A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Showing posts with label ChinaVirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChinaVirus. Show all posts

Thursday 24 December 2020

A Merry Christmas rant and wish

This has been quite the year and this Christmas letter is going to be a rant, so be ready. 

My last Christmas activities were greatly curtailed or wiped out completely, including much of the singing and many Masses because of an illness that was no doubt in my mind, the China Virus. It began on or around the 19th of December, on the 23rd I had great trouble with my lungs and was put on azithromycin. On the 24th a fever of 102 which ranged for six days no lower than 100 kept me home from Midnight Mass. The breathing only slightly improved over the week but by the 31st I was in hospital with pericarditis and myocarditis brought on, according to the cardiologist by a "virus which you may have or had, we don't know, we can't find or identify it. A virus which migrated from your lungs to attack your heart." Don't believe our lying politicians and scientists. The China Virus was in Canada in at least November as it was in the United States and Europe. Probably earlier in Italy and certainly in Wuhan itself. The system came crashing down there in early December, remember the doctor who later passed on that was arrested? For that to happen in Wuhan, it must have been building for months, maybe as early as September. The blood test from the ABC Study which I was part of was inconclusive, "unlikely." Then again, the sample was taken in late July 2020, seven months after the infection. They will test again. The consensus seems to be that antibodies last three months. That is very revealing as to how efficacious the vaccine may or may not be. If it was not then the China Virus then I don't know what it could have been. What I can tell you that it was not a cold, not a flu, not bronchitis, not pneumonia. It was all that and more. 

Here we are a year later. In Toronto and many of the surrounding regions, Mass is verboten and will be until at least the end of January in most of Ontario, except for the Diocese of St. Catharines. Not by the Premier and his  ridiculous limit of ten but by our Cardinal who one upped him and made it zero. No Mass for you and Merry Christmas from Cowardinal Thomas "The Grinch" Collins. It seems that all we have left is mocking. They listen not to the little people. They answer no emails, no letters, no calls. They care not about you but you can be assured, they want your money. They discussed in their various webinars pre-authorized chequing and on line donations. All the churches have point of purchase devices. They want your money but won't provide you the Mass and Sacraments. 

No one is coming to save us well no one except our Lord Jesus Christ, certainly nobody in this world, this archdiocese. We have been abandoned by all of them. They are corrupt, compromised, cowardly and in many cases incompetent. 

Cardinal Collins should have been in court over church closings in March, a time when most of us accepted certain restrictions because we did not know what we were dealing with. I regret accepting it so readily. A judge would laugh him out of court now. "Where have you been, Eminence? You come to my court now but you accepted it for nine months and you took the government money to stay solvent. Don't waste my time." 

These episcopal hirelings are wicked. I have seen much over the last dozen years or so and kept quiet about most of it. Shall we consider the invitation to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter come to Toronto and the fake promises, granting of a parish - Canadian Martyrs and then the stripping of it away a few days later? How about punishing them because they are called to a higher authority and refused his H1N1 edict to band Holy Communion on the tongue. Did he banish them or were they so disgusted they gave up the next Lent and left? I know the truth, I was the Schola Master and they will never be back in Toronto. 

How about the personal betrayal when I was unjustly threatened by Thomas J. Rosica in a well publicized lawsuit? Do you think my Archbishop reached out to me in any way? Not once. Not directly, not indirectly. Collins would have been happy to see me twist on a vine. Yet, a bishop in an obscure part of a former Soviet satellite reached out to me and my wife directly and personally. Offered holy Mass numerous times  A then Vatican Cardinal made it known that he was praying for us. Where was my bishop? 

How about direct knowledge after complaints of active homosexual priests being left in the parish. You know the saying? "Keep it legal, keep it quiet, keep it going." The rule out of Southdown and the general order in Toronto is "keep it within the presbyterate." Like that? How about the forced early retirement and persecutions of various priests. One happening right now. Not abusers. Not embezzlers but not compromisers with the lavender crowd and the diktats of lesser men. How about his time as Rector of St. Peter's Seminary when student seminarians went to him with complaints over homosexual professors making passes at them and his response was, "you have sex on the brain." Don't think it happened? I have first hand testimony. 

Now here we are at the end of 2020 with just over one year to go until Collins turns 75 and is replaced. Quite the legacy he leaves us. 

