A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 11 June 2020


BREAKING NEWS: The Archdiocese of Toronto is at this hour holding an online conference with its priests to plan the reopening of churches for public Mass. 

Mass will not take place for the public this Sunday as after 12 weeks of lock-down, the plan to reopen could not be formulated well before now.

Without exception*, which means not even in the traditional Latin Mass, Holy Communion in the hand is mandated and priests are to refuse anyone who presents to receive Holy Communion by the tongue. (The SSPX Church of the Transfiguration remains an exception - you may register for Mass at https://sspx.ca/en/church-of-the-transfiguration and since you will be so thankful you were able to do so, you will be smart an go every week and take you money there too.) 

See the source image* While it is not in writing, there was discussion that if a person insists on receiving Holy Communion on the tongue they will be able to come after Mass. Sounds like the old drinking fountain practice. 


There is to be no kneeling for Holy Communion at any remaining communion rail (few and far between) or any prie-dieu because people touch it and it would need to be disinfected after each user. Fox (my wife) would like to add, that this would be a good job for Susan from the Parish Council or the numerous "Eucharistic Ministers" who shouldn't be touching It in the first place. This job is reserved for the priests.

It must be noted that the last time Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue during the H1N1 fraud, the Toronto Oratorian priests complied and distributed Holy Communion on the hand at the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Masses in their churches. 

In November 2009, Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue due to the perpetuated fraud and hysteria of H1N1. A few days later, I attended a funeral at St. Michael's Cathedral for the late Msgr. Barrett T. Armstrong of St. Michael's Choir School. As an obedient Catholic I went to Holy Communion and received in the hand (I was not fully woke and assured by the Oratorians that it would not be my "sin.") The Deacon to the right of the Cardinal provided me with Holy Communion in the hand. To my right a woman approached the Cardinal, opened her mouth and gave her Holy Communion on the tongue. I, who obeyed his edict watched him disobey his own edict. 

At the time, I was the Schola Master of the 19 month joy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's apostolate in Toronto. They would not give Holy Communion in the hand. Father Howard Venette printed in the bulletin, "In accord with the Canon Law of the Universal Church, Holy Communion at this Mass is only received on the tongue." In March, they were gone after only two months earlier having the parish promised them revoked after a gang-up by the usual suspects outside the Cardinal's office. But I digress...



This writer will not be going to Holy Communion under any circumstances in public because I do believe that some priests just don't know how to do it and I've had more saliva in my mouth from other than I would like to recall. Neither myself nor my wife or myself will ever receive in the hand.

Now, speaking of Holy Communion.

A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all.

Solemn Requiem Mass for Father Jonathan Robinson