A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 2 July 2015

The treason of Canada's bishops in the debate on so-called, same-sex "marriage"

Recently, I wrote that the blame for the recent American SCOTUS decision changing the legal definition of marriage lay with the bishops and priests who for a half-century have failed to properly teach and admonish the faithful in the Truth of the Catholic faith, the Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

As an aside, and perhaps some of my many and loyal American readers can comment. It seems to me that the 10th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America is the model of Catholic subsidiarity. It states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Since the Constitution is silent on the whole issue of marriage, how can the SCOTUS force a State to go along with its redefinition of marriage? Has this been interfered with before without States' objections leading to a de facto abrogation?

Getting back to the matter of bishops, my good friend ELA at ContraDiction has posted a column an article of July 8, 1996 by Joseph K. Woodword in Alberta Report, which ceased publication in 2003.

It is worth reading today to understand how our bishops in Canada failed us too. The red text is my commentary to update the article, the bolding is mine for emphasis.

Treason Of The Clerics
Subtitled: Gay Apostasy Subverts And Paralyzes The Canadian Catholic Church

By Joseph K. Woodard
w/ permission

Alberta Report, July 8, 1996 

One of the mysteries surrounding the speedy passage of Bill C-33, the "sexual orientation" clause to the Canada Human Rights Act, is the near-silence of the Canadian Catholic Church in the debate. The Vatican defines homosexual behaviour as an "objective moral disorder" and has opposed repeatedly the very idea of "gay rights." The Church's silence in 1996 was a marked change from 1994, when the robust opposition of Ontario bishops was instrumental in defeating the NDP provincial government's own homosexual rights bill. (The NDP stands for New Democratic Party a democratic socialist and labour party at the federal and provincial levels in Canada. It is radically pro-abortion and one cannot run nor be a member of one subscribes to an "anti-choice" position.) Now a possible and shocking explanation has surfaced. It is now known that the Canadian Catholic hierarchy made its own peace with the radical homosexual agenda in 1992, when in a settlement of sexual abuse claims made against Ontario monks, it recognised homosexual "spousal benefits."

Despite Justice Minister Allan Rock's assurances to the contrary, C-33 will soon result in the complete elimination of legal distinctions heterosexual marriages and homosexual liaisons. (Rock was then Minister of Justice in the government at the time under Prime Minister Jean Chretien; both Rock and Chretien were Roman Catholics. So-called, same-sex "marriage" was approved by the Parliament of Canada on July 20, 2005 put forward by the minority government under Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, also a Roman Catholic.) And so the relative uninterest of the Canadian bishops in this crippling blow to the legitimacy of the traditional family has not gone unnoticed. Indeed, Bishop James Wingle of Yarmouth, a C-33 opponent, has condemned the "false impression" that his colleagues had actually supported the legislation. (The Diocese of Yarmouth no longer exists having been folded into the new Halifax Yarmouth Archdiocese. Wingle later became the Bishop of St. Catharines in Ontario and disappeared suspiciously and without explanation resigning in April 2010.)  

It is true that no Canadian bishop actually endorsed C-33. But of the more than 50 Anglophone bishops, only a handful stood firmly against the bill. And when representatives of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB)--the church bureaucracy, appeared before the House Justice Committee on May 2, they effectively sabotaged what little opposition Canada's prelates had mustered.

When C-33 was announced, Vancouver Archbishop Adam Exner issued a statement demanding the law continue to protect "the conscience rights of Canadians morally opposed to homosexual behaviour," and "allow employers to make non-practice of homosexual activity a bona fide occupational qualification." Yet on May 2, when homosexual MP Svend Robinson questioned CCCB general-secretary Doug Crosby about that statement, the priest could only stammer an incoherent denial of Bishop Exner's position. (Bishop Douglas Crosby is now the Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, in Ontario. Next year, he will become the President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops). The CCCB delegation also repudiated the Vatican's 1992 statement on homosexuality.  

"It was pathetic," objects Sylvia MacEachern, of Ottawa's traditionalist St. Brigid's Association. (named after the sad state of the parish and the Oratorian Affair made known in the book The Last Roman Catholic by the late James Demers. I had the honour as a parishioner there of suffering along with them) "Here was Canada's most infamous gay MP, the only one quoting the Church's teaching, and when he asked the representatives of the Canadian Church whether they agreed with it, they were tongue-tied." In her response to Mr. Robinson, Father Crosby's colleague, Jennifer Leddy, could only beg him, as a "serious advocate for human rights," to "give us a chance to participate constructively," since "we want to participate."

Apologists for the Canadian Catholic hierarchy say the speed with which C-33 was rammed through Parliament made any strong resistance impossible. (This is true, it was rammed through. Canadians could barely organise against it and had no say as we were bombarded by the dictatorship of a minority parliament dancing to an evil agenda and we're too damn polite!) But the capitulation of the Catholic bureaucracy to the gay rights agenda was in April, when New Brunswick Senator Noel Kinsella introduced his "sexual orientation" Bill S-2. The CCCB was offered the opportunity to make a submission against it to the Senate but declined.

Furthermore, the Liberal government has been promising to bring in such legislation since 1993, and renewed its promise last winter. Yet the national church office did nothing.

National bishops' conferences are a modern innovation. In 1964, when episcopal collegiality was discussed at the Second Vatican Council, the venerable Cardinal Oddi quipped that he could find only one biblical citation for the notion, the time during Christ's passion when "they all fled." By 1985, Vatican theology watchdog Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was warning of the "burdensome bureaucratic structures" of the national offices. They have "no theological basis" and "do not belong to the structure of the church," he insisted. Each bishop has complete authority in his diocese and is subject only to the pope. But the national conferences, however, allow the majority of the bishops to hide in anonymity.

