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Showing posts with label Woe Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woe Canada. Show all posts

Saturday 4 November 2017

Meet Canada's new Governor General - Space Cadet Julie Payette

Meet Canada's new Governor-General, the representative in Canada of Elizabeth II, Queen.

Julie Payette, the Governor General of Canada, essentially mocked people for believing in horoscopes, alternative medicine, divine intervention and for not believing in climate change, incredulous that some Canadians would hold those views 'still today in learned society,' Robyn Urback writes.

The only thing more embarrassing than Payette is the burnt out lightboob that recommended that Her Majesty actually appoint her.

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Truly, our poor nation of Canada is under a chastisement. Truly, I think 40 days and nights of rain would be easier to endure.

Nobody says it like Rex Murphy.

Good grief, even the CBC gets it.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Martin Currie, D.D. the Archbishop of St. John's and the sad winding down of the Catholic faith

The Catholic faithful of Newfoundland and Labrador have suffered greatly at the hands of those in the Church who have betrayed Christ.

Long before the news of sodomitical sexual perverts in the priesthood was made known and the great tragedy of abuse upon tens of thousands of young boys and girls, but mostly boys, in the United States, Canada had its own crisis in Newfoundland. This idyllic province of kind and charitable people endured a scandalous and grotesquely sinful series of cover-ups by its bishops - cover ups of rape, abuse and battery by priests and religious brother upon hundreds of boys, many of them in the Mt. Cashel Orphanage. The pathetic series culminated in the arrest and conviction of the Bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Raymond Lahey, born in St. John's and former bishop of the Diocese of St. George, Newfoundland. Lahey could very well have been a child victim of pervert priests who grew up to become an aficionado of child pornography.

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The Church is in utter collapse in Newfoundland. The Archbishop, Martin Currie, has announced the new "strategic plan," to manage the crisis and the shut-down.

To my many readers in Newfoundland, you have every right to be outraged by these pathetic men. They have no faith and they have closed it off to you. You must rise up and confront these malefactors and take back the faith of your fathers. 

What are you waiting for? How much more abuse will you take?

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix asks "who are we to judge?" You're an Apostle of Jesus Christ, that's "who!"

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix, the Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada is a man deluded by political correctness and a mind of modernist confusion; a man that another generation of Quebec Churchmen would have sent off to a monastery for serious rehabilitation and a life of prayer and work. 

In an interview on the matter of a person asking for medically assisted murder/suicide, he said, "who are we to judge?" on the matter of them having a Catholic funeral


Suicide, is a mortal sin. There are mitigating factors, however, to the culpability of the individual. Given our understanding of mental illness and depression, some of those who took their lives are tortured souls, irrational, suffering from psychosis, great stress or other serious mental illness. They may feel trapped, may be goaded into committing such an act, bullied, threatened, insane. There are multiple reasons that would cause a person to commit such an irrational act. For these poor souls, there can, on our part, only be compassion and sorrow and a trust in the mercy of God.

Someone who asks to be murdered under my pathetic nation's new euthanasia law is totally different. That person, knowingly, intentionally and willfully takes their own life. They are of sound mind; in fact, the so-called "law' requires it! They not only have the mortal sin of their own suicide but they are culpable for asking someone to murder them. They are obstinate in sin, they have committed the ultimate sin, the rejection of the Holy Spirit and objectively speaking, every single one is in Hell.

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix is a coward, a pathetic man who in another era of great Quebecois churchmen would have been slapped by men such as St. Francoise Laval and I dare say, St. Andre of Montreal. A man who has long forgotten the admonishment by the Prophet Ezeckiel, 3:18:

"If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."

Will Gérald Lacroix spend an eternity in the lowest pits of Hell with those whom he did not "judge," screaming back at him in anger for not preaching against what they did to themselves? The Prophet Ezeckiel says it without any hesitation.

Gérald Lacroix, a pathetic churchman with incredibly black hair for someone of his age.

Does he, or doesn't he?

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Friday 14 July 2017

Does the CCCB liturgy head, Father Terry Fournier, believe in Transubstantiation?

Nota Bene: I have most certainly written to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding this. They have not responded. They never do. They have had plenty of time to respond to my letter and to this article. They have not. 