And what of Premier Doug Ford? A man who on one hand one could have a beer with and on the other rules his caucus with an iron fist and has intimidated every one there into silence by removing any and all opposition from within. As David Warren wrote yesterday, he is a "simpleton." Indeed, a simpleton. He said in March he was putting an "iron ring" around our seniors. Ha! More like rusty chicken wire. The overwhelming majority of China Virus cases and deaths are in long-term care and other congregant living situations and amongst the working poor that cannot work from a computer, do not have a job from which they can work at home. Testing is still taking four days. This is preposterous. He has failed to protect our seniors, he has not quarantined the vulnerable and their caregivers. Personal health support workers still travel between homes and are still functioning in the community. All these should be in our empty hotels on school buses to the nursing homes and then rotated on a cycle. Tested daily. The working poor who have no sick days, no union and cannot, not work and won't go for testing because they can't not work, must be tested with immediate results, ordered into quarantine with full pay from the employer subsidized by the government. with direct help from our churches - where is the Cardinal on this where with the preferential option for the poor? He speaks of "collateral damage" - it is all around us, what has he done? What has Ford done about it? Where is the action for these people to protect them and our communities? Nothing. No thinking outside the box. Just shut down the dress shop on Main Street but let Walmart sell its China made garbage. Let Home Depot sell a refrigerator or stove but not The Hudson's Bay or Leon's. Let Costco sell a big screen television but not Bad Boy. My American readers understand this, the same is happening there. 

Protect the vulnerable, the working poor and let us go to Mass and get on with life. Wear a mask where necessary, (no mask comments will be approved so don't make them, got it?) take your Vitamin D, wash your hands, be reasonable with how close you are to others. These things make sense this time of year whether for cold, flu or the China Virus. 

From Bergoglio to Collins to Ford, Fauci, Tam, - all of them are in the pockets of globalists who are trying to destroy our middle class, our wealth, our power. We must speak truth to this power with no apologies. Forget being polite or as Cowardinal Collins likes to say, "charity with clarity." Enough of this false charity. Enough of these frauds. 

Now, here I am a second Christmas and all its trimmings wiped out due to this virus that came to us from the communist regime in China. Created in a laboratory, accidentally or intentionally released but certainly intentionally used to destroy our societies. We are to believe that yesterday, Canada had 6,845 cases but China had 18? China with 1.4 billion people and Canada with 38 million covid stats world - Bing. If we believe China has only 18 cases, well, we deserve what we get. 

As I wrap up this little rant remember this. Jorge Bergoglio has not offered the Holy Sacrifice on the high altar at St. Peter's since he enthroned that "damned bowl" representative of the demonic pagan earth goddess. All of this that has beset us has come since the worship in the garden and in the basilica of pagan idols. God has been blasphemed. We saw it ourselves. He no longer considers himself the Vicar of Christ and he has spent the last year throwing himself fully into the arms of Sachs and the rest of these globalist monsters. Do not think that all of this is not linked? There are no coincidences. 

My friends, I thank you for your time coming to this blog. I thank you for tolerating my sometimes over the top commentary, it is all I have, all we have at this point. Unless there is something urgent, the next few days I will only post some of my favourite music. I've had enough and need a break. My wife says, I had enough three weeks ago. 

There is no one coming to save us. No one except the baby born in Bethlehem, laid in a manger, as were baby lambs to protect them, a manger from which they would eat and from which we are fed. 

God grant you a holy Christmas.

Theologian and exorcist Father Chad Ripperger on the morality of China Virus vaccines

Exorcist priest: Abortion-tainted vaccines are ‘ongoing theft’ of babies’ bodies | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Tuesday 22 December 2020



To show appreciation for Bishop Bergie not shutting down the Holy Mass nor banning Holy Communion on the tongue, please consider making a donation to the Diocese of St. Catharines. Feel free to advise the following of your donation by sending them a receipt and advising them that since there is no Mass for you, there is no money for them. After all, they are getting millions in government funding now and "he who the piper pays dances to the pipers tune.







Click photo for link.

Bishop Gerard Bergie of the Diocese of St. Catharines has tonight issued a protocol to all priests regarding the Ontario Provincial Government of Doug Ford's actions to lock down the Diocese and all of Ontario due to the China Virus and beginning on December 26. 

While we can debate whether ten persons versus thirty percent is necessary, the fact is, Doug Ford has not shut down churches. Doug Ford has not cancelled public worship. Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto has and others bishops in Ontario have wrongly followed his lead and poor betrayal of Christ and the faithful. 

Others except for Bishop Bergie who has left it to the Pastor to decide and how to open safely for ten people (including the priest, cantor or server, etcetera) and proceed with Mass following all other government diktats. Cardinal Sarah of the Congregation of Divine Worship has already authorized priests to offer up to four Masses per day during this crisis.

Since late November, this writer has been on a daily basis has put public pressure on Cardinal Collins to rescind his ridiculous decision to cancel public Mass. Now, Bishop Bergie has shown the way. If Cardinal Collins will not follow the pleading of this poor sinner, if he will not hear the sorrow of your own heart and longing to be at Mass no matter how hard, then let him at least follow the example of his brother Bishop.




Doug Ford steps back from the brink of the abyss - barely! But Cardinal Collins will still say, "No Mass For You!"