The CCCB's General Secretariat employs just under 100 people in a half-dozen commissions, with a budget of roughly $4.5 million. Its functionaries deal directly with their opposite numbers in the local dioceses, and thus they control information flow in the Canadian Church. The secretariat is under the nominal governance of an executive committee--this year led by Kingston Archbishop Francis Spence. But the election of full-time directors falls to its periodic "plenary sessions," dependent on the "guidance" of the existing directors.

"Individual bishops have great difficulty in freeing themselves from the national conference," says MonsignorVincent Foy, a Toronto canon lawyer. "They're afraid their authority can be undercut at any moment. It's a great burden on the Church. But the Holy See is now preparing a document on the problem." (On June 7, 2014 a Solemn Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 was offered in the presence of Cardinal Collins to celebrate the 75th anniversary of ordination of Msgr. Vincent Foy. He turns 100 on August 14, 2015.)

While lack of accountability is the "iron rule" of bureaucracy, the CCCB's "gay-friendliness" is the result of personalities.  In the 1980s, Father Doug Crosby, (now the Bishop of Hamilton and Pastor there when the whole "Oratorian Affair" occurred and from where the main antagonists came)  who was appointed CCCB general-secretary, was pastor of Ottawa's St. Joseph's Church. This parish was jocularly referred to "St. Joe's by the Whirlpool," because of the party tub in its rectory. St. Joseph's became home to the Ottawa chapter of Dignity, the homosexual fifth column within the Catholic Church. Special pews were reserved for Dignity members at the church's noon masses. (To this day, St. Joseph's in Ottawa under the OMI priests is still a parish of liturgical, ministerial and catechetical dissent. 

Gay or gay-sympathetic priests tend to form a solid, cohesive block within the church, observes Michael McCarthy, a retired priest from the diocese of Saskatoon. "They have such an enormous potential to create embarrassment with their dirty little secrets, the bishops won't stand up to them."

While the number of homosexuals in the Canadian Catholic priesthood is unknown, it is known they have a particular interest in seminaries, where new priests are formed. On the eve of Pope John Paul II's visit to Canada in 1984, Emmett Cardinal Carter, then-archbishop of Toronto, ordered a clean-up of his St. Augustine's Seminary. "Students in the residence could hear other seminarians padding up and down the halls at night, and everybody knew what was going on," says one Toronto-area priest, who wishes to remain anonymous. The obvious theological dissidents were fired, but the previous graduates were already worming their way through the Canadian hierarchy. (The Dean of Studies at the time was notorious. and known by all to be gay. The Rector at the time, Father Brian Clough whose first Mass I attended as a boy around 1968 as my parents were friends of his and its a darn good thing I didn't end up in Seminary at the worst possible time; was fired by Carter for a leaked paper encouraging "tolerance for the heterosexual seminarians." It is documented in the book, The Desolate City by Anne Roche Muggeridge but being pre-Internet days, that document has never been able to surface. Father Clough went on to become the Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Toronto.)

An investigation into St. Augustine's found no evidence of homosexual behaviour. That investigation, however, was led by the then-bishop of London, Ont., Marcel Gervais. Bishop Gervais subsequent career has revealed him to be one of Canada's foremost gay-friendly clerics. He has since become Archbishop of Ottawa, sometime president of the CCCB, grand chancellor of Ottawa's dissident St. Peter's Seminary, (this may be an error in the author's original piece. St. Peter's Seminary in in London, Ontario, Ottawa no longer has one though there is a school of philosophy and theology at St. Paul's University within the once Catholic University of Ottawa on whose campus St. Joseph's parish sits. As for the dissidence of St. Peter's Seminary in London, I know four fine priests that came from there and that is all I will say about that!) and the ultimate superior--and protector--of its heterodox sexual ethicist, Fr. Andre Guindon. (whose work was condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under then Cardinal Ratzinger!) 

A just-published book, Who's in the Seminary, suggests that Canadian seminaries are still hothouses of homosexuality. St. Paul University professor Martin Rovers sent out 455 questionnaires to students at Canada's three major seminaries (St. Augustine's, London's St. Peter's, and Edmonton's St. Joseph's). Fully 25% of the 203 respondents claimed they were either gay, bisexual or unsure of their orientation. As with most self-reported surveys, the accuracy of Prof. Rovers data is open to question, yet it is certain that homosexual representation in Canadian seminaries is many times higher than the now-accepted figure of 1.5% to 3% for the population at large.

"The Catholic Church had a major problem with the retention of priests through the 1970s," says Pennsylvania State University sociologist Philip Jenkins, author of the major new study, Pedophiles and Priests. "So they let in a lot of guys they ought not to have." Many thousands of priests had left the North American churches after the tumultuous changes ushered in by the Second Vatican Council. Desperate for new vocations, seminaries relaxed intellectual and moral standards. According to Prof. Jenkins, many homosexuals have been ordained since then, resulting in "the gay movement becoming solidly entrenched in the Canadian hierarchy." He cautions, however, not to confuse the issues of homosexuality and pedophilia. "If you look dispassionately at the figures, priestly pedophiles run maybe two per thousand, about the same as the rest of the population," says Prof. Jenkins, an Episcopalian.

