A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 3 May 2022

America! Hold the line in truth and justice and life!

What you hear are the screams of a billion demons.

America. America. Return unto the LORD Thy God!


Cybro said...

Yeah... What's going on? First it was the Consecration of Russia + Ukraine... Now RvW... How did this happen? Even the world felt less oppressive this morning... Did anyone else notice that?

Robert Mignella said...

The star-studded 2015 film, The Big Short, chronicled how astute investors were able to bet against the real estate market for big gain by noting the rot and impending collapse of the impossibly corrupt financial system. What will occur first - schism in the church or civil war in society?

robert mignella