A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 13 October 2014

Happy now you malefactors?

Exactly what Cardinal Napier warned about!


Synodal secrecy and spin and sodomite-mafia takeover

If you've not already read or heard, the Synod Fathers elected by secret ballot their representatives to write the report known as the relatio. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Cardinal Bagnasco amongst others were elected, again I repeat, by secret ballot! Most of the group was decidedly orthodox to Catholic doctrine.

What has been the response by the Bishop of Rome? 

Pope Francis appointed six others including Cardinal Wuerl of Washington -- six who seemingly take opposing views to the first group and are in line with the thinking of the Bishop or Rome.

Let me be clear.

The Bishop of Rome has no right or authority by God to change doctrine, so get off your papolatrous high-horse now. The Pope, this Pope, is obligated ,as are all,  to receive and pass on, he is a servant of the servants of God, he is not a master.

This cabal lead by Cardinal Kasper aided by Donald Wuerl are trying to remake Catholic doctrine by stealth, make no mistake about that.

Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried without a decree of nullity is their goal, they are literally "hell-bent" on doing it no matter what.

The Pope should not allow Cardinals such as Kasper to openly create confusion and rancour. It is astounding. 

The fact that we cannot here what our bishops say and that it is filtered by the likes of Lombardi and Thomas Rosica, CSB is a detestable. We all know about how these men communicate, eh? We have a right, as Cardinal Muller stated, to know what our bishops say!

In the recent past, many Catholics opposed St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI for their teaching. They dissented. They were wrong as they were dissenting from the magisterial teaching of the Church be it on women's ordination, liturgical abuses, divorce and remarriage civilly with no decree of nullity, acknowledgement of same-sex relationships, contraception -- the list goes on. These people were wrong, they were not practising Catholics. They were trying to undermine the faith.

Catholics now who have not changed their beliefs are now the dissenters -- how can this be?

If you think that those other points are not going to fall like dominoes if these scandalisers in Rome succeed in changing doctrine by stealth (the wedge is Holy Communion) then you are a bigger fool than them. Read what the German bishops write and say, and the Bishop of Antwerp (an appropriate name) and you tell me where these modernists wish to take the Church.

This is happening as the world is burning. Christians beheaded and persecuted. People crucified in 2014!!! Homes destroyed, cultural genocide, economic disruption and these men talk of no Holy Communion for some who persist in mortal sin and refuse to live the life that God has deigned and the Church has taught for two millenia.

Bishops in Africa are notably absent from the commission appointed by the Pope. The issues of this Synod are white, rich European and English world issues. The main focus has been and continues to be divorce and Holy Communion.  

The Church and this Synod is out of touch with the reality of the world. 

This Synod on the Family is a false construct and a Trojan horse.

This post started to be written with the latest article by Sandra Magister, "The Real Dilemma: Indissolubility or Divorce" as the main focus until the latest from Rome came to my attention. They are though, intricately connected and Magister gives you the inner workings in his usually well-informed manner.

Below is a link and quote from this morning at the Vatican. This is a result of the what has been unleashed at this Synod. Can we be lead to any other conclusion that the dossier handed to our beloved Benedict XVI in fact contained a plethora of information on the power and infiltration of effeminates and sodomites in the highest realms of the Church? 


  50.        Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?
     51.        The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge. The Church furthermore affirms that unions between people of the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as matrimony between man and woman. Nor is it acceptable that pressure be brought to bear on pastors or that international bodies make financial aid dependent on the introduction of regulations inspired by gender ideology.
     52.        Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners. Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority.

Do not be fooled. The cover-up of pederast priests was done by bishops who sympathised or were of the same ilk as them. They are now at the height of their power or else this would not be happening. 

Sunday 12 October 2014

Canonist provides clarity

Canonist Edward Peters provides clarity!