The perception of a pedophilia crisis was created both by a hostile media and by the division between conservative and liberal Catholics, says Prof. Jenkins. The former blamed homosexuality, and the latter, celibacy. "In fact, the figures indicate that there is no Catholic pedophilia problem, so it's not caused by celibacy." Most of the recent school and choir scandals have not been pedophilia, with prepubescent victims. Rather, they've involved 14-or 15-year-old boys--which is classic homosexuality. That problem, Prof. Jenkins repeats, arose from poor recruiting and later, subversive networking among gay priests. (This is what most of us have been saying all along. Homosexual men came into the priesthood and raped post-pubescent boys. They used the priesthood as their cover.)

Ironically, it is the worst homosexual scandal in Canadian history that has cemented the power of gay network within the Church. The Christian Brothers, a lay Catholic order, was for decades under contract to the government of Ontario to run reform schools at Alfred, near Ottawa, and Uxbridge, near Toronto. These schools may have seen some 500 to 1000 cases of physical and sexual abuse, from the 1960s through the early 1980s. When this abuse became public in 1990, a victim's group, Helpline, hired Toronto lawyer Roger Tucker to pursue their claims. Mr. Tucker approached long-time liberal-Catholic functionary Doug Roche, to mediate. Mr. Roche, a powerful Church fixer for three decades, was the founding editor of the Western Catholic Reporter, and a former MP and Canadian disarmament ambassador. He was then also Mr. Tucker's father-in-law. His mediation proved agreeable to the Ottawa Christian Brothers and the Toronto and Ottawa archdioceses. (The Toronto Christian Brothers have refused to endorse Mr. Tucker's efforts. They are pursuing a separate compensation arrangement with abuse survivors).

By 1992, Mr. Roche had completed an agreement whereby validated abuse claimants would receive some $20,000 each and keep silent about their abusers' identities. Yet by 1996, says negotiator Mike Watters, the claimants had received an average of only $12,000 each, Mr. Tucker had pocketed $750,000, and more than $10 million had been spent in administrative costs. Mr. Roche's fee remained secret. Even more interesting, Mr. Roche or one of his colleagues slipped a curious little clause into the agreement, one that was not noticed until years later.

"If you want to know why the bishops didn't fight Bill C-33 and argue the case against gay marriages, check out the reform school agreement," says journalist Michael Harris, author of Unholy Orders, an account of the Mount Cashel Orphanage scandal. The agreement with the Christian Brothers' victims provides for dental, medical, educational, and counselling benefits to victims, their family members, and those "in a close personal relationship that others recognize is of primary importance in both persons' lives." This, claims Mr. Harris, constitutes the Canadian Catholic Church's recognition of gay spousal benefits.

It is unclear whether (then) Ottawa's Bishop Gervais or Toronto's Bishop Ambrozic knew about the "personal relationship" clause in 1994, when both vocally opposed the Ontario gay rights bill. But by 1996, "I think the bishops knew it was there, and Svend [Robinson] knew it was there," suggests Mr. Harris. Bishop Gervais remained silent during the C-33 debate, and Bishop Ambrozic, normally the "pit bull" of the conservative Canadian bishops, merely distributed a summary of the lacklustre CCCB statement.

For whatever reason, dissident former priest and theologian Gregory Baum (Baum was interviewed by Father Thomas J. Rosica of Salt + Light Television, the transcript of that fascinating interview includes, "You remain a faithful, deeply devoted Catholic, you love Jesus, the Church, the Eucharist.") is glad the Canadian bishops ducked Bill C-33. "I don't think the Church has any business saying this is okay or this isn't okay." he says. "This was not a church wedding the government was debating, but a human right." 

While Canada's Catholic heretics are pleased with the C-33 resolution, the orthodox are appalled. "The Catholic Church isn't a foreign institution," says Toronto lawyer David Brown, (then) vice-president of the Catholic Civil Rights League. "Canada is founded upon a vision of the human being, grounded in religion. And if the country loses that vision, it risks self-destruction."

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ was spilt for all, even for those who mock him in derision

Today on July 1 in Canada we celebrate "Canada Day" or until Pierre Elliot Trudeau wiped away our cultural history, Dominion Day. We are still, the Dominion of Canada and our motto is from the 72nd Psalm, Ad mare usque ad mari-- "And he shall have dominion from sea unto sea." My readers in the United States will soon celebrate Independence Day. May it be a peaceful day, in spite of the threats from Islamo-fascists and yet, given the scandalous and destructive decision of the SCOTUS, it may not be peaceful. In ancient Israel the Lord often withdrew His protecting hand. Can either of our countries founded on the bedrock of Christianity, ours in Canada Catholic, at least initially, claim His protection now? We sanction sodomite "marriage" we kill our infants in the wombs of their mothers and we expect His help?

Liturgically speaking, in the Ordinary Form it is rather ordinary, as Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time. However, there is a Votive Mass of the Precious Blood in the Third Roman Missal which could be easily said today. Perhaps it should be, in reparation for what will come at the end of this post.

In the traditional calendar, today is the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which in the new was combined on Corpus Christi. If you look at your new rite Missal it will say Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ where as in the traditional it is simply the "Body of Christ" -- Corpus Christi. It was added to the calendar in 1849 by Pope Pius IX and was observed in Spain since the 16th century having been brought to Rome by St. Gaspar del Bufalo. Corpus Christi is from the 13th century and the whole Proper of the Mass and its sequence and the Office were assembled from scripture and composed by St.Thomas Aquinas. He gave us the texts of the hymns Pange Lingua, gives us the Tamtum ergo, Sacris solemniis gives us the beautiful compositions of Panis Angelicus, Verbum supernum prodiens is from where we sing O Salutaris Hostia and of course, Adore te Devote. 