Doug Ford looked into the abyss and stepped back from the brink. His original intention was to put Ontario in another China Virus lockdown on Christmas Eve at 12:01 A.M. now delayed until St. Stephen's Day on December 26th. Answering a question from the media to explain why not the original which proved the leak correct as he did not deny it, Ford stated that business needed a few more days to prepare and to reduce inventory and food in restaurants. Really? One day would have done this? No, not the reason. The reason is that most of the province outside of Toronto, Peel, Hamilton and Windsor are not in a serious outbreak, in Ottawa with a million people, only a handful of cases. One hand! He had blowback. Not that he reads this writer, though I do send these to him, his Minister of Health, my local Member of the Provincial Parliament and staff contacts, he heard it clear from the areas beyond greater Toronto. The Mayor of Ottawa railed at him. Remember, he would have, in the bulk of Ontario, shut down Holy Mass and Christian religious services completely (or maybe not so, more on this later) as well as business. From Ottawa and east, Pembroke, Kingston and the north shore of Lake Ontario east of Toronto, much of south western Ontario except for Windsor and the edge of Lake Huron to Barrie, Sudbury, Parry Sound, North Bay, Sault Ste. Maria and more, no religious services of any kind and more. Why? These are ridings held by the Progressive Conservative Party and his base. He got the message and backed down proving he is not consulting with his caucus, the representatives of the people but to unelected bureaucrats and doctor experts who only say what "they put in front of (them)."

So, shall we praise Caesar? No, not at all. He is wrong on the lockdowns for multiple reasons and he has failed to do those things which would have addressed the real problems which I will give in an upcoming post. Yet for now, as distasteful as it is, as much as I am angry at Ford, I must admit that I know what Brian Lilley knows. The alternatives are about as bad as you can imagine. A radical socialist party known as the NDP, a corrupt and devastated moderately less socialist Liberal party and a socialist radical Green. We are in a vice with four jaws squeezing us - bad, worse, worser and worst. 

So, let us be thankful that we have Doug Ford and not one of the others or we'd all be under a curfew. The media was lapping that idea up yesterday. Let's work to bring him back from the edge. The thing is, he is a likeable guy, its one of the reasons he won. He's the guy you'd like to have over for a beer. His problem is that because of that, he is no intellectual and he is being duped. He likes to portray himself as an ordinary guy and while he is wealthy in his own right (or his father's) he is pretty much that. But he has been compromised and possibly blackmailed or he is just not smart enough to consult others and to think this through. He is afraid of people dying from China Virus but not the deaths from the consequences of lockdowns. But then, which of our political leaders anywhere has not been? They've all signed on for this, even conservatives, which is really distressing. They drank the Kool-Aid long ago, many of them are compromised and potentially blackmailed by those who are seeking a massive push to eliminate the nation-state and impose a new world order of fascism.

To a tee, I can't think of many who have done it right. Maybe Taiwan, Maybe those in South Korea. But these are different societies, different cultures. Europe is a disaster especially England, France and Italy. In the provinces and states of Canada and the United States, there is a variant but my American friends, we have done much better on this than you there and you have respected freedoms more than we. This is perhaps because we are more pliant, we didn't en masse reject masks, we didn't have an election and its rallies and we didn't destroy our cities with riots. We are also thankful we did not have the monster Cuomo who deliberately murdered seniors due to his policies. Ford didn't do it deliberately only through ineptitude, at least we can say that. 

One more thing because we cannot, not mention and that is Cardinal Collins and the Ontario bishops. As noted directly below, Doug Ford has not banned religious services. He has reduced province wide to ten for the set time period. Every bishop, I expect, will now shut down whatever Masses are left after Christmas Day. Wrong. As hard as it to organise, proceed with the ten, effectively eight with the priest and server. Carry on. Suspend Holy Communion except by appointment, music only at one Sunday Mass, limit homily to five minutes and command every priest to offer five Masses daily. But they won't. There will be No Mass For You. As for going to court, it really is too late. Cardinal Collins and all the Bishops of Ontario have failed us. The time to go to court was in March. As reported a few days ago, Cardinal Collins asked the Premier to relent on the ten and return to the thirty-percent occupancy in grey zones. The Premier responded in the negative. 

Too little, too late, Your Eminence. Mediocrity in every way will be your legacy.

Monday 21 December 2020

Ontario Polituburo General-secretary Doug Ford investigated for family history of drug dealing. What other secrets are there in this blackmailed bumpkin's closet?

Ontario Premier Doug Ford was investigated by a once responsible media for his family's history of drug-dealing. The Globe and Mail stands behind their May 2013 story. They have not retracted it nor has he sued them for defamation. You can't sue for defamation if it's true As an aside, Lin Wood knows this especially and Chief Justice Roberts knows too. 

How much of this is out there? Who has buried this so that it just went away? Well, we've brought it back.

