A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday 4 July 2020

May God bless America and return her to Him

May God bless America and return her to Him, and may those triggered by my Dominion Day post be confounded. 

Patriotism is not a sin. 


Kathleen1031 said...

How beautiful is that.
Happy Dominion Day (a bit late) Vox, and God bless America and Canada!
This is an important time in history, and while it seems bad right now, I'm sure there are more good people in our nations than bad. Imagine if every single person decided to do, every day, one thing that day for the cause, and we do have a cause. Imagine if every day we committed to making a phone call, writing an email or letter, to either make a complaint about something we disagree with, or thank you when we see the good someone is doing, to encourage or thank them. If every single person who laments what is happening, did one thing each day to advance the cause, remembering to pray first, imagine what could happen. I worry when I see people talking as if it's over. It's so not over. There are more of us than them, and God will help us. We have to keep the spirit of 1776, or Lepanto! If people get active, do whatever they can, great things can happen. If we give up, we are already defeated.

Tom A. said...

I love the land of my birth but as Catholics we should realize that our governments (US and Canada) are founded on masonic principles.

Osusanna said...

Wonderful. I always remember "as He died to make men holy let us live to make men free", but now I see lyrics with both - live and die to make men free.
Thanks Vox.

TLM said...

STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL!! Brought tears to my eyes and shivers down my spine! THANK YOU!!!