One of the seven deadly sins is pride from which all others flow. We know what it is used to celebrate. A few days ago, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in a city named after the great Apostle to the Gentiles, 2,000,000 people gathered in the streets. A man who had gone through the mutilation of a surgery and chemical cocktail to appear as a woman was displayed on a float "crucified" in a mockery of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is not all. In other parades, Our Blessed Lord was also blasphemened in manners which I cannot write, nor can I post the pictures. You may find these links:






On this day in Dominion Day in Canada and on Independence Day in the United States, before our BBQ's, let us gather in our gardens and parks and together say these:


May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most mysterious and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in heaven on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar. 
Imprimatur - T. J. Toolen, Archbishop of Mobile-Birm.

Praise to the Holy Name of Jesus 
The Holy Name of our Saviour is taken in vain so often. When we hear someone use the Name above all names as a common swear word, we can cross ourselves and reverence the precious Name being defamed. Another commendable practice involves the devout, fervent recitation of the following prayer:

May the Holy Name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!
May the Holy Name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!
May the Holy Name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!
May the Holy Name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!
May the Holy Name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!

Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee.
The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hope of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole Hope of mankind!

The more hearts resist Thy Divine attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O infinitely amiable Heart of Jesus!

The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most holy Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most generous Heart of Jesus!

The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, model of every virtue!

The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, zealous Lover of souls!

The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy Vicar on earth is persecuted, the more will we honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O kingly Heart of Jesus!

O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen. 2

Nihil Obstat - John J. Clifford, S.J. Censor Liborum

Imprimatur - + Samuel A. Stritch, December 17, 1943 Archbishop of Chicago.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Life imitates art? The fantasy has become the reality!

Gird your loins my brothers and sisters.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Fantasy is becoming reality where "one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused."

And yet, there is only one Reality.

And His name is Jesus Christ.


Saturday 27 June 2015

Questioning Same-Sex "Marriage?" - Blame the leaders of the Catholic Church!

For my non-Catholic readers you may find that title surprising, for some of my Catholic readers you may find it scandalous. However I suspect most of you will know exactly what it means.

As you know by now, the Supreme Court of the United States of America in a 5-4 vote decided that two men or two women have the constitutional right to enter into a legal marriage. What a lie. What utter poppycock. 

As for the comments by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' President, you're a little late. You did this. You and your colleagues and your predecessors. You are a scandal to the faithful. You are a disgrace to the Martyrs.

Marriage is between one man and one woman, period. You can call this legal definition whatever you want  but marriage, it is not. 

In Canada, we have had it forced upon us for a decade now. I recall the years before the debate with the news articles about why such an abomination was necessary. We were presented with stories about how a co-habitating couple who were together for many years found themselves cut out of medical decisions or funeral arrangements for one or the other by cruel and vindictive families of the ill or deceased. We heard about how their health benefits were not available to the other (corporations quickly changed that lest they be accused of discrimination). Houses and bank accounts were frozen and the poor survivor was left homeless or penniless after death. And then of course, it was all about his and his towels, kitchen appliances and how much they love one another. These arguments never seemed to be part of the debate in America which seemed to centre specifically around "equality." While that was the eventual argument here under the minority rights provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms it was not how Canadians were softened up. 

The truth is, it was never about marriage. One did not need "marriage" to affect inheritance, property financial security or visits in a hospital, decisions by others as to treatment or funeral arrangements. Canada, after all, is a nation with laws and legal precedence and civil courts and legislation. No "gay" couple needed marriage to give them legal protection. They needed a Last Will and Testament, a Power of Attorney for Personal Care, a Power of Attorney Over Personal Finances, an "On Title" to a property, "Joint Tenantship" to a lease. You see, legal protections were already there for any two persons to make any kind of legal relationship that they desired. If I were not married, I could give my brother or my best friend legal decisions or my medical care or finances should I become incompetent. 

All western and probably most other nations have these kinds of legal instruments. No, it was never about marriage and it was never about love. It is about destroying the fundamental foundation of a civil and rightly-ordered society, the nuclear family. It has been a battle going on for half a century or more now that began with contraception, then no-fault divorce, abortion and the decriminalisation and legalisation of sodomy, what our Criminal Code of Canada called, "buggery."

The most intense study ever done on the population of homosexuals reveals that no more than about 2% of people are self-described, homosexuals. So, how does 2% of the population manage this? They wield this power because enough others are afraid to be called "bigots" and while they may not identify as "homosexual" they have had an experience with sodomy and are "bi-sexual" and some are blackmailed. It has happened because most people watch pornography and are chronic masturbators and their minds and reason have been poisoned by their own sexual perversions. They fear being called a hypocrite and they do not want to be judged for their own escapades with pornography, masturbation and massage parlours and prostitutes so they turn from the truth and allow license for everyone. 

All of us have sinned and have and continue to fall short of the glory of God.

It was then and is about a fundamental hatred of the One Supreme God, the sacrificial offering of His Son and the intense hatred for His Church and by Church I mean, the Catholic Church as most protestants have long since apostatised from the Truth in the matter of marriage in addition to doctrine.

And it is the Catholic Church itself that has caused it all. Or perhaps I should say, it is the leadership of the Catholic Church, not the Church as the Mystical Body, but the leaders who have caused this abomination to happen to our nations. This lie has been given to us by Catholics. 