Either the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2384 is right, or it is wrong, to call remarriage after civil divorce “public and permanent adultery,” and either Canon 915 is right, or it is wrong, to prohibit administration of holy Communion to Catholics whose protracted public conduct is gravely at odds with fundamental Church teaching. Either the Sacrament of Confession requires of penitents a ‘firm purpose of amendment’ (that is, one’s casting off the sinful act), or it does not require such resolution for absolution (CCC 1451, CIC 959), and either Jesus’ frequent words against divorce and remarriage conveyed His meaning, a meaning which the Church in turn correctly understands, or not. But, if the Catechism is right, if the Code is correct, if sacramental theology is sound, and if Jesus knew what He was saying and His Church has rightly understood Him, then, how does one countenance administration of holy Communion to the typical divorced-and-remarried Catholic without at the very least disregarding the logical principle of non-contradiction?
Canonist, Ed Peters

Friday 10 October 2014

The Lion of Rome II

For your education

For all those Catholics out there that think that a pope can do no wrong and that every word he utters is infallible or that the Holy Spirit elects the pope, let us look at this opinion.

"I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope. . . . I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit's role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined. There are too many contrary instances of popes the Holy Spirit obviously would not have picked!" Pope Benedict XVI in an interview with German television in 1997.

Just to remind you.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Synod: New-age laity psycho-babble

Who justified these lay people with their agenda to speak at this Synod? Who are they to represent me or my family, or yours? The Church is not a democracy or a focus group.

I'm so mad I could use a word unbecoming a Catholic!

We've already been told by one couple from Australia that our parishes need to welcome "same-sex couples" now we have this poppycock.

It is a CRISIS OF FAITH AND CATECHESIS not "methodogy" and "pastoral programs that impact negative issues." 

What kind of new-age psych-babble is this and who in Rome is responsible for allowing this?

You in Rome, you read this blog, I know that.
Listen up, and listen good.

We are not our parents and grandparents. You cannot abuse us as you abused them. They did not know better.

We do.

You will not change doctrine and you will not change it through back door stealth pastoral initiatives.

We're watching you and we will scream it out from the ramparts and watchtowers from the "morning watch until night."

Synod: Family breakdown not a crisis in truth, but methodology

(Vatican Radio) The breakdown in marriage and family life, particularly in Western culture is not the result of “a crisis of truth, but rather as a crisis of methodology” and the “pastoral programs that attempt to address the negative issues impacting marriage and family life” fail to  meet “the magnitude of the cultural challenges facing us today”.
This is according to Jeffery and Alice Heinzen who are from the diocese of Le Crosse, Wisconsin USA, were asked to address the second part of the Synod’s working document, theInstrumentum laboris, namely, “The Pastoral Program for the Family in Light of New Challenges”.
Emer McCarthy reports: 
In their testimony, the Heinzin’s spoke of how the breakdown in family life is impacting in the handing down of the faith between generations.  They said that where once the home was the domestic Church and the parent the primary educator in the faith – this is no longer the case.
Sunday Mass, praying the Rosary in the evening, visiting the sick, saving for the poor and even bed-time prayers is no longer a norm in Catholic households.
Rising divorce rates and single parent families, demand a re-think in pastoral methods in faith formation for children who grow up without a witness to the beauty of life-long marriages.
Concluding, the Heinzin’s said that greater emphasis must be placed on marriage as a vocation equal to all others and greater attention to aftercare of marriage that can help couples deepen their relationship.

In this Congregation, we shall pass to the treatment of the Second Part of the Instrumentum laboris, namely, The Pastoral Program for the Family in Light of New Challenges. Under this heading is found Chapter One entitled, The Pastoral Program for the Family: Various Proposals Underway. It covers numbers 50 to 60. To refresh your mind, this chapter treats the following topics: The Responsibility of Bishops and the Clergy and the Charismatic Gifts in the Pastoral Care of the Family (50); Marriage Preparation (51-56); Popular Piety and a Familial Spirituality (57); Support for a Familial Spirituality (58); and Testimony on Behalf of the Beauty of the Family (59-60).
The interventions will be preceded by the personal, real-life testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heinzen. Both come from the Diocese of La Crosse in Wisconsin, in the United States of America. Mr. Heinzen is the President of McDonnell Central Catholic School System, belongs to the Knights of Columbus and is Director of the Office of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of La Crosse. His wife, Alice, is Natural Family Planning Coordinator in the same diocesan Office. Mr. Heinzen has a Master of Science Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Mrs. Heinzen has an Master of Science Degree in Training and Development and a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education. She is also a member of the Natural Family Planning Board for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers.
The Office for Marriage and Family Life of the Diocese of La Crosse assists the Bishop in offering support to priests and their parishes in the 19 counties of western Wisconsin in the remote, proximate and immediate preparation for marriage and pastoral care of married couples through events in marriage enrichment, mentoring and Catholic counseling. The Office collaborates with the Office for Catechesis and Evangelization to promote a thorough catechesis on the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. It supplies parenting information with the Teaching the Way of Love series and Parent’s Place Website. In addition, the Office is proactive in defense of life from conception to natural death, promotes and provides service in Natural Family Planning services and supplies support and training to parishes in the Ministry of Consolation.
Let us now listen to Mr. and Mrs. Heinzen.

