Ordinary Magisterium, which is infallible when it concerns faith and morals reiterating the constant, unchanging, consistent, traditional, historical and universal teaching of the popes and bishops through two-thousand years to do otherwise is simply, heretical. 

Are we beginning to see the storm that will come upon this Bishop of Rome should he contradict his two predecessors and two-thousand years of Truth? Are we on the verge of a Christological heresy? 

Is Jorge Bergoglio prepared to create the greatest crisis in the Church since the Arian heresy of the fourth century?

Does he really want history to be an unkind judge?

Francis has steadily prepared the Church for change. It’s foolish to ignore the signs

The synod on the family is over. The Church now awaits what Pope Francis will decide. Those who argued at the synod for maintaining the traditional discipline on admission to the sacraments for the civilly divorced and remarried must be ready for the Holy Father to decide differently.He has steadily prepared the Church for just that. It would be foolish to ignore the signs.
After much back and forth, the synod decided to follow almost exactly what Pope Francis said in his general audience of August 5, during which he strongly suggested that he did not agree with the tradition taught by St John Paul in Familiaris Consortio (1981) and confirmed by Benedict XVI in Sacramentum Caritatis (2007).
He did not explicitly contradict it, and neither did the synod. But he quoted the relevant texts without affirming their definitive conclusion and the synod did the same.
Does silence on John Paul’s formulation token assent? Or does it mean that the traditional teaching is being left aside?
The rest can be read at:

Fomenter of Something

As you've probably read by now, Bishop of Rome Bergoglio delivered a nearly hour-long address in Florence. Coupled with yesterday's audience statement on the Eucharist, bread and that "all" are to be included, it gives a not so subtle or subliminal message as to where he is going. If where he is going is in to heresy and Eucharistic sacrilege , I will not follow.

It was a "forceful" address, we are told; emphasizing that the "Catholic Church must change." The Catholic Church will never "change!" She cannot "change." This is a heretical notion that it must "change." This "change" is nothing more than political, Marxist bile - do you remember Obama and "change we can believe in?" "Change" and "forward" - two words used by revolutionaries to push their agenda. 

While in Florence, the Bishop of Rome visited a food bank. I always understood from Scripture that you do not "let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" and that you do these good things in "secret" so as not to seek the praise of the world. The whole Vatican press office is nothing more than a screed machine of propaganda that would have made Goebbels himself jealous. No pope ever before took a bus, or carried a briefcase or visited the poor, "ostentatious humility" as someone recently stated. Poppycock!

As for the Florence talk, it was a typical jumbled mishmash of jesuitical gibberish that we have been cursed with these nearly three long and tumultuous years. Much of it came from that lutheresque curse of environmental waste, Evangelii Gaudium, ghost-written by the archbishop of kissing, Heresiarch Fernandez. author of Heal Me With Your Mouth. Pure and utter bile, on all counts.

The most stunning statements delivered in this Peronist Papacy are these:
"We are not living an era of change but a change of era.”
Spoken like a true Freemason. A "change of era," a "new world order." What a pile of dung. "fomenter of coprophagia" he has said of some; well, if the anything but red shoe fits. The only "change of era" will come after the LORD strikes down the Antichrist and his False Prophet and we enter the time of peace prophesised by Our Blessed Lady when Russia and the entire world is converted through Her Immaculate Heart. However, since this is not what he referred to, nor is it even hinted at, then we must assume that he means something else. If the Church needs to "change" it is to change from the wrong direction It has been on under these modernists for the last sixty plus years.
“Before the problems of the church it is not useful to search for solutions in conservatism or fundamentalism, in the restoration of obsolete conduct and forms that no longer have the capacity of being significant culturally,”
This statement is so blatantly upside down as to be diabolical. It is only through a return to the fundamental roots of our faith found in unchanging tradition that our future lay. It is, in fact, through what he sees as "obsolete conduct and forms" that will lead to any "restoration" of the Truth and Faith of Our Fathers. He has used the word "restorationist" in a derogatory sense on numerous occasions. One only need to recall his statements on those who presented him with the humble gift of a Spiritual Bouquet to experience his thoughts. Outright insult to the simple, humble gesture of Catholic faithful.

