Let's have a look and a comment or two, shall we?
What is the date of implementation for the new edition of the Roman Missal?The date of implementation of the new Missal will be the first Sunday of Advent 2011. The publications team here at the CCCB have done some remarkable work these past few months to make this possible. (Yes, only after they were told in February by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments that they had no choice. They were trying to wait until a new "French" Roman Missal was complete as that was considered more important than our unity in the ROC (Rest of Canada) with the English-speaking world.)Will the responses be the same as in the United States?
The responses at the Eucharist (Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,) will be the same for the entire English-speaking world, although we will have the proper Canadian spelling of some of the words. We are happy to report that you will be able to have your own copy of them by March - they will be published as part of Celebrate in Song, our new music and liturgy resource which is designed to supplement CBW III (Which we are still stuck with inclusive language and all forced upon the unsuspecting Church in Canada by Raymond Lahey whose name is enshrined in every book, in every parish, in every pew as to a joyous reminder of the contribution of this "kind and gentle pastor.") in the era of the new Missal. Not only will we have the new responses, we will have three musical settings of the responses which we have commissioned by us for use in Canada. They are by Canadian composers (Which are the most detestable example of church music I've ever heard.) and it is my hope that they will become fairly standard in parishes (I doubt it, not even my Praise and Worship friends are that stupid--go ahead, ask as church musician what he or she really thinks of the garbage parishes are forced to pay for.) across the country. This way we will be able to feel at home in each others' churches. The chant setting from ICEL is also included for the same reason. (Well this is simply not true, they have not used the Gloria from the chant setting by ICEL which is to appear in ALL hymnbooks because Father Bill Burke deemed it "too hard" in a letter to me.)
What should parishes do to prepare for the new edition of the Roman Missal?
Fr. Burke of the National Liturgy Office (NLO) has been working tirelessly to prepare the clergy of the country for the new edition of the Roman Missal. He has done workshops from coast to coast to coast. It is our hope that the local clergy and diocesan offices will take a prominent role in the implementation process in our churches and schools, and so this training has been a huge part of the NLO strategy around the Missal. For your parish, consider the following:
A DVD with a teaching Mass has been approved for publication and should be available by the Fall. This could form part of an information evening held by parishes or deaneries
Fr. Bill’s workshop will form part of one of the catechetical resource DVD’s that we are preparing, and can be used in the same way
Music ministers: (There is no such thing as a "Music Minister" and this term needs to stop being used -- we are Directors of Music, Choir Directors or Schola Masters) cantors, organists, instrumentalists of all kinds, choirs, should start learning our new Canadian Mass settings in Celebrate in Song
In addition there are several other resources:
NLO has entered into an agreement with Novalis to prepare a Missal resource for youth which will be a unique resource for young people to learn about the Mass. ('cause they need to be patronised and talked down to, right?)
For all Catholics the Publications Service has published the ICEL resource, Become One Body One Spirit in Christ, which will help everyone better understand the new edition. (Yes, the Brits did this and they are so far ahead of us it is embarrassing to say nothing about the Americans.)
For priests, the Publications Service has made an agreement with World Library Publications to distribute a CD recording of the new translations of Eucharistic Prayers I-IV
All of these can help us to prepare for the new edition of the Roman Missal in our own communities.
I heard that there is a new translation of the Mass that is coming out. Is that true?
Yes, it is indeed true. Even though we often look to the Church for stability in this rapidly changing world, and although it’s not always easy to accept, the Church’s prayer and worship have also changed over time.
Following many years of work and consultations (see the following question for details), changes have been made to the Mass and its translation. As we are now at the point where we need to get ready to receive this new translation, a series of questions and answers will be presented in the next few months to offer a better understanding of the changes and to prepare for them.
Change is rarely easy (Well, ya sure didn't care about the change our parents and grandparents had to endure which they didn't ask for) and it doesn’t happen automatically. You might find the upcoming changes challenging. However, we invite everyone to accompany us in this series of articles with an open mind and an open heart. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and . . . together, let us enter into the dance! (Dance? Let us enter the dance? Who actually writes this stuff?)