"Marriage, a Life Journey of Authentic Love"
My husband and I have asked ourselves this question: "How did our parents live their lives as a married couple that has led us to where we are today as faith-filled married Catholics?"
In our reflection we realized that the witness of our parents, revealed in their daily actions God’s plan for marriage and family life. I have fond memories of participating in neighborhood Corpus Christi processions and my father leaving early for work to attend daily Mass. During the month of May, I remember our family praying the rosary. I remember the frequent tender kisses my parents readily gave each other. We knelt beside our beds each night in prayer to ask for protection and blessings on our family. Every Sunday, we attended Mass as a family, then went from Church to visit our relatives. To all this we can add our mothers who reminded us to always love our siblings, to use our best manners with others, and to save our pennies to help those less fortunate. Our homes were schools of love and virtue and our parents were the primary educators.
Our parents bore faithful witness to the joy and beauty of God’s plan for love and life. Unfortunately, not only in our evaluation of current culture, but also due to our pastoral experience, we know that many young people do not see the witness of married love that we experienced. So many youth grow up in homes broken by divorce or with no experience of married parents due to out-of-wedlock pregnancies. We have entered, as some social scientists have described, the age of the diminished family structure. This is more than a crisis. To quote Saint John Paul II, "[T]he role of parents as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it." Sociological research testifies to this problem and information in the Instrumentum Laboris confirms it. Children raised without the blessing of married parents, who have created a home animated by love and faith, will likely struggle to trust in God and their neighbors. How can they create life-long marriages?
Our diocese in the United States is not unlike those around the world. We have seen the number of marriages decline each year and the rate of cohabitation increase. We have seen a steady drop in the number of baptisms. We have watched our youth fall prey to the confusion of a hedonistic culture. We know countless divorced adults who have joined other faith communities because they do not feel welcomed in the Catholic Church. And, our hearts ache for single parents who struggle to care for their children. Like you, we strive to find simpler, more effective ways, to better share the blessings of God’s plan for marriage and family.
The Instrumentum documents pastoral programs that attempt to address the negative issues impacting marriage and family life. Sadly, these efforts are not meeting the magnitude of the cultural challenges facing us today. We must develop more robust and creative methods to share the fundamental truth that marriage is a divine gift from God, rather than merely a man-made institution. This will require us to examine the methods by which we teach our children about the nature of human sexuality and the vocation of marriage. When speaking of the call by God to serve, marriage should be included in all programs designed to explore vocations. And, it should compel us to ask how we provide for the aftercare of marriage that can help couples deepen their relationship. We therefore see the issue before us not as a crisis of truth, but rather as a crisis of methodology. How do we as a Church, effectively share what we know to be true in practical, simple and convincing ways, so that all men and women are challenged and supported to live life-long marriages and build homes that reflect the domestic Church?
In all of our pastoral planning, we must remember that "nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). Solutions to the identified crisis can be found. This Synod has the ability to provide aid to husbands, wives and families. Let us open our minds and hearts to the Holy Spirit so that God’s will may be accomplished.

(from Vatican Radio)

Sunday 5 October 2014

Civilian offensive underway in Lebanon

My sources in Lebanon have just written that over 2000 armed civilians made up of Christians and Hezbollah have journeyed to the Arsal region to aid the army in rescuing its kidnapped soldier from the terrorists allied with ISIS. The Lebanese will not accept the fate that has befallen those of Iraq.

All you holy Saints of Lebanon, intercede for the unity and safety of the land of the cedars.

