A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Jorge Bergoglio and Víctor Manuel Fernández unmasked

Sandro Magister has done some heavy journalistic lifting with this analysis of Amoris Laetitia and ghostwriter, Archbishop of Kissing.

These men have perpetrated a fraud on the faithful and on the Catholic Church. Yes, the Synods were a fraud. They were set-up. A colossal waste of money. A  fraud.  Yes, you read that correct. These men, all of them, have perpetrated a fraud and he has been found out! The essential parts were written a decade ago by the author Kiss me, this pathetic excuse for masculinity pictured here.

When you read at the link, it will turn your stomach when you realise how much heretical nonsense this priest was spouting in Argentina and how it came to be enshrined in Amoris Laetitia, paragraph by paragraph. Note also how this Fernandez was ostracised from the university there, only to be resurrected by Pope Bergoglio who then isolated those who found Fernandez to have expressed a false theology and situational ethics.

Let us again call for Amoris Laetitia do be denounced. Who will denounce the perpetrators behind this fraud?

Friends, we are getting to them. The proof is there that they cannot take the pressure because we are on to them and their diabolical plan.

One Pope? Two Popes? No Pope?

No wonder!

Here is the evidence from Magister's work of this Bergoglian fraud!

Comparison between “Amoris Laetitia” and two articles by Víctor Manuel Fernández from ten years ago

The texts with their respective abbreviations:

AL - Francis, post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia,” March 19 2016.

Fernández 2005 – V. M. Fernández, “El sentido del carácter sacramental y la necesidad de la confirmación”, in “Teología” 42 no. 86, 2005, pp. 27-42.

Fernández 2006 – V. M. Fernández, “La dimensión trinitaria de la moral. II. Profundización del aspecto ético a la luz de ‘Deus caritas est’,” in “Teología” 43 no. 89, 2006, pp. 133-163.

Each time are indicated, alongside the abbreviations, for “Amoris Laetitia” the paragraph numbers and for the articles by Fernández the page numbers.


(AL: 300)
There can be no risk that a specific discernment may lead people to think that the Church maintains a double standard.

(Fernández 2006: 160)
In this way there is not proposed a double standard or a “situational morality.”


(AL: 310)
For an adequate understanding of the possibility and need of special discernment in certain “irregular” situations, one thing must always be taken into account, lest anyone think that the demands of the Gospel are in any way being compromised. The Church possesses a solid body of reflection concerning mitigating factors and situations. Hence it is can no longer simply be said that all those in any “irregular” situation are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace.

(Fernández 2005: 42)
Taking into account the influences that attenuate or eliminate imputability (cf. CCC 1735), there always exists the possibility that an objective situation of sin could coexist with the life of sanctifying grace.

(AL: 301)
More is involved here than mere ignorance of the rule. A subject may know full well the rule, yet have great difficulty in understanding “its inherent values” [Footnote 339: John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation “Familiaris Consortio” (22 November 1981), 33: AAS 74 (1982), 121], or be in a concrete situation which does not allow him or her to act differently and decide otherwise without further sin.

(Fernández 2006: 159)
When the historical subject does not find himself in subjective conditions to act differently or to understand “the values inherent in the norm” (cf. FC 33c), or when “a sincere commitment to a certain norm may not lead immediately to verify the observance of said norm” [Footnote 45].

[Footnote 45: B. Kiely, “La 'Veritatis splendor' y la moralidad personal”, in G. Del Pozo Abejon (ed.), "Comentarios a la 'Veritatis splendor’,” Madrid, 1994, p. 737].

(AL: 301)
As the Synod Fathers put it, “factors may exist which limit the ability to make a decision”. Saint Thomas Aquinas himself recognized that someone may possess grace and charity, yet not be able to exercise any one of the virtues well; in other words, although someone may possess all the infused moral virtues, he does not clearly manifest the existence of one of them, because the outward practice of that virtue is rendered difficult: “Certain saints are said not to possess certain virtues, in so far as they experience difficulty in the acts of those virtues, even though they have the habits of all the virtues” [Footnote 342].

[Footnote 341: cf. Summa Theologiae I-II, q. 65, a. 3, ad 2; De malo, q. 2, a. 2].
[Footnote 342: Ibid., ad 3].

