A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

St. Joe’s is vibrant, diverse and ever-evolving

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O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O good St. Joseph, Patron of the Church and of Canada,
model of virtue and chastity, pray for us.


St. Joseph's Parish Ottawa - exterior - Wilbrod Street
St. Joe’s is a vibrant, diverse and ever-evolving Catholic parish in the heart of Ottawa. It is a place where one and all are invited to experience community, contribute to social transformation and grow spiritually.

  Rev. Andy Moyer, OMI - Pastor 
The Missionary Oblates were founded in 1816 by Saint Eugene de Mazenod. Our motto is: “He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor [...]. The Good News is proclaimed to the poor” (Luke 4:18; Matthew 11:5).
This double Gospel expression makes up the motto inscribed on the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and of its founder, Eugene de Mazenod. It highlights the missionary character of the Oblate charism and its primary activity. The Oblates find themselves reflected in it no matter how diverse their ministries might be.
St. Joseph's Church - Ottawa - Interior: as seen from choir loft
St. Joseph's Church - Ottawa - InteriorThe Parish was founded by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate ( OMI) a religious order whose main emphasis of service is to those who are marginalized in the church.
It is an ancient Catholic tradition that all are welcome!  Come, check us out. Ask questions. Be yourself as God created you! Connect with community – connect with diversity – connect with the tension of inclusion.
Maria Virjee our Coordinator of the Welcome Ministry will be happy to be in touch! http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mvsali@magma.ca
Easter 2012
SanctuaryDuring this season we renew our baptismal promises, remembering and re- committing to a way of life.  This faith life invites us to grow in awareness of God in and around and through us . It is a gift, and yet we care for it and cultivate it as we strive to live with lives that reflect the love and mercy of God by living a conscious life, that constantly seeks to reveal the presence of  God who creates.
Our planet is our home, created to be loved and lived in with respect.
This Lent, the Seasonal Planning committee is providing you the background inspirations behind the the decor, the prayers, symbols, choice of music and the inspiration for liturgical dance.

The Entrance way looks a little different.... 
You will also see that there is a large pool set on the floor filled with sand and cactus as well as the bowl from the font filled with Water. This is where our journey begins – in the desert, wth Jesus in prayer,  and with our candidates, walking with them to the waters of baptism.
One-on-One Healing Touch – Fri Feb 24 Friday February 24th, from 9:30am – 11:30am. For anyone who is experiencing spiritual, emotional, or physical stress/pain. Each person will receive a treatment of 15-20 min. followed by time for reflection. Given by Helena Robb, Colette Chartrand and Clara Nasello. Sign-up sheet at the back of the church.
“Occupy Lent”: A Discussion Series –Tues Mar 6, 13, 20
The Occupy movement captured the imagination and dominated discourse throughout North America. Understanding the roots of the financial meltdown, and placing responsibility for this on those responsible, was only part of the message. Issues related to democracy, use of public space, growing inequality and other themes were also front and center.  Socially-conscious Christians are organizing a series of three discussions.  We will first hear from some Occupiers themselves, then a presentation on economic inequality in Canada from a respected and sympathetic economist, and finally, a moderated discussion concerning religious values and what people of faith might do about this growing problem of inequality. The evenings will begin at 7 pm and end by 9 pm at the Parish on March 6, 13 and 20th.
Catholic Gays and Lesbians get together at St. Joe’s on the second Friday of each month. We live or aspire to live in integrity with our gifts of both spirituality and homosexuality. We want to build bridges between gay communities and the Church. We meet to share our faith. For more information, contact http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=SJcglgroup@gmail.com.
Catholic Gays and Lesbians Gathering — Friday, July 13  Sacristy room, 7-8:30 pm. When John McNeill, pioneering advocate for LGBT human rights, was thanking God for his partner of 22 years,
one of the things he listed in gratitude was: "He does me the honor of being angry at me when I do something thoughtless or hurtful." During our meeting, we will talk about anger in our lives as individuals and as a community — particularly how to channel our anger with the Church's view on women's rights and homosexual love into a passionate search for justice? Please bring a beverage or snack to share. To get a copy of an excerpt (“Dealing with Anger”) from John McNeill's book, Taking a Chance on God, email http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Sjcglgroup@gmail.com
Mass, prayer and liturgy at St. Joseph's Parish
Parish yoga resumes in the fall 2012.
Through the art of drama, young teens proclaim the Gospel message to the children of the parish. The Players perform during the 9:30 Mass on the third Sunday of each month. The group (often with other volunteers) performs special presentations during Christmas and Eastertide. 

