A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Bergoglio expects you to accept refugee terror and murder in your neighbourhood and in your house!

A pipe bomb in New Jersey.

A bomb explodes in a downtown Manhattan garbage dumpster.

A bomb is found in a pressure cooker in New York.

Muslim in Minnesota, a State whose leftist governments welcomed a massive number of Somali refugees a generation ago is now being repaid for its generosity and stupidity. 

Stabbing numerous people, nine apparently, in a mall asking them before if they were also Mohammedans and then shouted the famous phrase, "Our god is greatest," the perpetrator is now dead. Their "god" is the devil and this malefactor follower of Mahomet has found that out and that there were no virgins there awaiting him. Mahound's Paradise is reporting that credit for the rampage in Minnesota has been taken by ISIS.

People are maimed. Terrorised. 

Image result for bergoglio refugees

Pope Francis speaks again demanding that Europe and the rest of the world accept tens or hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. The problem needs to be fixed, in their countries, not imported into ours. Immigration is not the issue. An immigration policy approved by a parliament or legislature that involves a points system is perfectly acceptable. That is not the issue.

Bergoglio expects that you and I should be murdered in our beds, our malls, our street celebrations or wherever as the price for a borderless world. Then, he would condemn us as Catholics if we tried to preach to them that they worship a false god and must come to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church for salvation. It is as if he is embarassed by Christ and embarassed by our nation states. It's easy when you live in a walled city and have security protection to be so brave as this Bergoglio. Europeans should open their homes and spare beds according to him. Has he not read the news about the numbers of rapes? 

No, not all Muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists, are Muslims and as the event in St. Cloud, Minnesota shows, it lasts for generations and they have no gratefulness for the protection offered their parents and no desire to assimilate.

Our culture is at serious risk because we have failed as Catholics and Christians to maintain it. Now, it will be taken away by those who call us "infidels" or by a globalist regime that will stamp down on them and on the rest of us to maintain "order."

The first duty of the father of the house is to protect his family. The first duty of a government is to protect its people from external invasion and internal threats.

The globalists have created this upheaval in order to bring "order out of chaos" and you know well friends, from whence that phrase comes.

At the same time, we have a Pope who aids and abets them. either unwittingly because he is just too good hearted for our own good or intentionally because he is an ideologue.

I will give the Pope credit when he speaks of the international arms trade and the trading of humans as slaves and unethical people transporting people across dangerous waters. All of this is true. The answer is not to bring  them all to our shores. Our response should be to support Lebanon and Jordan, in particular, to manage the refugee problem there.

Immigration is one thing. An invasion is something quite different. My right to a safe and secure home and nation has priority over his ideology. It is not Christian to accept the annihilation of our nations. Our duty is to protect the vulnerable and that means creating safe zones for these migrants in their countries. It is not skin colour. It is culture; and religion and culture are intertwined.

I chose that word "annihilation" intentionally. Our Church leaders failed Our Blessed Mother and they have failed us.

Bergoglio expects you to accept refugee terror and murder in your neighbourhood and in your house!

A pipe bomb in New Jersey.

A bomb explodes in a downtown Manhattan garbage dumpster.

A bomb is found in a pressure cooker in New York.

Muslim in Minnesota, a State whose leftist welcomed a massive number of Somali refugees a generation ago are now being repaid for the generosity and stupidity. Stabbing numerous people, eight apparently, in a mall asking them before if they were also Mohammedans and then shouted the famous phrase, "Our god is greatest." No, their "god" is the devil and he has found that out and that there were no virgins awaiting him.

Image result for bergoglio refugees

Pope Francis speaks again demanding that Europe and the rest of the world accept tens or hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. The problem needs to be fixed, in their countries, not imported into ours.

Bergoglio expects that you and I should be murdered in our beds, our malls, our street celebrations or wherever as the price for a borderless world. Then, he would condemn us as Catholics, if we tried to preach to them that they worship a false god and must come to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church for salvation. 

It is as if he is embarassed by Christ and embarassed by our nation states. It's easy when you lived in a walled city and have security protection to be so brave as this Bergoglio when it comes to letting invaders and murderers into you society.

No, not all Muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists, are Muslims and as the event in St. Cloud, Minnesota shows, it lasts for generations and they have no gratefulness for the protection offered and no desire to assimilate.