Globe investigation: The Ford family’s history with drug dealing - The Globe and Mail

What other secrets does the Premier have? Is he a sexual deviant? Was he on the Lolita Express to the island of Jeffery Epstein, who didn't kill himself. (Nota Bene: it is not now nor has it ever been nor will it ever be this writer's intention to commit suicide!) Who is blackmailing him, who has the goods on Dougie Ford? Or has he just been promised a seat at the table of the new world order to go along with this disgraceful action to wipe out independent business and the middle class? Has the lust for power - libido dominandi, totally taken him over, a total takeover by Satan himself? As a priest said to me last evening, "Lust is the only sin that cannot be satisfied. Gluttony can be satisfied, until you are hungry again, but lust is continuous, it does not stop." Lust for sex. Lust for money. Lust for power. Which is it Doug because you have been already judged and found wanting.

Someone must know something because it is obvious to me that no Conservative can be this stupid. He must be being blackmailed by those who want this communist shutdown and the elimination of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the inability of people to receive the sacraments notwithstanding Cowardinal Collins' requests. I know for a fact that some priests, pudgy, lazy, immuno-compromised, assembly theology heretics are not providing the sacraments and are cowering out of fear they will get the China Virus. Stinking cowards, all of them. 

So tell us Doug, what's the rest of the story?


Doug Ford is killing off, murdering the senior citizens and the infirm in Ontario, his own stats prove it and Thomas  Cardinal Collins who has failed for nine months to stand up to him and denounce him, is complicit. As Ford will announce at 1:00 P.M. today, all of Ontario will go into a politburo diktat at 12:01 on December 24. No Mas or Communion Service For You! 

Look at the graph below. 

For those of us in Ontario, we will remember Doug Ford talking daily about putting an "iron ring" around our long-term care. His iron ring was really rusty chicken wire. The overwhelming deaths in the spring and cases deaths now are amongst seniors in long-term care. The data below proves it. But the rest of us need to be imprisoned for it.

Doug Ford is a liar and a coward. A stupid man. He is taking direction from a power mad Chief of Staff and medical "experts" who do not have faith in God or the Ontario people. They did this, they did not implement the necessary policies to protect the vulnerable and they are making the rest of us pay for it. 

I spoke to a priest last evening, three actually. He just did a small funeral Saturday for a 91 year old parishioner who passed from the China Virus. The staff would not let her family in for months. So who gave her the virus? 

These people, Doug Ford, his Chief of Staff Jamie Wallace, the Minister of Health, Christine Elliot and Dr. David Williams failed in their obligations and are now blaming us. Cardinal Collins is complicit. He failed to stand up to them in March and again in the last month. A coward who will be spat out and join the rest of them in their destiny for the betrayal of our weak and infirm and the literal imprisonment of the rest of us.

COVID-19 case data: All Ontario | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario

Sunday 20 December 2020

It's the Fourth Sunday of Advent and

... unlike the clericalist Thomas Cardinal Collins, his clericalist Auxiliaries John Boissonneau, Vincent Nguyen, Robert Kasun and soon to be bishop, Ivan Camilleri who all will worship God and receive the Holy Eucharist today, there is still 

Now, consider this article from Maike Hickson which describes the desolation of the High Altar at St. Peter's Basilica since the blasphemous worship of the Amazonian demon goddess by Bergoglio himself and placed on this same altar with no Mass there since. This was the same as enthroning the blasphemous naked image with the red protruding belly. Msgr. Marini, the Master of Ceremonies betrayed God, he should have dropped it rather than follow Bergoglio's instruction and placing it on the altar where, even in the Novus Ordo, no altar decoration is permitted. (Candles and a crucifix can be placed on the altar, in the EF, only on the gradine/shelf.) Make no mistake, No Mass in Toronto today unjustly determined by Collins has a cause.

A coincidence between that event and No Mass For You? Methinks, not. Nor does Father Z.

"Here a summary of the events since last year's Amazon Synod: First the Pope had blessed a sacrifice that had been offered to a false god, and then he placed it on the very altar on which he usually offers the Son of God to God the Father. In the 2020 Yearbook, he declines to be called “Vicar of Christ.” The coronacrisis breaks out, which is then being used by government authorities to close down churches and restrict Mass attendance, along with the Pope's collaboration and approval. Then the Pope stops altogether celebrating Mass on that very same Papal Altar on which he had earlier placed the Pachamama bowl. His Christmas Vigil Mass is not even a midnight Mass, but will take place at 7.30 p.m., due to the existing curfew rules in Italy (even though the Vatican is its own city-state and the Pope is its head). The result of these papal acts are that now in many places in the whole world the Christmas Midnight Mass, commemorating the birth of the Christ-Child, has been cancelled. One may ask whether there is a connection between all of these events: that is to say, from the Pachamama bowl on the Papal Altar to the cancellation of the Christmas Midnight Masses in many parts of the world."