Synodisms, scents and solemn nonsense

"To search for that which the Lord asks of His Church, we must lend our ears to the beat of our time and perceive the 'scent' of the people today." Pope Francis
Solemn nonsense and more confusion; but who am I to judge?

Dangerous times, friend. Very dangerous. The Pope speaks of changing "epochs" and the "beat of the times." Even to the point of calling on the Synod to be another Pentecost. Yes, another new springtime, how's that working out for us, eh?

In his homily today, the Pope referred to the synod being the "dream of God" and that we can "frustrate" it if we "don't let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit." 

On Friday, in his usual non-magisterial musings at Mass, he said referred to "man-made commandments" and those who "buy their salvation" by following "man-made rules and regulations."

There are snake-oil salesmen such as Kasper and Tom Rosica; they are going to try to force this on the Church. If they can't change the doctrine directly, they will try to change it through pastoral stealth.

Will they succeed?

My prediction?

The bishops from Africa and Asia and the faithful bishops of Europe and the Americas will stop them. They will be outed, all of them. The doctrine cannot change. 

Friday 3 October 2014

Parolin the fool and the Fool's Paradise of Islam

Last week, the Secretary of State of the Vatican City State addressed the globalist masonic United Nations and said, "Young people travelling abroad to join the ranks of terrorist organisations often come from poor immigrant families, disillusioned by what they feel as a situation of exclusion and by lack of integration and values in certain societies."

Right Eminence. Pure. Liberal. Drivel.

I'll give you the "lack of integration" but don't give me the poverty line. I can tell you that those distorted youths that left his country were not in "poverty" except a poverty of spirit or intellect or faith. 

Have you forgotten that the 9-11 monsters were mostly engineering graduates of fine universities?

There's no fool, like a Vatican fool.

What an scandal. What an embarrassment to those of us who cling to the Barque of Peter.

Read this.

Fool’s Paradise: The Appeal of Jihad

The harem dance, oil on canvas, 65 x 115 cm
“As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards and high-bosomed maidens for companions.”  ∼ Koran 78: 31-33
According to the principle known as Occam’s razor, the best explanation of an event is usually the one that is simplest. Yet Western analysts persist in using the most convoluted hypotheses to explain Islamic terrorism. Take a recent address to the UN Security Council by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State. In encouraging the Security Council to address the “root causes” of terrorism, he observed:
Young people traveling abroad to join the ranks of terrorist organizations often come from poor immigrant families, disillusioned by what they feel as a situation of exclusion and by the lack of integration and values in certain societies.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Deposed Bishop in Paraguay -- Where is the truth?

With his usual adroit style, Sandro Magister tells us the other side of the situation regarding the deposed Bishop of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. All Rome has said was that there was an issue of unity and "communion" with the other bishops. But what if the problem is the other bishops? The media has built up that this is about a priest with a suspected background which the diocese defends against. Yet, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X wrote to the Bishop of Scranton warning him of this very same priest.

When one reads the "facts" on the web page of the diocese, we see a diocese in growth of catechesis, charity, vocations and religious formation. Yet, we see the bishop of that diocese deposed by the Pope and convoluted reasons from the usual media spin-doctor, Lombardi. 

Where is the truth

The Bishop Deposed in Paraguay. The Defense Speaks
He has been removed without being able to read the charges against him. He has knocked at the pope’s door without being received. Here is his reconstruction of events, against the dramatic backdrop of the Church in his country

by Sandro Magister

ROME, October 2, 2014 – It is rare for a pope to depose a bishop. It is even more outlandish for a Jesuit pope to kick out a bishop of Opus Dei.

And yet this is what has happened in Ciudad del Este, the diocese of Paraguay overlooking Iguazù Falls on the border with Brazil and Argentina, in the territory that from three to four centuries ago was civilized and Christianized by the Jesuit missionaries of the “Reductions.”

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Again I ask, why is Godfried Danneels at the Synod?

We have this from Sylvia's Site and this below. Why has the Pope, appointed Daneels a protector of pederasts to the upcoming Synod on the Family?