Our cultures are at serious risk because we have failed as Catholics and Christians to maintain it. Now, it will be taken away by those who call us "infidels" or by a globalist regime that will stamp down on them and on the rest of us to maintain "order."

The first duty of the father of the house is to protect his family. The first duty of a government is to protect its people from external invasion and internal threats. Europeans should open their homes and spare beds.

The problem is not the migration. The problem is that the globalists have created this upheaval in order to bring "order out of chaos" and you know well, friends, from whence that phrase comes.

At the same time, we have a Pope who aids and abets them. either unwittingly because he is just stupid or intentionally because he is an ideologue.

Immigration is one thing. An invasion is something quite different. My right to a safe and secure home and nation has priority over his ideology. It is not Christian to accept the annihilation of our nation. Our duty is to protect the vulnerable and that means creating safe zones for these migrants in their countries.

It is not skin colour. It is culture; and religion and culture are intertwined.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

On Comments


I am loathe to censor the combox, other than what one might expect for profanity, or something against the Faith, or as in the specific case of one priest from my own city who engages in personal attacks against me, everything is published. I have only asked one person never to comment here again, Lionel, because he continually accused me of not believing that there is no salvation outside the Church, it didn't matter what the topic was, that was his comment. 

Alas, I hear you.

Please, we get the point. Make your comment and please cease the constant challenge back. On the matter of sedevacantism, please, there is no need to argue that matter continually on each post to explain the situation. 


Please keep the comment on the matter of the specific post. 

There have been too many rabbit holes and people are falling into them.

Look, when the comment exceeds the actual blog post, I even wonder why the writer does not start their own blog. It's not hard. Blogger is pretty easy, though if I were starting today, I might use WordPress. It is not a matter of time; because the time spent commenting here is not a little. Truly, start a blog, I'll link to it on the left column.

Friends, I'm really torn at this. I respect and appreciate all of you for even stopping by. I love my readers. I am humbled by your desire to comment here. 

Should anyone wish to discuss this offline, my contact email can be found at the profile page on the left side, just under the photo of St. Charbel.

Your thoughts are welcome.

As Mark would say.


Francis says!

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“The world is tired of lying spellbinders and, allow me to say, ‘trendy’ priests or bishops. The people sniff them out – they have God’s sense of smell – and they walk away when they recognise narcissists, manipulators, defenders of their own causes, auctioneers of vain crusades.”

Psychological projectionPsychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.  For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

Is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn waking up to the horrible reality at his gates?

The Cardinal has since "clarified" his remarks.
“Europe’s Christian legacy is in danger, because we Europeans have squandered it. That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees. It is clear that many Islamists would like to take advantage of our weakness, but they are not responsible for it. We are.”
He is correct, of course. 
But Muslims are an existential threat to Europe. Who pushed him to "clarify?"

Clearly,  somebody got to him though, he seems to be walking it back.

On Sunday, September 11, the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna gave a notable talk in St. Stephen's Cathedral. The date of course is that on which Mohammedans murdered over three-thousand souls in New York, Washington and rural Pennsylvania. The date was not an accident as it commemorated the last decisive victory over the Islamic hordes at the Gates of Vienna under the great Polish leader an Sobieski. 

It does not matter where a person is from or what race he or she belongs too. It is not the colour of skin or form of eyes or facial features. All are called to be with Christ and His Church. What matters is culture, not race. These clerics, like Schönborn, bear responsibility for weakening the Faith which in turn, weakened the culture. Can our culture stand up to this invasion? Not without Christ, not without the Sacraments, not without the Church.

As for Moslems, their Mohammed is dead. Mohammed is dead, his corpse rotted away. 

Jesus Christ is alive! 

False ecumemnism, religious indifferntism and dialogue and  liturgical destruction have lead to this loss of our cultural identity and unity.

As an aside, note this paragraph from the article below:
Before going to war, the Polish king, a devout Catholic, had entrusted his kingdom to the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Drawing on this legacy, in 1684 Pope Innocent XI introduced Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the date of Sept. 12. The feast was briefly struck from the calendar by liturgical reformer Monsignor Annibale Bugnini during Vatican II, but restored by Saint John Paul II in 2002.
Can anyone deny the impact that the Novus Ordo Missae and the destruction of the calendar has meant to our culture and identity? It is when I read paragraphs like this from writers you would not expect that I smile and recall the good friend who visited Bugnini's grave, a ground level niche, and suitably anointed. Can you say, "asperges?"