Thursday 17 December 2020

Thomas Cardinal Collins! Have you considered that you are "complicit in murder?"

Cardinal Collins! In your leaked webinar you spoke of "collateral damage." This is about your "collateral damage." Some of those who have died from this "collateral damage" are your flock.


Doug Ford is not our friend no matter how many times he repeats it. You are to be our Shepherd, our spiritual father, where are you? Open our churches now. Give us back the Mass at the previous limits, now! The spiritual struggle added to by those suffering loneliness, despair and depression is profound. 

Cardinal Collins: Stop it now!

You are complicit in the suffering of people. You are complicit in this spiritual murder of your flock. You are complicit in the literal murder by the government diktats because you are not standing up to protest it and to defy it and to demand that they come and arrest you and your priests for defending our rights. 

Cardinal Collins: Wake up!

Catholics of Toronto: wake up!

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Cardinal Collins - open our churches for public worship and do it now!

It is long past time for all of us to call upon Toronto's Archbishop, Thomas Cardinal Collins, to defy the government diktats of the Province of Ontario and open the churches now for public worship to thirty percent. Now, let's be specific. The Government of Ontario and its Premier Douglas Ford did not close churches, not this time. They ridiculously limited attendance to ten, which in reality, when one includes the priest, would be eight or nine at the most. But you know, "it's just not worth it." The Cardinal has reacted to the inane limit of ten and the view of those around him of the worth of it and eliminated public Mass altogether. He has said that churches may remain open for private prayer at the discretion of the pastor. I know pastors that are doing this and are hearing confession, some in cars or driveways of their flock. Others, specifically in my neighborhood, are shut tight to keep the China Virus away. 

Disgraceful. Not even in Poland did the communists shut down the churches, but in Toronto in 2020? Well, our spineless episcopal hirelings have done it themselves. Marx will be smiling from Hell. 

There is no significant evidence or scientific data of any kind that the China Virus has been transmitted in churches. Maybe a few here and there, that's it. Data shows that only one-percent of China Virus infections have come from restaurants, it must be even less from churches where we all face the same direction, or Tina's Department Store on Royal York Road in old Mimico. They have no web page, no ability to see their fine Italian wares and other merchandise. I never remember them not being there, fifty maybe sixty years! The closures are irrational. Yesterday, we witnessed Ontario's two top doctors (see below https://voxcantor.blogspot.com/2020/12/breaking-news-cardinal-thomas-collins.html having a little laugh at Tina's expense or Mr. Giovenco's shoes a few stores away. These stores could easily limit to one or two customers at a time. This argument now is the same all across Canada and the United States. We all know it, but nobody is listening.

They say, "follow the science." What science? This is a hoax on all of us. Not the virus, the virus real, the response is insane. The virus is real, I have never disputed that. It is almost one year to the day that I was struck with the most vicious in my life. I should know soon on the results of my participation in a massive study of Canadians for antibodies. I believe that I had the China Virus. But never would I expect that because I had it, or whatever it was, that Tina should have her business closed down or you couldn't attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Wash your hands, wear a mask inside in close quarters, stay away from sick people, take your vitamins.

We will know by Friday whether the lawsuit brought about by evangelical pastor Peter Youngren has been successful. If it is, and all he is asking is a restoration to the thirty percent capacity limit, will Cardinal Collins restore the public Mass or will he still act as a puppet on the string of those who have subsidized the diocese and buy tables to the Cardinal's Dinner?

Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla has a necessary read on Rorate Caeli blog. The dangers to souls and to the future of the Church and the conclusions he draws for America are identical here. I have said and written the same thing, many people have found something better to do on Sunday morning and many others think that they are at Mass when watching on a computer or television screen. These people will not return. Others are angry and will not return. But we are not alone as Roman Catholics in this - even the local Orthodox edifice in my neighbourhood has on its outdoor sign, "Church closed until further notice." Even them. 

Yet, through all of this, there is one Catholic Church in Toronto, Peel and York Regions that soldiers on. Daily Mass with no more than ten, massive bookings for Confession and Holy Communion. A little church on a residential street formerly owned by Baptists and under the direction of the Society of St. Pius X

I hear from priests daily on what I am writing. They urge me to keep going, not to stop. I tell none of them of the other and I assure you, there are many. I ask for their prayers, that is all. I can tell you, they are working. They are hearing confessions, some from cars, they are providing the sacraments and doing what they can under the restrictions imposed by the Cardinal. Not all are cowering in their rectories, but many are. If your priest is not available to you I can't even guarantee that an email to archbishop@archtoronto.org northern.region@archtoronto.org eastern.region@archtoronto.org bishop.boissonneau@rogers.com or even to the spox, Neil MacCarthy neilm@archtoronto.org, will change anything, but I urge you to try.

