A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 6 March 2015

BREAKING: Does the General Secretary of Ontario's Catholic Bishops Assembly support the explicit Ontario sex education curriculum designed by a convicted child porn producer?

Roger Lawler General Secretary of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

If the last few weeks have taught us anything it is this; you can't do things anymore in the Catholic Church that go against the faith and not be called out.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that Roger Lawler, the General Secretary of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario has been publicly active on Twitter condemning the position of Monte McNaughton a candidate for the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party in relation to the explicit sex education curriculum being imposed upon Ontario's children. MacNaughton a Member of the Provincial Parliament has been outspoken against the proposed curriculum. As this picture we obtained from his Twitter page shows he has "re-tweeted" what appears to be his support for a "sex-ed update Ontario badly needs."

There is no hiding the fact that the recently convicted Bernard Levin a former Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Assistant Deputy Minister of Education and adviser to Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne, a lesbian developed this curriculum which will be forced upon our Catholic schools. 

Reports are now coming to light at LifeSiteNews and The Rebel Media that there is a government cover-up  “These documents show Liz Sandals and Premier Wynne are now trying to cover up the fact that Levin was intimately involved in the ministry at the time. They have been deliberately misleading us,” Landolt told LifeSiteNews.

As LifeSiteNews reports "the curriculum that Roger Lawler, the ACBO’s general secretary since September 2014, has been defending teaches about anal and oral sex, masturbation, and contraception in grades 6 and 7, and begins discussing homosexual family structures in grade 3. Two Catholic psychiatrists told LifeSiteNews this week that they believe the program is “sexual abuse” because it sexualizes children prematurely."

Mr. Lawler has been asked to provide comment via his Twitter page but has not yet replied; he declined to comment to LifeSiteNews which advises that "Prior to his top position with the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, Lawler was director of education for 15 years at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB), which has been criticized as the “most non-catholic Catholic school board in Ontario.” Under his watch the board approved a number of controversial materials for school use as well as problematic policies that critics at the time said “created an air of tolerance towards active homosexuality.”

Catholic Intelligence Blog, which has even more detail on this situation, has advised of this quote by Mr. Lawler from LifeSiteNews dating from November 2, 2007: "Lawler spoke of legitimate differences of opinion on matters of "faith and morals".  "Faith and one’s understanding of faith is not static. As we learned and have been taught as a Post-Vatican II people, we are a Church with rich diversity," he wrote.  Adding: "Diversity also can bring about differences of opinion in areas like theology, faith, and morals. This is natural and healthy for a living, dynamic Church."

How much more are Catholics in Ontario to take? 

We have just this week seen the scandal of a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil Tweeting STFU to Raymond Cardinal Burke and now we have this matter. 

How can the Catholic Bishops of Ontario from Cardinal Collins to Archbishop Prendergast and the others tolerate this continued scandal within the Church? Does Mr. Lawler speak for Ontario's Bishops and the Catholic faithful? Should a person of such influence and high position within an episcopal conference use his Twitter feed for such political lobbing? What else is going on in the Assembly that the laity is unaware of? When are our bishops going to act like bishops?

For all the details on this latest scandal click on the LifeSiteNews heading below.

The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario can be reached at their web site.

His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins (President)
Archbishop of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto ON.    M4T 1W2
Phone:  416-934-0606  Fax:   416-934-3452

Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, c.s.b. (Vice-President)
Bishop of  London
1070 Waterloo Street
London, ON.  N6A 3Y2
Phone: 519-433-0658  Fax:  519-433-0011
Most Rev. Gerard Bergie (Councillor)
Bishop of St. Catharines
Catholic Centre – Diocese of St. Catharines
P.O. Box 875
St. Catharines, ON  L2R 6Z4
Phone: 905-684-0154  Fax: 905-684-7551

Most Rev. Marcel Damphousse (Councillor)
Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall
220 Montreal Road
Cornwall, ON  K6H 1B4
Phone: 613-933-1138  Fax: 613-937-4931

Roger Lawler email: rlawler@acbo.on.ca

From Rome Interview

Gracious thanks to Brother Alexis Bugnolo at the blog FROM ROME - An International Venue for Catholic Thought for his very kind interest in my opinions on a few matters. 

Please visit his blog often. He has no open combox there but if you wish to comment you may do so here.

