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Friday 24 October 2008

Celebrating a Treasure of the Faith

From Toronto's Catholic Register

Celebrating a treasure of the faith
Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Contemplating the young Catholics I know who love the Traditional Latin Mass and are joining traditional religious orders, I think that it is too bad that the bishops did not take the careful conservational approach chosen by the curators of this 17th-century house. As weird modern sanctuaries in beautiful old churches attest, it is certainly difficult to reverse extreme makeovers. There is no doubt that some liturgical windows had to be opened. (My head cold testifies that some innovations — like central heating — are necessary for human flourishing.) But sometimes it seems that we have destroyed timeless rituals for a 1970s ethos that is as out of date as burnt-orange shag carpeting. Nevertheless, the old liturgical treasures of the faith remain, and I believe that those born after 1980 will restore them.

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Dorothy Cummings

About the author:

Dorothy Cummings is a Toronto-based writer. She has an MA in English literature from the University of Toronto and an M.Div./STB from Regis College. She is currently on leave from doctoral studies in theology at Boston College.


Teresa B. said...

One of the few articles that I enjoy in the Catholic Register.
I wonder how she was able to get work there.
It is refreshing to see a True Catholic Feminist writing in the Register!
I wonder if it is because she has her M.Div.STB from Regis and she studied at Boston College? Studying at one of those two schools would make one assume that the person is leaning leftwards.
What a surprise they must have had!

Or are things achangin'?

It would be wonderful to see a clear overhaul of that paper.

I am still waiting for our good Archbishop to start writing as he did in the Catholic Western Reporter (I think that is what it is called).

Pax Christi,
Teresa B.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Anthony (and Teresa B). I'm glad you enjoyed my article. I hope more Catholics have the opportunity to encounter and appreciate the beauty and reverence of the Usus Antiquor.

The article, though, belongs to the Catholic Register and to me. I was paid for it, and I make my living through my pen.

At present, I regret to say, Vox Cantor in violation of copyright. If you like, do leave up a paragraph or two and then link to the Register's website. This would be legal and conform to the usual netiquette.

If, however, you wish to purchase the article for use, do take down the whole thing, and contact the Catholic Register. This is how other blogs, like the one belonging to Opus Dei, have proceeded.

Anonymous said...

With apologies Dorothy...the link is above. Vox.