Do not sit out there and accuse this writer of "grave sin" because I reported what the priest interviewed should have corrected right after it appeared in the press. Did he not read it? Did he not see what the reporter wrote? Should he not have contracted the reporter to retract or clarify? Should he not have written here or responded to the email stating that he asked The Star for a correction or clarification?

How dare you sit in judgement of this writer.

Go ask the priest!

There has been apoplectic hysteria in the secular media about the circular letter from the Church on the proper matter for the bread to become consecrated as the Body of Our Lord at the Holy Mass. The issue has been quite misconstrued and distorted by an ignorant press. The fact is, the Church has always held this position, since the matter of "gluten-free" anything became an issue. 

We have Monsignors using money from who knows where to buy cocaine for a sodomite orgy in the Vatican - a situation totally ignored by the secular press, but this is what they have spent a week reporting to discredit the Church for the few Celiac sufferers who cannot consume Blessed Sacrament under one species, even though the other is available.

Anyone who cannot receive Body of the Lord under the form of bread, can receive the Blood of Christ under what was wine, even a child and even at the traditional Latin Mass.

Look, if there is no gluten, then it is not wheat flour, it does not make bread and there is no confection of the Blessed Sacrament, no transubstantiation, period!

This is not a new instruction by the Church, it is simply a restatement of the facts for the reason that the abuse is occurring by errant priests and bishops and the result is that the Sacrament simply isn't!

Invalid matter does not make for a Sacrament!

The Toronto Star is a notorious and near-bankrupt rag of anti-Catholic bigotry and leftism and it has joined the parade. What the Star writes on the matter is not the point, it is who is interviewed and what is said that must be exposed to the Catholic faithful.

Andrea Adam, a rather poorly catechized Catholic mother has a child suffering from Celiac's disease. Mrs. Adam would not accept her parish priest's decision that gluten-free hosts would not be provided. The Toronto Star reporter states that "in the end, Adam took her daughter to Ottawa, where she was able to receive Holy Communion with a gluten-free host."

I've got news for Andrea Adam.

Your daughter was not, "able to receive Holy Communion."  S
he received a substance made from non-wheat flour that was nothing more than that.

Did know priest ever tell the poor woman this? 

Note that this was Ottawa, under the nose of Archbishop Terence Prendergast, S.J.!

Now, for more.

Terry Fournier is a priest of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and is National Director of Office of Liturgy (English Sector) for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Fournier is quoted in the Toronto Star article as follows:

Did you catch that?

"Symbolizes the blood of Christ."

The reporter does not place the phrase, which symbolizes the blood of Christ, in quotation marks. 

Why is this? Did Father say, "don't quote me," with a wink, wink and a nudge, nudge? Is there a reason why the writer quotes him, but does not, at the same time?

I think Father Terry Fournier and Bishop Crosby, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, should confirm whether the Grand Pub-ha of the liturgical mess of the 
mass that occurs in Canada actually believes in Transubstantiation and the Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic species under the appearance of bread and wine.

Yes, or no, Father Fournier, which is it?

Oh, and, Your Grace, what of that parish in Ottawa with the invalid matter?

Saturday 1 July 2017

Woe Canada

July 1.

Once known as Dominion Day after the 72nd Psalm, "And he shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the great river to the ends of the earth." It recalled the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans and the St. Lawrence River. It remains, for now at least, on Canada's Coat of Arms.

Official Coat of Arms of the Dominion of Canada, Approved November 21, 1921.

We are a nation that has lost its way.

It was founded by Catholics and its natives were protected and nurtured in the faith, there were no "Indian wars" here. Champlain, Montcalm, MacDonald, Cartier, would they recognise this land today and what it has become? 

A nation that wipes out its generation of young in the womb and now sending its old to the tomb. It sanctions so-called "marriage" of the same-sex, stands by whilst the Court recognises that oral sex with an animal is just fine, legalises marijuana and more.

A nation that has two anthems, one which speaks of the Cross and the other asking God to keep us "strong and free." It is a mockery, they disgrace our history, our culture and the faith of our Fathers, - English and French, protestant and Catholic. Canada long ago under the father of our current Prime Minister became radically secularist. So much so that Catholic Prime Ministers - Trudeau, Clark, Mulroney, Chretien, Martin, and now Trudeau again, have betrayed their faith and their land. 

