How is it that people are so distressed by what is being caused in their parishes that to get an answer they need to write to a blogger.
Truly, I am humbled. More, I am saddened.
Letter 1 from Antigonish:
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 3:04:30 PM
Subject: New Missal & Unity of Posture
Good Afternoon,
I have been following your blog for a while now, particularly you posts on the new missal which are very informative. Thank you!
I am in the Diocese of Antigonish and this weekend one of the local bulletins had an insert on the new missal and unity of posture. One of the changes stated was:
In our diocese, the people will continue standing, even at their pew, until the last person in the communion procession receives communion. The hymn will not end until the last person receives, then the people may kneel. (The full bulletin can be viewed here:
I find it hard to believe that this is an actual change but I am no expert! Do you know anything about this?
Thank you for your time.
Letter 2 from another forlorn place in Canada, the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie
Sent: October 17, 2011 4:42 PM
Subject: communion
Can you help me? My mom called me this afternoon. She was told that the GIRM 2011 indicated that the congregation must remain STANDING after communion until everyone has received? I am surprised. I've been to a CMAA conference, read quite a bit, perused the new GIRM for Canada, but have never heard this. I hope it's not true! Do you know of any such instruction?
Thank you.
Dear my fellow suffering Canadian Catholics,
The GIRM indicates two things. We must kneel at the Consecration, so all those churches that pulled out their kneelers will have to put them back in. Second, those places where kneeling is from the end of the Sanctus to the Doxology and from the Agnus Dei, that is a “laudable” practice to be maintained. Once you return to the pew from Communion the decision on whether to kneel, sit or stand is yours and yours alone. The GIRM is silent here thought there is reference that the priest and faithful “may pray quietly for a time.
Nobody has the right to tell you what your posture is at this point. The decision is yours. If anyone harasses you for kneeling or orders you up on your knees then that is an action straight out of Hell.
Perhaps you might have you expert liturgists consider what Cardinal Arinze has to say.
The good news?
In 20 years, the people that are doing this will all be retired or dead and before the judgement seat of God.
The other good news?
The “FOURTH TYPICAL EDITION” will be upon us before you know it, after all, its rubrics next and praxis, not translation; and the sound which you hear is the death knell of the cabal of modernists, feminists, homosexualits, socialists and fascists dressed up as catholics with a small "c" as they try to persecute you one more time.
Be strong friend, Jesus has already won it for us.
God bless.
Vox Cantoris