Belgian prelate perverts and their catechism kiddie porn 

Belgian catechism pictureThe Vatican and the Belgian Catholic hierarchy are squealing like stuck pigs over the police raid last week on the home of the former head of Belgium's eight million Catholics. The cops seized a personal computer and documents belonging to Cardinal Godfried Danneels. Police also raided the archdiocesan palace near Brussels, and the crypt of the cathedral at Mechelen.They confiscated 450 files containing reports of paedophile offences by members of clergy.
Squeal? The bishops ought to be grateful the police weren't kicking in heads as well as kicking in doors. In April Cardinal Danneels' close friend, Monsignor Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges, admitted to having molested children for years, both before and after he became a bishop. In a country which has never recovered from the shock and shame of the Dutroux case, in which legal fumbling -- and perhaps corruption -- by police and prosecutors left a murderous, torturing paedophile loose for years to imprison and rape young girls, patience has run out.
Now increasing evidence of decades of rape and sodomy of children by Belgian's priests has pushed the law enforcement authorities to act with the kind of determination they should have used against Dutroux and his collaborators.
The arrogance of the bishops in dealing with years of worries by parents makes this action all the more satisfying. In the current issue of the on-line Brussels Journal, a member of the federal parliament, Dr Alexandra Colen, writes about her struggles, and struggles by other parents, to have a Church catechism stinking of paedophile propaganda withdrawn from Catholic schools.
Included were drawings such as the one above, in which a naked baby girl is saying: 'Stroking my p**sy feels groovy,' and 'I like to take my knickers off with friends' and 'I want to be in the room when Mum and Dad have sex.' Another drawing shows a naked little boy and girl that are 'playing doctor' and the little boy is saying, 'Look, my willy is big.'
Another drawing shows three pairs of parents. Those with the 'correct' attitude -- and remember, this meant to be an official handbook of Church teaching  -- reply, ' Yes feeling and stroking those little places is good fun.'
Dr Colen discovered this catechism among the school books of her 13-year old daughter in 1997. Dr Colen wrote to Cardinal Danneels, who was then still in office as head of Belgium's Catholics, and said: 'When I see this drawing and its message, I get the distinct impression that this catechism textbook is designed intentionally to make 13 and 14 year olds believe that toddlers enjoy genital stimulation.'
'In this way one breeds paedophiles that sincerely believe that children actually think that what they are doing to them is "groovy," while the opposite it the case.' She demanded the Church withdraw the book. Her protests, and protests by other parents, were dismissed by the Cardinal.
As she explains the Brussels Journal: 'Today this case, that dates from 12 years ago, assumes a new and ominous significance. Especially now that I know that Mgr Roger Vangheluwe, the paedophile child-molesting Bishop of Bruges, was the supervising bishop of both institutions -- the Catholic University of Leuven and the Seminary of Bruges -- whence came the editors in chief of this perverted "catechism" textbook.'
'Monsignor Vangheluwe not only entertained paedophile ideas, but also practised them on his 11-year old nephew.'
After Dr Colen started her campaign against such paedophile propaganda in schools, other parents came forward with accounts of children in Catholic schools being required to watch videos showing techniques of masturbation and copulation.
When hundreds of parents gathered in protest in from of the Cardinal's residence, he refused to meet them. Other protests demanded an investigation into these books and videos in the schools. The investigation was refused. When parents demanded to meet the Papal Nuncio, the Pope's ambassador in Belgium, he refused to meet them. Instead he alerted the police who moved in to guard his residence from the parents with water cannon. 
Meanwhile, some of Cardinal Danneels' friends -- was his good friend the paedophile Bishop of Bruges among them? -- started a press campaign against Dr Colen, claiming she was 'pestering the bishops'.  Finally the Cardinal's official spokesman rang her and insisted she had to 'be obedient' to the bishops.
But word of Dr Colen's campaign spread out to the Church across the world, and she received support from as far away as New Zealand. Letters of support for her arrived at the Vatican. Last February, the Belgian newspaper De Standaard wrote that these letters 'enhanced Rome's perception of the weak church leadership in Belgium.' The liberal Cardinal Danneels was replaced by Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard. Rome dropped him into the job in the hope he could restore the Church in Belgium. Léonard has already urged victims to take their cases to court.
Which is a start. But squealing about a perfectly correct police raid is not. The bishops need to shut up and just hand over the documents.