CONTACT: Sr. Connie Goulet…http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=cgoulet58@gmail.com Telephone: 613-231-5118
Mass, prayer and liturgy at St. Joseph's Parish
LITURGICAL DANCE: The Liturgical Dance Ministry has been a part of St. Joseph’s Parish for over 20 years.  Liturgical Dance Ministry is a form of prayer through creative movement.   Liturgical dancers seek to invoke the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to visually proclaim God’s presence within and among us.   It is not a performance but an invitation for all in the assembly to go deeper into the music or the Word.  With his or her whole being, the dancer seeks to carry and lift the prayers in our hearts.
Dance Ministry meets in the weeks leading up to the special Sunday’s when we dance. These are usually Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, and Pentecost.
To be in the Liturgical Dance Ministry, a person does not need to be a professional or trained dancer, but simply be prepared to allow the Spirit to breathe through you. There are currently 6 dancers, and we welcome more.  Any person over 12 years of age is welcome to join the ministry.
Mass, prayer and liturgy at St. Joseph's
LITURGY COMMITTEE: The Liturgy Committee oversees the liturgy of St. Joseph’s Parish. The members do this through study, reflection, and discernment of the church documents. They create policy and guidance as it relates to the Liturgy and work to integrate the mission of the parish into an authentic, meaningful, and prayerful expression of our rich catholic tradition.
Mass, prayer and liturgy at St. Joseph's_JDP9319DEVELOPMENT & PEACE: This outreach group endorses the social justice and environmental campaigns of the national organization,Development and Peace. We hold education and action activities at St. Joe’s, including workshops, homilies, visual displays, bulletin messages for information and emergency appeals. Share Lent­ is the major faith, education and fund-raising effort each year, we to expose parishioners to the values of Catholic Social Teaching and those found in Caritas et Veritatis.Evening meetings held on an ad hoc basis.
Interfaith Sandy Hill is a multi-faith group of members who are curious about religion and what our various faith traditions have to say on various topics. The group believes that good things can happen when numerous faith communities join together to foster a continued dialogue and open communication. Interfaith dialogue increases knowledge of our neighbors. In turn, this can break the bonds of hate, prejudice and intolerance. For Catholics, the group’s work builds upon the Roman Catholic Church Vatican II document of 1965 Nostra Aetate,

Members include our local churches All Saints Sandy Hill, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish, St. Paul’s Eastern United Church and Jewish, Muslim and Hindu representatives.
_JDP9386All are welcome to attend this event. Various welcoming rites will be performed to welcome this infant. Reception to follow. For more information: Roman Mukerjee  or Jane Gibson  613-745-1923). Tuesday, November 29th, 2011, 6:30pm, Rideau Gardens, 240 Friel at Rideau.
Healing Services
These take place about 3- 4 times a year.
Members of this ministry invite anyone seeking healing ( in all its forms), to join in communal prayer, annointing, laying on of hands, and time for fellowship afterwards. There is also time for private prayer with one of the Healing Ministry Leaders. Watch the parish calendar for dates.
One-on- One Experience of Healing Touch
For: Anyone who is experienceing spiritual, emotional or physical stress/pain
Purpose: restores balance and harmony physically,emotionally and spiritually
Creates: relaxation, calm, lightness, clarity of thought and peace
In a state of health, life energy flows freely. Within all living things, there is a natural movement toward growth and wholeness. The treatment stimulates the person’s own recuperative power to promote healing for themself.
Everyone is welcome to come and experience a treatment for yourself
The dates for the Fall are: September 21st, October 19th, and November 30th
Friday morning: 9:30-11:30
Reflection for 7-8 July, 2012
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B
Mike Britton
Text: Ezekiel 2:3-5, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Mark 6:1-6.
[EXCERPT] "I’ve climbed up onto a pedestal here myself, haven’t I? For these few minutes, here I am, speaking from the Altar of the Word, but I know that I’m still the same person as the one who will return to his pew and stand in line for Communion with everyone else, then drive back home to Kanata, spend time with family, go to work, and live a life that is in most ways not particularly distinguished. I will struggle with my own temptations, resisting them imperfectly at best; I have a hard time seeing the “heroic virtue” of sainthood in my life."
Weddings at St. Joseph's Parish
The Core Team
Andre Boyer OMI…http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=aboyeromi@st-josephs.ca
Telephone: 613-233-4095 ext. 222
Pastoral Director
Mary Murphy http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mmurphy@st-josephs.ca
Telephone: 613-233-4095 ext. 227
Bread Bakers Coordinator
Contact: Clara Nasello…http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=claranasello@yahoo.com
Pastoral Care
Christian Meditation
Contact: George Martin & Rosemarie Morris…http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=morris-martin@rogers.com
Pastoral Visits to Retirement homes and Ottawa Hospital
Kathleen Allan… http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=kathleenallan@magma.ca Telephone: 613-729-1903
Pastoral Visits
Mary Murphy – http://st-josephs.ca/contact/parish-directory/mmurphy@st-josephs.ca
613-233-4095 ext 227
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (MAMI)
Contact: Ed MacNeil ,OMI
Telephone: 613-232 -5793


St. Joseph’s Parish is in the midst of fine-tuning its new communications strategy. An important part of this process included asking parishioners at all masses, including students and young adults at university mass, to tell us what draws them to our church. We received a wide array of responses, but some of the adjectives that kept coming up in dozens of responses included: welcoming, friendly, progressive and liberal. Here’s how our parishioners and guests see St. Joseph’s Parish:

- Invitation to be the Spirit – not shackled by prescriptive Catholicsm but open to the paths of the mystics – accepting – weekly reinforcement of us in God and God in us
- Equal partners ( women – men, lay-religious; young-old) parish members make decisions, take responsibility are accountable – no clericalism
- Social justice inclusiveness, re-claiming Catholicism
- Care for the poor, everyone having a place, liturgy, deep, meaningful, communal, progressive, Living the Spirit of Vatican II
- Realistic, 21st century – catholic teaching while respecting the history of a 2000+ year old tradition – hopefully not going backward. Should St. Joe’s begin to return to the proceedings of the church prior to Vatican II – I will reluctantly say farewell.
- Progressive, non-traditional, youthful, change-oriented
- A dogma-free place and community of worship, a faith-celebratory place
- Welcoming, liberal, diverse, outreach, vocal community
- Radical, welcoming, faith in action, justice and solidarity, action community
- A community which is inclusive, vibrant, liberal, reaching out, progressive, active, loving, caring for the poor, working for social justice
- Liberal, open-minded, inclusive and still Catholic
- Truly a spiritual experience – not “religious”
- Warmth, lay homilies, liturgical dance, beautiful music
- A supportive and inclusive community – equality. “be the change you wish to see in the world”
- Modern and democratic – “a church for today’s world”
- Inclusive, heart centered, justice oriented, welcoming, seeking through silence, celebrating God’s love
- Liturgy well celebrated and reflective – conscious of social justice
- Apparent and intense dedication of the parishioners, strongly female
- Creative, liberal, welcoming, thought-provoking
- All are welcome, open, not rigid, willing to bend when necessary

Now tell us about your experience and what you’re looking for in an open and welcoming Catholic parish community, especially as we prepare for another semester at university! Let us know by either posting your comments, or sending an e-mail to: http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=cadam@st-josephs.ca .


Gay Catholics, Christians and Allies in Ottawa

JULY 23, 2010

The Gay Catholics, Christians and Allies at the University of Ottawa is looking for supporters willing to march with the club in the Capital Pride this year (August 29). The club: i) builds an inclusive community, ii) spreads the message: God’s love is in all people regardless of their sexual orientation, iii) wants gay persons to be welcomed by the official Christian churches.

Please join us at the Pride and help make this message heard: all people (gay and straight) have the same gift of love to share! E-mail: http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=clgbt@uottawa.ca


gayprideanglicans-th.jpg (65731 bytes)

Protestant Minister Rhondaa McKay

AUGUST 4, 2011

Thanks to your liturgy team for the honour of opening scriptures for you. I am honoured to have an opportunity to address the congregation, for which I have such respect and to stand with Fr. Andy who we have been so pleased to welcome into Sandy Hill; I like to brag about the good working relationship amongst churches and faith communities in this neighbourhood… I like to think we are fertile soil for the sower’s seeds, but it is worth thinking about what the fertile soil would be that provides abundant harvest

In his response to the questions of his disciples, Jesus tells them parables are for those who know beyond knowledge. They hear and see beyond the obvious.

It’s an invitation to look again at the familiar image –prodigal sower, casting seed not just on the prepared ground, but also on the path, on rocky ground and amongst the thorns. No self-respecting farmer would do that.

Does the OMI parish of St. Joseph's in Ottawa encourage sodomy?

The rot in the Church at Ottawa continues 25 years later

Long known as a centre of heresy, dissent, liturgical abuses and innovation, the parish of St. Joseph in Ottawa on the campus of its once Catholic university has a rather queer announcement in last week's bulletin.

While Catholic teaching is clear that people who suffer from same-sex attraction must be loved and respected as human persons created by God, it seems that this event goes beyond that command to the point of endorsing a "lifestyle" that is the antithesis of life and love.

Where it the Catholic teaching? 

Where is "Courage Apostolate?"

Where is the real compassion instead of this false compassion?

Why is a Catholic Church supporting a group and permitting in its bulletin a label on a human being that the Catechism of the Catholic Church does not place and in fact, declares incorrect? 1.

— Friday, July 13 Sacristy room, 7-8:30 pm. When John McNeill, pioneering advocate for LGBT human rights, was thanking God for his partner of 22 years, one of the things he listed in gratitude was: "He does me the honor of being angry at me when I do something thoughtless or hurtful." During our meeting, we will talk about anger in our lives as individuals and as a community — particularly how to channel our anger with the Church's view on women's rights and homosexual love into a passionate search for justice? Please bring a beverage or snack to share. To get a copy of an excerpt ("Dealing with Anger") from John McNeill's book, Taking a Chance on God, email Sjcglgroup@gmail.com

This striking quote on "how to channel our anger with the Church's view on women's rights and homosexual love into a passionate search for justice?" pretty much states their views on the Church's teaching.

Continuing saga of heresy and dissent

At Ottawa University Mass, the extent of the problem is also seen as St. Joseph's "fine-tunes" its communication strategy. Yes, not much has changed in the twenty-five years since  I left Ottawa. Well, at least the stinking fishpond is gone from the sanctuary but let us not forget this invitation obviously endorsed by the OMI's at the parish to Capital Pride; now how's that for a play on words?