Christians of Europe, of North America, Australia wake-up. The only way to save our culture is by returning to it and then the conversion of those who now, seek to destroy us and think that their victory is at hand. The alternative is mass deportation and civil war because becoming one of them is simply not an option.

Yet, there is another option. Our governments will ban all religion. It will be done because Islam will be no longer tolerated. In our magnanimous embrace of equality one cannot just "ban" Islam. All religion will be banned. All churches, synagogues and mosques will be closed unless, - unless they adopt the new globalist creed syncretic religion of man that will be monitored and policed.  

My priest hole is ready. Sunday Missa Cantata in the dining room at 10.

Cardinal Schönborn. Credit: ©Mazur via catholicnews.org.uk.

Vienna, Austria, Sep 14, 2016 / 11:45 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has warned that Europe risks forfeiting its “Christian inheritance” and that an “Islamic conquest” could be in its future. 
Speaking in the Cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, Sept. 11, the Archbishop of Vienna referenced the feast day that commemorates the decisive victory of a Christian coalition over the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
“On this day, 333 years ago, Vienna was saved,” he said. “Will there now be a third attempt at an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims think so and long for it and say: This Europe is at an end.”
“And I think that we should ask for Europe what Moses does in the reading of today and what God the Merciful does for the younger son: Lord, give us another chance! Do not forget that we are your people just like Moses reminds Him: They are your people, You led them out, You sanctified them, they are your people.”
On Sept. 11, 1683, Polish King John Sobieski III and Supreme Commander of the Christian Coalition Army, led 18,000 horsemen, with the famous “winged hussars,” against the enemy Turkish lines. In a battle that included what is considered the largest cavalry charge in history, Sobieski thoroughly defeated them. The victory of allied Polish, Austrian, Bavarian, Saxon, Venetian and other troops marked the historic end of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into Europe.
Before going to war, the Polish king, a devout Catholic, had entrusted his kingdom to the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Drawing on this legacy, in 1684 Pope Innocent XI introduced Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the date of Sept. 12. The feast was briefly struck from the calendar by liturgical reformer Monsignor Annibale Bugnini during Vatican II, but restored by Saint John Paul II in 2002.
Cardinal Schönborn, a confidante of Pope Francis, warned the congregation in the Cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, that Europe had “squandered and wasted” its Christian inheritance, just like the younger brother in the parable told by Christ.
“What will become of Europe?” asked the cardinal.
He closed his homily with a prayer:
“Lord, remember, it is your people. And if we have strayed and if we have squandered the inheritance, Lord, do not abandon us! Do not abandon this Europe, which has produced so many saints. Do not abandon us, because we have become lukewarm in our faith.
“…Have mercy on your inheritance, have mercy on your people, with Europe, which is about to forfeit your Christian inheritance! Have mercy on us and raise us up again, for the glory of your name and as a blessing to the world! Amen.”
The full homily in German can be found here: http://www.erzdioezese-wien.at/marianamen2016

Friday, 16 September 2016

Catholic Bishops of Alberta in Canada declare themselves as, well Catholic

It's absolutely true.

Pigs have been found flying over the Alberta foothills.

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But what will they do now since their interpretation of Amoris Laetitia is not that of Bergoglio's?

From the Catholic Bishops of Alberta!
It may happen that, through media, friends, or family, couples have been led to understand that there has been a change in practice by the Church, such that now the reception of Holy Communion at Mass by persons who are divorced and civilly remarried is possible if they simply have a conversation with a priest. This view is erroneous. Couples who express it should be welcomed to meet with a priest so that they hear proposed anew “God’s plan [pertaining to marriage] in all its grandeur” (Amoris Laetitia, 307) and thus be helped to understand the correct path to follow toward full reconciliation with the Church.
…The gentle and clear guidance of the pastor as he helps the couple to form a right conscience will assist them greatly to live in accordance with their objective situation. Should the tribunal process result in a declaration of nullity, they will understand the need to proceed toward the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony. In the case where the tribunal upholds the validity of the first union, obedience in faith to the indissolubility of marriage as revealed by Christ will make clear to them the actions that must follow. They are bound to live with the consequences of that truth as part of their witness to Christ and his teaching on marriage. This may be difficult. If, for example, they are unable to separate for the sake of the care of children, they will need to refrain from sexual intimacy and live in chastity “as brother and sister” (cf. Familiaris Consortio, 84). Such a firm resolution to live in accordance with the teaching of Christ, relying always on the help of his grace, opens to them the possibility of celebrating the sacrament of Penance, which in turn may lead to the reception of Holy Communion at Mass. —from Guidelines For the Pastoral Accompaniment of Christ’s Faithful Who Are Divorced and Remarried Without a Decree of Nullity, September 14, 2016, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Bergoglio's words are now seen as a "green light"

They will tell you he didn't change Canon Law. 