Cardinal Burke : Kasper's proposal is fundamentally flawed, it is against the LORD!

Those puerile and socially disturbed out there with their dyspeptic mutterings of incoherence who continue to defame and dance on the supposed episcopal grave of the Lion of Rome, need a good swift kick into the confessional.

Raymond Cardinal Leo Burke is a humble and holy servant of the Lord and of you and I.

May Our Blessed Lord bless him, Our Lady keep him close and St. Michael protect him from the enemies especially catholic laity and catholic priests in certain media circles that do the devil's work.

They know who they are.

We do too!


By Michael O'Loughlin For CRUX

National reporter September 30, 2014

Not only should Catholics who have divorced and remarried not expect permission to receive Communion following the upcoming synod of bishops, but any streamlining to make the annulment process easier is unlikely, too.

That was the message from Cardinal Raymond Burke earlier today, in which he blasted those who advocate for change to the church’s prohibition on divorce and the loosening of the annulment process. He said any changes would “only further encourage a defective view of marriage and the family.”

Speaking with reporters on a conference call hosted by Ignatius Press, Burke said that restructuring the annulment process — which some say is church discipline open to adjustment and not core doctrine — would lead Catholics to believe that the church isn't serious about its prohibition on the “insolubility” (does O'Loughlin mean indissolubility?) of marriage.

“It’s a very deceptive line of argument,” Burke said.

Burke, who heads up the Vatican’s Supreme Court, upped his public feud with another cardinal, Walter Kasper, dismissing Kasper’s proposal that the church restructure its annulment process. “The Kasper positions have been discussed some decades ago,” Burke said, and “we came to the conclusion that the solution proposed by Cardinal Kasper is fundamentally flawed.”

Kasper said earlier this month that Pope Francis shared his beliefs.
“They claim to know on their own what truth is, but Catholic doctrine is not a closed system, but a living tradition that develops,” Kasper told the Italian daily Il Mattino. “None of my brother cardinals has ever spoken with me. I, on the other hand, have spoken twice with the Holy Father. I arranged everything with him. He was in agreement. What can a cardinal do but stand with the pope? I am not the target, the target is another.” (by inference, Pope Francis -- Vox).

Burke, who was removed from the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops last year by Pope Francis, bristled at this characterization.

“I find it amazing that the cardinal claims to speak for the pope,” Burke said. “The pope does not have laryngitis. The pope is not mute; he can speak for himself.”

Burke said proposals like Kasper’s are “disobedience to, or a non-adherence to, the words of the Lord himself.”

According to church teaching, Catholics who remarry civilly without an annulment of their first, sacramental marriage may not receive Communion unless they abstain from sexual relations, living with their new partners “as brother and sister.”

Critics say the annulment process can be expensive, demeaning and take too long. (This is not true, I've been through it, it is a lie; it was not demeaning, $900 charitable donation for which I received a tax receipt, done in a year, outright lies -- Vox.) Some Catholics have expressed hope that the synod may streamline the annulment process, and Kasper has been at the forefront of that movement.

“He is proposing a direction that in [its] whole history, the church has never taken,” Burke said.
James Hitchcock, a professor at St. Louis University, said that a change in the church’s prohibition on Communion for the divorce and remarried could alienate those living by the current teaching.

“There are people who have lived heroically by the teaching of the Church. They have not received Communion in living in the teaching of the Church, and they cannot be brushed away,” he said. Burke defended his public challenge to Kasper and other bishops.

“For everyone to simply be silent while they see things being said that are not true, how can this be construed as being charitable?” he asked.

Rev. Joseph Fessio, a Jesuit priest and head of Ignatius Press who also was on the call, agreed. He called the focus on divorced and remarried Catholics a “very important, but very small issue” that Kasper’s ideas have amplified. (why, the Council or Synod of the Media?")

Still, he said that the public dispute was a blessing for the church.

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing these disputes are known; in fact, I think it’s a good thing,” he said.
“Remaining in the Truth of Christ,” which Ignatius Press will publish Oct. 1, includes essays in response to Cardinal Kasper’s proposal by three synod fathers: Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, and Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, Italy.