The other day a priest told me what I already suspected, that the post-China virus Church in Toronto is facing devastation. How sad that the last year of Cardinal Collins' tenure in Toronto will be one of desolation caused by his own decisions. He speaks often of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher. How eloquent he was at Our Lady in Guelph upon receiving the red hat and returning to his boyhood parish where he served the Mass - "ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam." He did it at the Oratory when ordaining deacons a few weeks ago just before he shut it down. So much talk of More and Fisher.

Maybe he should act like them instead of just talking about them.

Tuesday 15 December 2020


Well, well, well; what do we have here. 

The Chief and Associate Chief Medical Officers of Health were caught yesterday on a hot-mic; and what did these "virtuous" health care professionals in public health, you know, the ones who couldn't stand the sight of blood and finished of the bottom of their class, like Joe Biden, and that wanted a 9-5 job with lots of pay and benefits where they could tell people what to do, say? You know, those ones. The same ones that care so much about our dying seniors that they happily give them murder/suicide when they get too lonely from lockdowns. The same ones. Yeah, those ones, those same "virtuous"  ones according to His Emasculatedness, I mean His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto and Prince of the Holy Catholic Church. The same ones that intimidated him into dropping the Holy Sacrament on the hand and then badgering him to shut down Holy Mass or no more ticky or boppy to keep the charade going. 

Yeah, those ones. Those "virtuous" ones who care so much about you and me and the poor barber down the street. Heck, you don't need to take my word for it. Here it is from their own secret webinar which someone mysteriously made available and sent up to the clouds for all to see. 



What lying, rotten, evil, disgraceful but "virtuous"scum.

Joe Warmington has the story.

And remember. 

There is still;

US Bishops declare it an act of charity to take a vaccine created with an aborted baby's cells. Will Cardinal Collins say this is charitable too?

The Bishops of the United States of America have said that there is no moral issue in taking the rushed and poorly tested China Virus despite "their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines." 

“In view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are sufficiently serious to justify their use, despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines,” said the bishops. Taking one of those vaccines, said the bishops, “ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community.” US Bishops Approve Use of Coronavirus Vaccines with ‘Remote Connection’ to Abortion| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

In the leaked webinar video Cardinal Collins refers to the "common good." Will Collins and his Canadian episcopal colleagues join our American friends and urge Canadians to take a vaccine that has either been tested using fetal stem lines or actually developed from the stem lines of an aborted child?

When I die, I don't want this child to come to me with Jesus at my judgement admonishing me for aiding from her murder.

Does the Cardinal?

Monday 14 December 2020

A question for Cardinal Collins

We reported earlier that evangelical Christian Pastor, Peter Youngren has taken the Government of Ontario to court under the equality rights provision of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

The case is being heard now.

Pastor Youngren provides and update. 

I have a few questions for Thomas Collins. 

"If Pastor Youngren is successful, will you open churches for Mass?"

Will you publicly thank him for having the testicular fortitude to do what you would you and your spineless episcopal hireling have not done, because you lack something which our Italian friends like to call, 'cojones?"

Why will you not join him in this legal fight? Is it because the Archdiocese of Toronto is taking millions of dollars of Canadian government bailout?

Cardinal Thomas Collins: Pay attention to Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance '...

Sunday 13 December 2020

The Gospel today is "This is the Record of John." It is Gaudete Sunday and in

Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, and after today in Bolton, Woodabridge, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Newmarket, Markham, Schomberg, Aurora and Snowball, there is:

Notwithstanding this abomination, let us all Gaudete!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men. The Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous; but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

Y'all get the "Soup Nazi" reference, right?

no soup for you video - Bing

Okay, now enjoy and note my own published editorial arrangement of this most sublime offering by Orlando Gibbons.


This Is the Record of John

"This is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed and denied not, and said plainly, 'I am not the Christ.' And they asked him, What art thou then? Art thou Elias?  And he said, 'I am not.'  Art thou the prophet?  And he answered, 'No.' Then said they unto him, What art thou? that we may give an answer unto them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? And he said, 'I am the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness: make straight the way of the Lord."


Saturday 12 December 2020

No Mass for you in York Region

York Region (for my American readers, these were formerly known as Counties) is now under the lockdown diktat of Ontario Politburo General-secretary Douglas Ford effective Monday at 12:00 A.M. York joins Toronto and Peel Region in the imposed lockdown. As with many places in the United States of America, Walmart and Costco remain open but the Main Street dress shop or shoe store remain closed. Home Depot can sell a stove or washer but Bad Boy and The Hudson's Bay Company, cannot. It is illogical. What is also illogical is that the population centres are the three cities in the south Vaughan, Richmond Hill and Markham as well  Newmarket and Aurora with the rest of York being bucolic countryside, rural farms and villages. Why wipe out what is left of Schomberg (including the Latin Mass) or the hamlet of Snowball?