Ontario Education : Wynne and Sandals have lied to the Public

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                 MARCH 5, 2015

Wynne and Sandals have lied to the Public
RE: Ontario Sex Education Program

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Education Minister Liz Sandals lied to the public when they maintained that former Deputy Minister of Education and convicted child predator, Benjamin Levin, was not involved in developing the controversial sex education curriculum.  On the contrary, he was responsible for the version published in 2010 which was not substantially modified in the 2015 version.

This is made clear by the following:

In a 2009 newsletter, as deputy minister, Levin said he was “responsible for ... everything that they do” and to “implement” the “new” approach.

·        On March 6, 2009, Levin wrote and signed a memo that put himself in charge of Ontario’s school curriculum.  He stated, “I am writing to provide an update on our sector’s agenda ... I will be filling the ADM (assistant deputy minister) position previously held by George Zegarac ... The division formerly headed by George Zegarac will be renamed as ‘Learning and Curriculum.’ It will have responsibility for curriculum and for Special Education including Provincial Schools.”

·        On April 6, 2009, Levin penned a memo saying, “Today, the ministry released its new equity and inclusive education strategy paper ... This province wide strategy has been a priority for our Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne and me.”

·        On June 24, 2009, Levin wrote that the “Realizing the Promise of Diversity: Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy” sets out a “vision for an equitable and inclusive education system.” He wrote “the principles of equity and inclusive education should be embedded into all aspects of board and high school operations including program, employment, research, curriculum, resources, instructional and assessment practices.”
·        In an interview published in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education’s (OISE) winter 2009 newsletter, Levin said: “I was the deputy minister of education. In that role, I was the chief civil servant. I was responsible for the operation of the Ministry of Education and everything that they do; I was brought in to implement the new education policy.”

These memos end the confusion as to just what his involvement was in the curriculum.  He was in charge of it.
It is alarming that Levin would use his position as Deputy Minister to manage a program to desensitise and groom children about age-inappropriate matters, such as masturbation, the use of pornography to stimulate erotic feelings and to teach that anal sex and oral sex are healthy alternatives to vaginal intercourse.  It appears reasonable to assume that Mr. Levin’s influence in the development of the sex education curriculum was motivated by his own perverse attraction to children.

According to Dr. Robert McDonald, a retired psychotherapist and medical doctor, “Any action which sexualizes a child before he or she is ready is sexual abuse.  Therefore, so-called sex-ed for children before puberty is an act of sexual abuse.”

Wynne and Sandals maintain they will not accept any changes to the 2015 sex-ed program.  This dictatorial position is appalling.  We live in a democracy not a totalitarian state. 

Unfortunately, it is our Ontario children who will be the helpless victims of this sex education program imposed by these politicians.

Gwendolyn Landolt, Vice President of REAL Women of Canada states,  “Wynne and Sandals seem to believe that all they have to do is shout ‘homophobe’ at those who object to the curriculum, and this will erase any problems with it, as well as erase any other problems from the long list of improper activities carried on by this government.  The latter cannot be believed or trusted.”

This curriculum is not acceptable and should be withdrawn so that it can be properly reviewed and allow parents opportunity to be consulted on its contents.

-        30 -
For further information contact either:
C. Gwendolyn Landolt                                                   Diane Watts
National Vice-President                                                 Researcher
REAL Women of Canada                                               REAL Women of Canada          
(905) 787-0348                                                             (613) 236-4001
(905) 731-5425                                                             email: realwcna@rogers.com
email: realwcto@realwomenofcanada.ca

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB on threat of lawsuit against blogger Vox Cantoris - "the matter is now closed"