Why are we getting a new translation?
In the 1960's, as the bishops of the world met for the Second Vatican Council, they called for a major revision of the rites of the Mass and opened the door to the celebration of Mass in the many languages used around the world. (Actually, in Sacrosanctam Concilium they said that no changes could be made unless it was for the good of the faithful; there were eleven requests made and all of these except one, the new Lectionary with its three year-cycle, were implemented by 1965. (Google Vox Cantoris 1965 Missal). The Novus Ordo Missae was never, ever imagined or contemplated by the Father of the Council. They asked for a minor "simplification of the rubrics" already underway by 1962 and an end to "repetitions" mostly in place by 1965. They never asked for a chopping or re-writing of Collects and Postcommunions or a virtual elimination of Propers or multiple options of Pentitential Rites or Canons (Eucharistic Prayers), these were all "manufactured" as affirmed by Pope Benedict XVI in The Spirit of the Liturgy. As for the vernacular languages, this was for those parts concerning the people, the Collects and Readings. Go ahead...look it up.)
In the years that followed, much work went into those revisions. The translation of Mass texts from Latin to all those languages proved to be a major task. (Again, this is not true and it is simplistic and grossly misleading. We always had a translation in our Missals. In 1965 we had a complete and approved English translation faithful to the Latin.) As time was pressing and it was important to make those translations available as soon as possible, a first translation was prepared, which did not pretend to be either perfect or permanent. (We already had a translation in 1965 of the 1570/1962 Roman Missal. They sure pretended that it was perfect and they used a method called "dynamic equivalence" to do it and they convinced a battered Pope to agree with it.) In February 1974 the first English translation for use in Canada was approved. (Yes, finally there was an approved "Sacramentary" in 1974 and from 1969 until then they used binders on the Altar and made it up as they went along).
Eventually, work began on a number of additions to the Mass and revisions to the translations. In 2001 new directions in the translation of texts from Latin were established by the Church and in March 2002, a new edition of the Order of Mass in Latin was published. (Yes, and ordered by Blessed John Paul II!)
Since then, great strides have been made to prepare faithful translations, to get the proper approvals and to make them available to all English speaking people in a timely fashion. (Eleven years is timely) Therefore, in the near future those changes will be implemented.
How will the new translation affect me?
When the new translation of the Mass comes about, it will affect all of us, although in different ways. Priests and deacons will need to adapt to the revised texts - some texts contain very subtle differences while others have been modified considerably. Therefore, everyone will need to listen so much more carefully and to hear differently. (And it will help you pray better and understand the Mass better and receive more grace because of it and therefore be a better Catholic, a better person and you will have a stronger family and build a better world; as Father Z says, "liturgy is the tip of the spear.")
Members of the assembly (Congregation!) will need to learn new or modified responses. This requires practice and patience. Music used during Mass (i.e.: “Glory to God”, “Holy, Holy”, etc.) will need to be adapted to the new texts, requiring that we learn new music. (And the Memorial Acclamation, so why force new Lamb of God and Kyrie's on people and frankly, the Somerville, Togni and Proulx Masses were all written for 1965 "hosts" and had to be adapted for 1970, so we can go back to the originals.)
Moreover, changes being brought to the Mass are not limited to spoken or sung texts. They also touch some actions and postures during the Mass. Therefore, we will need to learn them and the times during the Mass where they occur. (Yes, we will stand as soon as the priest says; "Pray brethern (brothers and sisters)" but the CCCB still wants to amend the kneeling posture and make it different from the U.S., Britain, Ontario, B.C. and the most traditional form but since they have not yet released the GIRM, we don't know what Rome has or has not approved.)
Where does the new translation come from?
Official texts of the Mass are promulgated by the “Holy See” (the official authority of the Roman Catholic Church). (Damn near spilt my coffee on that one.) A Latin edition (editio typica) is prepared and published under the title Missale Romanum (Sacramentary or Roman Missal in English). (No! Missale Romanum means Roman Missal, not Sacramentary--sorry, you'll have to have ROMAN on the cover this time girls.)
