A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Tuesday 28 May 2024

“There is already too much frociaggine”

Oh my.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

What would Jim Martin say?


M. Prodigal said...

The man who wears white says one thing and does another. He surrounds himself with men of that persuation.

P. O'Brien said...

And when a couple of faggots are not allowed to enter a seminary, the Church will still bless them as a couple.

Brian said...

Hey Vox
Just more confusion from Sodoma in Tibere.

Robert Mignella said...

With Archbishop Vigano accusing Pope Francis of McCarrick-like abuses from his past, we may have a case of papal infaggibility.

Father John Matthew Duffy said...

In all of the publicly-recorded remarks I have made about the majority of Western Bergoglian-appointed Modernist bishops, I have been too shrewd to - publicly - call call them "faggots" ( though I have used other descriptives...).

Many bewilderered Catholics thereby asked themselves ; "As aggressive homosexualist Pope Francis blasphemously "blesses" sodomite unions, why did he call them "faggots" in the public press twice in one week ?".

When arrogant Pope Francis published "Fiducia Supplicans" on 18 December 2023, he assumed that he would win the adulation of the entire neo-modern Satanic world.

Though he received the raucous applause of abortionist Roman Catholics like Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, Pope Francis was shocked that whole conferences - and whole continents - of Catholic bishops rejected his fetid document and defied his wicked directive to blasphemously "bless" sodomite couples.

As everybody knows, Pope Francis and his old sodophile friend Cardinal Fernandez almost put the Universal Church in schism with their foul directive.

Thereby, in a bizarre effort to "win back" the support he lost with Fiducia Supplicans, Pope Francis deliberately - and repeatedly - used two "homosexual slurs" in the public media.

But it is too late. Everybody knows what Pope Francis believes, who he really works for - and what he truly believes.

Ironically, all of Pope Francis' efforts to confuse and "divide and conquer" the Catholic faithful have merely exposed him as the False Prophet.

Father John Matthew Duffy
Toronto, Canada