A message from Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB
March 4, 2015
From today’s first reading at Mass
Jeremiah 18:18-20
 The people of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem said,“Come, let us contrive a plot against Jeremiah.It will not mean the loss of instruction from the priests,nor of counsel from the wise, nor of messages from the prophets.And so, let us destroy him by his own tongue;let us carefully note his every word.”
Heed me, O LORD, and listen to what my adversaries say.Must good be repaid with evil
that they should dig a pit to take my life? Remember that I stood before you to speak in their behalf, to turn away your wrath from them.
As the CEO of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and Television Network, I am not a high-ranking Vatican official nor a member of the hierarchy of the Church as erroneously claimed in several recent blogs.  In addition to my work at Salt and Light, I have had the privilege of serving since 2013 in a volunteer capacity as English language assistant to the Holy See Press Office.  I relate on a daily basis to hundreds of English language journalists around the world.  I know that this daily service has been encouraged and appreciated by the Vatican and by hundreds of journalists all over the world.
I fully support the teaching of the Church and welcome Pope Francis’ invitation to the whole Church to reflect seriously on the foundations of our faith. The recent Extraordinary Synod of Bishops has invited us to mature, honest dialogue and conversation and to find new ways and a new language to communicate the ancient story of the Church and our beautiful, unchanging doctrine to future generations.
Mature expressions of differences are welcome.  It is one thing to have differing opinions on church matters. However, there is fine line between difference of opinion and blatant destruction of person’s lives and reputations. Having been strongly advised to respond, as an individual and in no institutional capacity to the Vatican or to my place of work, to the continuous false, slanderous statements of a blogger over a long period of time that resulted in gross distortion, misinformation, many phone calls, letters and clear threats from callers based on the repeated false information contained in the blog, it was never my intention to sue, but rather to issue a letter to “cease and desist” the frivolous calumny. A legal firm, offering its service pro bono to us, issued a letter to cease and desist. No lawsuit was ever launched against the blogger! The matter is now closed.
Popes Benedict XVI and Francis have taught clearly that the Internet and blogs can be of tremendous service to the up-building of the Church and of humanity. They have never taught that blogs and social media should be used, in the name of fidelity, to engender slander, hatred, reviling and destroying.
In a world torn apart by hatred, terror and violence, often through the gross distortion of religion, we must be much more attentive to our use of social media and how it is used to unite rather than destroy humanity. Many in the Catholic blogosphere have contributed enormously to the spread of the faith, the defense of all that is good and beautiful about our faith and our Church, and the opening of dialogue among strangers. They are to be congratulated and encouraged. Others have chosen to turn the blogosphere into a black hole of vitriol, anger and profound sadness. As Catholics, the great privilege and freedom of expression and access to social media also have certain obligations of decency, integrity, honesty and charity that reveal who we really are as a faith community.
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB
CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
 * * *


Dear Friends,
1. The first action on the part of this blogger after receiving the letter from Fogler, Rubinoff LLP was to "take it to the Church." This means that your writer went directly to Rome -- to the Vatican on Tuesday, February 17, via email to a direct contact in the Secretariat of State. The request on my part was to intervene "quickly" and this request was not fulfilled. Instead, I was met with an interrogation of my "intentions" which could have been used against me. Later the suggestion was made to humbly accept it as a Lenten sacrifice on Ash Wednesday morning and "apologize" which would have been an admission of guilt for something that did not occur and would have resulted in the silencing and censoring of the blog and a refutation of my rights and duties under Canon 212 §3.
2. Our response to the original letter of Fogler Rubinoff LLP, suggested that Canon Law was the appropriate vehicle and should have been chosen for any perceived grievance.  
3. Our suggestion was not only rebuffed but resulted in new demands including what would have been complete censorship of me and this blog in certain areas meaning by extension, no commentary on the Synod this October and even no linking indirectly to certain commentary on the Synod.
4. Our response to that continued threat of litigation was to advise that we would no longer engage in a campaign of letters and lawfare resulting in a slow and painful bankruptcy. We advised that as of the close of business on March 3, 2015, we would begin to prepare a robust defense should it become necessary and a crowd-funding campaign to finance a rigorous defense.
My wife Francoise and I extend to all of you our gracious thanks for your prayers, your letters, emails tweets messages, phone calls, and your offers of financial support should it have become necessary. Believe me, this has been incredibly hard and painful for her over these last two weeks. We pray that we can humbly offer this up to God our Father united with the Cross of Jesus Christ for reparation and for conversion. 
Friends, we have much work to do for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. It will not be long until the Synod is upon us. We must be vigilant in proclaiming the eternal truths of the Church and the upholding of doctrine on matters of marriage and the family and most especially, the Holy Eucharist.
All of us have a responsibility and a duty under God to stand for truth and proclaim it from the housetops. We have a duty to stand for Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church and His Blessed Mother, and all that the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church has taught Magisterially from the beginning. We have our keyboards even if we are not bishops or liturgists and we have our rights and duties under Canon Law. We have God-given abilities and talents and we must use them and not bury them in the sand as we will surely be condemned for doing so. 