Then, the Conference of Bishops of each country (or group of countries) in the world is responsible to prepare proper translations in the language(s) used in its country and to get them approved by the Holy See. Usually, a team of experts and bishops from various countries using the same language work together on such an enormous task. The International Committee on English in the Liturgy (usually referred to as ICEL) is responsible for the English translations. (And they did a fine job) All the bishops of participating countries then get to critique, modify and approve that work. (And they've delayed and delayed and delayed it and some, such as Bishop Trautman of Erie, have fought it.) Each Conference of Bishops also prepares a certain number of local adaptations as required by the Holy See or as requested by the bishops. Then, each Conference of Bishops must approve the translations and adaptations for use in its country/region, and present them to the Holy See for final approval. (There are certain Saints for example, not on the Universal Calendar but who pertain to a country or region.)
These steps led to the new Mass translation that we will be getting.Now you know why bloggers are necessary.
Do we have to use the new translations?
This kind of question is always hard to answer! A hard-line answer would simply be: “Of course we have to!” (DUH, YES, THAT IS THE ANSWER!) However, we are invited to enter into the spirit of the law and not only its letter. (AND WHAT SPIRIT MIGHT THAT BE?)
The changes being brought to the Mass apply to Roman Catholics around the world. Although the number and the nature of the changes will differ from one language to another, (No this is not true. All national conferences through their ICEL equivalents must conform to the THIRD TYPICAL EDITION and be translated in accordance with LITURGIAM AUTHENTICUM. Because English is the new "LINGUA FRANCA" and it is from English that many other translations are made the English must be particularly correct and accurate. This was mandated by the "OFFICIAL AUTHORITY..") in all of this we need to be aware that the intention stems from a constant concern to maintain the unity of our faith and worship within the whole Church. Yet, there remains a provision for creativity and adaptations which require a spirit that respects the whole celebration and the universality of the Church. Unity doesn’t always involve uniformity, but does require concerted effort and a common heart.
Are we going back to Latin?
The vernacular will most certainly continue to be used as the language of worship as established by the Second Vatican Council (No; Wrong again! Latin is and remains the first language of choice for the Mass. The Novus Ordo Missae of 1970 can always be celebrated in Latin. The Mass, celebrated in the vernacular can always have Latin Gregorian music or polyphonic motets or hymns in Latin -- why do they continue to mislead?) and reaffirmed by the NEW General Instruction of the Roman Missal. The Preamble to GIRM (2008) states in paragraph 12: “The eagerness with which this measure (use of the vernacular) was everywhere received has certainly been so great that it has led under the guidance of the Bishops and the Apostolic See itself, to permission for all liturgical celebrations in which the people participate to be in the vernacular, so that the people may more fully participate. SACROSANCTAM CONCILIUM, THE CONSTITUTION ON THE SACRED LITURGY AT THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL STATED THAT "LATIN IS TO BE PRESERVED" THAT THE "VERNACULAR, MAY BE USED "AND THAT "GREGORIAN CHANT HAS PRIDE OF PLACE."
Who initiated the change of translation?In response to concerns expressed by local Bishops’ Conferences, the Congregation for Divine Worship initiated a period of study and reflection upon the current translations being used throughout the universal church. (Again, this is not true. ICEL was instructed by its members, the English speaking Bishops' Conferences, to prepare a new translation because they fundamentally new of the problems. This was completed in 1988 and rejected by the "OFFICIAL AUTHORITY." It was rejected for two reasons; First, it was still not an adequate translation; and second, the Holy Father knew he was going to promulgate a new Edition and instruct then on how it was to be translated.) This period resulted in the document entitled Liturgiam Authenticum (2001) in which specific guidelines were established for all future translations from Latin to the vernacular.The International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) in collaboration with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, following a long period of intense study and reflection, established a General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) and the resulting new translation of the Ordo Missae (Order of Mass) for the Canadian Church. (There is no "Canadian Church" there is the Church in Canada!) These documents were then submitted to the Congregation of Divine Worship for approval.