They will tell you it is not magisterial teaching.

They will tell you that a letter to one bishop does not apply universally.

They will tell you he did not say this.

Well, the Irish certainly think he did.

It doesn't matter, they will say.

It does matter. Most Catholics will only read the headline. They will accept that and believe it. This man will lead people this very Sunday coming into sacrilege and mortal sin. 

Who, in this world, will hold Bergoglio accountable for this horrendous action?

It is evil.

Now, if you are a Catholic who is divorced and remarried and has not received a Decree of Nullity and if you are not living as "brother and sister" in other words, if you are having sexual relations, do not go to Holy Communion. The Pope will lead you to Hell.

Yes, he most certainly will.

Thumbs up. bro.

In a dramatic move, Pope Francis has given the green light for divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion under certain limited circumstances after they discuss the matter with their priest.
Even then, the couple most likely will have to receive Communion in private so as not to cause conflict or confusion among the rest of the congregation.
When the Pope published his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (‘The Joy of Love’) earlier this year, much of the attention focussed on whether or not he had given permission for divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion in some circumstances. Chapter eight of the document dealt with this but theologians disagreed about whether it gave such permission or not.
But now the Pope himself has cleared up the matter. Bishops in his native Argentina have published draft pastoral guidelines based on chapter eight of Amoris Laetitia in which they say that divorced and remarried Catholics can receive Communion under certain strict conditions. In a letter in response, Pope Francis has said that their interpretation of chapter eight is correct.
He stated in his letter: “The document is very good, and completely explains the meaning of chapter eight of Amoris Laetitia. There are no other interpretations.”
The document, compiled by a group of Argentine Bishops, is called ‘Basic Criteria for the Application of Chapter Eight of Amoris Laetitia’.
It says that divorced and remarried Catholics ideally ought to abstain from sexual relations and live like ‘brother and sister’ if they wish to receive Communion.
However, where a couple won’t do this and there are circumstances that limit the responsibility or culpability of the divorced and remarried Catholic, then “Amoris Laetitia opens the possibility of access to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist”.
There might, for example, be a situation involving a Catholic who is married for a second time to someone who is not willing to cease sexual relations and if the Catholic spouse insisted that they live like ‘brother and sister’, the marriage would come to an end adversely affecting their children.
There are currently no plans by the Irish bishops to issue guidelines about chapter eight but the move by both the Argentine bishops and the Pope may lead to a rethink.

This is an inflammatory headline by the Irish Catholic. Is this what Bergoglio said? Well, it is certainly what he thinks, that we now know.

Still want to argue that Bergoglio is not a heretic? 

Bishop Nguyen of Parramatta walks it back

A few weeks ago, we posted on the Bishop of Paramatta's long, winding statement on homosexuality. The Diocese issued a Tweet to deny it. That post, here on Vox, had over 4,084 direct hits. More read it who came in directly to the blog address. Amazing.

Yesterday, the Bishop, issued a statement to clarify his previous remarks.

Let us have a look.


Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD STL, 
Bishop of Parramatta
Ann D Clark Lecture
My Ann D Clark Lecture entitled ‘Pope Francis and the challenges of the church today’ delivered on August 18th 2016, has caused considerable debate and discussion, not only within the Diocese of Parramatta but also beyond.
I would like to thank everyone who has read the text of the lecture and responded with their considered comments.
To avoid any misunderstanding as a result of misrepresentations of the lecture, especially in the secular media, I offer the following clarifications:
The lecture was an effort on my part to articulate an understanding of the vision of Pope Francis of what the church is and our response to this vision in the light of the challenges we face today.
Part of that vision as I understand it, is about being inclusive. It is the ability to create and nurture a welcoming space for all people, including those who have been alienated such as our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
  • The lecture appealed for respectful language and pastoral engagement with them, based on the fundamental dignity of every person and the teaching and example of Jesus.
  • It is a misrepresentation of my lecture to equate the sexual identity of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters with their lifestyle or behaviour. (As in the case of the article by The Australian – ‘Catholic bishop calls on church to accept homosexuality’ 07/09/2016 and The Australian – ‘Cut & Paste’ 14/09/2016).
  • To accept a person’s sexual identity does not mean to condone his or her behaviour which are contrary to moral norms and the church’s teaching.
  • Thus, my lecture can in no way be construed as a challenge the teaching of the Catholic Church, which as a bishop I wish to maintain in union with Pope Francis and my fellow bishops in communion with him.
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv

Let's take a look at his bullet points.

  • The lecture appealed for respectful language and pastoral engagement with them, based on the fundamental dignity of every person and the teaching and example of Jesus. 
  • What language, is His Excellency writing of? That the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the inclination is "objectively disordered" and the acting out is "intrinsically disordered?" The facts are what they are. Up until the early 1970's and the political lobby of the "Gay Liberation" movement, it was considered a psychiatric disorder. The word "homosexual" is just over a century old. Prior to that, the acts were considered sodomy and grossly sinful by Catholics and Protestants and Jews throughout the world. Where are the Catholics today who, believing the Church's teaching, go about throwing eggs or insulting people that suffer with same-sex attraction. This bishop, and the others at the disgraceful Synods who talked about the change of language, are deceptive. Frankly, they are liars and most-possibly, closed sodomites themselves. Catholics who go around verbally abusing any persons are committing a sin. We are called to respect people, we are not called to be friends with them. We are not called to accept a "lifestyle" that is abhorrent to the faith and to natural law. Watch for Francis to initiate formal changes to the text of the Catechism. These men are homosexualists, they are either sodomites themselves and may be active, or they are closeted and sympathetic. Either way, they have no business in the priesthood and are engaging in deception.
  • It is a misrepresentation of my lecture to equate the sexual identity of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters with their lifestyle or behaviour. (As in the case of the article by The Australian – ‘Catholic bishop calls on church to accept homosexuality’ 07/09/2016 and The Australian – ‘Cut & Paste’ 14/09/2016).
  • The good bishop said what he said. His comments stand. He was so enthused over his effervescent discourse that he did not see the incoming missile from this blog and the secular media. Well, he has now and he is trying to walk it back. Their "lifestyle" and their "behaviour" will cause them to spend an eternity in Hell. Where is the love that Bishop Nguyen of Paramatta has for "our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters." If he truly loved them, he would tell them what they are doing. He also would not refer to them by their sins. He would refer to them as "our brothers and sisters trapped in a sinful lifestyle and behaviour."  
  • To accept a person’s sexual identity does not mean to condone his or her behaviour which are contrary to moral norms and the church’s teaching.
  • On the contrary, it most certainly does! If you fail to teach the truth, then you accept that which is a lie. 
  • Thus, my lecture can in no way be construed as a challenge the teaching of the Catholic Church, which as a bishop I wish to maintain in union with Pope Francis and my fellow bishops in communion with him.
  • Too late for His Excellency, he said it, it will live forever, your flock now knows what you think; but good on you for trying to walk it back.

Can you imagine, for a moment, what our parents and grandparents would have been able to do if they had the resources of blogs and social media at their disposal fifty to sixty years ago?

At least he knows how to wear his pectoral cross.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Lift High the Cross

Image result for feast of the holy cross

Today is the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

My friends, we must cling to that Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ throughout this calamity that has come upon us. Do not ever think of leaving the Catholic Church because of what one Pope does. At the same time, do not be a papolater. Stay faithful. Stay with Our Blessed Mother Mary and Saint John the Evangelist at the foot of the Holy Cross.

Look, we're all upset about Francis. Some are suggesting that he is an antipope. Others, or the same ones, state that Benedict XVI is still the Pope, or that we have two. We don't. We have one Pope, and it is Francis. 

If he is an antipope, then history will judge him and a future Pope or Council will declare it and all of his works, anathema! 

He cannot be deposed, so forget it. He can be confronted, and cardinals and bishops must act. 