(Fernández 2006: 156)
Saint Thomas recognized that someone could have grace and charity, but without being able to exercise well one of the virtues “propter aliquas dispositiones contrarias” (ST I-II 65, 3, ad 2). This does not mean that he does not possess all the virtues, but rather that he cannot manifest clearly the existence of one of them because the external action of this virtue encounters difficulties from contrary dispositions: “Certain saints are said not to possess certain virtues, in so far as they experience difficulty in the acts of those virtues, even though they have the habits of all the virtues” (ibid., ad 3).


(AL: 302)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly mentions these factors: “imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors”. In another paragraph, the Catechism refers once again to circumstances which mitigate moral responsibility, and mentions at length “affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen or even extenuate moral culpability”. For this reason, a negative judgment about an objective situation does not imply a judgment about the imputability or culpability of the person involved [Footnote 345].

[Footnote 343: no. 1735].
[Footnote 344: Ibid., 2352; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Euthanasia “Iura et Bona” (5 May 1980), II: AAS 72 (1980), 546; John Paul II, in his critique of the category of “fundamental option”, recognized that “doubtless there can occur situations which are very complex and obscure from a psychological viewpoint, and which have an influence on the sinner’s subjective culpability” (Apostolic Exhortation “Reconciliatio et Paenitentia” [2 December 1984], 17: AAS 77 [1985], 223)].
[Footnote 345: Cf. Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Declaration Concerning the Admission to Holy Communion of Faithful Who are Divorced and Remarried (24 June 2000), 2].

(Fernández 2006: 157)
This appears in an explicit way in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors” (CCC 1735). The Catechism likewise makes reference to affective immaturity, to the power of contracted habits, to the state of anguish (cf. CCC 2353). In applying this conviction, the pontifical council for legislative texts affirms, referring to the situation of the divorced and remarried, that it is speaking only of “grave sin, understood objectively, being that (p. 158) the minister of Communion would not be able to judge from subjective imputability” [Footnote 42].

[Footnote 42: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, declaration of June 24 2000, point 2a].

(Fernández 2005: 42)
On the other hand, given that we cannot judge the objective situation of persons [Footnote 23] and taking into account the influences that attenuate or suppress imputability (cf. CCC 1735), there always exists the possibility that an objective situation of sin might coexist with the life of sanctifying grace.

[Footnote 23: On this point some recent statements of the magisterium leave no room for doubt. The pontifical council for legislative texts affirms, making reference to the situation of the divorced and remarried, that it is speaking of “grave sin, understood objectively, being that the minister of Communion would not be able to judge from subjective imputability”: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, declaration of June 24 2000, point 2a. In the same way, in a recent notification of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith, it is maintained that for Catholic doctrine “there is a precise and well-founded evaluation of the objective morality of sexual relations between persons of the same sex,” while “the degree of subjective moral culpability in individual cases is not the issue here”: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Notification regarding certain writings of Fr. Marciano Vidal, February 22 2001, 2b. Evidently, the foundation of these affirmations is found in what the Catechism of the Catholic Church defends in point 1735, cited at the end of the text of this article].


AL: 305
Because of forms of conditioning and mitigating factors, it is possible that in an objective situation of sin –which may not be subjectively culpable, or fully such – a person can be living in God’s grace, can love and can also grow in the life of grace and charity, while receiving the Church’s help to this end. Discernment must help to find possible ways of responding to God and growing in the midst of limits.

[Footnote 351: In certain cases, this can include the help of the sacraments. . .].

(Fernández 2006: 156)
This Trinitarian dynamism that reflects the intimate life of the divine persons can also be realized within an objective situation of sin (p. 157) as long as, because of the burden of influences, one is not subjectively culpable.

(Fernández 2006: 159)
A “realization of the value within the limits of the moral capacities of the subject” [Footnote 46]. So there are “possible goals” for this influenced subject, or “intermediate steps” [Footnote 47] in the realization of a value, even if they are always aimed at the complete fulfillment of the norm.

[Footnote 46: G. Irrazabal, “La ley de la gradualidad como cambio de paradigma,” in “Moralia” 102/103 (2004), p. 173].
[Footnote 47: Cf. G. Gatti, “Educación moral,” in AA.VV., “Nuevo Diccionario de Teología moral,” Madrid, 1992, p. 514].