In the decision yesterday in America, it was two Catholic Justices, Kennedy and Sotomayor, an Irishman and a Hispanic woman, both baptised and raised Catholic who did this. In fact, if only one of them was not blind to the Truth the vote would have been 5-4 in the other direction. 

In Ireland, the bishops of that once Catholic land presided over the disaster of a referendum favouring this abomination of same-sex "marriage" looking at best as deer in headlights. 

In Canada, we never had the chance to vote for it. It was forced upon us out of the blue by a Catholic Prime Minister who was a failure as a leader by the name of Paul Martin. There was no election mandate. The roots of it were already in place thanks to four other Catholic Prime Ministers, Jean Chretien, Brian Mulroney, Joseph Clark and Pierre Elliot Trudeau. These men, contributed each to the weakening of the Parliamentary system and the constitutional framework unknown before in this country that gave us judicial activism. Martin wanted to act before the Supreme Court forced it. We the people had little choice but as Canadians, we just went along to get along.

You see then?

It was Catholics in Canada and the United States imbued with false understanding of the One, True, Faith and blinded by secularism, liberalism and dictatorship of relativism hat gave us this situation. It happened because bishops failed to teach the faith properly for the last have century or more. It happened because the destruction of the liturgy lead to weak Catholics. It drove people from Mass and the Sacraments and the priests failed to preach the Truth. 

Last October, we saw the filth and lies of these same bishops put forward in a Synod of the Church that would literally anoint sodomy for the "gifts" it can bring to the Church. All under the eyes of Pope Francis himself.

The consciences of these parliamentarians, congressmen, senators, prime ministers, presidents, and supreme court judges; Catholics many of them, were ill-formed and darkened by a corrupted Church that has betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ because the Church has been infiltrated by sodomites and Marxists who hate Her and wish to bring about Her destruction because the Catholic Church is the only thing that stands in their way of total world domination. 

The push for this abomination began in Holland and Belgium and Canada soon followed. Yet the United States is the most culturally hegemonic nation in the world. The disaster of this decision will have profound affects on other nations that have not yet gone down this road.

The truth is that persons who are "homosexuals" have much wrong with them. Aside from the "sin which cries out to heaven" they die younger and will continue to do so - "marriage" will not change reality. They die from hideous diseases and younger than the rest of the population. Suicide rates, violence between "lovers" depression, drug-abuse, alcoholism, self-mutilation. All of these are higher by significant percentages compared to the general population. It is not alleged discrimination that causes these conditions, it is their physical behaviour and the untreated spiritual and psychological conditions that lead to the physical manifestations. 

Anal cancer (with caution, you can google the pictures and see what sodomy can cause) is 50% higher than the normal. Parasites such as amoebiasis due to oral-fecal contact and giardiasis, gonorrhea and anal warts (condyloma acuminata) abound in the population. Anorectal sepsis, Epstein-Barr Syndrome, Burkitt's Lymphoma, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Karposi's Sarcoma, Hepatitis, AIDS, Prostrate Cancer, colitis, enterities, proctitus, proctocolitus and diseases of the mouth which would cause horror to view. 

All this, because the leaders of the Holy Catholic Church have and continue to fail to teach the truth with clarity and charity that homosexual relations are not only sinful and against the Laws of God and nature but they are deadly. 

All men and women are children of God made in His Divine image and are called to something greater. This includes homosexuals and lesbians.

They are loved by the Triune God and the Father call them through the Holy Spirit to come to the Son, Our LORD Jesus Christ for salvation.

God does not will that they die in their sin and are lost in Hell. He wants them, as He wants all of us in heaven for eternity with Him.

If the Church does not proclaim the Truth with clarity, no Year of Mercy is going to save them.

God help us.

Friday 26 June 2015

I will not submit to sodomy as anything other than the filth and evil that it is and it is straight out of Hell

This was on a friend's Facebook entry. While it has been a decade in Canada and has only just come to the United State of America.

I reprint it here:

I DECLARE, PROFESS, PROCLAIM, AND STATE WITHOUT AMBIGUITY OR COMPROMISE that Same-Sex (so called) Marriage is an UNNATURAL, MORTAL and GRIEVOUS SIN that cries to heaven for vengeance and is reprobate, as are all acts of SODOMY!

NO HUMAN AUTHORITY, no matter how legitimate or honorable, whether, monarch, republic, democracy, or totalitarian dictatorship as the right to make lawful that which is unlawful by nature and by nature's GOD. It does not matter how many people agree (even if it were the whole world) to legitimize anything against the law of GOD especially 

ABORTION, SODOMY, and EUTHANASIA it still remains illegitimate and NO ROMAN CATHOLIC can in anyway, condone, legitimate, accept, support or agree with an unjust law that is opposed to the Law of GOD.

Silence in the face of evil is cooperation with evil. It is the duty and the obligation of all Roman Catholics to vociferously OPPOSE any law that is opposed to the Law of GOD. To do or say nothing when these unjust laws are enacted is to silently approve them even if you do not.

I therefore PROCLAIM for all to see, read, and hear I believe that Sodomite 'marriage' is an evil that cannot be tolerated. I oppose it with every fiber of my being as I oppose the murder of Abortion and the murder/suicide of Euthanasia. I will proclaim this and oppose these evils to my death. If I am persecuted because of it so be it. NEVERTHELESS, let it be known that I will never go quietly into the night, I will not be arrested without a fight, I will not loose my freedom without a fight to the death.