Our parents and our grandparents did not have the tools and knowledge that we do today. If they did, we can all presume with some certainty that the so-called "spirit of Vatican II" and the "hermeneutic of rupture" spoken of by our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI would not have occurred or what have been confronted in a way to stamp it out or minimize it. I am reminded of what they would think if we fail them now with the words of John McCrae a Canadian military hero, physician, and poet; "To you from failing hands, we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high if ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep." 
May the Holy Family that model of perfection and love guide us and may St. Michael the Archangel protect us.
God bless you.
Francoise and David Domet

Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism

Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism

(Ottawa) hardly noticed by the Catholic public is a major confrontation between Catholic faithful on the one hand and modernist shepherds and their secular apparatus found in Canada on the other. 
This is particularly striking, since Canada was once upon a time, despite being long problematic, a fertile area for the Roman Catholic Church.
In the East, for more than four centuries of French-speaking Catholic presence there were many great missionaries, including many Jesuits, many martyrs, there was active missionary activity and deep roots in the French-Canadian population.
In the western part of  Anglophone Canada there is a strong presence of immigrants from Catholic countries with strong influences from the United States and Great Britain, both religious and typical characteristics as usually occurs through contact and dealing with Anglican and Protestant denominations.

Benjamin Levin - evil incarnate and its political progeny

The guilty plea of former aid to Ontario Premier Wynne and associate of Justin Trudeau, Benjamin Levin has occurred.

The perversion is extreme.

We see evil incarnated in the world and its influence over people who choose to commit evil acts such as these.

John Laws at Jonah in the Heart of Nineveh has been logging Tweets from Sam Sotiropoulos at the courtroom.

I cannot put the filth on this blog. You can read for yourself and dwell for a moment on the man behind the Ontario Government's new sex curriculum.

You can also visit Everyday for Life Canada for there take on our Premier, her Minister and their duplicitous actions and what a psychiatrist thinks as reported by LifeSiteNews.

Monday 2 March 2015

LIFESITENEWS Reports on Cardinal Burke: "Catholics shouldn't sue one another"

Hilary White
Hilary White

Raymond Cardinal Burke on suing Catholic Bloggers - "I certainly don't think that's the way we as Catholics should deal with these matters"

Adfero at the Rorate Caeli blog announced on Twitter on Saturday evening an exclusive interview with a Cardinal wherein reference would be made to lawsuits of bloggers.

The entire interview is reprinted below courtesy of Rorate Caeli blog with my emphasis in bold.



Follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter

Last week, Rorate Caeli interviewed Raymond Cardinal Burke via telephone on numerous topics. Nothing was off the table for this interview and His Eminence was incredibly generous with his time. He showed himself to be brilliant and yet filled with humility. And his care and concern for traditional Catholics must be acknowledged and appreciated.

In this wide-ranging interview, His Eminence talked about issues ripped from the news such as: Vatican officials threatening to sue bloggers; more priests coming under his authority; the dismantling of the Franciscans of the Immaculate; how traditional Catholics can save their souls in this modern world -- and get their children the sacraments in the traditional rite in the face of dissenting bishops; priestly celibacy; daily confusion from Pope Francis; and much, much more. 

Please visti this link to link to Rorate Caeli blog for the whole article.

Click here to follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter

Sunday 1 March 2015

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and the children - hers and yours

For those readers visiting this blog from outside of Ontario the provincial government here has introduced a new curriculum that will provide explicit sexual education to our children. Those in Ontario should be well familiar with it by now and if not, you had better get familiar with it, and now! 

I have written about it before on numerous occasions and the association between the Premier, Kathleen Wynne pictured on the left with her "partner" and the convicted child pornographer Benjamin Levin, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and former Assistant Deputy Minister of Education in the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Education. Levin, who even tried to entice a mother to abuse her own child on camera for his filthy pursuits wrote this curriculum originally under the previous government. The topics for elementary children, including those in our Catholic schools include so-called same-sex marriage, multiple gender identity, oral copulation, masturbation, sodomy and so on beginning in the first grade.
Convicted porn producing educrat Bernard Levin (left) a friend and advisor to Justin Trudeau and Premier Kathleen Wynne
For all those Catholics and other Christians out there who voted a few months ago for the Liberal government in Ontario, what did you think was going to happen? If you are thinking about Justin Trudeau in the next federal election, think again.

