A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Edward Pentin: "Is the Synod Secretariat Stacking the Deck Again?"

Edward Pentin with Pope Benedict XVI
If the name Edward Pentin is not familiar to you, it will be. When Cardinal Kasper made his infamous quip during last October's Synod on the Family about Africans, that they "should not tell us too much what to do" it was to Edward Pentin. You may recall that Kasper then denied the comment and after admitting to it tried to discredit the journalist. Quite the act of charity by a Prince of the Church, it was.

Pentin has spent over a decade working, monitoring, reporting and consulting on the Vatican and Catholic issues. This is a respected journalist and his work has been in such publications as The Sunday Times, Newsweek, Foreign Affairs, Newsmax and the National Catholic Register as well as appearances on a range of broadcasters. 

Pentin's credibility has never been questioned except by this German Cardinal. Kasper, you'll recall, has for over a year under this Pope received special consideration for his "mercy" philosophy notwithstanding his mostly heterodox views on marriage and the Eucharist that puts him at odds with St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the Church's doctrine only to be lauded by Francis. 

Pentin has reported in the National Catholic Register of what appears to be the beginning of a stacking of the deck for this October's Ordinary Synod on the Family, the second part to the disaster we faced last October.

He has done the research and provides the documentation at the link below. Two of note are a Synod appointee with links to Kasper, and a professor intent on reforming the image and theology of the reprimanded Teilard de Chardin.  Next we have an underling of Archbishop Bruno Forte, the author of the homosexualist innovation in the Relatio Report and a Jesuit professor who advocates "sharing" of the Eucharist. 

Pentin's article is a must-read and a call-to-action if we can borrow that phrase for what lies ahead of all of us.

As some point, we are not going to be able to hold back any longer and we might be keen to ask, "Holy Father, what are your intentions?"

http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/is-the-synod-secretariat-stacking-the-deck-again?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NCRegisterDailyBlog+National+Catholic+Register#When:2015-03-14 20:24:01

No justice for the victim priest and the burning incense at the altar of the insurance gods

A few days ago, I posted some news stories which included the ongoing miscarriage of justice against Father Gordon MacRae - even the Wall Street Journal reports on it. The full details can be found at These Stone Walls

The situation regarding Father Gordon MacRae is not lost when we consider a recent essay by Richard P. Fitzgibbons, M.D., a Psychiatrist who has written and spoken much on the subject of homosexuality on EWTN and elsewhere. It is worth reading his expert analysis and opinion on the subject. Of course, connected to the matter are the tragic cases of men who were homosexuals and who came into the Catholic priesthood to prey upon their victims and did enormous damage to the lives and souls of these victims and the Church. 
Dr. Richard P. Fitzgibbons

Yet, as with Father MacRae, not all priests that are accused are guilty and not all are homosexuals. Some are unjustly accused and their lives and service to the Church ruined. The leading Catholic expert on the subject, Dr. Fitzgibbons writes in the January 29, 2015 issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review on the Accusations against Priests and the need for more justice and psychological science

In the February 24, 2015 issue of the same magazine, California attorney David A. Shanefelt who represents policy holders against insurance companies and Joseph P. Maher, president of Opus Bono Sacderdotii, which I have previously supported, have written on the sacrificing of priests to satisfy insurance companies.

The witch-hunt that has been undertaken by some bishops is as reprehensible as their cover-up of the crimes of previous generations of priests. They were cowards then and they are cowards now. They have learnt little.

The failure of the episcopacy to the victim-priest and the victims of some priests has been a failure of responsibility and charity. It is a lack of courage and justice of the first order. One can think here of Raymond Lahey the now laicised and disgraced former Bishop of Antigonish in Canada who whist putting together settlements for victims was engaging in his own fantasies with child pornography on his computer. We are still reminded to this day that "Lahey is known as a kind and gentle pastor, particularly sensitive to the needs of those who have suffered the scourge of sexual abuse." Except of course those who suffered the abuse that occurred during the filming and photography of child pornography on his computer of this kind, gentle and sensitive pastor.

How was this not known by the Canadian episcopacy?

It's time for more Catholics to speak out on this continuing injustice and hypocrisy and I say this as someone with his own personal perspective on the matter that goes beyond the events of the last few weeks.

Getting Jesus off the floor - one person at a time and it begins with you!

An reprint of an old post of April 28, 2008

Image result for padre pio communion
It was good enough for him. who are you that you should do otherwise?
After work one day, I attended St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto for the late afternoon Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I arrived early and was able to pray the Rosary during the exposition and adoration which occurs daily at the Cathedral from after the lunch hour Mass until the end of the day. This daily exposition and adoration has been going on for as far as I can remember. It is probably what has kept this wretched City from sinking even further into the abyss.

