A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 10 April 2020

King's College Cambridge 2014 Easter #20 Were you there arr James Whitb...

Handel - He was despised (Messiah) sung by countertenor Iestyn Davies

Pergolesi - Stabat Mater

VOCES8: 'Ne Irascaris Domine' & 'Civitas Sancti Tui' by William Byrd

Be not angry, O Lord,

and remember our iniquity no more.

Behold, we are all your people.

Your holy city has become a wilderness.

Zion has become a wilderness,

Jerusalem has been made desolate.

"Vere languores" Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 - 1611)

 Truly, our failings he has taken upon himself
and our sorrows he has borne
 By his wounds we have been saved.

O sweet wood, O sweet nails that bore this sweet burden
which alone were worthy to support
the King of heaven and Lord.

Thursday 9 April 2020

33 Years

The age of Our Blessed Lord at the time of the betrayal by Judas Iscariot who was not a "good boy" and of whom the Lord said, "It would be better had he not been born," and whom has always been presumed to be in Hell.

The number of years which your writer has sung the Triduum.

Until this year. Surreal.

O Sacrum Convivium - Tomas Tallis

What today is all about.

Felice Anerio: Christus factus est

Gradual for Holy Thursday.

Nos autem gloriari oportet:Palestrina

Thank you to this Korean choir who seems to know how to sing Palestrina better than most who wish to do this glorious piece twice as fast. I mean, seriously, what do you think you're doing? I sang this for years at The Toronto Oratory.

Introitus - Nos autem gloriari with our Holy Father, Benedict XVI in 2011

From more simpler and innocent times.

I could just weep.

Wednesday 8 April 2020


Judas was a "good boy" and Jesus called him "friend."

What is it with this non Vicar of Christ that at a time with the world groaning medically, socially and economically he can't even stop for Holy Week from his insanity, his heresy and his evil statements. I read the opinion a few days ago that this man is possessed by the devil and has been since his youth. 

There can be no doubt.

Get out of Rome, now!

Non Vicar of Christ Bergoglio dares God to act again!

It wasn't enough that Bergoglio allowed the bowing down and worship of a pagan idol, now, because he did not get the explicit answer he wants, he tries again on the issue of women in the Diaconate.

May God deal with Him swiftly and decisively. I expect that the Vatican will be destroyed and most of Rome along with it. I would expect it to happen soon, as fast as the China Virus has come  upon us. 

A most evil and despicable man is this Jorge Mario Bergoglio. A man whose actions can only lead one to believe that he is perfectly possessed by a demon from Hell if not Satan himself.

He spits in the Face of God, in this most Holy of Weeks!

O God in heaven, save us. Save us from the evil hirelings who have taken your Church and the evil imposter who is not the Vicar of Christ by his own admission.

Carlo Gesualdo - Tristis est anima mea