A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Friday 12 March 2021

Cardinal Collins' "virtuous" public health official Dr. Eileen "Cruella" de Villa accuses religious gatherings of super sreading the CCP Virus - but what is this about her investment portfolio?

Dr. Eileen "Cruella" de Villa is the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto and the woman singularly responsible for the lockdown insanity still underway in this metropolis. A child herself of two doctors and originally from the Philippines, we must presume that de Villa was at least raised a Catholic, or maybe her parents were. Dr. de Villa is also married to a doctor. Richard Choi, a Toronto Cardiologist, is associated with St. Joseph's Health Centre and holds significant financial interests in AstraZeneca, BMS/Phizer and Sanofi as well as Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly HLS, Novartis and Bayer - all in one way or another developing gene therapies and vaccines against the CCP virus. 

Suffice to say, the de Villa/Choi couple are making a lot of hay from Covid. In the video below from CityPanic 24 also known as Constant Panic, de Villa continuously speaks of vaccines from which her family is enriching itself. 

Yet, for someone presumably raised as a Catholic and certainly within the world of science one would expect more from the "virtuous" doctor than this quote from the nterview yesterday on Toronto's CP24.

When will life in the city return to normal? Toronto's top doctor answers COVID-related questions | CP24.com

Where is the proof that de Villa provides to back up this statement that there "were a number of cases, clusters and outbreaks" from churches? Where is the data? Are we not to "follow the science?" or do we just believe anecdotal suppositions from the elite global pharma peddlers? There "were" a number of cases? When, in March 2020? I do not recall hearing of any outbreaks here in southern Ontario. Is de Villa referring to some scattered outbreaks in the United States? Where in Canada did this happen? Where in Ontario? Where in the greater Toronto area? If we believe in science, where is the data? 

Read between the lines. As I surmised a few posts below, de Villa has no intention of loosening the "grey zone" diktat in Toronto and no intention of relenting or recommending to Premier Ford that there should be an easing up on church attendance to thirty-percent from the current ten-person limit.

No doubt, the person asking the question was either Neil MacCarthy, Communications expert for the Archdiocese of Toronto or a good soul following Thomas Cardinal Collins' request to send letters to Members of the Provincial Legislature and Premier.

On March 10, Father Edward J. Curtis, Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs for the Archdiocese of Toronto issued a memorandum outlining the regimented restrictions on Holy Week services, "depending on the restrictions in place," where the parish might be, thus presuming that in some places, there will be No Holy Week For You.

Thomas Collins has been played by his once "virtuous" public health officials. He has reacted too late and too slowly and has yet to rally the courage in himself to take this fight to the courts where he would be laughed out for waiting for toolong. He has failed to stand up to the diktats of imbeciles such as Doug Ford and a medical establishment making millions from this crisis. 

Make no mistake, Holy Week and Easter are in lockdown, again. I'd be happy to be wrong.

The fault is at the feet of Thomas Collins who cast his lots and lost.


Ana Milan said...

Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Adviser in the UK was all for Herd Immunity until he was reminded of his holding in Big Pharma Cos. He swiftly advocated lockdowns, mask wearing & social distancing. One should always follow the money. Civil disobedience large scale is the only way to show these evil politicans that their tyranny will not be accepted by the general public, & voters should remember their huge tyrannical scams when next they cast their vote.

Phineas said...

Great reporting, Vox. I too have noted the Philippine ancestry of Cruella de Villa and the probable Catholic upbringing of at least her parents, if not her own. Although surprisingly there are a lot of Protestant Filipinos (another failure of the Catholic Church).

She looks to be in her 40's and fully secular. If she was catechized at all it would have been on the thin gruel so prevalent in Catholic schools and parishes over the last 50 years. She might as well be an atheist, based on her comments on CP24 and her general outlook on the world.

In a different reality, His Eminence would invite Cruella to meet over dinner or coffee to discuss Church re-opening concerns in which he could also include matters of faith, and in the process gain a better understanding of her faith life. It would be a great evangelizing opportunity. Maybe when the economy opens up again. At a minimum she needs our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Where. Is. The. Proof.

M. Prodigal said...

I am sorry and heartbroken for all the faithful being denied the Sacrament for NO good reason! We know of no outbreaks at churches. My parish is open and we have a full Triduum planned. And I will visit my brother at a Latin Mass parish that has had NO restrictions--and no sickness either--to participate a traditional Triduum. I pray for those who are being denied with is something from the evil one; I remember them at Mass and Holy Communion. It is not about your health.

Christiformis said...

I have been wondering for some time now who is really in charge of The Archdiocese of Toronto, the Cardinal or his inner circle headed by "His Excellency" Mr. Neil McCarthy. I have a strong suspicion that it is the latter. What has been happening is a slow and insidious takeover of the authority of a progressively timid and uncourageous man, who cares more for polling results, survey findings and social niceties, than he does the safeguarding of all we hold dear in our Blessed Church. As a result we are becoming more and more indistinguishable from our Protestant brethren by the day.

Johnno said...

"As a result we are becoming more and more indistinguishable from our Protestant brethren by the day."

On the contrary! The protestants who've stood up to this unscientific totally bogus insanity and are suffering for it in jail awaiting trial for a charge where even if they were to be found guilty doesn't even result in jail time, are looking pretty good!

Cruella here is just one more dalmatian out of 101 'experts' whose only expertise is making-things-up for government and corporate expedience.

This is not going to end with any letter writing campaigns begging the government on all fours for the right to exist on Earth.

All of them know this is bogus. They know they have violated laws on a scale that will make the Nazis at Nuremberg blush, and they know that many of the people know, and the important thing to remember in all of this is -


Hence the need to keep up the charade. Ford was publicly confronted with the facts by one of his own party. What did he do? Did he respond in any scientific manner? Did he get his experts to respond with detailed explanations because he's too stupid? No! He huffed and he puffed and he blew the guy out without any intelligent rebuttal.


Ford won't be able to huff'n'puff his way out of legally explaining himself in a court of law. So they've decided to dig in until they figure a way to dig themselves out.