As a result of the lawsuit by a priest against Thomas J. Rosica for an alleged "sexual assault" of asking him to "cuddle" whilst he was wearing boxers and a T-shirt lying on a bed, I decided to write something I have been sitting on for several years. I had had enough of the cover-up and what I know that has failed to ever be addressed or acknowledged.
A story was told in The Desolate City; a book published in 1986 by Anne Roche Muggeridge of a memorandum issued by the long-ago rector of St. Augustine's Seminary in Toronto. There was no internet, no email to forward news. It was an occurrence buried in the book about a scandal at the seminary which occurred in 1980 or 1981. Further research on my part uncovered an old Globe and Mail article from the later Rector, the "James Martin" of his era (1976) calling for "understanding" of gay priests and seminarians and others referring to the "fems" and the "machos," -- the nicknames of the seminarians at St. Augustine's Seminary at the time. We know what the "fems" were and, are! The big find was the actual memorandum by the Rector. I discovered an old microfiche-type story of it from a long-defunct Toronto "gay" magazine called The Body Politic. I spent much spare time transcribing it and with the continued coverup of the Rosica matters, now public including the alleged spotting going in and coming out of a "gay" bathhouse in Toronto, I had enough and I published it. There has been blowback for the disclosure. I wrote it for a few reasons the primary being the belief that Catholics of the Archdiocese of Toronto had and have a right to know what I know and what coverups have continued to occur here. (By the way, I was told by a priest that you have no right to know what I know.) The second reason was as a service to our new Archbishop, Francis Cardinal Leo. When this saga first started (with an article in the Globe and Mail by a priest who would go on to become Rector and then after being removed by Emmet Cardinal Carter due to the scandal and later returned under Cardinal Ambrozic to serve as Judicial Vicor until his retirement under Thomas Cardinal "No Mass for You" Collins) Francis Cardinal Leo was a boy of six years old in Montreal. That is how long ago this was and many of those involved then are still active. Unless he asked or some chancery minion told him of the sordid perverted "gay" history of the Archdiocese of Toronto, he would know nothing of the history or the details of some of the men still in active ministry or around him in 2024 courting his favour and seeking their influence. That post, which can be read at the link below, caused a quiet outrage. As if it were possible, I have been ostracised even more. Priests, whom I thought were friends, whom I worked with for years, supported and advised -- who ate my food, drank my wine and Oban, and relaxed in the "safe space" of the home of my wife and me, have betrayed me and revealed themselves for the cowards they are. Those whom I considered friends have abandoned me as I recall the Office of Tenebrae--"Omnes amíci mei dereliquérunt me." As a good friend said just a few days ago when I was kvetching about the matter, "David, there is a price to pay for being a whistleblower."
Those who cover up and those who say that you do not have a right to know not only betray you, they betray Our Lord Jesus Christ because they sit by and allow the corruption to perpetuate to another generation and another and another.
When I continue to speak and hear the stories of victims right here in Toronto when I see for myself the results of abuse, the health problems--physical, psychological and even spiritual and the difficulties of PTSD on daily functioning, when I still deal with the anger due to the actions of those Toronto Basilian priests to a 13-year-old boy in 1969; when I read public letters such as this one by Lisa Roers of Elgin Nebraska or the post below by Rachel Maria Mastrogiacomo below this post, I know that my decision was the correct one and that the ostracisation and betrayals against me are a small price to pay for the truth and the ongoing shaming of abuse victims by evil churchmen and their chanceryrats.
These maggots have no place in the Church. These vile and despicable cretins deserve the Hell to which they are headed. If they repent, I trust the LORD to assign them the lowest rung of purgatory until the Second Coming and then the most distant circle of heaven. But they won't repent, they won't acknowledge what they did and continue to do. The very depths of Hell are where they are headed and what they deserve, whether they believe it exists or not.
(Caution: the letter below contains explicit language as to the abuse)
Like I said in another post, these "Fraters" will protect their "Fraters." It is hard to believe that it is almost forty years since I read the Muggeridge book. I, at the time, was under the impression that Catholic matters just had to "get better". Wow, was I wrong, so naive. These Lavender Mafia "Gaydoms" seem to be in every diocese. And those priests who are not gay will still stab you in the back. Cowards indeed....
When I was considering the seminary, the deciding factor was the community. The surrounding culture was depraved, and I couldn't see how it could form good priests. This society is no place to form vocations. Even in my marriage, I took my bride into exile and had our wedding among her distant family. We are living in Herod's kingdom.
David, I'm sorry it took me a while to notice this post. It has become a sickening reality, the seemingly total infiltration of evil into our beloved church. In all honesty I'm not convincing myself it is possible to redeem it at this point. If it is redeemable only God can do it. There has been so much evil done in the name of God, what stays his arm, only He can say. When it gets to the point that the sheep harbor animus (speaking for myself) against the episcopate, the hour is late. I don't enjoy saying that, but what else can a normal person feel, when they witness what we witness. Stories such as this one, and yours, and countless others, ignored, covered up, and now to see the perpetrators given the highest offices, and what is their main focus? Filling the nations with foreigners so they can fill their coffers. Disgusting, almost all of them, we are many of us tired of being abused or seeing others abused in various ways. Their apologists and enablers and weak-minded Catholics have also become tiresome. Jesus Christ is God our King, and will remain so forever and ever, amen, but, the church is almost beyond recognition. Mother Church has become the abuser of the flock. I'm sorry for what you suffered and what all victims have suffered. Please parents, never leave your precious girl or boy alone with a cleric. Do not ever consider feelings in this regard. Sit yourself down at whatever activity is going on. Be attentive to your child to monitor any change in their behavior. Children will demonstrate that something is going on with them in multiple ways, nightmares, crying, unusual quietness, sudden interest in sexual activities, anger, pay attention and never assume.
*note - I do wish we could get away from Google as the host of comments. Nobody trusts Google.
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