BREAKING REPORT—June 26: A Day That Will Live in Infamy

The Catholic justices that did this, Sotomayor and Kennedy, have, unless they repent, condemned themselves to Hell.

Thursday 25 June 2015

The Labourious Instrument from Hell

The Instrumentum Laboris 2015 is upon us. For whatever my opinion is worth, I cannot assess it any better than these. Rorate Caeli has done excellent analysis and translation as has One Peter FiveSuffice to say, Kasper's deceitful offerings have made it in. The Catholic Church is being betrayed by those who are there to govern and sanctify the faithful.

Yet, Mundabor has captured it in his most unique way with a spot-on reference to St. John the Baptist. Indeed he is right. These men in Rome know more than St. John the Baptist whose Birth Feast was just celebrated. Let me give you a little bit of what he writes:
Where was St John’s compassion? Did he know anything about inclusiveness? Had he ever heard of mercy? Why did not prepare a path for Heros and Herodias? Why this cruel exclusion? How could St John ask Herodias and Herod Antipas to… just split? Destroy a new family? Destroy a new reality? With a child in it?

How brilliant and yet, how bloody obvious on Mundabor's part. 

St. John the Baptist's actions against Herod, Herodias and Salome would be condemned today by these men. How can they, in all good conscience, put forward the paragraphs that lay within this document and actually think that they are serving Our Lord Jesus Christ? Reading their intentions is tantamount to calling St. John the Baptist a fool and a liar.

It seems to me that it is quite simple. These men in the Vatican have lost the faith, if they ever had it. They certainly do not believe in supernatural faith and they do not believe in Hell. Well, they surely will when they get there and that is where they will go if they continue down this road to betray Our Lord, His Church and faithful, should they not repent. 

Yes. These theologians, priests, bishops and cardinals will go to Hell. If they do not believe it exists, they will. 
Ponder that for a moment. If they do not repent, they will go to Hell.

These are evil men with evil intentions. They will attempt to change doctrine through stealth. They have told us so already.

Your job and mine is to call them out without ceasing. We must challenge the satanic verses within this Instrumentum Laboris that would undermine doctrine, morality  and the Holy Eucharist. We must stand firm against any change in the wording or approach on the matter of sodomy and those suffering from same-sex attraction as described in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

The battle is called, the gauntlet has been thrown down; and to think, it is the Pope himself, possibly naive, possibly suffering from dementia and surrounded by evil, filthy and deceitful men that has given us this spiritual distress and scandal against the faith. These cannot be the actions of the Holy Spirit, it is simply not possible. 

It must be one of naivety or dementia because if it is not, then there is only one other explanation and that is simply too horrible to even contemplate.


Vatican hypocrisy or a state of denial to the obvious?

We have heard recently from Pope Francis himself about air conditioning, weapons manufacturers and the military strategy in World War II. We can determine that air conditioning is bad, weapons manufacturers are hypocrites if they call themselves Christians and World War II strategy was wrong and bombing methods then are being grossly confused with modern technological advances in military precision.

At some point, one must ask if Pope Francis is beginning to suffer from dementia. I don't mean this in a derogatory way but in the actual medical understanding

Presenting beach balls to the Blessed Mother on the Altar of God? The rambling and incoherence of some of his talks, particularly last Sunday in Turin is evident that something may be wrong. When we consider the range of insults that have come forth from his mouth over the last two and one-half years, what is the typical Catholic person who is desirous to be charitable left to think? 

My never married godmother and "Old maid" Auntie who died at 104 year-old was also a "Rosary counter" (that's a bad thing? we used to call these "spiritual bouquets"). Or perhaps we can consider being called a "Formenter of coprophagia" (had to look that one up - yes it is what it is and he said it and probably from where we get the word, crap, A "Functionary" might actually be a good thing depending on the circumstances and then we have the "self-absorbed, Promethean neo-Pelagian" which is my utmost favourite because I think he was talking directly to me. 

Well, who am I too judge, eh?

On more than one occasion here, here and here; I raised the question of the ownership by the Catholic Church in Germany of a publisher that regularly published pornography and erotica. For a decade, Catholics in Germany raised this matter with their bishops and were ignored. We have yet to here conclusively if the Church has divested of its ownership in Weltbild and what it did with the profits earned from filth, evil and sin. We have yet to hear what public penance has been done to make amends to God for this betrayal.

Where is the comment from the Pope or a senior German Cardinal about this scandal?

Is the plastic bubble that the Pope rides in air conditioned? Is the Domus Santa Marta or the chapel where he offers daily Mass? Does the jet that will bring him to around the world fly on water and expel steam? Has the Swiss Guard given up its collection of weapons?

How many are aware that Carrier, that's right, the air-conditioning global corporation that makes profit and employs over 40,000 people who can feed their families, has provided two innovative water-cooled chillers each with 580 kilowatts of capacity to cool and regulate the humidity of the Sistine Chapel?

Carrier is owned by United Technologies which also manufactures Sikorsky Helicopters, Pratt & Whitney aircraft engines and UTC Aerospace Systems all with military, defense and weapons components.

This is nothing less than complete and utter hypocrisy.

It is either that, or the Pope himself is suffering from dementia and he has been surrounded with the most vile and despicable cardinals and monsignore since the renaissance who are taking advantage of his condition.

It is to leave one with nothing except this: 

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Record of John

On this blessed Feast/Solemnity of St. John the Baptist enjoy this most magnificent verse anthem by Orlando Gibbons and as shameless self-promotion, for a small choir you might pick up a few of these.