He continued that:  
"The reform of the Church then, and the church is semper reformanda … does not end in the umpteenth plan to change structures, It means instead grafting yourself to and rooting yourself in Christ, leaving yourself to be guided by the Spirit—so that all will be possible with genius and creativity."
It is "us" that require endless reformation, not the Church. It is we who must be reformed and conformed to Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is His Mystical Bride and cannot be "reformed." What must be "reformed" are the modernist notions and liturgical banalities, the false hermeneutic, the errors of the last sixty years and that which lead to these. What "spirit" is he talking about? I wrote in the post below what comes from the Holy Spirit. If what we experience is the opposite of the "coolness in heat" and the "warming of the chill" and the "sweet repose" then it is not the Holy Spirit, it is a spirit from another places. These people blaspheme. 

Please, if it is out of my simple ignorance that I cannot understand what this man is saying and I am wrong, tell me; but my Catholic heart has not betrayed me yet. Nor has it betrayed Barona who has smoked out the comments from our friends Rosica, Beck, Spadaro and Martin.

Be at peace friends. It is all coming out in the open. What some of us have known since March 2013, is rapidly being made known to many. The desire to vomit, the cold chills, they were for a reason.

Fill your lamps.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Like lambs to the slaughter, we are being set-up

Reading deeply into the Bishop of Rome's speech yesterday together with Barona, it became clear, that we are being set up for something. Yesterday, he returned to consistent themes of name-calling and setting up those who believe in Catholic doctrine and truth and ritual as Pelagians. Louie Verrecchio has written with clarity and gets right to the heart of the matter in his post, Francis reveals content of upcoming Apostolic Exhortation.

Never before in our lifetime and maybe not in history have we seen a pope create an environment of havoc, distress and confusion such as we have now.

If we consider for a moment some of the words of the great hymn to the Holy Spirit, Veni Creator Spiritus or the Sequence Veni, Sancte Spiritus, we see what the Holy Spirit brings. coolness in heat, warmth in chill, solace in grief, sweet relief. He is "sweet unction and true love" a "living spring." The Holy Spirit brings wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. 

Nowhere does He bring strife, confusion, distress or heresy. He cannot at the same time do one and the other - He cannot oppose the Law of Noncontradiction. Just as Our Lord said, that "Satan cannot cast out Satan" the Holy Spirit cannot contradict, the Holy Spirit.

Today, at his audience, the Bishop of Rome said this:

Pope Francis - AFP

Dear Brothers and Sisters:  In our continuing catechesis on the family, today we consider the importance of togetherness.  Sitting at table for the family dinner, sharing our meal and the experiences of our day, is a fundamental image of togetherness and solidarity.  Because Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a meal, there is a close relationship between families and the Mass.  The togetherness we experience in our families is meant, in the family of the Church, to extend to all as a sign of God’s universal love.  In this way the Eucharist becomes a school of inclusion, in which we learn to be attentive to the needs of everyone.  Sadly, the family meal, this great symbol of togetherness, is disappearing in some societies.  Food itself, the very sign of our sharing with other, is wantonly wasted in some places, while our brothers and sisters go hungry in others.  The Eucharist reminds us that our bread is meant to be shared with all.  May our families, and the entire Church, be signs of togetherness and solidarity for the good of the whole human family, especially during the coming Jubilee of Mercy.
It is there for all to see. Something is coming on the matter of reception of Holy Communion.

Yet, to now; he has done nothing. He has changed no doctrine. He has changed no practice, though he is telling us something. He is telling us what he wants to do. Whether he does it or not remains to be seen.

There is no sense getting too worked up about "what if" unless and until it becomes reality. Keep your cool. Pray and take courage.

Remember, Our Blessed Lord said that the "Gates of Hell will not prevail." He did not say that Hell will not attack the Church in an all out effort to destroy Her.

If the worst comes, there will be true Shepherds who will emerge and speak with clarity. 


On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Father Raymond J. de Souza of the Archdiocese of Kingston has written:
