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Showing posts with label Team Bergoglio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Bergoglio. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Bergoglio and Parolin Despise the "Genuine Faith" of Those Who Defend the Church!

From the blog of Cardinal Zen translated by LifeSiteNews:

I still can’t understand understand what they are dialoguing with China over

by Cardinal Joseph Zen

Response to “Why we are in dialogue with China,” the interview His Eminence Cardinal Parolin granted to Gianni Valente (that is, the interview they cooked up together).

I have read the interview several times, and now I am reading it again (even though doing so disgusts me).

I am grateful to His Eminence for having acknowledged that “it is legitimate to have differing opinions.”


First of all, one notes the insistence with which His Eminence says that his point of view and the purpose of his activities are pastoral, spiritual, evangelical and faith-based nature, while our thinking and acting are only politically driven.

What we see instead is that he adores the Ostpolitik diplomacy of his teacher, [Agostino] Casaroli, and despises the genuine faith of those who firmly defend the Church, founded by Jesus on the Apostles, from any interference of secular power.

I cannot forget my astonishment in reading one of his addresses a few years ago in the Osservatore Romano, where he described the heroes of the faith in Central-European countries under the communist regime (Cardinal Wyszynsky, Cardinal Mindszenty and Cardinal Beran, though without naming them) ) as “gladiators,” and “people systematically opposed to the government and eager to appear on the political stage.”


One also notes the repeated mention of his compassion for the suffering of our brothers in China. Crocodile tears! What suffering is he talking about? He knows very well that they are not afraid of poverty, nor the limitation or deprivation of liberty, nor even the loss of life. But he doesn’t respect this at all (they are “gladiators”!)

He also speaks of wounds that are still open, and his intention to heal them with “the balm of mercy.” But what wounds is he talking about?

Towards the end of the interview, at a certain point he says: “With frankness, ... I will say: I am also convinced that some of the suffering experienced by the Church in China is due not so much to the will of individuals, as it is to the objective complexity of the situation.”

Therefore, he knows very well that, in the Church in China, it’s not (or rarely) a matter of personal offenses or resentments, but that they are all victims of persecution by an atheistic totalitarian power. Use the balm of mercy? But there are no personal offenses to forgive. It is a slavery from which they need to be liberated.

Mercy for the persecutors? For their accomplices? Reward traitors? Castigate the faithful? Force a legitimate bishop to surrender his post to an excommunicated one? Is this not rather rubbing salt in the wounds.

Let’s go back to the “objective situation.” The painful state wasn’t created by us, but by the regime. The communists want to enslave the Church. There are those who refuse this slavery, there are those who submit to it. Unfortunately, there are also those who embrace it.

Faced with this reality how is it possible not to speak of “power, resistance, clash, compromise, failure, surrender, and betrayal”?

Parolin wants us to talk about communion and collaboration. But are there conditions? Where do we unite? How do we collaborate? Let us analyze two fundamental matters that need to be clarified.


What is the nature of the unity we want to achieve?

    a) His Eminence praises Chinese Catholics and says that “there are not two Catholic Churches in China.” If I am not mistaken, I was the first one to say this at a meeting of the Synod of Bishops, given that, in both communities, the faithful are loyal to the Pope in their hearts (today with the increase of opportunists in the community run by the Government I no longer dare to apply the statement to the whole Church in China).

But Parolin cannot deny that, for the moment, there are two communities with two structures based on two different, opposing principles. One structure is founded on the principle of the Primacy of Peter, on which Jesus established his Church, while the other structure is imposed by an atheistic government intent on creating a schismatic Church that is subject to its power.

    b) Eliminating this division and reestablishing unity must be the desire of every Catholic, but not with a clean slate, let alone by manipulating the Pope Benedict’s Letter [to Chinese Catholics].

In the Pope Emeritus’s letter there is this paragraph (8.10): “Some [bishops], not wishing to be subjected to undue control exercised over the life of the Church, and eager to maintain total fidelity to the Successor of Peter and to Catholic doctrine, have felt themselves constrained to opt for clandestine consecration. The clandestine condition is not a normal feature of the Church’s life, and history shows that Pastors and faithful have recourse to it only amid suffering, in the desire to maintain the integrity of their faith and to resist interference from State agencies in matters pertaining intimately to the Church’s life.” Father Jeroom Heyndricks, quoting out of context the phrase “the clandestine condition is not a normal feature of the Church’s life,” took as his mission to spread the word throughout China (where he enjoyed great freedom of movement): “There is no longer any need for clandestine communities. Everyone must come out into the open, i.e. become part of the community subject to the Government.

In the Commission for the Church in China we noted this great error, but both the Secretariat of State and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples have ignored this warning, obviously supporting the idea of ​​Father Heyndricks.

Only after two years, when this error had already done immense damage, did we manage insert into the “Compendium” booklet several notes that aim to distinguish a reconciliation of hearts from unity in the structures.

    c) Parolin says that one should not “maintain a perennial conflict between opposing principles and structures.” But obviously this does not depend on us alone, because one of the two structures is under the power of the Government, which certainly already controls it and gives no sign of giving it up.

Pope Benedict says that the journey toward unity “is not easy and cannot be accomplished overnight” (6.5, 6.6).

But our diplomats want to perform a miracle immediately and accuse others of “clinging to the spirit of opposition in order to condemn their brother,” of “using the past as a pretext to forge new resentments and closures,” and of “not being ready to forgive, which means that there are other interests to defend.”

How cruel are these reproaches addressed to faithful members of the Church, who for many long years have suffered every kind of deprivation and oppression for their fidelity to the true Church!

When the other party has no intention of respecting the essential nature of the Catholic Church and, on our side, they want to achieve unification at all costs, there is only one possible choice, that of forcing everyone to enter the “cage.”

    d) With the solution of the “enlarged cage” will we walk together? Will it be a new path? With serenity? With confidence?

They say it will be a gradual process, but suppose the planners already have in mind what the next step after the legitimizing of the illegitimate will be.

What will become of the legitimate Bishops according to the law of the Church but not recognized by the Government? Will they be “accepted”? That is, also admitted to the cage? Will there finally be “one” legitimate episcopal conference? (With the Government holding the key to the cage?)

Parolin and company recognize that this solution is not perfect, it is a lesser evil. Once can endure and suffer an evil (harm), but you can never do wrong (sin), however great or small it might be.

Suffering as others create a schismatic Church may be inevitable, but we cannot help in its creation.

Furthermore, there is no reason to fear a schismatic church created by the party. It will fade with the collapse of the regime. But a schismatic church with the Pope’s blessing will be horrible!


Having clarified the nature of the unity to be reached, it is easy to consider the following problem: How do we achieve this unity?

Through reconciliation (ad intra) and dialogue (with the Government).

    a) Reconciliation is not without difficulty but it is possible, because it depends only on our goodwill. Dialogue with the Government is more difficult.

    b) Pope Francis had said in Seoul: “The first condition of a dialogue is consistency with one’s own identity.”

It is a matter of honesty, of justice. We need to know and make known where we want to arrive, that is, according to our conscience what a good outcome of the dialogue will be. In our case, it is obviously: “a true religious freedom which not only does not harm but fosters the true good of the nation.”

Will we succeed in this dialogue? Is there a hope of success? Is there even a minimum foundation in the present situation, when the Chinese Communist Party is more powerful and dominating than ever? When both his actions and pronouncements are directed toward a more rigorous control over every religion, but in a special way of the so-called “foreign” religions.

The Communists no longer even feel the need to keep up appearances. Photographs show that it is the State that manages the Catholic Church in China, which is no longer Catholic but Chinese, schismatic. (It is a government official who presides over the [always] joint meeting of the Patriotic Association and the so-called “episcopal conference”). The Popes refrain from using the word “schism” out of compassion for those who find themselves there not of their own volition but under severe pressure.

From what we see, the Holy See is accepting this unacceptable reality. (Is it sure it is doing good to the Church?)

For dialogue to be true, it must start with a position of equality. There is no real dialogue between the jailer and the prisoners, between the victor and the vanquished. But our side seems to begin from a position of weakness. Reliable sources say that the Vatican Delegation could not discuss the case of Bishop Giacomo Su Zhi Min, who has been in the hands of the government for more than twenty years, because they refused to discuss it. It seems to me that our side should have left the negotiating table and come home. Accepting their refusal is like kneeling from the start.

After all, we are not the vanquished. Do our diplomats not know that the faithful of the clandestine community constituted, and perhaps still constitute, the majority? That in various places they have churches and cathedrals? That in the city, where obviously they cannot have churches, they have Masses said in private houses and are undisturbed by the public security authorities who are also aware of everything. Unfortunately, as of February 2018, we can expect a much stricter control by the Government on the activities of our brothers and sisters, also because the Government knows that it now has the Holy See’s consent.

(c) While supporting the need for external dialogue with the government, the Vatican has stifled dialogue within the Church. With a supremely ill-mannered gesture, and without a word, it liquidated the Pontifical Commission for the Church in China established Pope Benedict. They got rid of the only competent Chinese voice in the Vatican, Archbishop Savio, by sending him as nuncio to Greece. “Finding syntheses of truth” indeed!“Discovering God’s plan together” indeed! They are sure they “have considered everything adequately.”


The most repugnant thing I find in the whole interview is the dishonest exploitation of phrases in the Letter of Pope Benedict, making it appear that he was a faithful supporter of the Pope Emeritus, whereas in reality he and the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples thwarted all of Pope Ratzinger’s efforts to bring the Church in China back to the right path.

At the beginning and end of the interview he cites two quotations, respectively.

    a) In Chapter 4, paragraph 7 Pope Benedict says: “The solution to existing problems cannot be pursued via an ongoing conflict with the legitimate civil authorities; at the same time, though, compliance with those authorities is not acceptable when they interfere unduly in matters regarding the faith and discipline of the Church.”

    b) In Paragraph 6, he had said: (Citing Deus caritas est) “The Church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible. She cannot and must not replace the State. Yet at the same time she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.”

In both quotes, Parolin took advantage of the first half, leaving out the other half, thus losing the balance of Pope Benedict’s thought.


Given the recent controversies, I cannot fail to clarify my relationship with Pope Francis who, whenever I meet him, fills me with tenderness.

It is true that my revelations of private conversations may have caused him embarrassment. I am sorry for this. But I am still convinced that there is a divide between His Holiness’ way of thinking and the way of thinking of his collaborators, who have a field day taking advantage of the Pope’s optimism to pursue their goals. Until proven otherwise, I am convinced that I have defended the good name of the Pope from responsibility for the erroneous things coming from his collaborators, and of having communicated his encouragement to my brothers and sisters in China who are, as we say in China, “in the burning fire and in deep waters.”

If one day it should happen that a bad agreement is signed with China, obviously with the approval of the Pope, I will withdraw in silence to a “monastic life.” Certainly as a son, even though unworthy, of Don Bosco, I will not make myself the head of a rebellion against the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

Let us pray for Pope Francis “that the Lord may preserve him, give him strength, make him happy, and save him from the hands of his enemies.”

Translation by Diane Montagna

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo - Stinking Communist agitator. Christ-hating anti Catholic

It is difficult to know where to begin and to hold ones rage, righteous rage, righteous anger at a man so vile, so corrupt, so profoundly evil that to think that he is even a priest, let alone an Archbishop, leaves one to almost sink into despair that such a deceitful man could ever be ordained.

Image result for marcelo sanchez sorondo
It is men such as Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, another Argentine devil; a filthy, stinking old communist who has the ear of Bergoglio and with others, is about to sell out to the Communist government of China, the faithful Catholics, their priests and their bishops.

In a profounding disturbing report in the Catholic Herald, Sorondo praises China as the "best implementer of Catholic social doctrine." It is nearly too much to bear. He has said that the Pope could bind under penalty of sin, the denial of man-caused, global warming or climate change.
We were warned.

In a May 2015 published by C-Fam, he dismissed the primary issue of abortion as a "drama" when there were others of equal "drama," at least in his putrid mind. He praised Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki-moon, condemned, "climate change skeptics" and insulted American "tea party" activists. 

(Rome) Archbishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, officially the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, is the "political arm" of Pope Francis. He is responsible for a new ambiguity and accommodation in matters of life, culture of death and sterilization as a solution to environmental problems and climate change. The policy had already been laid before the pope's political adviser. He comes from the Argentine upper class. His grandfather was Argentine Interior Minister and his father a well-known political journalist. Even now accusations have been voiced that the pope's political adviser does not live like a priest, since he "never celebrates Holy Mass, and neither does he pray the breviary," says InfoVaticana .

Interesting. When one puts in a search "Archbishop Sorondo celebrates Mass", not one photo comes up with him offering the Holy Sacrifice. His satanic comments and clear globalist and communist leanings reveal that it is quite likely that indeed, "never celebrates Holy Mass, and neither does he pray the breviary.

Sorondo is a devil. 

There was a time, that the Pope would have called in such malefactors as Sorondo, or Marx and demand that they explain themselves and then would promptly strip them of their office.

Sadly, we have a Bishop of Rome who is in league with them.

For more on Sorondo:

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Bergoglio Machine running from China Scandal

It looks as if the power of the blogs and social media to spread news and our unwillingness to back down in the face of evil has put Bergoglio and his filthy minions on the defensive.

You can be darn sure that we are not going to stop until these evil men are exposed.

May God grant us the grace to persevere in the One True Faith.

Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever. Amen.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Pope insults and betrays victims of the legacy of the pervert and sodomite, Karadima

The Pope's so-called "apology" to the victims of homosexual men who came into the Catholic priesthood to seize their victims rings hollow. This is now proven by his own words to specific victims.

Have we not moved beyond blaming the victims?

Men today live with the criminal, satanic actions thrust upon them every day. They deal with the mental anguish and depression and often the medication necessary to cope. They deal with the hurt, the anger, the embarrassment and they deal often with the physical conditions - often the HIV virus given to them by men who were to feed them the Word of God and the Body of Christ and instead, filled them with poison from their loins and Satan himself. 

Evil. Vile. Sinking and disgusting perverted monsters. To even declare that they are "men" is to defame my own sex. A man is to defend and protect the vulnerable, the weak, the little - it is never to violate them for self-gratification and sodomy.

Victims of Karadima, , and talked about the defense of the to the Bishop . "This is serious and we cannot accept it... What he has done today is offensive and painful. In addition, reveals an unknown face of the Pontiff,"they said.

POPE FRANCIS HAS accused victims of Chile’s most notorious paedophile of slander, during the end to a visit meant to help heal the wounds of a sex abuse scandal that has cost the Catholic Church its credibility in the country.
Francis said that until he sees proof that Bishop Juan Barros was complicit in covering up the sex crimes of the Reverend Fernando Karadima, such accusations against Barros are “all calumny”.
The pope’s remarks drew shock from Chileans and immediate rebuke from victims and their advocates.They noted the accusers were deemed credible enough by the Vatican that it sentenced Karadima to a lifetime of “penance and prayer” for his crimes in 2011.
A Chilean judge also found the victims to be credible, saying that while she had to drop criminal charges against Karadima because too much time had passed, proof of his crimes wasn’t lacking.
“As if I could have taken a selfie or a photo while Karadima abused me and others and Juan Barros stood by watching it all,” tweeted Barros’ most vocal accuser, Juan Carlos Cruz.
These people are truly crazy, and the pontiff talks about atonement to the victims. Nothing has changed, and his plea for forgiveness is empty.
Karadima scandal
The Karadima scandal dominated Francis’ visit to Chile and the overall issue of sex abuse and church cover-up was likely to factor into his three-day trip to Peru that began yesterday evening.
Karadima’s victims reported to church authorities as early as 2002 that he would kiss and fondle them in the swank Santiago parish he ran, but officials refused to believe them. Only when the victims went public with their accusations in 2010 did the Vatican launch an investigation that led to Karadima being removed from ministry.
The emeritus archbishop of Santiago subsequently apologised for having refused to believe the victims from the start.
Francis reopened the wounds of the scandal in 2015 when he named Barros, a protege of Karadima, as bishop of the southern diocese of Osorno. Karadima’s victims say Barros knew of the abuse, having seen it, but did nothing. Barros has denied the allegations.
His appointment outraged Chileans, badly divided the Osorno diocese and further undermined the church’s already shaky credibility in the country.
Seeking forgiveness
Francis had sought to heal the wounds by meeting this week with abuse victims and begging forgiveness for the crimes of church pastors. But yesterday, he struck a defiant tone when asked by a Chilean journalist about Barros.
“The day they bring me proof against Bishop Barros, I’ll speak,” Francis said.
There is not one shred of proof against him. It’s all calumny. Is that clear?
Francis had defended the appointment before, calling the Osorno controversy “stupid” and the result of a campaign mounted by leftists. But The Associated Press reported last week that the Vatican was so worried about the fallout from the Karadima affair that it was prepared in 2014 to ask Barros and two other Karadima-trained bishops to resign and go on a yearlong sabbatical.
According to a 31 January 2015 letter obtained by AP from Francis to the executive committee of the Chilean bishops’ conference, the plan fell apart and Barros was sent to Osorno.
Juan Carlos Claret, spokesman for a group of Osorno lay Catholics who have mounted a three-year campaign against Barros, questioned why Francis was now accusing the victims of slandering Barros when the Vatican was so convinced of their claims that it planned to remove him in 2014.
“Isn’t the pastoral problem that we’re living (in Osorno) enough to get rid of him?” Claret asked.
The reference was to the fact that — guilty or not — Barros has been unable to do his job because so many Osorno Catholics and priests don’t recognize him as their bishop. They staged an unprecedented protest during his 2015 installation ceremony and have protested his presence ever since.
‘Tremendous error’
Anne Barrett Doyle, of the online database BishopAccountability.org, said it was “sad and wrong” for the pope to discredit the victims since “the burden of proof here rests with the church, not the victims — and especially not with victims whose veracity has already been affirmed”.
“He has just turned back the clock to the darkest days of this crisis,” she said in a statement.
“Who knows how many victims now will decide to stay hidden, for fear they will not be believed?”
German Silva, a political scientist at Santiago’s Universidad Mayor, said the pope’s comments were a “tremendous error” that will reverberate in Chile and beyond.
Patricio Navia, a political science professor at Diego Portales University in Santiago, said Francis had gone much further than Chilean bishops in acknowledging the sexual abuse scandal, which many Chileans appreciated.
“Then right before leaving, Francis turns around and says: ‘By the way, I don’t think Barros is guilty. Show me some proof,’” Navia said, adding that the comment will probably erase any goodwill the pope had won over the issue.
Navia said the Karadima scandal had radically changed how Chileans view the church.

“In the typical Chilean family, parents [now] think twice before sending their kids to Catholic school because you never know what is going to happen,” Navia said.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Can the evil plotters who have sullied the Church of Christ be any bolder?

From Sandro Magister:

Image result for parolin francis

The address that the pope delivers at the beginning of each year to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See bore an unmistakable imprint on Monday, January 8: that of the secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
It was the address of a great professional of diplomacy, entirely devoid of those third-worldist reprimands which are dear to Jorge Mario Bergoglio. A sign that the “comeback” of Parolin, who has now regained full control of the Vatican curia, has even made inroads with Francis. 
Read the rest at: http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2018/01/14/curia-stories-the-comeback-of-the-cardinal-secretary-of-state/
But just before you go: ... And Parolin is more powerful than ever, thanks to Pope Francis’s predilection for churchmen who, like him, belong to the diplomats’ guild.
In fact, two other key cardinals of this pontificate come from diplomacy: Lorenzo Baldisseri, appointed by Bergoglio as secretary general of the synod of bishops, and Beniamino Stella, whom the pope made the head of the congregation for the clergy. They have no specific expertise, but they are perfectly obedient executors of the will of Francis to steer things in the predetermined directions: from communion for the divorced and remarried to the ordination of married priests.
At the secretariat of state, it is the “substitute” Angelo Giovanni Becciu, another career diplomat, who acts as executor of the pope’s wishes and as headsman, as for example with Milone or with the Knights of Malta.
In this latter case, Parolin as well was personally involved in the removal of the Grand Master. But it is rare for him to show himself. The dirty work is left to others. He flies high. So high as to be now the only candidate for succeeding Francis with a serious chance of being elected pope.

May Our Blessed Lord deliver us and His Church from the hands of men such as Bergoglio and Parolin.

Friday 12 January 2018

Stephen Walford is a liar, a deceiver and a fraud

I will not argue with this peon, nor will I debate his various outrageous statements. Father Gerald Murray (below) handles his inanity quite well. Raymond Arroyo is irritated, that is clear.

A piano teacher who puts himself forward as a theologian, Stephen Walford is a fraud, a poseur, a liar and a deceiver. A puffed up, arrogant sop who has taken up a mission to defend the heresies of the Bishop of Rome and to denigrate the Magisterium. He distorts the documents of Pope John Paul II and distorts the catechism. He lies about what is in it and what is not. 

His allegations of "demonic interference" are believable, they clearly are taking place.

The man is a danger to the faith. He is a confused Catholic and in deep need of a Twitter holiday, humility and deep spiritual direction. He can consider this a fraternal correction and a rebuke!

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Is the Dictator Pope about to launch an attack on the faithful Bishops of Kazakhstan - an attack of "fake news" and a media smear campaign?

From Fra Cristoforo at Anonimi Della Cruce. It is a computer translation on which I have done a little editing. 

Image result for dictator pope


The quiet before the storm. What Bergoglio is preparing for the three Bishops of the Official Correction "of Fra Cristoforo

There was no imagining it; -- all this silence on the part of the Vatican media (and those closely related to them) on the subject of the Official Correction. In fact, Bergoglio prepares his counterattack.

My source in the Vatican told me that last night Bergoglio stayed in Santa Marta with several Vatican "press officers" and various "advisers" for a meeting on how to deal with this new "unexpected" of the Correction of the Bishops of Astana. The source told me that the Pope was furious and went on a rampage because he can not stand any opposition. They heard him scream: "They will regret it! They will regret it bitterly!". Of course, he referred to the courageous Bishops who "dared" to contradict the neo-gospel of the neo-church: Amoris Laetitia.

My source was able to catch an interesting piece of news, which we publish so that the three Bishops and those who join them can prepare their defense. We will also ensure that this "draft" can be delivered to interested parties as we did with our support link.

In short, Bergoglio and his acolytes are preparing a "contrast program". Translated means: Bergoglio will not face the "Correctors" Bishops frontally, but has given carte blanche to its official and unofficial "press officers" to start a "media campaign" that denigrates the Opponents. As we know, Vatican communication is now in the hands of the Jesuits. Classic operation by the South American dictatorial regime. For Bergoglio, therefore, it is very simple now to unleash journalists.

This "campaign of denigration" will serve (in their opinion) to "discredit" those Bishops, publishing perhaps something of their past (true or not true), or building a "news" of sound plant, to lose their credibility.

In short, a little 'how it was done and is done in communist regimes when you want to "eliminate" a dissident.

In the next days surely these "press officers" will start to publish something. Maybe even Bergoglio will surely run away a few lines.

We have a duty to defend and shield these heroic bishops.

A regime reigns in the Vatican. We know that the actions of control of Bergoglio have become almost "obsessive". Mail, cell phones under control, bugs around ... in the Vatican are the order of the day.

Consider that now the Holy See has established an App that all the priests of the world can download, where every week there is already a sermon ready for Sunday. Prepared by the Bergoglio delegates. With the themes of Bergoglio. With the words of Bergoglio. Today, downloading this sermon is optional. In a few months it will be warmly suggested. In a year "will be imposed". Because all priests will be obliged to repeat, every Sunday, only and exclusively the words of Leader Maximo.

Thursday 21 December 2017

Bergoglio "Cardinal" Maradiaga on the money take!

In fairness to Don Maradiaga, here is his denial.

Oscar "Cardinal" Maradiaga, one of Bergoglio's fiercest supporters who once called Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke a "poor man" saying his thoughts "don't merit further comment" and again said, that Cardinal Burke was a "disappointed man, in that he wanted power and lost it" is now in for his own major disappointment and on the verge of lusting that power he has so relished and lusted after.
The pompous, arrogant thug masquerading as a Cardinal is Chairman of Bishop of Rome Bergoglio's "Council of Cardinals" and has been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars/euros from the Catholic University of Tegucigalpa. Maradiaga, who preaches about the poor and downtrodden has proven to be just one more corrupt, hypocritical and heretical henchmen of the Bergoglio mafia.

Image result for cardinal maradiaga

The filth and rot of this papacy are being exposed. Bergoglio brought this on himself, it is only a matter of time until he is trapped in his own web of deceit and corruption.

God will not be mocked.

And we His people will not sit idly by any longer with these filthy rats on board the ship.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Archdiocese of Bombay states that Pope Francis has opened "communion to divorced and remarried Catholics."

The little-known homosexualist Cardinal Archbishop of Bombay, Oswald Gracias, has authorized a poster stating that Pope Francis has opened the door to "communion to divorced and remarried Catholics," -- those living and committing adultery. What can you expect from a homosexualist such as Gracias?

Image may contain: text

Wednesday 13 December 2017

World's leading Pro-Life leaders accuse Bergoglio and Catholic leaders of being unfaithful to doctrine


Pledge of fidelity to the authentic teaching of the Church by pro-life and pro-family leaders

The number of innocent children killed by abortion during the last century is greater than that of all the human beings who have died in all the wars in recorded history. The last fifty years have witnessed a continual escalation in attacks on the structure of the family as designed and willed by God, which provides the best environment for human flourishing, and, especially, for the education and formation of children. Divorce, contraception, acceptance of homosexual acts and unions, and the spread of “gender ideology” have all done immeasurable damage to the family, and its most vulnerable members.

Over the last fifty years the pro-life and pro-family movement has grown in both size and scope in order to confront these grave evils, which threaten both the temporal and eternal good of mankind. Our movement comprises men and women of good will from a wide variety of religious backgrounds. We are brought together in our defence of the family, and of the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters, through obedience to the natural law, which is written on all our hearts (cf. Rm 2:15). However, throughout this last half century the pro-life and pro-family movement has relied in a particular way on the immutable teaching of the Catholic Church, which affirms the moral law with the greatest clarity.

It is therefore with great sorrow that during recent years we have witnessed doctrinal and moral clarity, on issues relating to the protection of human life and the family, increasingly being replaced by ambiguity, and even by doctrines directly contrary to the teaching of Christ and the precepts of the natural law.

A Filial Appeal, delivered to Pope Francis in September 2015, was signed by around 900,000 people from all over the world and a “Declaration of fidelity to the unchangeable teaching of the Church on matrimony” was presented in 2016. On 19 September 2016 four cardinals submitted five dubia to Pope Francis, and to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, asking for the clarification of certain points of doctrine in the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. In June 2017, the cardinals made public their request for an audience, which had been presented to the Pope by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra on 25 April 2017, but which, like the dubia, had received no response. On 23 September 2017 a Correctio filialis de haeresibus propagatis was issued by 62 Catholic theologians and academics “on account of the propagation of heresies effected by the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia and by other words, deeds and omissions” of Pope Francis. By 4 November 2017, 250 theologians, priests, professors and scholars of all nationalities had pledged their support to the Correctio. The disorder within the Church is increasing, as witnessed by a letter recently sent to Pope Francis by a prominent theologian, which, the author stated, was prompted by “turmoil within the Church today, a chaos and an uncertainty that I felt Pope Francis had himself caused.” 1

As Catholic pro-life and pro-family leaders, we are obliged to highlight numerous additional statements and actions, which have had a particularly damaging impact on our work for the protection of unborn children and the family in recent years. Representative examples include:

  • statements and actions which contradict the Church’s teaching on the intrinsic evil of contraceptive acts;
  • statements and actions which contradict the Church’s teaching on the nature of marriage and the intrinsic evil of sexual acts outside the union of marriage;
  • the approval of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which effectively call for member states to achieve universal access to abortion, contraception and sex education by 2030;
  • the approach adopted towards sex education, particularly in chapter 7 of Amoris Laetitia and in The Meeting Point programme produced by the Pontifical Council for the Family.

As leaders within the pro-life and pro-family movement or leaders of lay movements concerned with the defence and diffusion of Catholic moral and social teaching, we have witnessed first-hand the harm and confusion caused by such teaching and actions. In order to fulfil our responsibilities to those whom we have pledged to protect, in particular, unborn children and those made especially vulnerable by the breakdown of the family, we must provide clarity on our position on these issues. We must also provide leadership to those within our movement who look to us for guidance and advice.

For this reason, we wish to make clear our unchanging adherence to the fundamental moral positions outlined below:

  • there exist certain acts which are intrinsically evil and which it is always forbidden to commit;
  • the direct killing of an innocent human being is always gravely immoral; consequently, abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are intrinsically evil acts;
  • marriage is the exclusive and indissoluble union of one man and one woman; all sexual acts outside of marriage, including in all forms of non-marital union, are intrinsically evil and gravely injurious to individuals and to society;
  • adultery is a grave sin, and those who live in adultery cannot be admitted to the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion, until such time as they repent and amend their lives;
  • parents are the primary educators of their children, and the provision of sex education must be undertaken by parents or, in certain circumstances, “in educational centres chosen and controlled by them”;
  • the separation of the procreative and unitive ends of the sexual act by contraceptive methods is intrinsically evil and has devastating consequences for the family, for society and for the Church;
  • methods of artificial reproduction are gravely immoral as they separate procreation from the sexual act and, in the great majority of cases, lead directly to the destruction of human life in its earliest stages;
  • there are only two sexes, male and female, each of which possesses the complementary characteristics and differences that are proper to them;
  • homosexual acts are intrinsically evil, and no form of union between persons of the same sex can be approved in any way.

As Catholic pro-life and pro-family leaders we must remain faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has entrusted the deposit of faith to his Church. We “are obliged to yield to God the revealer full submission of intellect and will by faith.” We fully assent to all those things “which are contained in the word of God as found in Scripture and Tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as divinely revealed, whether by her solemn judgment or in her ordinary and universal magisterium.” 

We pledge our full obedience to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the legitimate exercise of its authority. However, nothing will ever persuade us, or compel us, to abandon or contradict any article of the Catholic faith or any truth definitively established. If there is any conflict between the words and acts of any member of the hierarchy, even the pope, and the doctrine that the Church has always taught, we will remain faithful to the perennial teaching of the Church. If we were to depart from the Catholic faith, we would depart from Jesus Christ, to Whom we wish to be united for all eternity.

We, the undersigned, pledge that we will continue to teach and propagate the above moral principles, and every other authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, and will never, for any reason, depart from them.

12th December 2017

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Bernard Antony
President of Chrétienté-Solidarité (France)

Dame Colleen Bayer, DSG
Founding Director of Family Life International NZ (New Zealand)

Judie Brown
President of American Life League (United States)

Patrick Buckley
Director of European Life Network (Ireland)

Georges Buscemi
President of Campagne Quebec Vie (Canada)

Giorgio Celsi
President of Associazione “Ora et Labora in Difesa della Vita” (Italy)

Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea, MD
Ioan Barbus Foundation (Romania)

Greg Clovis
Director of Family Life International UK (United Kingdom)

Rev. Linus F. Clovis
Spiritual Director of Family Life International St Lucia (St Lucia)

Virginia Coda Nunziante
President of Associazione Famiglia Domani (Italy)

Modesto Fernandez
President of Droit de Naître (France)

Richard P. Fitzgibbons, M.D.
Director of the Institute for Marital Healing (United States)

Mathias von Gersdorff
Director of Aktion Kinder in Gefahr (Germany)

Corrado Gnerre
National Director of Il Cammino dei Tre Sentieri (Italy)

Doug Grane
Chief Executive of Serviam (United States)

Michael Hichborn
President of the Lepanto Institute (United States)

Jason Jones
Founder of I am Whole Life
Founder of Movie to Movement (United States)

John Lacken
Founder of Legio Sanctae Familiae
Secretary of the Lumen Fidei Institute (Ireland)

François Legrier
President of Mouvement Catholique des Familles (France)

Vittorio Lodolo D’Oria
President of Famiglie Numerose Cattoliche (Italy)

Samuele Maniscalco
Director of Generazione Voglio Vivere (Italy)

Christine de Marcellus Vollmer
President of Asociacion Provida de Venezuela (PROVIVE)
President of Alianza Latinoamericana para la Familia (ALAFA)
President of Alive to the World, Education in Integrity (Venezuela)

Roberto de Mattei
President of Fondazione Lepanto (Italy)

Jean-Pierre Maugendre
President of Renaissance Catholique (France)

