Something little known by most Catholics is that the Solemnity of the Ascension of the LORD is actually on Thursday, 40 days after Easter, not on the Sunday. There is a Mass for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, its antiphons and readings never heard by most Catholics as in most countries Ascension is transferred to the Sunday. This is also the case with Epiphany which occurs on January 6 so it is occasionally on its proper day. Perhaps, someday one of the influences of the "two forms of one Roman rite" as Pope Benedict XVI referred in Summorum Pontificum, will be the celebration of these feasts on their actual day.
In the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, these feasts are not transferred. Therefore, this Thursday being Ascension Thursday a Missa Cantata will be celebrated in Hamilton, Ontario at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church by a native Hamiltonian priest visiting from his parish in Colorado. Father Hearty will celebrate Mass at 7:oo PM, Vox Cantoris will provide the Gregorian Propers with the assistance of Vox's Angels on the Ordinary and we'll try to put a little Palestrina together as well.
For directions from Toronto, London or Guelph click
1 comment:
Wishing you a happy Ascension Day! The music on your site is so inspirational!
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