A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Wednesday 17 November 2021

Bergoglio calls St. Paul a liar together with Our Lord Himself!

Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ said, "Go into all nations preaching the good news and baptising in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." It is known as The Great Commission. "Dialogue" must be about preaching Christ and Salvation through the Church. This action and others by Bergoglio are humanistic and masonic.


Ana Milan said...

There can be no dialogue between the OHCA Church of Christ & infidels & schismatic sects. Christ taught His apostles they were to go & teach all nations what He had taught them. If they were rejected they were to brush the dust of that place from their feet & continue to the next place. There is nothing to dialogue about - people either accept or reject Christ & their eternal salvation depends on their answer. The OHCA Church is the only Church Christ founded on St. Peter & the First Apostles - all others are of Satan who has shown he is only interested in annihilating Christ's Church in order to introduce the Great Reset godless church which has been his target from the beginning. The Ape Church of VII is also of Satan. Our Lady of La Salette warned that "Satan will succeed in reaching the top of the Church and Rome will become the Seat of the Antichrist." Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus underlines this Truth: outside the Church there is no redemption.

This is a spiritual war & those 'Catholics' who persist in paying homage to a heretic/apostate/idolater/antipope will pay a great price, with silent prelates leading the way. How often has it to be said that PBXVI is the sitting pope held prisoner in the Vatican? His resignation does not comply with Canon Law & therefore he never properly resigned, so the conclave that 'elected' Jorge Bergoglio was invalid. Our prelates know this but are too proud to admit they selected a heretic in order to usurp the PO as they hated Benedict, the one who said TLM was never abrogated & couldn't be by any pope. Their continuing denial of this fact has brought us all to the brink of extinction not only by JB & his thuggish supporters, but by Catholics who refuse to accept that the unthinkable has happened driven by ordained & consecrated prelates of the Ape Church led by Satan's croney JB. The obvious schism must be called & JB ejected from the PO & his clerical supporters from the CC. Excommunication must be enforced publicly on those who reject Catholic Doctrine & the Vatican & all its diocesan churches exorcised. We all must return to Church of Christ & insist on the proper pope consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary instantly.

mazara said...

A woman once had dialogue with a serpent in a garden,the rest is history.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Ana Milan,

I wonder if the reason Bergoglio will not be called out for heresies is not more serious than simply pride. The ideology that has taken over the world (they call it global village) of diversity, inclusion and equity, has great power over innocent and gullible school children undergoing brainwashing, and statesmen alike. Diversity of religions is not good. Inclusion of everyone (even those who insult Mary or Jesus Christ) is an insult to God, our own insult and unfaithfulness, not only by those whom we invited to the table. Equal outcomes for all (economic or salvation) is not only an obvious injustice, it is a blatant denial of the Words of God. But Satan appears to these liars as an angel of light. Over the years they have compromised so much, they no longer see and hear. Free-masonic ideals have an appeal only the most simple and true can reject with disgust. To those taken by the ideals of the global village, diversity, inclusion and equity, the simple and true appear as barbarians.

Bergoglio joked and bragged about having had a sceptical rather than pious attitude toward matters of faith since he was an altar boy. He has been over-riding in his own head, what the Church has held as true and holy. Even as a boy he was convinced that his own conscience was much more capable of discerning truth than our Holy Scriptures and Tradition. Satan has tricked him. I think that Bergoglio truly believes himself the humblest of men, while pridefully changing not only the Church's teaching, but even God's commandments to us, His own Words, even the Lord's Prayer. It seems to me that most people living today have been misled by doing exactly this, staying in the Catholic Church, while rejecting her teachings (because my own conscience, because science, because human rights, because patriarchy and misogyny, because progress, because global warming, because social inequality, because climate justice). I was saved from this, because in my simple honest way, I left the Church, when I could not agree to accept her in whole. This kept me safe from the clever plot.

It is through appeal to love, justice and peace in well-meaning, gullible, fallible men, that Freemasons have managed to cause the Church so much damage, she is unrecognizable now.

Ivanmijeime said...

"But he has one secret. He doesn't believe in God."
- Fulton Sheen


Ana Milan said...

Hi Dorota,

I do believe that Pride is at the root of most evil & as the Devil used it to tempt Eve so he has also used it to trap not only individuals (clergy & laity) but has succeeded in tricking a pompous hierachy into believing they could get rid of a sitting pope & turnover the entire OHCA Church. Their excuse that it was Benedict who decided to bifurcate his papacy is absurd, as no Pope can altar anything that Christ deigned to be good & Benedict is a supreme canon lawye. The same goes for the Tridentine Mass which Benedict declared had never been abrogated, our NO Bishops (inspired by Satan) decided otherwise, hence the awful tragedies we have suffered within the Catholic world, especially those not able to access it. There have been a humungous amount of scandals, sacrileges, blasphemies etc. leading to the current state of the CC but we cannot keep making excuses for these monsters that have us in their grip. It has to end but this will entail those who didn't vote for JB to break their silence. Canon Law always provides an answer to every situation but when the majority don't wish to adhere to it then the minority must & be very vocal about doing so. The rules on Papal Resignations are strict & must be kept which in this case they weren't (Benedict said at the time that God told him to resign in the particulcar way he did) & also the rules for Papal Conclaves & Elections are similarly so. If Benedict's resignation was invalid then the conclave was & also the election. Jorge Bergoglio is therefore an Antipope & the silence of our prelature is of Satan whom Our Lady said would reach the top of the Church.

Vox Cantoris said...

Ah. What was the context of that quote? His talk on the Antichrist?

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...


I did not mean at all to disagree. You are correct in all your statements. I fear that these dishonest, corrupt and prideful prelates have been acting with certainty that they help progress. A few of Vox's posts ago the Polish Dominican, Fr. Wojciech Gołaski correctly pointed out that hegelianism and nominalism play a role here. It may be that the liars, traitors and destroyers of the Holy Mother Church sincerely perceive themselves as doing the work of God, who - in the false Hegelian paradigm - changes. Allegedly, the, as imposter Bergoglio would say, are discerning the will of the Holy Spirit.

It is one thing, when you are do evil knowing that you are doing evil. It is another to do evil thinking that you are fulfilling the will of God. They believe that progress they are allegedly co-creating among themselves, in accordance with the will of Almighty God, is inevitable, good and irreversible.

I would never excuse them, on the contrary, I blame them. I believe that I figured out, how this could happen in otherwise well-meaning people. They begin, as Bergoglio did, with rejecting the Church's truth and traditions in small matters. Normally, this should cause a moral discomfort, an unease of conscience. And it probably did initially. But in the post VII new world of dialogue, listening, tolerance and false mercy they felt justified and even encouraged to ignore it. They forged forward unmoved, their conscience was progressively stifled, and the unfaithfulness they acted out in seemingly small matters, they now do in the matters of greatest importance.

I do this speculating, because I fear that simply pointing out to them how prideful and dishonest they have been, will not make a difference, They believe sincerely in what and how they do what they do. To them the end justifies the means. They sincerely consider Catholics (I deliberately omit 'traditional') a bunch of barbarians, bigots, racists and terrorists, an obstacle to inevitable progress (unfolding), evolution of the Holy Spirit.

Ivanmijeime said...

The ruler of the Ape-church.


nazareusrex said...

Scalfari: Francis’ Goal Is One World Religion https://www.complicitclergy.com/2020/11/20/scalfari-francis-goal-is-one-world-religion/
Bergoglio is enemy of the universal Kingship of Christ

Pope Pius XI, Encyclical "Quas Primas":
" Then gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened to false religions and to be placed ignominiously on the same level with them."