After I received the Eucharist (on the tongue) I had no sooner closed my mouth and the woman who preceded me let out a little gasp; there He lay dropped on the carpet, two inches from my right foot and my steel-toed construction boot. She dropped Him, she dropped Him from her hand and He bounced off the toe of my boot.

How is this possible that she dropped Him from her hand? I mean, did she just let go!

Everyone stopped, including me. I stood perfectly still with Our LORD lying there beside my foot. Father bent down slowly and picked Him up and held Him in his hand against the ciborium

If that were not enough, a few moments later, as I was kneeling on the right aisle the last communicant approached; she took the Host and started to walk away without consuming. I put up my hands to gain Father's attention and was prepared to stop her if he could not. Fortunately, she got the message and consumed Our LORD. Perhaps, she was just lazy or sloppy, perhaps she meant no sacrilege. Or perhaps she did.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta often opined that this change (an indult which is optional for the local Bishop to accept and will be abrogated by a future pope) was the worst problem in the world today; "Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me the saddest is watching people receive Communion in the hand."

If you are in your late 50's, you will have had a similar experience to myself. When I celebrated my First Communion I was on my knees at the communion rail. Together, with my other classmates we held a white linen cloth which was hung over the rail by the altar boys and which we held up under our chins. An altar boy accompanied the priest holding a brass plate called a paten and placed it under our chins. The priest approached and held up the Holy Eucharist and with it made the Sign of the Cross whilst saying; "Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam aeternam. Amen" which translates to, May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ bring you to eternal life. Amen.

A few years later I was told that I was "lucky" because I was part of the first class of altar boys that did not need to learn Latin. By this time, and in the new church building, there was no communion rail and nobody knelt any more for Holy Communion. People lined up and approached the priest in a similar fashion to what they do at McDonald's. We altar boys still held the paten and people received the Eucharist on their tongues. When the last person had communicated the altar boys would carefully carry their patens horizontally to the Altar and assist the priest with the ablution. I can clearly remember seeing little pepper sized particles of the Eucharist on the paten which the priest wiped off with his fingers into the chalice after which I rinsed his fingers over the chalice and he would consume the remains.

I don't need to describe how Our Blessed LORD is received today. So instead, let me pose a few questions:

Do you wash your hands before receiving his body?

Do you "make a throne with your left and receive Him in your right" and then bring your hands to your mouth to feed yourself? Or, do you take Him with your fingers and pop Him into your mouth like a cracker or a potato chip?

Do you purify your hands afterwards as was the actual practice in those days prior to the ninth century when the few laity that actually did receive the Eucharist received in their hands?

Have you ever noticed any particles left on your hands?

Do you think any particles would have fallen to the floor to be tramped under afoot, or mopped up and poured down a municipal drain or vacuumed up from the ubiquitous carpet?

Do you think someone did not consume the Sacred Species but instead stole Him so as to dishonour and defame Him in a black satanic ritual?

Did you ever find Him in a hymn book or under a pew or lying on the asphalt in the parking lot?

Something to think about isn't it?

There is an abbreviated Latin saying in the Church, Lex orendi, lex credendi. That is to say, the law of prayer becomes the law of belief. We are sensory beings and how we worship, how we pray, what we see and smell and hear affects how we think, how we believe and what we believe.

Receiving Holy Communion in the hand was an abuse that began in Holland and spread to Belgium and then to England before crossing the Atlantic. It was the late 1960's and it was wrong. Pope Paul VI, was either incapable or unwilling to stop what was considered to be an abuse and abomination. He condemned it, regretted it and then, legalised it!

Just because we can does not mean that we should.

Throughout history, it was often the laity, or one nun as in St Catherine of Sienna or a holy priest as with St. Philip Neri with the gifts of the Holy Spirit who helped to rescue the church from its corruption. Who says that it cannot be you and me, one person at a time. You can fix the problem, it really is very simple and you can begin the next time you attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

You can join Pope Benedict's plan which is becoming clearer.

I just didn't think it would be lead from Kazakhstan.

This situation today is a perfect time to send you to read here about the Archbishop of Lima in Peru. He has just banned Communion-in-the-Hand!

Here is a podcast by the ubiquitous Father Z on the subject.

Here is a lengthy and necessary read by Jude A. Huntz which appeared in the March 1997 issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review.

This was just posted by Fr. Thomas Kocik on the New Liturgical Movement.

Be sure to read this essay by the Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider, Auxilary Bishop of Karaganda in Kazakhstan.

Saturday 14 March 2015

When I grow up I want to be just like you so that when I have a son he can be just like me

Two weeks ago after Saturday Mass, the Fox and I had tea with our friend Ambrosia who lives next door to the church. Another tenant in the big old house, Gustavo, one with whom we were acquainted, came by to chat about the lawsuit that was never intended because according to Pope Francis, we are entering a "Holy Year of Mercy." Phew, thank you Pope!

Gustavo is of Italian and Mexican ancestry and spent his childhood in Mexico before coming to Canada. The subject of Argentinian men came up and how Mexicans and others in Central and South America take issue with "Argentinians." Gustavo continued, "there is a joke about Argentinians -- Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you so that when I have a son he can be just like me."

In this story on Brietbart, taken from the original Spanish at Noticieros, Pope Francis says that "the devil doesn't forgive Mexico" because of Our Lady's appearance at Guadalupe. He also spoke about the need for Argentina to avoid "mexicanisation."

The Bishop of Rome went on to say that "We Argentineans aren’t humble” and that, “We are very conceited.”

Suicide, according to the truth as revealed by God through the Catholic Church, is a violation of the Commandments and is no joking matter. It destroys souls and families and leaves nothing but suffering in its wake. However, our non-introverted Pope who exhorted us to "make a mess" and manages well in that regard and  attests to Argentinian arrogance spoken of by Gustavo when he quipped, "Do you know how an Argentinian commits suicide?” the Pope asked, joking. “He climbs up his ego and then jumps off!”

"God is an Argentine, understand?:                  "The referees as well!"

Friday 13 March 2015

Cardinal vs. Cardinal - I stand with the one who will resist because he stands with Christ!

Once again, Hilary White has the story as she reports on Cardinal vs. Cardinal in England.
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Raymond Cardinal Burke advises us to prepare for the worst in defense of marriage -martyrdom" if necessary. The Filipino Tagle speaks of the need to avoid "harsh" and "severe" language. For Cardinal Burke to make such a statement he must know those selected for the Synod are thinking. Dare we ask, is the Synod stacked? If it is, who would have done such a thing, and why?

Filipino Cardinal Tagle
This blog and its writer and spouse will stand with the unbroken Catholic faith from Our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that this is where Cardinal Burke stands. As for Tagle and the rest of these, where do they stand and with whom? 

I've said it before and I will say it again, no matter the price we must not concede.

These men, and you know their names; these men will try to change doctrine by stealth. They will put forward and try to ram through the Synod pastoral practices, initiatives and new ways of speaking that will change doctrine, regardless. This is not a false statement on my part, they have admitted it! It is also important to watch carefully who is supporting whom in this debate. If New Ways Ministry comes out supporting the statements made by a certain prelate, what does this tell us?

You know it. I know it. They know it and they know that we know it; and they will bear, oops, I mean "bare" their teeth because they are not bears but wolves! (shout out from the Vox to E.M. for catching that and adding to the sentence!)

We will stand up to them. We will not be silenced. We will not allow them to tear down the faith and doctrine. 

Further, as Mundabor writes; (admit it now, you read him!) "Whatever happens we will stay in the Church Christ founded;" and we will beat these pigs out of the Temple if it kills us!

With whom do you stand?


In England, one cardinal says brace for martyrdom over marriage, while another denounces ‘harsh’ language

March 12, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two cardinals active at October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family offered strikingly contrasted messages on the hot-button issues from the Synod in talks to crowds in England on the weekend.
While American Cardinal Raymond Burke urged Christians to be prepared to face martyrdom if need be in defense of marriage, Filipino Cardinal Luis Tagle’s remarks on the issue focused on the need to avoid “harsh” and “severe” language about homosexuals and Catholics who ‘remarry’ without an annulment.

The secular media is beginning to notice

Frank Walter at Pewsitter, the latest to be spat upon by Patheos for no reason, makes an astute observation about the secular verses Catholic media as found in the Los Angeles Times

Pewsitter is a very valuable resource.

Patheos is just pathetic.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Heretics allowed in the Vatican - Hilary White reports

I've not had a chance to comment on the feminist display of apostasy at the Vatican as reported in LifeSiteNews; the well-informed and connected Hilary White reports on it with all the painful details.

Something is coming, I feel it in every cell and in my bones and I've felt it for two years. 

We are on the cusp of it now and I think often of a quote from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich that "the bread would not rise."

Paul Anthony Melanson at La Salette Journey approaches it head-on for what it is.

Parce Domine, parce populo tuo. Ne in aternum irascaris nobis.

At the Vatican: Precursors of the Antichrist who will manage to abolish the Mass

Lifesite is reporting that, "This weekend the Vatican formally hosted one of Britain’s most virulently pro-abortion and pro-homosexual writers, as well as the head of an American organization promoting female ordination, at an officially sanctioned event inside Vatican City walls. Organizers spoke to Vatican Radio as well as the secular press, praising the new atmosphere within the Church’s leadership that made the conference possible.


The Cathedral Cabaret! A reprise

Something odd today. For some reason an old post from April 15, 2013 which features a cabaret performance of secular music with tickets sold in Toronto's St. Michaels Cathedral has been making the rounds today. You can clearly see the throne in the typical Masonic Lodge presider manner with its green upholstery as this was before the elevation of the Archbishop to the College of Cardinals. It's very odd because not only here but over at Barona somebody's been creeping this old post and raising this as an issue in the combox on a totally unrelated post. Ah; trolls. The singer is quite talented, no doubt about that. The concert should just never been allowed in the Cathedral or any Catholic church.

I can't imagine why or what would be wrong with this; can you?

Oh well, it must be just me that finds this odd.

Go away then, nothing to see here.



Did Pope Francis really say this? The Vatican must clear the air, now!

Reprinted below is the report from the Daily Mail featuring the interview with a childhood friend of Pope Francis. The man alleges that the Pope will allow "priests to marry" and the approved of Holy Communion for someone living "common-law."
Some comments first.
A celibate priesthood in the western Church is a discipline. Eastern priests can be married as can those coming in from the Ordinariate. However, priests cannot "get married." Ever! Never in the history of the Church were priests allowed to "get married" East or West. What was permitted and is in the East and in the Orthodox and by exception in the Latin Rite, is for already "married men" to be ordained as priests.
No Pope, in my view, has the moral authority to make such a decision. He may have juridical authority as the Supreme Pontiff but to do so would be an outrage. Nothing short of an Ecumenical Council should ever consider such a drastic change and good grief, don't call a Council!
If this is a back door to let back in those priests of Corpus and the rest of those Judases who could not live up to their vows and left to marry, then we are headed for disaster. If my own second cousin, former member of the Resurrectionist Fathers was ever de-laicised, I would publicly out my Arian heretic second cousin right here and I would do it by name. He denies the Divinity of Christ and most of them probably do. He is a disgrace to his Lebanese heritage and was the shame of his late mother and when he said grace at my sisters house the last time I saw him, I interrupted him to invoke the Holy Trinity, which that Arian denies.
If this report is true, we are in even more serious trouble than imagined. The fault for this confusion and distress amongst the faithful lies with Pope himself. This is what he can expect for being so imprudent with interviews, name-calling and the disturbance of souls through those whom he keeps  close.
The Holy Father has an obligation to speak on this issue, in fact, I have the perfect question asked recently to my by someone in the Apostolic Palace; I would ask, Holy Father "what are your intentions?"

EXCLUSIVE: Pope wants to scrap centuries-old ban on priests marrying and told divorced woman 'living in sin' that she COULD receive Holy Communion, claims confidante

  • Oscar Crespo, a childhood friend of the Pope, said the pontiff revealed his 'priorities' for his papacy during a visit to the Vatican in October
  • Mr Crespo, 77, from Buenos Aires, claimed the Pope told him he wanted to allow priests to marry because the law is 'archaic'
  • The Pope also told him to pass a message to a woman 'living in sin' who had been divorced that she could receive Holy Communion again
  • Argentinian teacher Claudia Garcia Larumbe told Mail Online she was 'speechless' after receiving the message from the Pope
  • The Vatican said that 'if' the Pope had these conversations they were private and 'does not have
    By Matt Roper In Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Published: 10:04 GMT, 12 March 2015 Updated: 10:19 GMT, 12 March 2015
A childhood friend of Pope Francis has claimed that he intends to overturn the centuries-old ban on Catholic priests from getting married and that he told a divorcee 'living in sin' that she could receive Holy Communion.
The Pope considers the law on priestly celibacy 'archaic' and 'not part of the doctrine of the Church', according to the confidante.
The friend also claimed the Argentinian-born pope also vowed to reform another Catholic rule which bars divorced people in new relationships from taking the Holy Communion, MailOnline can reveal.
According to Oscar Crespo, Pope Francis said that changing the Catholic law which bars civil divorcees from taking a full part in church life is the 'number one priority' of his papacy.
Crespo said that the Pope, 78, also sent a message to a divorced woman 'living in sin' with a new partner assuring her that she was free to confess and receive the Eucharist.
The Catholic Church doesn't recognise divorce, considering that anyone who remarries or starts a sexual relationship with another person other than the one they first married is committing adultery.
Taking Holy Communion while in a state of sin is considered an even graver sin.
Argentinian teacher Claudia Garcia Larumbe had sent a message to the Pope via Mr Crespo asking if she really was excluded from confessing or taking communion after moving in with her new partner.
After Mr Crespo reminded the Pope that church law 'forbids' divorcees in new relationships from partaking in the holy sacraments, Francis said: 'Just tell her the Pope said that she can'.
Ms Larumbe, 39, told Mail Online she was 'speechless and emotional' after receiving the Holy Father's personal dispensation to partake in the key Catholic sacraments.
The full story can be read here:

Meet Ontario's Premier - you get to pick her out!

Featured Image

The heartbreaking sex-ed Premier Wynne gave her own children

TORONTO, March 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- As Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne touts her role as a mother to show she is qualified to update the province’s sex-ed curriculum, information has surfaced about how she left her 13-year marriage and wreaked havoc in the lives of her three young children as she took up her homosexual relationship with her current partner, Jane Rounthwaite. Read the rest of the story on LifeSiteNews!

The guardian of the law does not follow the law

In 2008, as Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Francis washed the feet of drug addicts  (CNS)

Iis announced that Pope Francis is going to undertake the foot-washing ritual on Holy Thursday outside of the Vatican or Lateran Basilica once again. In past years, the foot-washing has included youth, women and muslims.

Up until 1955, it was done outside of Mass and reserved for monasteries, cathedrals or seminaries and religious houses. The superior or abbot or bishop or rector washed the feet of those clerics symbolic of the events of Our Lord at the Last Supper and as a sign of priesthood.

The rubrics are clear, the Latin word phrase is "viri selecti" or selected men.

The man in charge of the law has dispensed with the law and puts faithful priests in parishes who have resisted demands by feminist liturgical nazis to wash their feet in difficult position.

My advice to priests is this: the foot-washing in the the Mass (in either Form) is optional, just like the "sign of peace."

Option it out and save yourself the grief!

If the Bishop of Rome wishes to display an act of charity to those in prisons or muslims, etc., this is a wonderful thing to do. There are 364 other days of the year to display this charity and example. Holy Thursday is not one of them.

It was good enough for them, what about the rest of us?


Kat has posted an update.She has received an apology from the priest and he has sent one out to those that wrote to complain. Good for him, but it should never have happened in the first place. Since the matter has been closed the contact list has been removed.

The "Little Flower" during one of her later illnesses. What would she think of this?
Katrina Fernandez, at The Crescat, has suffered the loss of her Abuela (grandmother). 

Kat; may the LORD welcome her into His arms and may she at this moment be enjoying the beatific vision. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may light perpetual shine upon her. May she rest in peace. May you also be comforted in your loss and those members of our family also.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina in choir at Mass
We owe Katrina thanks for even in her time of grief she has declared publicly the scandal which took place at the hands of the parish staff and priest at the Church of St. Therese of Lisieux in Chesapeake, Virginia. Somehow, I don't think the Little Flower would be impressed. No roses for you! Tell me, have you ever seen such a list of staff? PLEASE SEE AT THE END OF THIS POST.

Not only was it difficult to obtain the Last Rites for her Abuela, Kat herself was degraded at the communion rail, when she desired to receive Our Blessed Lord in the legal and first way, on her tongue. This can never be denied!

Tantumblogo at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics asked a salient question, "Who is the real fundammentalist/extremist?"

My question for the priest is this, "Father, you clearly felt Kat was wrong, who were you to judge?

Communion in the hand is an error, a grievous error. It is an abomination and I urge you friend, please do not do it. Please receive Our Blessed Lord on your tongue and whenever possible, kneeling. It is permitted by indult and it can be revoked at any time. That will not happen under the current Bishop of Rome but mark my words well - there is a man alive right now who will one day sit on the Chair of Peter and that man will "restore all things in Christ."

He will do away with this abomination and he may very now be doing his penance for it.

Please visit Katrina at Patheos and read it all there.

Bl. Mother Teresa - "Dominus est!"
Dominus est! They knew it. Do we?

Wednesday 11 March 2015

National Catholic Register finally does the right thing


After the post written two below this, messages through Facebook to the National Catholic Register, EWTN and to Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Raymond Arroyo and three voice mail messages to Michael Warsaw the President of EWTN, Register staff have finally taken down the uncharitable and inflammatory comments containing libel and defamation against Pope Francis, Rabbi Skorka, Msgr. Ricca and your blogger, Vox Cantoris. It is too bad that it took nearly 48 hours!