Violation of Canon Law

Yet, it still gets worse. Canon Law is quite clear, the laity do not preach at Mass. The homily is given by the bishop, priest or deacon, not even a seminarian is qualified as until the diaconate, they are still not in the clerical state. No nun may deliver a homily. No homily may be addressed by a layman or laywoman. None. Yet, not even if they be a Protestant Minister -- a layman or woman who also happens to be a heretic. Yet, not even that is too much for the OMI's at St. Joe's as evidenced right here.  Even people promoting EWTN and opposing Dalton McGuinty's takeover of Catholic teaching in favour of a homosexualist agenda in our schools are slandered. They go so far as to publish a disclaimer, "Please note that the group responsible for leaving these pamphlets and flyers on the cars in the parking lot is in no way affiliated with St. Joseph’s Parish or with the church’s ministries." Too bad I say. Are there any Catholics left at this parish? How can there by after decades of heretical teaching and behaviour?

Narcissism consistently leads to liturgical abuse

Where do we begin to count the sacrilege and liturgical abuses outlined in Redemptionis Sacramentum? The priest celebrating this Mass is violating Canon Law and even the Second Vatican Council's Constitution of the Liturgy, Sacrosanctam Concilium. Their beloved John XXII would never have tolerated this, nor would the tortured Paul VI. All Popes have spoken out and written on this abomination, this priest is disobedient to the Church and he is committing scandal. If that is being judgmental, so be it. It is the truth.

This priest, this parish, this Order is in full communion with the  Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X is not?

The heresy and abuse and scandal at this parish and by this Order is not the teaching of the Council, but it does come from a false spirit of the Council that is still yet to die.

As noted in a post below, this parish was instrumental in the Oratorian Affair of 1988 and 1989.  I was there, I witnessed it.

The pastor at the time at St. Joseph's was Father Douglas Crosby, OMI, the now Bishop of Hamilton.

This parish is an Oblate parish, the OMI's. They also have a star chamber house in Edmonton for enneagrams, yoga and other heresies antithetical to Catholic teaching.

The OMI's were some of the worst sexual predators hiding out in priest's clothing with particular attention being paid to boys in the Maritimes and aboriginal Canadian communities in the west and north.

Now the OMI's from Labrador have followed the OMI bishop to Hamilton as they "co-pastor" and dress as clowns during Mass.

Let this be a warning. You can no longer hide.

You will be outed, in more ways than one, just as the darkness flees from the light.

1.  Chastity and homosexuality 
2357  Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359  Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Will the last Roman Catholic turn out the lights?

           Anybody Catholic or non-Catholic, traditionalist or secular-minded, who wishes to pinpoint honestly the direct cause of the shambles to which the once vibrant Roman Catholic Church has been reduced, needs to read and absorb James W. Demers' The Last Roman Catholic.

          Writing with grace and perceptiveness, with a plethora of detailed, accurate information, and using the frightening martyrdom of the Oratorians at the hands of Archbishop Plourde (Ottawa), Demers shows the Canadian hierarchy of bishops together with their priests themselves literally and deliberately dismantled the Church organization, in the process killing off its authentic spirit. They, not some outside and inimical force, are directly responsible for the ruins. How the churchmen of Canada successfully de-Catholicized themselves and their flocks, this is the real subtitle of Demers' work.

          It should also be obligatory reading for all USA churchmen (already busy producing the same lugubrious result): and it should be obligatory reading also for every one of the 180 members of the Roman College of Cardinals. For in the ultimate analysis, they will be called to account by Christ for the gross betrayal which they organized and now do allow.

Father Malachy Martin
Author of The Keys of this Blood
The Jesuits
Windswept House
Rich Church, Poor Church

Such is the blurb from the back of the book. The Oratorian Affair took place between 1987-1989 in Ottawa at St. Brigid's, now an "Centre for the Arts!"

I was there.

It was there that I went to confession for the first time in fifteen years. It was there that I learnt to sing for the first time, Gregorian chant. I witnessed the persecution first-hand and it put me on the road to this blog.

I saw 300 people at Sunday Vespers. Four confessionals with priests and line-ups. Every 13th. day of the month there were three rosaries--all mysteries and benediction and confession.

People came from all over the Ottawa Valley and it had to be put to an end.

If you've never heard of the Oratorian Affair, you can find it in this little book. If you want to know the whole history of betrayal by the Canadian bishops you can add Anne Roche Muggeridge's The Gates of Hell and The Desolate City.

If you want to see the church community that lead the charge against the Oratorians back then, google St. Joseph's Church, Ottawa, but don't be having a coffee at your keyboard.
It was a den of heresy and liturgical abuse and open dissent twenty-five years ago and they've added to it ever since.

It is an OMI parish on the campus of the formerly Catholic, University of Ottawa. The Pastor at the time was Father Douglas Crosby, OMI. Father Crosby now in his Episcopal capacity as Bishop of Hamilton likes to sign his letters, "Douglas."

I'm not saying anything by that, I'm must sayin'.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Just clownin' around

Vox is receiving information that this past Sunday, a "Clown Mass" was celebrated in an Ontario diocesan church under a religious order. An Order I should add that this same Order perpetrated countless acts sexual assault on minors and is obviously a hideaway for homosexuals bent on sodomising children and destroying the Church. If you see this liturgical narcissim, know that there is something more diabolical behind it.

If you were witness at this Mass or have photographs, please contact, in confidence; because I and others are girding up for the next battle.

You cannot hide!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Lying Premier, Buffaloed Bishops, Suffering Catholics

Catholic Premier Dalton McGuinty
Taking a page out of the book "How to Lie to a Cardinal" from Barack Hussein Obama, (Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York), Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has done the same thing to Toronto's new Cardinal, Thomas Collins. While Obama is trying to intimidate the Catholic Church in America, McGuinty, a Catholic, is going to force Ontario's Catholic Schools to implement so-called, "Gay-Straight Alliances." At least Obama has an excuse, he's not Catholic. Dalton is a Catholic and should no better; good-luck to him on Judgement Day.

Laurel Broten, Minister of Education has been designated by Dalton to lecture the Catholic Church the Bishops and the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association on "acceptance" and the Catholic faith.

The Bishops of Ontario, through the Ontario Assembly of Bishops has taken a quiet, behind the scenes approach. They have misjudged and they have been misled by a lying, deceitful Premier and government which has manipulated the bishops' presumptuousness of good intentions on the part of the government.

They have arrived late to the party.

When was the first time you heard this debate? Was it with the Halton Catholic DSB last year or TCDSB after every other Catholic School Board in Ontario had to deal with it? Do you remember the homosexualist pressure applied to the Halton Trustees championed from a Judas on the inside who ran for election as Trustee for this singular purpose?

The Bishops of Ontario let our Catholic School Trustees enter this debate improperly armed and guided on a matter that is fundamental to Catholic Schools.

Where was the statement from the pulpits to the Catholic faithful last year and the year before to wake-up and respond to this assault on our religious liberty? Did you even hear anything 15 months ago when Dalton McGuinty tried to pass a law that oral and anal sex talk be part of elementary school curriculum? At least Evangelical leader Charles McVety was out there, where were our bishops?

Of course bullying is unacceptable. Bullying of all types is unacceptabl! It breaks the Fifth Commandment and is a Mortal Sin which can only be relieved by Confession and Penance and hopefully recompense to the victim. I was bullied. Most are bullied. But, I'll tell you, the facts don't add up that those with same-sex attraction are the number one reason for bullying. It is body image and then it is ethnicity and race and academic ability and awkwardness.
Wake up, being "gay" is in and the homosexualist lobby and the secularists who hate the Catholic Church because She is all that is left that stands between truth and falsity, despite the sins of her members, want Her destroyed.

This is nothing more than an attack on our religious heritage and liberty.

Yes, Ontario. Your religious liberty.

It is the same fight being waged on the Church by the liar in the Whitehouse.

Don't tell me as a faithful Catholic, "Do away with the system and then we'll have real Catholic schools."

No. Sorry. You don't have that option. Is the system as Catholic as it should be? No, but you don't tear it down, you fix it! What have you done to help?

If you don't stand up as a Catholic then consider it a betrayal of Michael Power, Armand-François-Marie de Charbonnel and Sir Richard W. Scott who fought for our rights 170 years ago. It is a betrayal, even to the likes of Sir John A. MacDonald and George-Étienne Cartier. To all the nuns and priests and your parents and grandparents and great grandparents and great-great grandparents who did without so that there would be Catholic Schools to preserve our faith and convert the world.

This is an attack on us and it is the first step to attempt to do away with us. Are you going to let it happen? Are you going to let this rotten government, this lying deceitful Catholic Premier of scandle from Ornge and EHealth to his Green Energy Boondoggle and of the campaign lie of No New Taxes do this?

Today, the Cardinal has come to the fight in the public. He has penned a response; an articulation that sums up the matter quite appropriately The approach is measured and forthright.

It has clarity and it has charity.

Is it enough? 


May 28, 2012

Observations on a recent change in government policy re: proposed anti-bullying legislation

For some time now we have all been particularly concerned about making sure that our schools are safe and welcoming places for everyone. This concern has been reflected in new educational policies over the last several years, and most recently in proposed legislation such as Bill 13 and Bill 14.

For the comments of the Ontario bishops concerning these bills, and the wider issue of bullying that has occasioned them, I refer you to our brief published on the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario website.

For the moment, I would simply like to comment on the recent change in government policy concerning one method of addressing one form of bullying, and of providing personal support for some students, namely Gay-Straight Alliances.

All of those who care about Catholic education are committed to assuring that Catholic schools are formed by the principles of the Gospel, in which all people are treated with love and respect. As we Christians put it, not as some pious platitude but as a practical norm for life: Catholic Schools must be places where each person is received as Christ.

This may not always happen in a Catholic school, for we are all sinners, but we earnestly try to live up to this standard. We have a rich array of spiritual resources, and methods developed out of our faith tradition, which not only fight bullying, but shape a school environment that is welcoming to all. Our schools also provide competent and compassionate personal support for individuals. We also consistently have sought, and continue to seek, to work together co-operatively with the Ministry of Education to assure that Catholic schools meet and exceed all government standards.

Bullies use many excuses to mistreat others - it is usually because someone stands out in some way. If any students are mistreated, because of whatever factor attracts the attention of the bully, then that is evil. Our concern is that all students be welcomed and loved, and that none be bullied. In Catholic schools we seek to attain that goal through methods that arise out of our Christian faith tradition, are shaped by it, and are in harmony with it.

A "Gay-Straight Alliance" is a particular method of addressing one form of bullying, and providing personal support. The GSA model was developed in the United States in the 1980's. Because this model is so closely related to a movement with particular views concerning the human person and the issues of life, people who disagree with those views are understandably concerned that the model can serve as a means not only to address bullying, but to promote the views with which they disagree. Those who share those views will no doubt wish to use the GSA methodology. They are certainly free to do so.

I question, however, why provincial legislation should make this particular method normative in a Catholic school, which has its own different but effective methods of attaining the goal of addressing bullying and providing personal support for all students, ones which, unlike GSAs, arise out of its own fundamental principles and are in harmony with them. If the point is that there is something unacceptable about those Catholic principles, then I find that troubling, and wonder whether caricatures of Catholic faith are in play. I recognize, of course, that even among Catholics the richness of our faith, and the reasons for its teachings, have not always been communicated effectively. This is even more true within the popular culture in which we live, the sea in which we all swim.

GSAs are the only particular method or strategy mentioned by name in Bill 13. That is interesting. Now, with the recent change in policy, if any student insists on this particular method, then the trustees and principals who are responsible for the religious foundations of the school are compelled to agree.

As pastor of a large diocese, on the road constantly visiting the people, I have again and again heard concern from parents and educators about the proposed imposition of the GSA methodology on Catholic schools. That same concern has been expressed to me by people of other faiths, since parents often choose to send a child to a Catholic High School precisely because they expect a particular approach to life which is largely in harmony with their family and faith convictions.

Names of organizations carry with them a distinct content: if someone asks you to join the Liberal, Conservative or New Democratic Party, you rightly expect something different from each. These groups each have their own traditions, their own shape. So the key issue is not just the name itself, but the content connected with the name, with the "brand". Is it something that you want, or something that is in harmony with your basic principles? If it is, then fine; but it should not be imposed on a community.

Some questions come to mind:

1. Why is a piece of provincial legislation being used to micromanage the naming of student clubs?

2. Why are Catholics not free to design their own methods to fight bullying, and provide personal support to students, as long as they attain the common goal of a welcoming and supportive school? Why must they instead be compelled to accept a particular method that comes from a different approach to the great issues of life?

3. The leadership of students is crucial in the fight against bullying, and in making their school a place of love and respect for all. In fact, the most effective way to stop bullying may well be the example of fellow students. Students work together with the adult leadership of the school to promote the good of all. But trustees and principals are legitimate stewards of the spiritual tradition of the school, and in a Catholic school, that includes the Catholic faith tradition. Why should the power of provincial law be used to override that legitimate adult authority so that this one particular method can be imposed by any student who wants to do so?

4. With the principle established that the legitimate local authority is nullified in this case, then is any student free to introduce any program, any club, or any advocacy group relating to any issue? Over a year ago, I heard the principle behind this new policy expressed this way: "if a student wants it, he or she has got it." That may sound attractive, but it is a very shallow and distorted view of student leadership. Trustees and principals are legitimate adult stewards of the common good of the school community at the local level, and it is not helpful when Queen's Park moves in to remove that responsibility.

5. Apart from whatever one thinks of the idea of GSAs, in any particular school is a GSA the most effective method to help students being targeted by bullies? Who makes that decision in a local school? Is it those adults who are entrusted with responsibility for the local school community and all of its members? The new policy says that they do not. Is that wise?

To the members of our Catholic community: I urge you to reflect on the implications for Catholic education of this sudden government change in policy, and of the extraordinary privileging of one particular way of dealing with bullying and personal support. Catholic educators should be free to make sure that Catholic schools are loving learning environments in which every person is treated with love and respect, and to do so in a way that arises out of our faith tradition and is in harmony with it. We need to consider the path ahead.

To our friends and neighbours of other faiths, or of no faith, including those who disagree with any or all of the beliefs of the Catholic Church, and those who personally support the beliefs that form the context for GSAs: please consider the implications for all when legislation is enacted that overrides the deeply held beliefs of any faith community in our province, and intrudes on its freedom to act in a way that is in accord with its principles of conscience. If it happens to us, it can happen to you, on this and other issues. When religious freedom becomes a second class right, you also will eventually be affected.

There is no reason for this controversy. We all want schools that are loving and welcoming places for everyone. We simply ask that diversity be respected in our society, and that we be able to attain the common goal of welcoming schools, and of personal support for students, using methods that are in harmony with the faith we cherish.

Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto
President, Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

 TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, M4Y 1P9 • TEL (416) 923-1423 • FAX (416) 923-1509
www.acbo.on.ca e-mail: acbo@acbo.on.ca

Monday, 21 May 2012

Vicious power struggle in the Vatican

From Catholic Church Conservation...
Machtkampf im Vatikan – Benedikts XVI. Plan diesen zu beenden – Neuer Staatssekretär? › Katholisches

Power struggle in the Vatican which Pope Benedict XVI plans to end - New Secretary of State?
A book, published in Italy is creating unrest in the Vatican and has made Pope Benedict XVI angry, which is the new publication "Santità Sua "(Holiness) by Gianluigi Nuzzi. In it were numerous confidential letters directed to the pope and his personal secretary, Monsignor Georg Gänswein. About such a breach of trust and violation of privacy, the Pope is furious. The Vatican announced on Saturday that it is initiating legal proceedings for "theft" and "receiving stolen goods". Legal proceedings have been started already within and outside the Vatican.

Code name "Mary" - behind the theft, the people around Cardinal Sodano are suspected
The journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi said that "Maria" was his source. Hidden behind this code name are several people who - according to the author - have smuggled documents from the Vatican which bring to light facts hidden by the Vatican State.

The Vatican looks quite differently on what is being sold as "noble deed" in the "struggle against dark forces" . There one sees the release of confidential documents in a power struggle of the old guard who turned against the appointment of non-diplomat Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone as Secretary of State for the Vatican State. The culprits of the confidential data theft were suspected to be supporters of Bertone's predecessor Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

Bertone's appointment was not accepted by the "old guard"
Cardinal Sodano is a different figure to his successor in the prestigious Diplomatic Academy at the Piazza Minerva in Rome. It is not that Cardinal Sodano is himself accepted as an initiator of the leak, but certainly his immediate people. The public dissemination of the leaks has only one purpose: to discredit the incumbent Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone and, ultimately, to affect Pope Benedict XVI himself.

Many of the letters published in Nuzzis book are strictly confidential. The secretary of the Pope, after he had read them will have passed them from the papal apartment to the State Secretariat. There, someone has crept in, made photocopies and passed them on. The leak come from far up in the hierarchy of the Vatican State. At least the perpetrator acted with conscious or unconscious cover. Only then can one explain how easily they moved in the smallest state in the world.

Commission anticipates rapid investigation
An ad-hoc commission formed under the leadership of Cardinal Julian Herranz, Josef Tomko and Salvatore de Giorgi to give a name to the leak and bring to light the person who committed this "outrageous" and "criminal breach of trust". Investigations are already underway. It is expected that those responsible will be quickly determined. The range of persons who have access to confidential documents in the archives of the Secretariat of State is very small.

Diplomats against the Salesian
The new style of government by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone which can be summed up with the formula "less diplomacy and more Gospel" angered the previous team. This was increased by several errors made by the new Cardinal Secretary of State, especially in the first five years of the reign of Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Bertone had not supported enough the prophetic intellectual momentum of the Pope and made it visible within and beyond the Church. Above all, he gave preference within the Roman curia to Salesians when appointing to posts that traditionally were in the hands of Vatican diplomats The Cardinal Secretary of State is himself a Salesian of Don Bosco. His desire to surround himself with people he trusts is natural. The newly appointed are distinguished in academic qualifications, but they have no diplomatic experience. The split between the new and the old guard has been deepened

The appointment of the Bishop of Savona, Domenico Calcagno, as apostolic administrator of the Holy See, the Bishop of Vercelli, Giuseppe Versaldi, prefect for Economic Affairs and the rector of the Salesian University, Enrico Dal Covolo, to the Pontifical Lateran University, while these three are undoubtedly qualified for these tasks, caused the old team anger. And it seems that the anger was so great that they wanted the new Secretary of State to feel it. In this context, the nominations of the Pope, which concerned his closest circle, became the object of criticism. There were the new secretaries, of course, who brought their own way of working and the women who lead the papal household. John Paul II was cared for by nuns, but Benedict XVI prefers consecrated laity of Memores Domini, as the Vaticanist Paolo Rodari notes

Viganò made the power struggle public
The case of Viganò exemplifies the grave internal struggle and allowed it for the first time to be openly visible to the outside. Afterwards blows were returned and are thus likely to be directly related. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a faithful follower of the former Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano, Secretary of the Governorate since 2009, the Papal States, was removed in October 2011 before the expiration of his term of office in the Roman Curia. Viganò, number two in the administrative office of the Papal States, wanted to become the new governor and competed to succeed Cardinal Lajolo. Instead, he was deported to the post of nuncio to the United States of America.

The ambassadorship is one of the most prestigious in the world, but Viganò did not wish his "deportation" to occur without comment. Probably in the hope of being able to prevent his transfer, the Curial Archbishop let off his the first "bomb". He wrote several letters to among others, Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone and Pope Benedict XVI in which he gave the names of those whom he claimed had placed him in a bad light with the goal of doing him a disservice The letter to Cardinal Bertone was leaked to the media and read in the television broadcast of journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi , who has since published a book. The appointment of Viganò to the US looks ill-fated. Especially now that the bishops are engaged against President Obama in a bitter struggle for religious freedom.