Thomas McKenna
President of Catholic Action for Faith and Family (United States)

Anthony Murphy
Director of Catholic Voice (Ireland)

Marisa Orecchia
President of Federvita Piemonte (Italy)

Philippe Piloquet
President of SOS Tout-petits (France)

Philippe Schepens M.D.
Secretary-General of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life (Belgium)

John Smeaton
Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (United Kingdom)

Molly Smith
President of Bringing America Back to Life
Executive Director of Cleveland Right to Life (United States)

Guillaume de Thieulloy
Director of Le Salon Beige (France)

Yves Tillard
President of Action Familiale et Scolaire (France)

Dr. Thomas Ward
President of the National Association of Catholic Families (United Kingdom)

John-Henry Westen
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of LifeSiteNews (Canada)

Mercedes Arzú Wilson
Founder and President of Family of the Americas Foundation (Nicaragua)

Diego Zoia

Director of SOS Ragazzi (Italy)

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Don Minutella: these penalties are "medals of honor"

"Resist, Resist, Resist": CFN Exclusive Interview with Fr. Alessandro M. Minutella


CFN: How do you view your penalties of (de facto) suspension, or excommunications?

Don Minutella: For me these are medals of honor, like when a simple soldier carries out meritorious actions, and the commander rewards him. I hope, however, that one of the Cardinals who remain Catholic, will recognize it. I'll need this [support], even though Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Sarah have already encouraged me privately. The best spoils for the priest are souls. Saint John Bosco told Our Lord: Da mihi animas et coetera tolle! “Give me souls, and take the rest!” It is said of St. John of the Cross that Jesus appeared to him, saying: Ioanne, quid vis pro laboribus? “John, what would you like [as a reward] for your labors?” The Spanish saint responded: Domine, pati et contemni pro te, meaning “Lord, to suffer and to be despised for Thee.” It is something that I have expected since my time in the Seminary, and despite the heavy weight of suffering, I experience the supernatural joy of the Cross.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Are you sure you didn't choose to destroy everything George?

The Vatican spin's away from the shouting match between Pope Bergoglio and Cardinal Sandri. They are two old Argentian's arm in arm.

Two old pathetic Peronists.

Francis! We did not choose you to destroy everything

Two Argentineans: Cardinal Leonardo Sandri yesterday with Pope Francis
Two Argentineans: Cardinal Leonardo Sandri yesterday with Pope Francis
(Rome) Yesterday Pope Francis received a curia cardinal in audience. The same is part of everyday life in the Vatican. Nevertheless, this audience had a particularly piquant note.
Warm audience
Warm audience
Francis received his compatriot Leonardo Cardinal Sandri. The cardinal, born like Francis in Buenos Aires, is the son of Italian immigrants but seven years younger than the pope. Ordained priest in 1967, he was secretary to the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires and sent to Rome in 1971 to attend the Diplomatic Academy of the Holy See. He joined the State Secretariat in 1974 and served as Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela from 1997 to 2000, then in Mexico for a few more months, to be appointed as a substitute to the State Secretariat by John Paul II at the end of 2000. As such, he announced in April 2005 the death of the Polish Pope.
In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him. became Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and elevated him to the cardinal's office in the same year. In 2013 he was in the conclave to the voters of his compatriot Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio. One of not a few cardinals who supported the archbishop of Buenos Aires, contrary to the legend, that Bergoglio's election was an uprising against the Roman Curia.

Loud criticism of a cardinal to Pope Francis

Last Friday, Vaticanist Marco Tosatti reported that Pope Francis' attitude towards criticizing his controversial post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia was a nuisance to some in the Vatican as well. Tosatti speaks of "two different sources", which told him the following.
"A cardinal of great renown, a former diplomat with a significant curriculum at the head of a congregation and eminently prominent in the State Secretariat, has blamed the Pope for acting by saying, 'We have chosen you to do so Carry out reforms and not destroy everything '. The news spread in the Vatican, because the conversation, if one can speak of a conversation, took place with increased volume, so that doors and walls were penetrated. The purple bearer in question was one of those who supported the candidacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the 2013 conclave. "
Tosatti did not name a name. However, his description is so detailed that it applies only to Cardinal Sandri.
Astonishingly, Cardinal Sandri was received in audience by the Pope just three days after Tosatti's publication. Since the Pope did not return from Bangladesh until Saturday, the meeting took place on the first possible day after publication.
The content of the conversation was not disclosed by the Vatican, but photos have been published showing two brightly smiling interlocutors. So far, there were no pictures in which the two Argentines are seen as such exuberant friendliness. The pictures are intended to signal demonstrative agreement and are apparently intended to counteract unspoken Tosatti's publication.
This only raises the question of who better simulates both of them before the photographer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Osservatore Romano / OSS (Screenshots)