To his credit, last evening Cardinal Thomas Collins issued a letter wherein he states: 
"It is increasingly frustrating for all of us to see certain businesses open while others remain closed and that some, including places of worship, appear to be severely restricted with little evidence to suggest they are a cause of transmission. Earlier this week, I communicated these concerns directly to Premier Ford."
At the same time, His Eminence again goes beyond Ford's inane reduction of church capacity to ten by eliminating public worship in these regions. The Cardinal reiterates that over 13,000 Canadians have died of SARS-CoV-2 which originated in Wuhan, China. The Cardinal states that he recognizes the "significant spiritual suffering that these restrictions have placed both upon our clergy and the faithful that look to us for guidance and direction." He continues that he hopes we will "soon be able fully (sic) to resume public worship." He also states that "we have demonstrated our ability to safely worship together."  

Again, this writer reiterates the same as before, there is no reason to close the public celebration of Mass. Abide by the provincial diktat and protest it. It is worth the challenge of limiting the congregation and at the same time, take the province to court.

The Cardinal has again advised that churches remain open for public prayer at the pastor's discretion. Obviously, this is happening, right?

Toronto Catholics, are your churches open?

Are you able to receive the Sacraments privately? 

Advise me at voxcantoris@rogers.com if your pastor is not accessible and we will report it directly to the chancery and here. 

Do you even care?


Friday 11 December 2020

Cardinal Collins - bullies back down! What are you waiting for!

The "Progressive" Conservative government of Manitoba has just been dealt a blow, backing down after threats of a lawsuit, now permitting a drive-in church with people in their cars. Ridiculous that one must be in a car but the point is made. 

Cardinal Collins, bullies back down. You know that. I did you a favour and did it to Rosica, and what thanks did I get?

Come on man. You can do this.

After lawsuit threat, Canadian province relents, will not suppress church services from car | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Thursday 10 December 2020

Toronto church files constitutional challenge over COVID-19 restrictions - Cardinal Collins, will you join the lawsuit?

Peter Youngren is an evangelical Christian pastor in Toronto. His worship centre is known as the Toronto Celebration Church. If you view Youngren's video, he shows what we all know is happening in Catholic churches. Seating is spaced and numbers restricted to 30%, sanitation is all around. There is no evidence that the China Virus has been spreading in churches or synagogues or mosques for that matter.  

His argument is based upon equal treatment under Canada's Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For my American readers, our Constitutional rights are not absolute as in the United States of America, they can be limited as in the case of hate-crime legislation limiting freedom of expression. There is also a provision for a province to opt-out of a supreme court decision using what is called the "notwithstanding clause" which has been used primarily by the liberal-fascist Province of Quebec, in defending its language laws. 

However, the clause that is vital is 15 on the matter of Equality Rights and is relevant as one considers the permit of Costco and Walmart, American corporate conglomerates to open while the mom and pop retailer is closed, it is relevant that The Bay and Bad Boy cannot open to sell a washer or dryer or refrigerator, but Home Depot can. Why these retailers have not launched a Charter challenge is not certain. Pastor Youngren bases his argument on this:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

This is the very argument that Thomas Cardinal Collins has and has failed to use. He has failed to lead the Assembly of Bishops of Ontario, some of whom have implemented regulations that are even illegal under the Ontario health regulations, such as demanding evidence of a medical
mask exemption. He has failed us.

Collins is in a unique position. He could rally all religious leaders. In a grand gesture of ecumenical action and inter-religious dialogue he could have summoned Protestant, Jewish and Muslims to jointly petition Ford for change or the courts for relief. He has failed to do anything but reduce the inane limit of Ford's ten, even in an auditorium the size of Youngren's or St. Clare of Assisi in Woodbridge of the same size, to zero by banning all public worship of God. 

It is tempting to write that Collins is a disgrace to the episcopacy but sadly, he is typical of the weak, effeminate and fearful regime that has planted itself in control of the Church in Canada.

Would that we had someone such as Pastor Youngren.


TORONTO — A church in Toronto's northeast corner has filed a constitutional challenge over Ontario's COVID-19 health regulations. 

The Toronto International Celebration Church says in court documents that it intends to question the constitutional validity of the Reopening Ontario Act. 

The notice of application says that the church is challenging the provincial health guideline that limits weddings, funerals, and religious services to 10 or fewer people in regions of Ontario that are under lockdown like Toronto and Peel Region. 

Peter Youngren, the founding pastor of the church, says in an online video that the church's congregation are not COVID-19 deniers and that they have carefully adhered to public health restrictions. 

"At a time when many are suffering with isolation, depression, and a sense of despair, the most loving thing a local church can do is throw its doors wide open while maintaining public health standards," said Youngren. 

He said that his church's auditorium has capacity for 1,100 people and a maximum attendance of 10 doesn't seem equitable compared to liquor stores and big-box retailers that are still operating at close to capacity. 