Elections have consequences and you are now the victim, or should I say, your children will be the victims. Do you really want your little girl to come home one day and talk about fellatio over the pasta? How about your little boy coming home and telling you he is going to masturbate tonight because they learnt it in school today.

Premier Wynne, herself a lesbian, has called parents opposed to the change in curriculum "homophobic." Wynne was married with three children and invited her lesbian lover to move in to the master bedroom while her husband ended up in the basement. The destruction of her own family is documented in a book which she and they participated in; now it is playing out for yours as is quite clearly demonstrated at Henry Makow, Ph.D.









Saturday 28 February 2015

Father Timothy Scott, CSB's brand of toothpaste

Earlier this week there was a blow-up in the blogosphere due to some fine work by Michael Voris and his staff at Church Militant TV to uncover a Twitter feed of Congregation of St. Basil spokesman Father Timothy Scott, CSB wherein he used the profanity STFU in a note to Raymond Cardinal Burke which was on-line for the world to see. Once discovered, Father Scott took the post down and then once the matter became more public thanks to Mr. Voris, Father Scott disabled his Twitter account and apologised. Michael Voris has provided an update to the story as the removal as spokesman of the Congregation was "based on a partial truth from the Vicar General of the Basilians." Voris added that "we were misled to believe Fr. Scott had been "fired" for his tweet, when in fact he had been removed as spokesman last July for unrelated reasons." Father Scott, CSB still continues in his role at the Canadian Religious Conference.

Conference notes

In an address to the Conference on October 3, 2013, Father Scott indicated that he was "amazed at the "Francis effect" and refers to his belief that the "Holy Spirit (who) clearly blows where she wills" (my emphasis). During the talk Father also indicated that "Social media is radically restructuring the way we communicate." Reflecting on Pope Benedict XVI. Father Scott believes that he "suffers in comparison" to Pope Francis. Father Scott states that he "felt a collective embarrassment" by Pope Benedict XVI's desire to ensure doctrinal orthodoxy by "rein(ing) in canonically the LCWR"(Leadership Conference of Women Religious) the American equivalent for religious sisters to the Canadian Religious Conference. Father Scott states that as far as Pope Francis is concerned, it is his view that law and doctrine are "the least of his concerns."

More Tweets

With special thanks shouted out to a reader who provided this shot of another Tweet by Father Scott from October 14, 2014 at 7:59AM wherein Father refers to Synod14 and that "it feels like a few folks want to put the toothpaste back in the tube, Good luck with that." 

So that we can all remember the document issued only the very day before Father provided the above Tweet; let us reproduce it here and let us note that this still remains on the Vatican web site at:


It seems then that yes, it is very hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

It is also very hard to remove Twitter forever, so be careful what you Tweet!

I'll refrain from comment or editorial opinion, for now, but the combox is open, as always.

Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Italy - Martini, McCarrick and how nothing would be the same again

Oh we have so much we could write but instead, I'll just give you these pictures and links to a couple of other sites and a search for you to find it all. I have written previously of the comment, "nothing will be the same again" as stated by the Grande Oriente d'Italia upon the election of Pope Francis. The Masonic Press Agency was publicising it as well and leave most of it for you to find and spread to all the Catholic world.

Here again is the video of that former Archbishop of Washington Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, indicating that he was lobbied to vote for Jorge Bergoglio.

So let us see, we have a powerful man telling this Cardinal that said that Jorge Bergoglio can change it in five years and one that could potentially be blackmailed to make it so and talk him up and then when it all happens the Lodge issues a statement that "nothing will be the same."

Oh, one more thing; they failed in 2005 when Joseph Ratzinger was elected as Pope. Martini was their man and when they couldn't get him elected they drove the gentle Pope from his office.

You can figure the rest out.

So be it.

Italian Fremasonry praises Pope Francis I -01

Italian Masonry praises Cardinal Martini

Card Martini was a freemason

A Saturday update

Dear Friends, 

You are so good and I am so blest. I can say little at this time and I know that you understand that. Suffice to say this; we are still here and we have no intention of going away.

When people ignorant of the law and the truth, or those with no respect for either mock it and then mock you, remember what the oldest system of codified law in the world has to say:

From The Code of Canon Law Canon:
Can. 212 §3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they (i.e. the laity) possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons."
Say prayers this weekend for the situation please, that grace will abound and good sense will prevail; it shan't be long from here.