Weep for her. 

Wednesday 31 May 2017

But for a chicken leg, John?

Malcolm Muggeridge, the legendary English author and journalist, knew Svetlana Stalin, the daughter of Soviet dictator, “Uncle Joe,” Stalin. It was through Muggeridge that it came to be known that on his deathbed, Stalin was plagued with terrifying hallucinations when suddenly, he sat up halfway in bed, clenched his fist and shook it towards heaven, before falling back down, dead. The last gesture of this murderous, sadistic loser was to defy and curse God.

As Catholics, we know that the only sin that God cannot forgive and will not forgive is the sin against the Holy Spirit – that is, final impenitence and an utter rejection of His Divine Mercy. While we cannot state with knowing certainty, based upon known knowns, it is likely that Joseph Stalin is in Hell.

In 1938, John Terrance Shields was born in New York City. The Irish-American Catholic became a priest sometime in the 1960’s probably around 1965. His formation would have been prior to, and during, the Second Vatican Council. Shields became "disillusioned" with the Church after the death of John XXIII particularly over what he saw as a rejection of the liberality of John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council by Paul VI. He was particularly disturbed by the Pope's affirmation of Original Sin, the theology of which Shields abhorred. He left the priesthood, and came to Canada in 1969. We assume that he was “laicised” by the Church. Eventually he married, a woman and then another woman.

Just like Stalin, Shields was a darling of the political Left. Alas, if only the similarity ended there.

In his book, The Priest Who Left His Priesthood in Pursuit of Cosmic Spirituality, Shields wrote, "I have drawn great personal strength from knowing that my conscious energy will persist beyond the moment of my death."

What arrogance. What hubris.

Euthanasia is now the law of the land in Canada and the cause has been led for years by those living on the west coast. Having left the priesthood and married, Shields was dying and chose, as did Stalin, to shake his fist at God and take his own life, with the aid of the doctor who murdered him, the nurses who assisted and the politicians, lawyers and judges who enabled it.

“Two days before he was scheduled to die, John Shields roused in his hospice bed with an unusual idea. He wanted to organize an Irish wake for himself. It would be old-fashioned with music and booze, except for one notable detail — he would be present. The party should take up a big section of Swiss Chalet, a family-style chain restaurant on the road out of town. Shields wanted his last supper to be one he so often enjoyed on Friday nights when he was a young Catholic priest — rotisserie chicken legs with gravy.”  John Shields, who had a rare and incurable disease called amyloidosis, was relieved to discover he qualified for medical assistance in dying. John Shields would have his “last supper.”
The link to the whole, original article in the New York Times follows. Catholics with faith will find it chilling.

A supper like the “one he so often enjoyed on Friday nights when he was a young Catholic priest — rotisserie chicken legs with gravy," on a day when Catholics, priest and laity alike, are to do penance and refrain from flesh-meat.

He was as defiant in his priesthood as he was on his deathbed actively shaking his fist at heaven and mocking the Church in exchange for a rotisserie chicken dinner.  

Catholics can have hope that if John, before taking that final breath, before the brain waves flattened and his heart ceased to beat, called out from his mind to the LORD whom he abandoned for his Divine Mercy, he would have been heard.

Because of John Shields' example, how many others will choose to follow his path where more than the chicken is on the rotisserie.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

It's okay, Your Holiness, we feel the same about him.


As John Robson of the National Post, so wryly points out, "The Pope is a lucky man. Not everyone gets a chance to be lectured on moral matters by Canada’s prime minister."

A Prime Minister who barred any candidates from the Liberal Party unless they supported abortion, no tolerance for any Member of Parliament to introduce a private members bill to any way deter abortion; a man who has ordered $600,000,000.00 of Canadian taxpayers money to fund abortion overseas, marches in sodomitical rights parades, ushered in euthanasia, legalised marijuana and prostitution to say nothing of the economic theft of future generations.

Oh, and did I mention that he is a Catholic?