This is from the National Catholic Register's own page for comments which are apparently moderated:

Charity is our first rule. If you can’t communicate charitably, then please don’t comment. We encourage lively and honest discussion of our content. While we know that there will be disagreements, and that our readers can be very passionate, we ask that you disagree respectfully without personal attacks, sarcasm, name-calling, bullying, libel, defamation, or obscenities. Don’t make judgments about the other person’s sinfulness or salvation. Please keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of readers do not comment and your comments become part of the information of NCRegister.com and the Register’s social media pages. We want to keep our forum a place of respectful, charitable and honest dialogue for all our readers.

Yes, I am persistent and the person that moderated or did not moderate is more like it, should be held accountable. Was their an agenda? Or did this just slip by?


As for Francis Pope, Wendy List, Linda List her twin sister and Maggie - they have been shown by their actions what they are by bloggers in the United States, Canada, Britain and Poland where they left their filth. They have convicted themselves. Further, I.P. addresses are easily available to from any blogs statcounter and one does not have to be a "mafiosi" to find them or have "inside connections" on the police force.

Really people, some of you really think this way?

The other young man with the Toronto blog who has been harassing me and my work for the Church and the traditional Mass movement and sowing discord with regard to it in our Archdiocese has removed his four posts about me and my wife, a friend and the unfortunate situation with a priest. He and the woman behind Wendy and Linda, have also in the past written libelous and defamatory letters to hundreds of priests, deacons, seminarians, friends who shared our Christmas table, international associates and complete strangers. I've taken it and not struck back. Not now and not every again. I did what I was commanded to do in Holy Scripture, take it to him, take it to him with your brothers and then if he still does not listen take it to the Church. Thank you brother for finally doing what is right. Now, feel free to post the public apology as part of your recompense. As for Wendy and her sisters you have my final letter. Read it again.

One more thing, Jesus commands us to turn the other cheek. In this case, it means to not prosecute those who did this, it does not mean that we have to be doormats and have no right to defend ourselves and our name.

Oh; and this is class - from the combox.

Dear Mr. Domet,

On behalf of EWTN I will step forward and apologize. 

I'm so sorry. 


Important news from around the Catholic world

Friends, here are some of the the lesser known stories that we should be aware of today:

  • Barona also reports on Polish Archbishop Jozef Michalik of Przemysl being sued (good heavens, what's up with that? Oh well, she probably never intended it) by a militant feminist for preaching against the evils of of abortion and sexual immorality. Wait a minute, he is a Catholic and this is Poland, right? Or am I confusing it with San Francisco?

  • Meanwhile, in San Francisco, it seems that the City Council thinks that the First Amendment does not apply in this case. The secular media is ganging up but LifeSiteNews has a report and petition you might consider signing and Michael Voris does a full report on this Vortex. Email the Archbishop at info@sfarchdiocese.org or call (415) 614-5500 to express your support. Please offer an Ave, right now for Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and beseech St. Michael the Archangel to protect him. The lionhearted saviour is doing the work of the Saviour of the World in that cesspool of iniquity and betrayal of its namesake given by soon to be declared Saint, Junipero Serra. He is in need of your prayers and support. Now, what's that old joke about apologising to Sodom and Gomorrah? 

  • A Federal Court will hear oral arguments in the Habeas Corpus appeal of wrongly imprisoned priest, Fr. Gordon MacRae. Even the Wall Street Journal has considered called into question his 1994 trial in what has been called a perversion of justice. Three Stone Walls is the place to go for more information on this miscarriage of justice and there is a GoFundMe to help keep it going.  

  • A retired Catholic teacher and friend, Lou Iacobelli reports at Everyday for Life Canada on the latest battle in our schools and that "There are many reasons why public schools and in particular Catholic education should reject the new sex education curriculum. Given the fact that the government is not listening to parents, alternative strategies to protect children must be considered. Parents can begin by putting the government on notice that they expect schools to teach only the Health and Physical part of the course." Ontario's schools are under assault from an aggressive government policy to force sexually explicit education upon children. 

  • Finally, Aged-Parent the blogger at The Eye-Witness and I have been following each others' blogs for a while now. I was very appreciative of his prayers and kind words of support and encouragement recently. We had a discussion the other day and he writes about at his blog. I hope you'll add The Eye-Witness to your daily reads.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Hitler at the Synod and other jackboot clericalists

EWTN's National Catholic Regsiter permits libel and defamation against Pope Francis and Vox Cantoris in its combox - violates its own comment posting policy

The National Catholic Register which can join the "Reporter" in the fish-wrap category has a comment in its post regarding the recent situation and the lifting of the threat of a lawsuit which was apparently never real in the first place, it was all just a little game.