Bergoglio has shown himself clearly now for all to see. He is a vindictive man. He is a narcissist. He is angry and disgusted with you and me. He is lashing out irrationally at faithful Catholics - laity and clergy. He insults and has done so since he took the Seat. He follows Alinsky principles as his homily on this Monday past, reveals

It is we who are the problems, he thinks. Isolate and ridicule the enemy, that is what Alinsky taught and what this good little Marxist does. We are the ones being divisive, in his modernist mind.

No! It is not us, it is him!

We did not ask for this but we are getting it. We prayed for the pope we needed and not the one we deserved. We were not worthy, we got the one we deserved. 

It is him. It is Bergoglio, he is the divider. He is the divider that is under the influence of Satan, Not me. Not you. It is Bergoglio. He is the one who has caused this distress, this calamity following his god of surprises, a god no more real than the one worshipped by Mahomet!

It is projection on his part as Hilary White has written. We did not create this division. He insults, he sets his face against the little people. He speaks of going out to the peripheries. Well, it depends which periphery you're in for him to even care. He created this whole crisis in his lust after the Kasper agenda, or; is it Kasper who carried out the Bergoglian agenda? 

Was Kasper just a dupe of Bergoglio?

It really doesn't matter now. We are, where we are. 

What we can know is this: based upon the Law, Benedict XVI renounced the papacy, the colour of his cassock does not make him Pope. He should not have the title "emeritus," there is no such thing as an "emeritus pope" but that does make him Pope. He is simply now, Bishop Ratzinger. Should Francis put on a pink cassock tomorrow, it wouldn't change anything, he would still be Pope, though a rather queer one, no doubt.

Friends, it is as simple as this: Francis is Pope because the priests of the Diocese of Rome accept him as their Bishop and that makes him the Bishop or Rome and thus, Pope of the Universal Church, period! 

Sedevacantism is not an option.  You can read at True or False Pope, the most thorough rebuttal to it. Yet, can anyone deny that Work of Human Hands by Father Cekada is a document that everyone should read to understand that evil that set itself upon the Holy Sacrifice? Sedevacantists are Catholic, are they heretics? Well, if they are, are these any worse than the Kaspers and the rest in "full communion?" Can we not all understand the scandal that drove them to this position? Do we not actually have more in common in faith with them than most people or priests in your typical diocesan parish? I love my "sede" friends whom I know personally and online. But they are wrong. It is the easy way out. Is Francis a heretic? Probably. Does it mean he ceases to be Pope? Not in Law. He cannot be deposed. He is Pope. So was John XXIII, Paul VI and the rest. The papacy did not stop at Pius XII. 

Francis is the Pope and we must endure it and what may come. Lund is only a few weeks away. It won't be pretty. It may be the last straw for many to cease their tolerance of his scandals.

Deposed he cannot be. Denounced, he most certainly can be.

We are in crisis not seen in centuries. Robert Royal states today:

"I’m afraid that the rest of this papacy is now going to be rent by groups of dissenters, charges of papal heresy, threats of – and perhaps outright –schism."
This, is what Bergoglio has given us. 

Yet, the Lord is permitting it. Therefore, we must accept it as part of His divine plan!

Stay faithful friends. Stay with Christ and His Church. Our Blessed Lord is Head, the Holy Ghost is in control. Do not be a papolater. Do not ascribe to the Bishop of Rome that which the Protestants have accused us of. 

Do not panic. Do not waver. Do not flee. 

We were born for this.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Vatican confirms it - Bergoglio said, "Non ci sono altre interpretazioni!"

Perhaps the detractors of LifeSiteNews might want to offer a little apology. It seems that they were ripped apart on social media for daring to suggest that Bergoglio actually said what he did.

Well, now it is confirmed from the Vatican News Service and from l'Osservatore Romano

Esprimendo il suo apprezzamento per il testo elaborato dai presuli, il Pontefice ha sottolineato come esso manifesti nella sua pienezza il senso del capitolo viii dell’esortazione apostolica — quello che tratta di «accompagnare, discernere e integrare la fragilità» — chiarendo che «non ci sono altre interpretazioni». Il documento dei vescovi, ha assicurato il Papa, «farà molto bene», soprattutto per quella «carità pastorale» che lo attraversa interamente.
Expressing its appreciation for the text processed by the bishops, the Pontiff stressed that it manifests in its fulness the meaning of chapter viii of the Apostolic exhortation — what is "accompany, discerning and integrating fragility» — making it clear that" there are no other interpretations. " The bishops, he assured the Pope, ' will do very well, especially for the "pastoral charity" which crosses it entirely.