On the same day, Ignatius Press will also publish two other books in which synod fathers respond to Cardinal Kasper’s proposal: “The Hope of the Family,” an extended interview with Cardinal Muller; and “The Gospel of the Family,” which features a foreword by Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy. (Cardinal Kasper’s address, published by Paulist Press, is also titled “The Gospel of the Family.”)

Burke believes he said continuing the ban on divorce will strengthen marriage, and that the stakes are high.

“If the family is not strong, and the institution of marriage is not strong, society is in danger,” he said.

Material from Catholic News Service was used in this report.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Calling all Muslims, +++ Al Massih Yasou' Ibnollah +++

Back on July 23, I wrote the post copied below. Not surprisingly, some people did not like it.  Even some Catholics found it offensive.

Two months have past now and what has happened? 

More blood and beheading, even yesterday, another case of "workplace violence" which was actually another jihadist act against an innocent person. 

The Second Vatican Council documents and the Catechism refer to individuals who "profess" to be part of "Abrahamic" faith. Not the actual religion of Islam. That being said, Islam itself, is evil. Its founder, Mahomet, was a thief, a murderer and a child molester. On one day, this "prophet' beheaded 700 Jews. In one day, this religion beheaded 800 Catholics in Otranto whose relics are embedded in the walls.  How can we logically conclude that this comes from God? (and please, do not even think of comparing the Crusades or Spanish Inquisition, spare me.)

If you can pray five times a day at a mat to your god and then can go and cut off someone's neck, are you worshiping a god of good or one of evil? Not every Muslim is a radical jihadist. There are many wonderful decent people who are Muslim but it is not because of their religion, it is in spite of it. They are in darkness, deceived by a demon that wants them all his own and in Hell. 

Wake up people. Islam is false religion and Mahomet was a false prophet!

It cannot be anything else.

If you accept that the Koran is right, then Christ is wrong and a liar. How much clearer can it be. If you, as a Catholic, hold that Islam is just another way to reach heaven, then you are deceived.

Islam denies the Holy Trinity.

Islam denies the Sonship of Jesus.

Islam denies the divinity of Christ.

Islam denies the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

Islam denies the resurrection of Jesus.

Islam is Arianism fused with moon-god paganism.

Islam is from Hell!

What is it you don't get about that?

We need to pray friends and return to the sacraments and the Holy Mass.  

We must call to our Muslim brothers and sisters to get out of this prison of evil in which they have become bonded. They must come to Christ and His Church.

We must proclaim it, even if our Pope and our Cardinals and our Bishops and our Priests and our expert theologians and our Catholic media sycophants won't.

My Muslim brothers and sisters. You are loved by the Triune God. You are loved by Al Massih Yasou' Ibnollah, the Saviour of the World. He is my Messiah. He is your Messiah. You are loved by Mother Maryam. She wants you for her own. She wants you (and us) out of the clutches of Shatan. 

Come, come to Jesus!

Get out of this bondage of evil that has you by its throat as you cut the throats of others. 

There are no black-eyed virgins. There is no paradise awaiting, there is only death. 

There is no other way.  

There is no other salvation for the world.

Only Christ and Him crucified!


Let us all be Nazarenes!

The post below and the photo to the right show the Arabic letter "nun", the first letter of the world Nazarene which has been sprayed on the doors and buildings of homes and businesses of Christians in Mosul. This is reminiscent of the Nazi treatment of Jews in the years leading up to the war when the yellow Star of David was smeared on their businesses and the Jewish people were ordered to wear one. I have chosen, as have thousands of others, to change my Facebook picture to that in the post below as an act of solidarity with our Chaldean Christian brothers and sisters in Iraq and our Syriac brethren in Syria. 

We are witnessing a genocide and the world stands by.

An interesting report follows below of sincere Muslims holding signs; "I am Iraqi; I am Christian" as an act of solidarity, the report even identified the same "nun" on many facebook pages and below as a popular social-media act of solidarity.

You and I can do little directly but we can pray, we must pray; and we can also show our solidarity by this symbol and to show our politicians and these evil perpetrators that we stand with our sisters and brothers but also that we will not be moved.
Are there good Muslims? 
Of course there are, and there are bad Christians.