Tuesday 23 June 2015

Does he or doesn't he?

GloriaTV is reporting that:
"Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, the Prefect of the Congregation for Religious, spoke in an interview with the Brazilian magazine Veja about a deep reform that is going on at the moment in the Church. Quote: “We Catholics lived for centuries with the idea that we need to convert people in order to bring them closer. But we cannot act as if we were the owners of the morals." 
According to Cardinal João Braz de Aviz there are – quote - “two ways to read the Gospel, one of purely doctrinal or rational form.” The other is to see the message of Jesus in the words of the Gospel. This he calls floridly “the message of love and acceptance of Jesus.” He accuses the – quote – “traditionalists of the Church” to see the Gospel in a – quote – “restrictive and purely doctrinal way.” 
Cardinal João Braz de Aviz does not say nice things about Benedict XVI who tragically named him to his post. Quote: “As for Benedict XVI, the last time I asked to speak to him, the meeting was scheduled for four months later. He is extremely shy, and this shyness caused a very large communication difficulty.” But now, Braz de Aviz is happy to have easier access to the Pope: “I see the Pope Francis at least every two weeks."
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19 
"And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15
I have a question.

What man of 68 has hair this black?


Isn't Jesus Christ the "Ultimate Truth?"

From the just can't make this stuff up file:

I thought that the ultimate Truth was and is Jesus Christ?

O LORD, spare us. Spare your people O LORD from these men; these Modernists.

Truly, we are being scourged. 


Vatican Radio) The President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, said on Wednesday he sees Buddhist-Catholic dialogue as “a part of our ongoing quest to grasp the mystery of our lives and the ultimate Truth.”

Guns and glass houses

"It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn't it?"

Monday 22 June 2015

Laudato si : My aching back

"Work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfillment.” Laudato si 128

“And to Adam he said: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life.” Genesis 3:17

Laudato si : Bless me Father for I have sinned, I have air conditioning in my home, office and car!

How much fuel does it take to fly thousands around the world to World Youth Day? Or how much does it cost a man whose business was closed for six months for which they never recovered after urine and excrement (and condoms) from World Youth Day Toronto 2002 ended up in his store?  
55. Some countries are gradually making significant progress, developing more effective controls and working to combat corruption. People may well have a growing ecological sensitivity but it has not succeeded in changing their harmful habits of consumption which, rather than decreasing, appear to be growing all the more. A simple example is the increasing use and power of air-conditioning. The markets, which immediately benefit from sales, stimulate ever greater demand. An outsider looking at our world would be amazed at such behaviour, which at times appears self-destructive.
My friend Glen, a devout Catholic, sells air conditioning to support his family. Perhaps they should starve. I have asthma. On smoggy, humid days I depend on it. Perhaps I should just suffocate.

Or maybe this would be less sinful. Except for the plastic bottles and water taken out of an aquifer somewhere.

I know, why don't we kill of 6,000,000,000 or so and then it will all be okay.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Laudato si: Earth Charter Globalists ecstatic and intend on "neutralising" the Catholic faith

At La Salette Blog, Paul Anthony Melanson highlights 207 of Laudato si. Pope Francis writes that:
"The Earth Charter asked us to leave behind a period of self-destruction and make a new start."
What is the Earth Charter and why should you care?

From La Salette: 
Speaking about the Earth Charter and related globalism, Msgr. Michel Schooyans said, "In order to consolidate this holistic vision of globalism, certain obstacles have to be smoothed out and instruments put to work. Religions in general, and in the first place the Catholic religion, figure among the obstacles that have to be neutralized."
Monsignor Shooyans also writes that Imperial Marxism has been replaced by United Nations secularism. 

The United Nations. The Earth Charter. These are they who are overjoyed at this Encyclical and who the ghostwriters consulted and whose bidding they undertook.

Does Pope Francis realise who and what he has allied himself with?

Laudato si: One little drop

Pope Francis has issued his long-awaited Encyclical, Laudato si. Like a drop of poison in a glass of water, there is much in this document to be questioned and to be concerned about. From the ghostwriter to the presenters, as a Catholic, I find the lowering of the Church's standards to a PR campaign, deplorable.

In an effort to be charitable, we can only conclude that the Pope himself has been duped by evil men surrounding him. 

Over a series of short-posts, it is my intent to highlight some of the most egregious statements in this document. 

The world is aflame with terrorism and Christian slaughter. Our sister Asia Bibi still languishes in a jail awaiting her death sentence. Once rational nations are sanctioning marriage between those of the same sex and transgenderism and paedophilia are becoming more acceptable. The family is in crisis. The Catholic faith in the West is dying and this is what we get from the Church. 

Two days ago I wrote about what is nothing more than a Masonic prayer written by or under the authority of Pope Francis. A prayer that could be recited in the Lodge, a Synagogue a Mosque or around Stonehenge that offers a generic god proven by its preamble and the "Christian" prayer that follows.
9. At the same time, Bartholomew has drawn attention to the ethical and spiritual roots of environmental problems, which require that we look for solutions not only in technology but in a change of humanity; otherwise we would be dealing merely with symptoms. He asks us to replace consumption with sacrifice, greed with generosity, wastefulness with a spirit of sharing, an asceticism which “entails learning to give, and not simply to give up. It is a way of loving, of moving gradually away from what I want to what God’s world needs. It is liberation from fear, greed and compulsion”.[17] As Christians, we are also called “to accept the world as a sacrament of communion, as a way of sharing with God and our neighbours on a global scale. It is our humble conviction that the divine and the human meet in the slightest detail in the seamless garment of God’s creation, in the last speck of dust of our planet”.[18]
 [18] “Global Responsibility and Ecological Sustainability”, Closing Remarks, Halki Summit I, Istanbul (20 June 2012).