Ontario to establish "safe space" for baby murderers

Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi will be proposing legislation to establish safe zones around health facilities, after a rise in confrontations outside the Morgentaler abortion clinic here in Ottawa.Naqvi said women have the constitutional right to control their bodies, and the right to privacy. "It is critical that those protections be enshrined in law to provide consistent protection across the province," he told a news conference. "In an increasingly-polarized society, it is critical that we protect a woman's fundamental right to choose." Naqvi noted that several other provinces have similar laws in place. He said he plans to consult widely and hopes to have the legislation ready for consideration in the fall.

"The woman's fundamental right to choose?"

Choose what Naqvi?

Tell us, what is that choice?

It is this?

Image result for abortion pictures

Some choice.

You're not a very good Muslim.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Canadian Doctors afraid to commit euthanasia?

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Canadian doctor suddenly discovers he`s committing murder!

April 3, 2017 (BreakPoint) -- Last year, Canada enacted a Medical Aid in Dying law. The legislation allows physicians to help gravely ill patients end their lives. Advocates of these sorts of laws justify it by using words such as “compassion,” and “death with dignity”—and many Canadian doctors agreed, saying they’d be glad to participate in physician-assisted suicide.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Canada’s brave new world of state-sponsored killing. Dozens of physicians who signed up, including many who actually provided lethal medications to patients, now want their names removed from the list. According to Canada’s National Post, in Ontario, one of the few provinces that actually tracks this kind of data, 24 physicians have been removed permanently from a voluntary referral list of those willing to assist people who want to end their lives. Another 30 have put their names on temporary hold. Not even the Canadian Medical Association can say how many are having second thoughts—but their decisions are reverberating through the system.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Canada to fund African genocide

Justin Trudeau, an apostate Catholic and Prime Minister of Canada has announced $650 million in funding for something called "women's reproductive health," in other countries. We know what this means, the death of millions of babies in their mother's wombs.

It is racist and imperialist of Canada.The bulk of these funds are intended for Africa where children are highly valued.

I am no leftist but can we not see that this is nothing more than the continual plundering of that continent for our own ends? This time it is to reduce the population so we can continue to prop up dictatorial regimes and steal the African wealth. 

God will not be mocked.

Justin will find that out one day.

The Canadian Bishops have acted swiftly and with incredible clarity.

So has Cardinal Collins.

Bishop Crosby Plénière 2015

Prime Minister,

On 8 March 2017 the Government of Canada announced $650 million over three years for "sexual and reproductive health and rights". According to a backgrounder provided to the media, a major part of the funding will be toward removing "judicial and legal barriers to the fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health and rights". As cited by the Globe and Mail on 9 March 2017, a federal official has confirmed "these barriers include the anti-abortion laws in many countries."

Such a policy is a reprehensible example of Western cultural imperialism and an attempt to impose misplaced but so-called Canadian "values" on other nations and people. It exploits women when they are most in need of care and support, and tragically subverts true prenatal health care. It negates our country's laudable efforts to welcome refugees and offer protection to the world's homeless, when the youngest of human lives will instead be exterminated and the most vulnerable of human beings discarded as unwanted human tissue.

Your policy and vision, contrary to the fundamental ethic of protecting the most vulnerable and assisting the weakest, are in conflict with the principles instinctively shared by the majority of the world's population and consistently upheld by the Catholic Church: to defend and protect human life from conception to natural death.

On behalf of all the bishops of Canada I thank you for your consideration and I remain,

(Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI

Bishop of Hamilton
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
10 March 2017

Monday 20 February 2017

Gregory Baum, Raymond Lahey - how many more sodomite perverts are hiding out in the Church in Canada?

A few days ago, the news broke that Gregory Baum, a former Augustinian priest, theologian and peritus at Vatican II is a sodomite. The word "homosexual" is only from the late 19th century. It is a nonsensical word mean man-sex, here we will choose to use the perfectly good biblical word, sodomite. 

The news about Baum was self-revealed in his book, published last November; it seems that nobody really read it until recently that the news should come out. 

Baum engaged in his first perverted behaviour with another man, a fellow priest, in 1964, one year after the end of the Second Vatican Council and four years before he, along with Remi de Roo, brow-beat weak, ineffective and probably effeminate Canadian bishops to dissent against Humanae Vitae and whose reasoning of "conscience" is now used by Bergoglio and his clerical henchmen, to betray the Lord Jesus and the faithful on matters of adultery.