I thought they were done with changes!!! Why more changes now?
In the years following the Second Vatican Council, the urgency with which texts had to be translated from Latin to the vernacular languages resulted in new texts that did not always convey the full meaning of the original Latin text and omitted some very rich scriptural and patristic images.(Yes, this is true but it had nothing to do with "urgency." (This is grossly misleading and I'm tired of hearing it, it was a conspiracy to change the meaning...why else would you translate "pro multis" which means "for many" as "for all" when the Latin expression "for all" exists and it is "pro omnibus!" It was a zeitgeist that harmed our belief and the truth of Our LORD's words in scripture.) Consequently, certain key responses and prayers have now been re-translated to better express a clearer understanding of the original text. This has resulted in a new Roman Missal (Ordo Missae) (Ordo Missae means Order of Mass.-- who wrote this??? ) which is to be used during all liturgical celebrations in the Roman Rite.The changes initiated by the Second Vatican Council are on-going. Therefore, in a Church that is alive with the Holy Spirit, we can expect that the process of change will always be present.
Copyright © 2011 Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
2500 Don Reid Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 2J2 Canada
You're welcome.
"Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and . . . together, let us enter into the dance!"
Hey, Vox, that reminds me of something that reeks of moldy Jarlsberg cheeziness!:
And now for the 2nd time here on VC, which angers me, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT A WEAPON TO TELL US TO SHUT UP AND ACCEPT WHATEVER YOU THROW AT US!!! NOT EVERYTHING IS LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! Oh dear CCCB, are you sure you are being led by the Holy Spirit? Or are you being led by your "feelings" or selfish prideful desires? ...
I stumbled upon the GIRM Canadian adaptation on posture in the Toronto Archdiocese website. You can find it here:
Gabby, you are wonderful!
This is not the complete GIRM but an important highlight.
Thank God for "laudable practice!"
More on this later.
Thank-you for the wonderful commentary...keep up the good work!!!
In essence they've gone with the universal GIRM, just the way they did in 1975.
They didn't get exactly what they wanted. According to my sources and the Grey Book submission they asked for the following:
"In the dioceses of Canada, they should kneel from the singing or recitation of the Sanctus to the Memorial Acclamation, except when prevented by reasons of health, lack of space, the large number of people present, or some other good
reason. Those who do not kneel at the Consecration, however, should make a profound bow when the Priest genuflects after Communion. The diocesan Bishop may allow the common practice of kneeling at the Consecration only. Where it is the practice for the people to remain kneeling after the Sanctus until the end of the Eucharistic Prayer and before Communion when the Priest says, Behold the Lamb of God, it is laudable to retain this practice. (53)To achieve uniformity in gestures and postures during one and the same celebration, the faithful should follow the instructions given by the Deacon, lay minister, or Priest in accordance with w at is laid down in the Missal."
So, essentially they did not get what they wanted which was a patchwork that would have imposed a unique kneeling arrangement in place nowhere else as the norm.
Rome upheld the 1975 norm, which is what is followed even in St. Peter's Basilica and states that it is "laudable" or praiseworthy to continue the traditional meaning it is NOT PRAISWORTHY not to!
This is a victory.
Thank God for laudable practice because now, those who stop kneeling at the end of the Memorial Acclamation will have to make a choice. Kneel only a the Consecration or keep kneeling as in the former, more traditional manner?
My bet is that the people will kneel!
I must be missing something because I don't see any difference between what I read on the Archdiocese website and what you quote as being what they wanted. We still don't have to kneel anywhere but Consecration, which is the universal norm and what we did in my parish until someone convinced the pastor that we shouldn't kneel at all. I'll be satisfied if we return to kneeling then. It remains to be seen what is being said to our priests in the meetings they are having at the diocese this week. And since we don't have a pastor I suspect that it will be up to us to implement these things in our parish at the appropriate time -- long story.
I have to admit that I'm surprised since, back in 2002, there was every indication that we would be going to kneeling for the entire EP.
Now if only we could implement Redemptionis Sacramentum at the same time as we implement everything else.
OK, I reread, I see the difference.