(Fernández 2006: 158)
“There is no doubt that the Catholic magisterium has clearly admitted that an objectively evil act, as is the case with a premarital relationship or the use of a condom in a sexual relationship, does not necessarily lead to losing the life of sanctifying grace, from which the dynamism of charity draws its origin.

(Fernández 2005: 42)
On the other hand, given that we cannot judge the subjective situation of persons and taking into account the influences that attenuate or eliminate imputability (cf. CCC 1735), there always exists the possibility that an objective situation of sin may coexist with the life of sanctifying grace.

(Fernández 2005: 42)

Does this not justify the administration of baptism and confirmation to adults who may find themselves in an objective situation of sin, on the subjectively culpability of whom no judgment can be made?

“Amoris Laetitia” Has a Ghostwriter. His Name Is Víctor Manuel Fernández

Startling resemblances between the key passages of the exhortation by Pope Francis and two texts from ten years ago by his main adviser. A double synod for a solution that had already been written

by Sandro Magister

ROME, May 25, 2016 – They are the key paragraphs of the post-synodal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia.” And they are also the most intentionally ambiguous, as proven by the multiple and contrasting interpretations and practical applications that they immediately received.

They are the paragraphs of chapter eight that in point of fact give the go-ahead for communion for the divorced and remarried.

That this is where Pope Francis would like to arrive is by now evident to all. And besides, he was already doing it when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires.

But now it is being discovered that some key formulations of “Amoris Laetitia” also have an Argentine prehistory, based as they are on a pair of articles from 2005 and 2006 by Víctor Manuel Fernández, already back then and even more today a thinker of reference for Pope Francis and the ghostwriter of his major texts.

Further below some passages of “Amoris Laetitia” are compared with selections from those two articles by Fernández. The resemblance between the two is very strong.

But first it is helpful to get the broad picture.


Tuesday 24 May 2016

Basta! Basta! - what more do you want?" says Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB

Well, well, well; is this a case of thou dost protest too much?

Do you think a few bloggers got under the skin of someone really, really, really high-up in the Vatican that they would send out the big guns?

"What more do you want," he says.

You there, yes you; in that tin-foiled hat. 

Yes, you, I mean you.

Don't you know that I am the all-powerful Spox!

What more does one want?

Only the truth, from the Church.

Only the truth.


P.S. Yes, I've been blocked from BookFace and BirdChirp, but Roxy still has an account!

Monday 23 May 2016

Habemus Papam times two, how blest are we - Not!

Confusion and chaos reign in Rome. 

The UnHoly Trinity

Benedict's renouncement is valid because he says it is. Francis is Pope because the priests of the Diocese of Rome accept him as their Bishop, even if the election was manipulated by certain Cardinals. This is what we know and all we know, therefore, we cannot conclude anything else. The Law seems to have been followed.

There is no scriptural or ecclesiological reference that can justify any expression of two popes.

Let's be clear, if both these men think that they are Pope, then neither one of them is Pope. There is not shared papacy. There is no shared Petrine Office. There is no spiritual pope and practical pope. 

If they believe they are both exercising some joint form of the Petrine Ministry then they are both deluded and liars and even malefactors and will be judged by God for what they have done!

On a personal level, I've had about enough of both of them and their innovations and what I do know is this, this is not from God, though He is clearly permitting it.





Archbishop Gänswein: Benedict XVI Sees Resignation as Expanding Petrine Ministry

Prefect of Pontifical Household also recalls "dramatic struggle" of 2005 Conclave.

 05/23/2016 Comments (30)
Archbishop Gänswein delivering his speech at the Pontifical Gregorian University, May 20.
In a speech reflecting on Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, Archbishop Georg Gänswein has confirmed the existence of a group who fought against Benedict’s election in 2005, but stressed that "Vatileaks" or other issues had "little or nothing" to do with his resignation in 2013.
Speaking at the presentation of a new book on Benedict’s pontificate at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome May 20, Archbishop Gänswein also said that Pope Francis and Benedict are not two popes “in competition” with one another, but represent one “expanded” Petrine Office with “an active member” and a “contemplative.”
Archbishop Gänswein, who doubles as the personal secretary of the Pope Emeritus and prefect of the Pontifical Household, said Benedict did not abandon the papacy like Pope Celestine V in the 13th century but rather sought to continue his Petrine Office in a more appropriate way given his frailty.
“Therefore, from 11 February 2013, the papal ministry is not the same as before,” he said. “It is and remains the foundation of the Catholic Church; and yet it is a foundation that Benedict XVI has profoundly and lastingly transformed by his exceptional pontificate.”