What are we to think when the Vicar of Christ issues an Encyclical that states that we should accept the world "as a sacrament of communion?" This is not his quote, it is a quote from the close of a an Istanbul meeting. Why would the Holy Catholic Church use such a description that is nothing more that a blasphemy to the true "Sacrament of Communion." 

Only one drop friends.

Lawsuits - shutting down the opposition and the truth!

One of the undercurrents of the attempt by Father Thomas Rosica to sue this writer (he later states that he "had no intention to sue") is a not-so-soft, fascism against the new media and that includes Blogs.

LifeSiteNews.com spend hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves against the former homosexual prostitute and choice advocate Raymond Gravelle who sadly, was a Catholic priest. Gravelle died a suffering death from cancer. He has met the Lord and it is the Lord who will judge him for what he did.

Now, the Peel District School Board in Mississauga, west of Toronto has announced the intent to sue LifeSiteNews over an article about a workshop by two teachers.

The question for the school board is why are you suing LifeSiteNews? Why are you not disciplining teachers who bring their political agenda into the classroom and promote ideas against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of parents?

Will the Board now come and sue me for reporting this news?


Featured Image
Details of Peel Region Board Legal threat against LifeSiteNews
June 19, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - On June 4 LifeSite was delivered a complaint letter from the law firm Keel Cottrelle, acting on behalf of Ontario’s Peel District School board, threatening legal action regarding two April news reports by LSN journalist Peter Baklinski. See a copy of the full complaint here.
The reports regarding one particular workshop given by two lesbian teachers that were cited, “Lesbian: I use math class to teach young kids about homosexuality so I can ‘hide’ it from parents” and “Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4-years-old” are claimed to “have included inappropriate, aggressive and hateful comments regarding Board representatives,” among other claims. 
LifeSite rejects all of the claims and has responded with demands that the Peel board immediately either withdraw in writing the allegations or immediately provide adequate particulars supporting them.
We have also challenged the notion that the School Board has any legal interest or claim in this matter since, for one thing, the workshop leader began the presentation on which LifeSiteNews reported with the following statement:
"My name is Hiren Mistry. I am from the Peel District School Board, but I, along with the team we're with today, are not representing the board. We're representing ourselves as individuals who are committed to equity and inclusive work.”
LifeSite did not specifically say in its reports that the two named teachers were employees of the school board.
As well, there does not appear to have been any evidence that the school board had any connection with the event sponsored by the pro-LGBT group Jer’s Vision, held in a public venue at Toronto City Hall.
LifeSite reporter Peter Baklinski registered to attend the conference and was soon called by the founder of Jer’s Vision, Jeremy Dias, who stated he was an “avid reader” of LifeSite, which he considered to be “good work” and that he was “thrilled” that Baklinski was coming to his conference on implementing an agenda promoting same-sex “marriage,” gender fluidity and other controversial issues.
Dias stated he was “super happy to comment or share, or anything like that,” and said he would help the LifeSite reporter, “if you need, like, an interview for anything.” Therefore, it was expected that Baklinski would naturally be attending the open-to-the-public conference as a LifeSite news reporter.
The complaint also demanded that LifeSite remove from its reports the images in the reports that included primary grade children as well as a video of Alicia Gunn instructing young students on homosexuality.
LifeSite notes all such images were re-publications of images previously published on the Internet by other parties.
One of the disputed images originated from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation on Ontario Voice (EFTO) website, which is accessible to the general public. As well, that image does not show the faces of the children.
LSN made use of the image of Pam Strong reading to students at Ellengale Public School without any knowledge of opposition by the School Board to its prior publication by EFTO. LSN has demanded answers to five questions from the School Board regarding this image.
The embedded video clip in one of the stories, LifeSite notes, was produced by TVO in 2008, and is featured on the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) website, which is accessible to the general public.  LSN linked to the video without knowledge of any opposition by the School Board to is prior publication by TVO and OTIP.
LifeSite has demanded answers from the School Board to five questions concerning the video.
Baklinski attended the conference with his video and audio equipment so that his reports would be entirely factual and 100 percent accurate.
LSN has denied the allegation that LSN was requested to cease recording at the workshop. 
There were no rules or conditions communicated by the organizers prior to the event regarding recording by this known journalist who was registered to attend. One organizer did raise an objection, but this objection was not raised before the proceedings had ended.  In any event, none of the video recording by Baklinski was incorporated in the reports.
LSN also denies the allegations that the two LSN reports have “incited hateful responses which call the safety of the individuals into question.”
Both reports simply relate the content of a public workshop in the presenters’ own words. At no point did the reporter engage in mere speculation, opinion or innuendo. Strong and Gunn are solely responsible for the consequences of their public comments.
LifeSite emphasizes that there are legal and constitutional issues raised by the workshop which are matters of public interest, and that the members of the public rely upon a free press to bring these issues to their attention.
LifeSite demands that the PSB retract its threat of legal action and stop wasting taxpayer dollars on a frivolous lawsuit that will only result in public embarrassment.
LifeSite instead urges the Board to investigate, as part of its obligations to the parents of the Peel School Board, and others,  the substance of the candid admissions made by two of its employees that they are trying to change the belief systems of the students to whom their parents entrusted them.