Gabby, I agree with you. I believe the norm for Canada, and universally for that matter, should have been that which was approved for the United States--the "laudable practice" from the end of the Sanctus to the end of the Doxology and after the Agnus Dei throughout Communion.
The fact that the second one, kneel to the end of the Memorial Acclamation is not there is very important. That is the posture employed in most places in Canada from what I understand, the Maritimes, Ottawa, much of the West. If this was the norm, which is what they tried to do, it would have eventually won out as the Canadian compromise. Now, you either do the minimum or the maximum.
If those in places where they now kneel up to the end of the Memorial Acclamation are told to get off of their knees, they are most likely to rebel and say "no" and return to the more traditional posture. At least I would hope they would, but it will be up to them, not the liturgists who have lost out on this.
The 1975 GIRM did establish universally that kneeling must take place at the Consecration, not "only" there. So, most places continued with the traditional manner.
After all, who read the rubrics?
Great commentary. What certain people in power and influence haven't clued into yet is this thing called the Internet, as Michael Voris calls it, "The Great Equalizer". The laity are not blank slates anymore - we can look stuff up and communicate with like minded people. The 'spirit of Vatican II' has left the building.
Vox, I have to say that I've never experienced a parish where they knelt until after the Memorial Acclamation if they weren't kneeling for the entire Eucharistic Prayer. Regardless of whether they went to their knees immediately after the Sanctus or only after the Epiclesis, they all rose for the Memorial Acclamation.
It seems that in the Maritimes they rise at the Memorial Acclamation.
In most of Ontario, except perhaps Ottawa, the kneeling pratice is after the Sanctus to after the Great Amen and from after the Agnus Dei.
At least now there will be only two standards, not three; not that I think the kneeling should only be at the Consecration.
Ockam, Yes, we're all grown up now...it makes me wonder what would have happened if our parnets and grandparents had this little tool.
In our Atlantic Canada diocese we have a bit of everything. The archbishop has stated that where there are kneelers we are to kneel only at the Consecration, where there are no kneelers there is to be a reverent bow. We have been told that to do anything otherwise will be considered to be an act of disobeying the bishop.
Catholics in Atlantic Canada have a lot of work to do.
"Catholics in Atlantic Canada have a lot of work to do."
A rare breed, that. But we are here................
No offence Anon.
My late mother was from Fredericton!
Dear Vox, In my parish outside Montreal we have heard NOTHING, ZIP, NADA, RIEN DU TOUT, about the new translation - this is St. Thomas Aquinas parish in Hudson. Our pastor says that "whenever anything comes from Rome, we close our eyes". (I actually heard him say this) Also, we in the Diocese of Valleyfield are in transition, our former Bishop now relocated to Sherbrooke. It will be interesting to see what happens in November - if anything happens at all, which would be in accord with the usual way of doing things at STA. Sometimes attending Mass is an occasion of sin for me as I get quite upset by the lousy music and extreme casualness of the liturgy. I am considered a bit of a crank about this, even by my own family, but what's right is right. God deserves the best we can give Him, and what He's getting these days ain't it. Pray for the Church in Quebec - and please pray for me!
Maritime Anonymous, good for you! I was born and raised in Newfoundland, and I agree we are a pretty tough, resilient gang from that neck of the woods. God bless you!
"No offence Anon.
My late mother was from Fredericton!"
None taken at all! Just pointing out the facts, lol!!
And thank you to Chloesmom! I will keep you and yours in my prayers!
Chloesmom, I once pointed out in a liturgy meeting in my parish that having EMHCs giving out Communion when priests were sitting down flew in the face of several Roman documents. One of the priests there, a man who had been one of my then-pastor's seminary prof, got up, shook his finger at me and yelled, "We've never paid attention to what Rome had to say and we aren't about to start now!" That's the day that I decided that being on the Liturgy committee was over for me.
Gabby, I hear ya - that guy must be a clone of our PP ... The only thing to do is pray - and pray again! I wouldn't be on the liturgy committee if you put a gun to my head! You're braver than I am.
Courage, mon ami(e)!
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