Winnipeg Catholics! Get thee to a Corpus Christi Procession!

The good Catholics of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Winnipeg have sent along a press release which I am happy to share -  a Solemn Mass and Procession to be held on the external solemnity of Corpus Christi Sunday on May 29th at 11:00AM.

To all the Voxers in Winnipeg, how large can you make this procession to take the King of kings and Lord of lords through Winnipeg? At at time of great moral confusion in Canada and error in the Church, there is nothing more important you can do.

Remember, Pope Francis has given formal Faculties to the priests of the Society of St. Pius X to hear Confessions until December 8, 2016. There is great hope that formal recognition and structure for the Society will take place soon. 

Can there be any doubt that Heaven is behind this?

Roman Catholics set record in Winnipeg!
Hundreds to attend Feast of Corpus Christi traditional procession. Largest in 50 years!

Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church, 478 McKenzie Street, will be celebrating the feast of Corpus Christi with a Traditional Solemn Procession on Sunday, May 29th at 11:00 a.m., following the Traditional Latin Mass (Solemn High Mass with Celebrant, Deacon and Subdeacon), which will be offered at 9:30 a.m. 

Rev. Fr. Pfluger, First Assistant to Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), will be travelling from the headquarters of the SSPX in Switzerland to lead the Corpus Christi Procession.

Hundreds of Catholics will be participating, with familes and faithful travelling from different parts of Winnipeg, Manitoba and neighbouring Saskatchewan and North-West Ontario. 

The church invites Catholics to attend and to set a new record by making it the largest Corpus Christi solemn traditional procession in the history of the city. 
The Most Blessed Sacrament will be carried under canopy by the Priest assisted by the deacon and the subdeacon, along with the Cross bearer, candle bearers, altar boys, thurifers, Catholic associations with processional banners, and faithful. The Police will escort the procession. The rosary will be prayed during the procession, interspersed with traditional hymns in English and Latin.  

Last year, Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church held the largest Corpus Christi traditional procession in Winnipeg in five decades: http://sspx.ca/en/winnipeg-corpus-christi-procession-2015

The procession will proceed from Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church, 478 McKenzie Street, to East on Church Ave, along McGregor St., Mountain Ave., Arlington St., West on Church Ave. to Sinclair Park for Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose. It will then proceed back East on Machray Ave., returning to the church for final prayers and the singing of Tantum Ergo, Oremus Pro Pontifice and Adoremus in Aeternum. 

The feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ) was established in A.D.1246 by Bishop Robert de Thorete of Liège at the suggestion of St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon. It was extended to the universal Catholic Church by Pope Urban IV in A.D.1264, granting many indulgences to the faithful for the attendance at Mass and at the Office. 

Corpus Christi is a Latin Rite liturgical solemnity of the Roman Catholic Church to commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist and the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.

The office was composed by the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, at the request of the Pope. It is one of the most beautiful piece of the Divine Office of the Roman Catholic Church, and has been admired by millions of people over the centuries.

Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church is under the priestly care of the Society of St. Pius X.

For more information, please visit: www.sspx.ca

Saturday 21 May 2016

Benedict XVI denies professor's claim - states that all Fatima secrets have been released

It is reported that the Emeritus Pope, Benedict XVI, has issued a statement through the Vatican Communications Office on the matter of the Fatima secrets. Last week on this blog, we reported on a story from One Peter 5, that a friend of then Cardinal Ratzinger, Fr. Dollinger, disclosed certain information that the full Secret was not released. This is the same person who provided this information a few years ago to Father Paul Kramer and published by the Fatima Center.

Perhaps prudence has kept the Popes from releasing all the Secret. Perhaps we do not need to know what it contains, some say; but what we must have is faithfulness to the message. Yet, Our Lady did ask for it to be released by 1960, so who are any of us to question it. Unless of course, she did not and, therefore, Sister Lucia must have been delusional. Are we to believe she was? because that is the implication. She was delusional. Well then, that begs a few questions. Why do we have churches, schools, statues of and a feast day for Our Lady of Fatima. It makes no sense. Why does the Church accept that Our Lady actually did appear at Fatima but on the rest, the children, Lucy specifically, were wrong, deluded and the Church has committed a great fraud. Why don't they just admit it?