Thank you once again for all your prayers and messages; they are a tremendous boost to us ; and please pray for my wife who is also bearing this. It is not fair to her.

May our blessed Lord and His Mother protect us all and may St. Michael the Archangel battle for us!

God bless you.


Postscript: My friend Damian Goddard has posted something that I had forgotten all about. It was a little experiment we both did together as he was developing his IgniteTV project. You can turn the music player off above at the top left in order to hear the video below. Please pay Damo a visit and meet another brother in the battle for Christ and His Church! 

Friday 27 February 2015

The Second Coming - not of Our Lord but of the German Schism

For Lee, et al.

It may be possible to write a whole blog or website dedicated solely to the corruption within the Catholic Church in Germany and each day add a new chapter to this tragedy. The spirit of Luther, Weishaupt, Marx, von Bismarck, Hitler, Hegel have combined over the centuries to influence the Church in a most anti Catholic way. The Masonic, Illuminist and Protestant philosophies have poisoned the minds of generations of clerics and professors that is near universal there.

Over the last few months I have focused a number of posts on the situation. We have begged Pope Francis to distance himself from the corruption and to rebuke them and it has not come; it has only gotten worse. The pornographic publishing empire held by the German bishops conference continues in its filthy ways with no attempt to shut it down and repent of this abomination and crime before the Lord and Our Lady. Can it be possible that Pope Francis is unaware of its existence? It hardly seems possible. Benedict XVI was aware of it and demanded action on the part of the German bishops and he was ignored. The porn matter is not first time that our beloved Papa Ratzinger was disobeyed by these men One example is the translation of "pro multis" which has been correctly rendered as "for many" now in English. In German (amongst others in transition) it is still translated as "for all" and will remain so for now. Pope Benedict XVI wrote to the German bishops for a corrected translation and yet again, he was disobeyed in spite of his theological and scriptural dissertation. Can there be any doubt the poor man fled for the fear of the wolves? 

Cologne diocese has announced that its wealth is over 3.8 billion euros with 2.4 billion euros invested in stocks funds and company holdings. I imagine the pornographic publisher is somewhere in there. What other companies does the Church own in stocks? Drug companies producing contraceptive/abortifacient drugs? Drugs used for euthanasia in Holland, Belgium and Switzerland? According to Crux, they have nearly 650 million euros in tangible assets, mostly property (other than parish churches valued at $1 or euro?) and cash reserves of 287 million euros. The German bishops are paid the equivalent of over $150,000 US per year and these men will deny the sacraments to those who don't keep filling their coffers. This lead us to the kirchensteuer, the outdated and corrupt tax levy of Germans paid directly to the churches and synagogues by the government after taking a little off the top for themselves. 

Who can forget the legendary Kasper, a material heretic if there ever were one and euro-centric elitist of all things African whose machinations and manipulations at the Synod on the Family is validated by those beyond the civil courts such as Raymond Cardinal Burke, George Cardinal Pell, Cardinal Napier and His Excellency, Athanasius Schneider amongst others.  Let me say that again -- in case you did not get it the first time (see Canon 212§3), "machinations and manipulations." 

Cardinal Marx

Now, we have the German Cardinal Marx (what is it about that name?) stating; "We are no subsidiaries of Rome, Each conference of  bishops is responsible for pastoral care in its culture, and must, as its most proper task, preach the Gospel on our own. We cannot wait for a synod to tell us how we have to shape pastoral care for marriage and family here."

Now, it all becomes clear.

When Kasper insulted our African brothers and sisters (the Fox is born in South Africa of Irish, Dutch French and African descent) and mocked them in his arrogant, euro-centric, xenophobic, paternalistic, condescending and racist tone, "they should not tell us too much what to do" there was more there then, than most picked up. I stated in discussions what Kasper and these Germans were up to -- let the Africans be "bigots" we Germans, we are better after all, we are efficient and much superior to these, you go your way, we'll go ours. I said it then: It is the German Catholic Church, that is what these manipulators, these traitorous prelates and their minions are out to accomplish. The logical step of a false collegiality as promoted by a hermeneutic of rupture from the Rhineland influence and domination at the Second Vatican Council. Isn't this one of the critical doctrinal points of the SSPX? 