"We are deeply concerned about equal treatment under the law," said Youngren. "We want every business and institution, including churches, to receive unbiased treatment." 

The application argues that lockdown restrictions go against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees freedom of conscience and religion as well as freedom of peaceful assembly. 

Michael Bryant, executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and former attorney general of Ontario, said he applauded the constitutional challenge. 

“The limitation on this charter right has the proportionality of a sledgehammer," said Bryant. 

"This constitutional challenge is much needed to engage the judicial branch in our democracy, so we will seek to be heard by the Court." 

Documents filed to Ontario's Superior Court of Justice note that before Toronto was moved to a renewed lockdown on Nov. 23 the Toronto International Celebration Church complied with regional guidelines and operated at 30 per cent capacity. 

The legal documents also say the church ensured congregants wore masks in its building and kept members of different households at least two metres apart. 

Given the building's regular seating capacity, the documents say that the stricter regulation "represents a 99 per cent reduction on the number of worshippers who may attend an in-person service at the church." 

Lawyers for the church told the attorneys general of Ontario and Canada in a letter that they will be moving immediately to secure a motion date for an urgent injunction. 

Nicko Vavassis, a spokesman for Ontario's Attorney General, said that the ministry received the notice of application and that it was being reviewed but any further comment would be inappropriate as the matter is before the court. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 9, 2020. John Chidley-Hill, The Canadian Press

Sunday 6 December 2020

It's the Second Sunday of Advent

It is the Second Sunday of Advent and the Introit is Populus Sion.

PEOPLE of Sion, behold the Lord shall come to save the nations: and the Lord shall make the glory of His voice to be heard, in the joy of your heart. Ps. Give ear, O Thou that rulest Israel: Thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep. ℣. Glory be to the Father.

But you won't here it because Cardinal Thomas Collins has decreed that there will be:

Please enjoy this setting of the Introit by Heinrich Isaac, 1450-1517.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Have you had your robo-call yet?

Feel free to go to the video of the Cardinal's meeting with priests from two weeks ago. You'll want to listen starting around 40 minutes for His Excellency, Mr. MacCarthy reminding the priests to get their technology in tip-top shape and get the robo calls ready for pre-authorised giving.


You see, Your Eminence, it's a two-way street.

You open the churches for Mass, you get contributions.

You don't, you don't.

But if you're getting the government's largesse of up to 70% then what do you need our money for?

Friday 4 December 2020

Cardinal Collins issues Frequently Asked Questions - Can there be any doubt? Come back in a year, it really is just not worth it.

Premier Douglas Ford, in moving Toronto and Peel Regions into the grey lockdown category and perhaps soon York Region, has arbitrarily reduced church capacity to ten, even if the church holds a thousand. It is ludicrous and idiotic and without a basis in science. As you know, Cardinal Collins then one upped him and reduced it to zero for Mass, only allowing ten in to pray privately.

I wrote a few days ago, "No Mass for you, it's just not worth it." Vox Cantoris: NO MASS FOR YOU! - IT'S JUST NOT WORTH IT. Some criticised this writer for thinking so poorly of His Eminence. "Do you really think he believes the Mass is not worth it?"

Well, I will let you be the judge.

In a memorandum to all parishes today issued by the Cardinal through the communications office to all parishes for dissemination which was made available to this writer, I am proved correct.

“Offering public Masses when the civil authorities set a limit of only 10 people (in practice, that would mean 8 or 9 parishioners) creates numerous challenges to do so in a fair manner.” 

I agree, it does present numerous challenges.

Others that think it presents challenges are the good priests at the Church of the Transfiguration under the jurisdiction of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. They agree with the Cardinal and Mr. MacCarthy, it does present numerous challenges. They have told me so. 

There is, however, one big difference.

To them, it is worth it.

Oh, by the way. You all know the origin of the meme, No Mass for you, right?

or this.

And then

From:      Office of Public Relations & Communications

Sent:        December 4, 2020 1:32 PM
To:           Office of Public Relations & Communications
Subject:  Memo from Neil MacCarthy - Question & Answer Document re Archdiocese of Toronto & Covid-19 Restrictions

To:                 All Priests, Parishes, Catholic Pastoral Centre & Satellite Office Staff

From:           Neil MacCarthy, Director, Public Relations & Communications

Date:             December 4, 2020

Re:                 Q & A document regarding Archdiocese of Toronto & Covid-19 restrictions

I am attaching a document that you are welcome to share or utilize as appropriate with answers to frequently asked questions we have been receiving in recent days. I am including two versions – both the Microsoft Word and PDF versions in the event you wish to cut and paste responses for a bulletin or other communication tool. 

I hope this is helpful in providing accurate information regarding the approach of the archdiocese during this period of pandemic. We are also monitoring announcements this afternoon from the Province of Ontario and will share additional information, if necessary. 

Thank you for your tireless efforts during these challenging days.