What we also must know, is this; why has the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary not been done. The fact is, it has not been done and notwithstanding comments that it has been done, you cannot point to its event in history. Not Pius XII, not John Paul II. They did not do it. It was never done and I will repeat, it cannot be pointed to in history.

The fact is, Fatima happened and it can be pointed to in history. Our Lady appeared, the sun danced, people were cured. Are we to believe that everything after that was made up? Why then did popes and prelates continue to meet with Sister Lucy. it cannot be because she was delusional. It makes no sense.

Now, back to Papa Ratzinger's alleged statement. I write alleged because it is from the Vatican Communications Office. Truly, are we to believe these people but not the old professor? We know some who work and advise there, correct? They are media experts and engage in lawsuits and internet screeds when called out. It was also a harsh comment not in keeping with Ratzinger's style and temperament. Let the comment come directly from him or written by him and delivered by his secretary or on video.

Quite frankly, I don't believe it.

Are we to believe that there is no comment on Amoris Laetitia, no comment on the Synods, no comment on anything, but on this, the Emeritus Pope comments? 

Bovine excrement! These Vatican manipulators have no credibility. If anything, we must now crank it up a notch.

Something more.

Their response is also astounding. For years, they ignored the Fatima Center and the late Father Nicholas Gruner. But blogs, they respond to.

Blogs and Fatima must clearly disturb these people.

International Conference to condemn Amoris Laetitia!

#ALConf — International Conference to condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’: June 25th

Immagine 053
“How are they of the Catholic Church, who have shaken off the Apostolic faith, and become authors of fresh evils?”— St. Athanasius, Discourses Against the Arians, Discorse I, 4

A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy

Rome, May 2, 2016 A.D.:  Veri Catholici, announces that it will hold a Conference/Manifestation in Rome, on Saturday June 25th to condemn the errors contained in the papal document, Amoris Laetitia, and demand in the name of all that is holy and true in the Catholic Religion, that the document be rescinded and that its authors and supporters repent publicly and undo the scandal they have caused.
Veri Catholici, an international association of Catholics dedicated to opposing the errors promoted by Cardinal Kasper, is calling on all Catholics in the world to join us in Rome to condemn the document Amoris Laetitia and its many errors, and to demand from the Pope and Sacred Hierarchy that the document be withdrawn and its errors condemned, formally and canonically.
We intend this conference to be a universal manifestation of the true Sensus Fidelium of Christ’s Mystical Body. We believe it absolutely necessary to take this initiative for the good of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of souls.
The official Twitter Hashtage for this Conference is #ALConf
The Official Name of this Conference is “A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy“.
NOTE: This conference, which will be FREE to all who attend, will cost several thousand dollars, THEREFORE, if you can help us out, make a donation using our PayPal link to the right of this page. Thanks.
If you can translate this notice into any 1 of the languages listed on the top of this page, please post it in the comment section so that we can provide this information to the Catholics of all nations.


Who is Veri Catholici?
We are an informal association of Catholics from around the world, who currently number 1350 members. You can become a member by following our webpage or liking us on FB. You can show your membership by displaying our official Logo on your blog or website or twitter header. We have no president or officers. We are truly a lay organization of sheep.
So who are we? We are nobodies, yes, but nobodies who have been adopted as children of the true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Thankful and grateful, and zealous to remain such in the present crisis.
Where in the City will this Conference take place?
We will announce the venue about 2 weeks in advance. If the numbers of those intending to attend are great, we may change the venue or location of the event to accommodate everyone. We will tentatively begin the meeting at 9 AM, but if great numbers attend, and we are forced to hold this event outdoors, this may change, to avoid standing under the summer Sun of Rome.
What format with the Conference have?
Most conferences have important or famous people speak, and one attends the conference to hear them and meet them in person. They are organized for many various reasons but have a temporal or earthly motive mixed in.
The Conference to condemn Amoris Laetitia and its errors is not like this. Any Baptized Catholic who sees any specific error or heresy, or blasphemy or problem in Amoris Laetitia and is present in person can speak,* as an adopted son of God — indeed there is no title more important in this world — the reason for attending and speaking is the same, to make an act of faith before the Pope and the Sacred Hierarchy and the whole world to counter the scandal of that document and to call on the Pope and the Hierarchy to reject its errors, to rescind it and to take a stand against it as a sign to the whole Catholic world that they are still Catholic.
As laymen, it is our right to demand that our pastors be faithful, teach rightly and in times of grave scandal give by their words and actions a sign that they have not apostatized or separated from Christ Jesus.
Its not a conference to condemn persons, the formal canonical judgement of the Church on this document and on those responsible for it or who are now promoting it, pertains to the Sacred Hierarchy. We call for this, but as laymen we can do nothing more than that, giving our reasons why.