Now we can begin to put the pieces together - it is just too obvious, they have shown their cards.

Theodore McCarrick, the former Cardinal Archbishop of Washington has revealed his part in what appears to be a lobby effort to elect Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope.  He would only need "five years" to have the Church "back on track" McCarrick himself, with a special interest in extra-curricular activities, says it for all to hear in the video. Schism in on the horizon de facto or de jure remains to be seen but schism, no doubt. They needed to ensure that they could elect someone that would be sympathetic to their cause. Hence the apparent lobbying effort. 

Each bishops conference will do what it wants with pastoral practice under a static universal doctrine appearing to be Catholic and catered to its own needs. The doctrine will change because pastoral practice will be adapted. This is not Catholic, it is heresy. We are on to them and the evidence is out there for all to see if we are prepared to call it out for what it is. The videos of the speeches exist because these men in their prideful arrogance began letting it out well over a year ago - only now it is all coming together for us to see.

These men are not Catholics, they may be barely Christians. They are Protestants, and they are heretics and they are leading souls to Hell. They are Judases who have betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church created to save humanity. They are radical and they preach a false ecumenism - they have lost the faith in the Real Presence, if they ever really had it because if they really believed, they would not do it. They are the "synthesis" of all heretics, they are modernists!

The Pope is the guardian of doctrinal truth. He must act as Pope in the face of these men who would seek to cause schism in the holy Catholic Church.

Know this friend. You are not going to be warned about this on Patheos, on Crux by reading The Tablet or the National Catholic Reporter. You may not even get it from EWTN or the National Catholic Register and you certainly won't get it in Canada in our print or cable media; so we here are left to hope for a few brave bishops that might find their Catholic heart and their anatomy. You will be able, over the next nine months to find the truth in many places, blogs and speciality on line media and it will not come from those you expect to tell you the truth but whose bread is buttered by these men. To me personally, that is quite obvious and the silence is deafening.

You and I have a responsibility as articulated in that referred to Canon. If the last week has taught us anything and as if October wasn't enough to remind us, we have an ability that no generation before us has had. We have an opportunity that our parents and grandparents did not have -- carry the torch for them and fight the fight that they could not wage. 

When these prelates, these clericalists tell you that you're not competent or qualified read them the Canon and then tell them this as a friend in Scotland said to me today -- "you raped our children and you gave us the example of dissent from the pulpit, who are you that we should listen to you now?"

Now go make a mess.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

What a wonderful Catholic world

Dear Friends,

I want to take this opportunity to express to the thousands of Catholic people around the world a thanksgiving from myself and my family for the outpouring of prayers, rosaries and Masses, sacrifices of personal illnesses offered up, emails, Tweets and comments. However, there is one in particular which was incredibly moving and prayerful. A few days ago, Mr. Gareth Thomas of Spain did a most wonderful thing. As a result of that gesture of fraternal charity, I received a letter which was overwhelming in its beauty and wisdom. Please let us remember that all is not lost and that there are many fatherly and faithful Shepherds in the Church and one of them is His Excellency Athanasius Schneider.

It has been one week since my last blog post whatever that was about, it seems so long that I can hardly remember. I've been itching to get back. First, I have no doubt that you all want to know what is happening with whatever it is that has kept me away from blogging. Let me say simply that "Patience is power" according to Venerable Fulton Sheen and "Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act for the right principles and in the right way."  

Rome seems to be in chaos, eh? We have the theft of the book by the five Cardinals for the Synod Fathers Remaining in the Truth of Christ (which was my Christmas present from Fox) to the admission by the much troubled Theodore McCarrick (you can search for the filth) a retired Cardinal from Washington. Seems that they just can't resist a video camera. Thank the LORD for the Internet. It seems that the octogenarian eminence was "lobbied" to vote for Jorge Bergoglio. "Talk him up!" he was told. 

Well that is lobbying and it is against Canon Law; but then, one would need to have respect for the law to obey it.  There are some pretty serious implications to this -- from the potential of excommunication to the calling into question the factors around the overall election of Pope Francis and its implications.

Life was getting too soft since I married Fox. I've been given a cross and it is heavy laden to be sure but it is not fair to her ; because of your prayers and Masses and the One whose "yoke is easy and his burthen is light" it is not too hard for us to carry.