A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 23 February 2022

"We'll always stand up for the authority of the State" - wait for it right at the end


Evangeline said...

...and not the people we were elected to represent...ever...make no mistake about that.

This is a government that is at odds with its people.
They can't say it any plainer than that.

Robert Mignella said...

Those bouncy castles and street hockey games looked pretty threatening. The admirable contribution of the Sikh community handing out free food, in their langar tradition, looked equally terrifying. The State must crack down!

robert mignella

Ana Milan said...

When a 'democratic' State refuses to serve those elected to government it becomes a rogue/despotic state & an election must be quickly held to dispose of the criminals that took it over. Legislators are bound to call corrupt leaders out & insist the rule of international law in favour of human rights be adhered to. Such politicians are not above the law & bad legislation as in the case of Covid which has imperiled the lives of its citizens must be scratched as it is not egally binding to follow it.