Tentative Schedule during the Event

Introduction of Event by Veri Catholici Organizers
Reading of certain Public Petitions published during the Pontificate of Pope Francis
Introductions of Speakers
Speakers on the problems with Amoris Laetitia
Reading of the Resolution calling For the errors to be condemned
Vote on the Resolution to condemn the errors
Reading of the Resolution calling for the Condemnation of the Document
Vote on the Resolution to condemn the document
Reading of the Resolution demanding the Pope to rescind the Document
Vote on the Resolution to rescind the document
Reading of the Petition to the Pope and Supporters of the Document to repent and repair the Scandal
Reading of the Petition to the Sacred Hierarchy to formally condemn the errors, canonically
Vote on the Final 2 Petitions
Concluding Remarks

What you cannot do at the Event

There is not permitted the sale or distribution of anything in a public place at Rome, without permission of the civil authorities. Anyone doing this at our Event will be ushered out of the reserved area.
We will not be offering food and refreshments at this event. So If you have need of these things, during a long conference or public manifestation, bring them on your own. If the venue is outdoors, bring what you need for the occasion, as public places in Rome offer no seating arrangements other than sitting on the ground.

Format for Speakers’ Submissions

For the sake of the smooth running of the event, we ask that all those who will attend in person and who wish to speak, submit their talks in written format 2 weeks before the event.
Submissions must be by Email, and must have this following format or it will not be accepted!
TO: veri . catholici @ g mail . com  (without the spaces)
SUBJECT:  #ALConf – Intervention AL # (Paragraphs of Document Containing error)
CONTENT:  1-15 minutes (note that if there are a great number of speakers, each talk will be limited to 3 minutes, so if your talk exceeds 3 minutes, prepare a shortened version of it)*
LANGUAGE:  Your talk can be in Any Language BUT it will be only accepted if you provide an English or  Italian Translation!
Rules for submission:  Your talk cannot contain any calumny or libel of anyone, as it is a crime in Italy to calumniate others in public. If your prepared talk has anything of this kind, it will not be selected and you will not be invited to speak. If while speaking you do calumniate anyone, your talk will be interrupted and you will be asked to leave the podium.
Nota Bene: In your talk you will not have to introduce yourself, the Moderator will do that.
– – –
Suggested format of an intervention or talk:
Start by faithfully quoting the official text of the Document in any 1 of the official translations!
  1. Then, Say what it says, say what it does not say.
  2. Say what it allows itself to be understood to signify, on account of what it says and does not say.
  3. Say what is wrong with it.
  4. Say the Catholic truth which should be said instead of it.
  5. Tell the consequences of the error which will break out in the Church if it is not corrected.
  6. Show how it is in conflict with Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition or the perennial Magisterium of the Church, the teachings of the Saints, the natural law or common sense.
  7. If it appears to you deceitful or disingenuous or to contain factually incorrect affirmations, say so and say why.
  8. Summarize.
  9. And Conclude with a formal request to those attending that this error or these errors be condemned.
Remember:  The purpose of this Event is to condemn errors, blasphemies, sins, heresies, deficiencies, deceits, ambiguities.  Its a work of Mercy will will call on the guilty to repent. Insults and calumnies will not be tolerated since they are contrary to the act of charity which this Conference intends to be. So write and come in this spirit, to work a great work of Mercy!
Nota Bene: Veri Catholici is not offering any reimbursement for speaking at the Event. If you speak, you speak out of love for Christ and His Church. Expect your recompense in Heaven! As all who are working on this Conference are doing!
* Obviously, if there are great numbers of faithful present, we will for the sake of time, have to limit each of them to small interventions regarding 1 specific error of their choice etc..