Still think it is possible to defend this man in the Chair of Peter?

If, as Ann Barnhardt states, "Bergoglio is now openly discussed as probably being an antipope within the Curia, but they are all so terrified of him due to their career mentalities, that they all agree that there "nothing we can do" and that "we just have to wait for him to die," -- if her information is accurate, then there will be hell to pay for those in the hierarchy who continue to stand by while this insanity continues. Literally, Hell!

Bishops, Cardinals, you had a pair once, I think; do you remember where you put them?

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Bergoglio confirms Amoris Laetitia allows for Eucharistic Sacrilege!

Featured Image

"No other interpretation," 

The words of Jorge Berogoglio on the infamous chapter in Amoris Laetitia!

Now we know. Now we know what Bergoglio really thinks, there is no more doubting it.

Yet, there will be people, including in this combox, who will say, that he did not say this or that he said elsewhere, word that are perfectly orthodox. No. This is modernism and this is heresy. It only takes a drop of water to poison a litre of water. If you drink it, you will still die.

The Bishops of Buenos Aires have issued a document to their priests on the interpretation of Amoris Laetitia. The side-by-side, Spanish-English can be found at this link:


Read the document. There are phrases of ambiguity and then there is this:

6) In other, more complex circumstances, and when it is not possible to obtain a declaration of nullity, the aforementioned option may not, in fact, be feasible. Nonetheless, it is equally possible to undertake a journey of discernment. If one arrives at the recognition that, in a particular case, there are limitations that diminish responsibility and culpability (cf. 301-302), particularly when a person judges that he would fall into a subsequent fault by damaging the children of the new union, Amoris Laetitia opens up the possibility of access to the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist (cf. notes 336 and 351). These in turn dispose the person to continue maturing and growing with the aid of grace.

9) It might be convenient that an eventual access to the sacraments be brought about in a reserved way, above all when conflictive situations are foreseen. But at the same time one must not cease to accompany the community, so that it might grow in a spirit of understanding and welcoming, without creating confusion regarding the teaching of the Church on the indissolubility of marriage. The community is an instrument of mercy that its “undeserved, unconditional, and free” (297).

"Eventual access to the sacraments," for people who are in adulterous situations and who have no intention of rectifying it, or at least; as John Paul II taught, living as "brother and sister," if no other option were possible.

The bishops sent their report to the Pope. The full response translation can be read here:


The money quote is this:

"The document is very good and completely explains the meaning of chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia. There are no other interpretations. And I am certain that it will do much good. May the Lord reward this effort of pastoral charity."

There is no more doubt. Bergoglio is approving of sacrilege. He is licensing the "eating unto one's own condemnation." There is no more room for accusations that we are twisting his words or misinterpreting him or him being confused because something is not in his first language. He was quite clear in what he wrote, and what he meant.

Any Catholic cardinal, bishop or priest who aligns himself with Bergoglio in this interpretation of Amoris Laetitia will bear eternal consequences for those faithful deceived by this lie - a lie from the very Bishop of Rome. Did you ever think that you would live to see the day?

No more excuses. No, this is not dementia. This is not our mistake of what he said. He said it, and it is not Catholic. 

Bergoglio has completed rebuked St. John Paul II in Veritatis Splendor:

"acts which, in the Church's moral tradition, have been termed "intrinsically evil" [intrinsice malum]: they are such always and per se, in other words, on account of their very object, and quite apart from the ulterior intentions of the one acting and the circumstances. Consequently, without in the least denying the influence on morality exercised by circumstances and especially by intentions, the Church teaches that 'there exist acts which per se and in themselves, independently of circumstances, are always seriously wrong by reason of their object.'" " ... an attempt is made to legitimise so-called 'pastoral' solutions contrary to the teaching of the Magisterium ..."

The man must be denounced for his error and his heresy.

Catholics have been betrayed by Joseph Ratzinger, a coward who abandoned us. A father who abandoned his children. The man that has taken his place is not a spiritual father, he is the equivalent of the evil stepfather who manipulates and abuses his children. 

No more excuses from any that Amoris Laetitia must be interpreted in the light of Tradition. No! Amoris Laetitia must be denounced along with the Pope who promulgated it. Enough of the excuses. 

You bishops and cardinals are cowards. You will be held account for not confronting this Bishop of Rome to his face!