Why is a Catholic journal of great respect and owned by EWTN allowing an anonymous comment of "Francis Pope" in the combox that contains nothing but calumny, slander, character assassination and defamation?  

If you think that I'm peeved now, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

I demand its removal, a retraction and a public apology!

Let them know what you think and please post a copy in the combox below.


One more thing; my wife and I married during a solemn nuptial mass. We have been publicly accused on an insipid and dyspeptic blog of adultery. The person that has done this is known to me and has engaged in harassment for four years but never to this extent. Unfortunately, while the blog has few people reading it intentionally, it ends up on search engines and feeds where this slander can become widespread. Further, the Church's canonical procedure of annulments has been held in disrepute by these two people. It is a heresy to deny the power of Peter to "bind and loose" and to "deny and loose" as these have done. I have previously spoken with my "brother" and have taken "two" to counsel him. I have now "taken it to the Church" to his Pastor and two other Toronto priests. While I have ignored it in the past, torontotlmserving@gmail.com, this I can no longer ignore. 

Furthermore, the person behind Wendy List, Linda List, Maggie, Francis Pope who operates from 0102anonymous@gmail.com and whatever pseudonym that cowardly mind can conjure up should be aware that the I.P. address has been determined and all of this information has been provided to your Pastor. Unlike others, I choose to follow Holy Scripture as found in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. It is now up to him to deal with you through the internal forumThe fact that you wrote the bile which was then reprinted by the young and impressionable blogger in question has deepened your own culpability and perpetuated your own public scandal by inviting him to participate in it.

Suffice to say, I am not putting up with this harassment any longer.

While I don't agree with every thing our Pope has said or done, I am certainly not going to accuse him of  "smoking a big, big spliff in a jacuzzi!"  with a priest who was known to engage previously in a manner for which we can ask "who are we to judge!" Now, how did that calumny escape the attention of the moderator!

Shame on the NCRegister and shame on both of you who are, objectively speaking, in serious need of spiritual guidance, confession and penance, I suggest you obtain it quickly for you not what time the Bridegroom comes.

Update at 20:00hrs EDT

I am pleased to report that the young man with the blog linked at the National Catholic Register combox has purged the many offensive posts from his blog. Let us hope he has learnt his lesson and refrains from any further behaviour in this regard.

However the National Catholic Register has still not undertaken the removal of the offensive (and apparently moderated comment) which includes calumnious description of Pope Francis and others.

Raymond Arroyo has taken it upon himself to apologise. He is a man of class.

* * *

Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 1:03 PM (EDT):

This website of a young Catholic I know;and Domet has been slandering on the web for years is worth visiting.  It might educate people to the truth.

Here is what this young man has to say.  He is right.

“...Worse, I hate to see it done to young people of my generation and the next. To do it to the Church`s next generation and kids, to me, is a darker, more villainous sin to commit vs. older adults. It is deeply contrary to the New Evangelization, and instead embraces a New Tyranny…”
Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 12:52 PM (EDT):

This case is not as cut and dry as you think.  It’s amazing that those who know little or nothing are writing or commenting here.

My experience with Domet who has maliciously slandered Young Catholics on the web,is voiced by Maggie on another Blog.  I take the liberty of forwarding a very accurate comment by Maggie on another blog which was deleted by the blogger who happened to be a Domet supporter.

David is no martyr. He’s been brazenly libelling people for years; and we’re not just talking of people like Fr. Rosica. He’s written tirades in his blogs against people who were formally his friends, kids at least 3 decades younger than he. He’s even lashed out at others in the traditionalist movement here in Toronto and undermined their efforts when they've organized Solemn Masses on Holy Days at churches that haven’t so much as smelt incense in 40 years.

This man was a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time. If Rosica pursues this and decides to reach out to other people David’s libelled it could get interesting. And it would be his own doing.
I’ve been reading comments on the traditional Catholic blogosphere giving David all kinds of advice from “hiring a canon lawyer” to suggestions of writing to our archbishop or even writing to the pope. Some are painting this as some vast conspiracy instigated by Francis to silence blogs that he doesn’t like. With respect, Francis is likely busier smoking a big big spliff with Rabbi Skorka and Msgr. Ricca in a heated jacuzzi in Sanctae Marthae than following bloggers of the likes of Domet. All this support from clueless people who don’t even know him just feeds the beast that is David’s ego at the expense of more sober thought.