The "old guard" campaigned for Viganò
Viganò claimed in the letter that he had been removed because he wanted to take action against "bad apples" who had allegedly been lining their own pocket behind the back of the Pope. He did not forget to note that these "apples" stood close to the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone. But there is nothing more could be done.

The Pope had decided that Viganò after his two strongly worded letters which immediately appeared in the media, and probably because of it, should leave Rome. He had to go although in his favour, and ultimately against Secretary of State Bertone, several important cardinals had offered support who invariably belonged to the old guard of John Paul II and who had prevailed mainly in the last years of his pontificate. Among them was Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the former prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, who was regarded in 2006 as a possible successor to Sodano as Cardinal Secretary of State, Cardinal Georges Cottier, theologian of the Pontifical House, and especially Cardinal Agostino Cacciavillan who sent the Pope an urgent letter, and is also a close companion of Cardinal Sodano.

Benedict XVI resolute advocate of transparency should be discredited as "coverer-up"
One purpose of the publicly leaked documents was also to discredit Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope, who more than any other supported since the beginning of his pontificate transparency and internally insisted on several occasions tackling unpleasant and painful affairs openly and aggressively, and not only supported this in the paedophile scandal but also implemented it with new rules is placed by the indiscretions which have a distortionary character as someone who puts the brake on and covers up. Whoever committed this breach of trust, reckons on the anti-religious reflections of many journalists.

"New Guard" does not give the expected backing of Pope
The truth is quite different. Behind the back of the Pope, two groups of the Roman Curia are in a bitter struggle against each other: the old guard, which Benedict XVI. wanted to overthrow after his election and the new guard, in which he placed his confidence, but which has not yet repaid that trust in reality. From it, he has not received the hoped-for support to strengthen the reform and renewal plan that Pope Benedict XVI envisions for the Church and with which he wants to equip the church for the third millennium.

These include profound reorientation such as in Europe taking leave of the traditional idea of a national church. It seems that different, heterodox old forces want desperately to hold on to the idea. To some extent they also include the paradox of "grassroots" groups that adorn themselves with the label of radical reformers. The Pope sees on the other hand faithful Catholics as a minority in Europe and ventures to speak for them in contrast to bishops and lay representatives . He sees his task is to strengthen the minority and not to indulge in the fiction of a national church, which no longer exists.

The Pope actually the victim of intrigue - appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State?
Pope Benedict XVI is the real victim of scheming game. But the Pope differently from that commonly assumed is a strong man of action. His understanding of many things is different from prevailing ideas. The Roman Curia is close to new structural reform including the appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State. As a candidate for the office of the Vatican's "prime minister", the French Archbishop Dominique Mamberti is discussed. Mamberti, currently Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Secretariat of State, and thus "foreign minister" of the Holy See is a member of the Diplomatic Corps. He is said to possess the ability to work well with both factions This peace, the Pope needs as a prerequisite for his renewal program. Thus, with this as well as the appointment of a new prefect of the CDF, two key changes are in the offing.

Pope plans to fundamental transformation of the Roman Curia
Pope Benedict XVI last Wednesday took advantage of the Wednesday meeting of theCDF at which the future of the SSPX was discussed to receive the Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller in audience. Personnel decisions have not been taken neither for the one nor for the other post been taken. Completely other names for the Secretary of State and the CDF could arise.

Bishop Fellay: "It is the will of the Pope"

There is not one thing in the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI that will be more controversial than that which is now before him. He will decide. What he will decide will shape the Church for decades to come. Do not doubt how big this is.

There are enemies on both sides trying to prevent this. Those who are against this, do the work of Satan.

From Rorate and Gloria TV:

"You have surely heard that, in the last few months, Rome has offered us a solution - we could rather say, a recognition.

"This structure that is being offered to the Society is in fact entirely appropriate. That is, if it actually takes place, you will feel absolutely no difference between now and afterwards. We will remain as we are, so to speak. The problem is the [existence of] safeguards: will it actually happen this way? The fear is great that we will be transformed. ...

"It is quite clear that this offer is also very, very controversial in the Church at large. I can assure you: It is the will of the Pope. This must not be doubted. But it is certainly not the will of everyone in the Church.

"Whether this will come to fruition depends on terms that are not yet clear terms. There are still points that remain unclear. It could happen that, in the upcoming days, weeks - it is very hard to ascertain this - the Pope will decide directly. It could be that he takes the case back to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. There is a lot of pressure in Rome. Which is why I couldn't say more than this. That is the current status.

"One must not think that things will be easy afterwards. To use the words of the Pope that describe the situation quite well: 'I know,' he said, 'that it would be easier both for the Society and for myself to leave the situation as it currently is.' This describes very well the situation, and also that the Pope himself knows that he, when he does it, will be attacked. And also that the situation will not be easy for us. That which will arise out of this situation will be with Rome or against it. Both of which will be difficult.

"Yet we have trust in the good God. He has guided us very well so far. We must not think that, praying so much, He would abandon us in the moment of greatest danger. That would be [a thought] against hope. We are counting on God's assistance. His will be done.