But, where there are good Muslims, it can only bebecause of natural law and a sense of justice and truth that is somewhere written upon their hearts in spite of; and not because of their religion. 

Islam's view of God is false, it cannot be otherwise. 

It's founder was a murderer, a child-molester, a thief and warlord. No "prophet" from God would do what he did, nor have put in a book the lies which exist in it (Mahomet himself was illiterate). There was no appearance by the Angel Gabriel and even the so-called prophet, disposed of the Satanic Verses from his own book because he believed that Satan had appeared to him disguised as an angel. Perhaps, he was always disguised as one, eh? 

Truly, we cannot both be right. If Islam is true, then Christianity is a lie. That is how opposed the two are.

Islam denies the revealed truth of the Holy Trinity, the Triune Godhead of FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT

"O People of the Scripture! Do not speak lies against Allah, but speak the Truth. That Jesus Christ, son of Mary, was a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not ‘Trinity.’ Desist! It is better for you. For Allah is one God." An-Nisa 4:17

Islam denies the Divinity of Jesus Christ, His Kingship and His Sonship and His equal part of the Godhead.

The Apostle Paul tell us clearly:

"I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we have said before, so now I say again: if any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema." Galations 1:6-9.

The Second Vatican Council document on the Relations of the Church with Non-Christian Religions (Nostra aetate) has this to say about Muslims:

Church regards with esteem also the Moslems who adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself, merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, and has spoken to men take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God point of reference. Jesus whom, indeed, they do not acknowledge Him as God, they revere Him as a prophet, honour Mary, His virgin Mother; sometimes they even call on her with devotion. In addition, look for the day of judgment when God will reward all men raised. From that time, they value the moral life and God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting worship them. 

But if in the course of centuries not a few quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christians and Moslems, this sacred synod urges all to forget the past and to work sincerely for mutual understanding and for all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom. P3 Nostra aetate.

Who am I to contradict this document?  Well, we cannot place a non-doctrinal document which was loaded with politics above revealed truth as in Holy Scripture. Reading St. Paul and then reading Nostra aetate, who are we to believe? Clearly, there was a desire to have the Council reject any antisemitism of the past directed towards are "elders brothers in the faith;" but in order to achieve this, there was a negotiation with the Catholic bishops, Latin and Eastern Rite of the Arab countries -- something needed to be said for them living in the midst of the Islamic world. Something else about Nostra aetate? It was the ranked as a "Declaration" not a "Constitution" and does not carry the same weight.  

Not only is Nostra aetate not doctrinal, it is political and it cannot be placed over Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition.

There are some that believe that Islam's god is the ancient moon-god of the pagan Arabs, clearly, Mahomet knew this "god" from his own pagan background and he mixed this paganism with what he knew of Judaism from trading with the Jews and what he learnt from Bahira, a heretical Christians monk fused with Arianism and Nestorianism. Bahira was the one that put the poison fruit of false Christianity in the mind of the young "prophet." There can be no doubt as Catholics; we must not call Mahomet anything other than what he is -- anantichrist!

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that Antichrist cometh, even now there are become many Antichrists: whereby we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us; but that they may be manifest, that they are not all of us. But you have the unction from the Holy One, and know all things. I have not written to you as to them that know not the truth, but as to them that know it: and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son, hath the Father also. As for you, let that which you have heard from the beginning, abide in you. If that abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning, you also shall abide in the Son, and in the Father. 
1 John 2:18-24

Islam will explain this simply, -- the apostles were liars and there is a mask on the real Jesus.

What we are seeing in all of this violence and bloodshed is in fact, the true Islam.  Islam was founded by the sword and spread by the sword. Mahomet was an antichrist, his book is the same and those who would preach to you that they are not ignorant of history. 

Throughout history, Islam has been the purveyor of death and murder. We are seeing the early centuries of it replayed before our very eyes.

Our governments are impotent because they have no understanding of the Social Kingship of Christ. They cannot deal with this because they cannot understand its roots. 

Our people are suffering and dying. 

Will we at least be strong enough to stand up for them?

God grant us courage and peace.

17th century pulpit, sculpted in wood by Mattheus van Beveren from the Church of Our Lady in Dendermonde, Flanders showing Mahomet and the Koran crushed by two angels.