Rosica has a good prima facie case for libel. This is true not because the judges are bad or the system is corrupt or because Canada is an awful, hedonistic, sodomitic, anti-Catholic country. If Mars were a common law jurisdiction, David would be in trouble there too. Considering all the facts, should he issue a retraction, remove the objectionable posts and escape this with his finances in order, his roof over his head and not facing [redacted] it’ll be because of Fr. Rosica’s goodness. But knowing David, he won’t do that. Facts and laws be damned. David is always right, you see”





My name is David Anthony Domet and I own the blog at www.voxcantor.blogspot.com. I have been a subscriber of EWTN for over 15 years.

Your newspaper, The National Catholic Register, has permitted in its combox a comment regarding me that is libellous, defamatory, calumniating and filled with outright lies posted by someone anonymous using the name of "Francis Pope." 

How is it possible that this bile made it through a comment moderator?

This is a disgrace for a Catholic publication and EWTN. The person that has done this is known to me and has been harassing me for four years. She is in a grievous state of mortal sin, objectively speaking, and you have participated in it by publishing her filth and bile.

I demand that this filth be removed immediately and that an apology for it and a retraction be printed at the top of the story.

Yours truly,
Vox Cantoris

And this:

Dear Mr. Domet,

On behalf of EWTN I will step forward and apologize. 

I'm so sorry. 


Inés San Martin, Phil Lawler and Kathy Schiffer - My parting shot to three journalists in a fading media

Inés San Martin, Phil Lawler and Kathy Schiffer - this one's just for you.

I'm the little guy, just what the video on Church Militant TV by Michael Voris portrayed. A family man with a mortgage and car payments, a dog and friends and a love for Christ and His Church. I speak the truth and I write the truth and some people don't like it - well, that is their problem not mine. As St. Thomas More said "We must pray that when your head stops spinning, your face is front again."

One day a few weeks ago, I got hit with what could have been the fight of my life. You three come late to the cause, a just cause - my defence from losing my home and my health for a frivolous and vexatious action that is now defended by the very libel and defamation of which I was falsely accused. Let me tell you three so-called journalists something. The little people are not stupid, they've seen through it and they don't need you and your buttered-bread media to spin it to them.

You're lazy journalists and you lack compassion for the real victim and you didn't even bother to find the real story or read between the lines. 

You made suppositions and assumptions. You wrote and gave opinion and you did not interview me and you did not treat this with the seriousness that it deserved for the mainstream Catholic press. Breitbart and Renew America didn't interview either but they had no pony in the race and no agenda and both of them presented a more balanced picture.

I've woken this morning with a burr in my saddle and I'm directing it at the three of you.

I didn't need you before or read you and I don't need you now and I won't read you and I recommend that nobody else does either. So go and sue me for hurting your subscriptions.

But let me tell you this.

You sit there in your little paid journalistic job with your college education - what do you earn 30k maybe 40k US, if that? Or you beg for money to keep your web page going. Ha, you're hardly worth even that. You're a bunch of sycophants doing the bidding of ecclesiastics. Tell me something Miss San Martin; how did you know that the matter was dropped before I did? You obviously had lots of time to write that story, no doubt; but not enough time to enquire with me?

You see down here where the real people, "the rabble" live, there are real issues for me and my family associated with this disgusting mess that was put upon me without justice and without charity and without humility and should never have happened in the first place.

Nowhere in your blathering did I find an ounce of compassion for the personal hardship and stress that this sordid, unnecessary event put on me or my wife. Nor did I see any sympathy for the fact that my legal fees are not "pro bono." Oh, that's the cost of writing a blog, eh? You're all Americans - you have freedom of speech and freedom of the press don't you? Or have you succumbed to the obamanisation of your once great land. You're a bunch of alinskyite trolls doing the bidding of those who pull your strings.  You're not free thinking journalists. You get your bread buttered by the Catholic Church and you're afraid to lose whatever it is they give you. How do you sleep?

The accusations were false to begin with and now I have the bill to deal with. Why did you not challenge the fact that indeed there was a "threat" of a lawsuit.  You let that one get away and did not hold accountable the inaccuracy of the statement which is there for all to see. I did not see you report or give an opinion or show compassion for the physical or emotional affects that this putrid event took on me or my wife or our closest friends or my productivity in other tasks over the last three weeks or the general scandal for the Church! 

You call yourselves Catholics, pfft!

I didn't need you then and I don't need you now.

What you don't know is "the rest of the story" and there is much to tell, but you were tools in a tool box, and lazy journalists and too worried about your buttered bread to bother to seek the truth and the full story.

Maybe some day I'll tell it and it won't be pretty; it will finally hold people accountable for what they did a long time ago and not so long ago and it will expose the whole lot of them for what they truly are. Someone's going to get that story out there, but it won't be you.

Now go sue me.