Oh yeah baby...The left is being called out!
Rabbi Yehuda Levin is at the March for Life in Washington every year. Thank you
Rabbi Levin!
Rabbi Speaks on Pope Benedict Controversy:
Leftist Catholics Using Jews to Attack the Pope
Says, "church hierarchy should take strong action in dealing with this type of insurrection"John-Henry Westen
February 10, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A prominent Jewish Rabbi who represents over 1000 Rabbis in North America spoke to LifeSiteNews.com last week regarding the recent controversy around Pope Benedict XVI and his lifting the excommunication of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).? Rabbi Yehuda Levin says he sees the media attack on Pope Benedict as being more about?the influx of morally conservative Catholics into the mainstream of the Catholic Church, rather than anything else, including the?holocaust denial of one of the?SSPX bishops, which has received widespread media coverage.
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