Dissent is all related to matters below the belly button.

Related imageRaymond Lahey was the Bishop of Antigonish, in Nova Scotia. On a trip back from Bangkok; yes, you can ask, "why was a Canadian bishop vacationing in Bangkok, Lahey was arrested and later charged and convicted of having child pornography on his laptop computer. The evidence showed that Lahey used the exploitation and sexual degradation of children for his own masturbatory fantasies. The pervert bishop also engaged in at least a ten-year long sodomitical relationship. He has been defrocked.

This writer is aware of more, many more. 

Auxiliary Bishops.

Seminary professors. 


The Church in Canada is infiltrated at all levels with men who have no love of the true faith and no love of Christ. There goal is to destroy the Church and the faith of the people.

They must be outed. 

Saturday 18 February 2017

With the revelation of Baum's sodomitical life the Canadian Bishops more than ever must condemn the Winnipeg Statement!

Image result for canadian bishops  plenary

To the Bishops of Canada!  

  • Gregory Baum was one of Canada's "experts" at the Second Vatican Council. Upon his return, the then set out to influence your predecessors against Humanae Vitae and to declare their dissent and create de facto schism from the Church in the Winnipeg Statement. Those words then are now used by the Bishop of Rome and others to justify their scandalous plan to dismiss mortal sin and the Sixth Commandment and to defame the Holy Eucharist.
  • Gregory Baum admits to having a sodomitical relationship with another man around 1964, just after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council and prior to the Winnipeg Statement. No doubt, Baum knew quite well at Vatican II that he was already a sodomite in thought, if not in action.
  • Baum dissented from the Church's teaching and broke his vows to the Church and his Augustinian Order. Later, he continued by leaving his Order, and marrying a woman without even being laicised and then breaking whatever vows he made to her be engaging in degrading and perverted sexual behaviour with other men.
  • Yet, to this day, the Winnipeg Statement on which Gregory Baum was a major influence, still stands notwithstanding various attempts, to clarify current thinking, nor will one rarely hear from the pulpit, the rightness of Humane Vitae.
  • Baum's entire life has been a lie. The man has engaged in deception for decades and admits it in his book.

Given now the clear revelations from this man directly that he was a dissenter and a betrayer of Christ and His Church, his vows and nature itself, will you know do your duty?

Will you now rise up and condemn the Winnipeg Statement!

Will you now cause all - yourselves and all Canadian priests, religious and faithful to do public penance and reparation in our churches for this error?

Or, objectively speaking, will you burn in Hell along with the filthy pervert Baum so praised on the Salt + Light program Witness by Tom Rosica, which you support and encourage with the money from the Catholic faithful?

Imagine that, eh? You, dear bishop, in Hell with Gregory Baum looking back at you and laughing at you for all eternity, along with "Normand."

Thursday 16 February 2017

Gregory Baum is a Sodomite! What a surprise ...

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Well, what do we have here?

It turns out that Gregory Baum, a Jew, turned Catholic, Augustinian Priest, Vatican II Periti, Apostate, who abandoned the Bride of Christ for a woman and became a Presbyterian, now admits to abandoning all to declare himself a sodomite!

In a story by Christine Niles at ChurchMilitant, Baum reveals in:

A new book by a priest who led the vanguard of dissent on birth control in Canada reveals for the first time his decades living as an active homosexual. Father Gregory Baum, a laicized priest married to a former nun for 30 years, admits in his forthcoming autobiography The Oil Has Not Run Dry that his wife did not mind the fact that he had a gay priest-lover on the side.

Tommy Rosica, a Basilian priest, who has just announced his departure from coordination of the World Youth Daze, has said of Baum:
"Gregory, we've known each other for a long time. ... I've certainly admired very much your theology, your writings, but also your love of the Church, your love of Christ, and you help to keep alive not only the spirit of the Second Vatican Council but the authentic teaching of the Council."

Baum reports that he was in love with and had sodomitical relations with a priest, first in London and then in Montreal. But that priest did not love him back in the same way. 

"Shirley did not mind that, when we moved to Montreal in 1986, I met Normand, a former priest, with whom I fell in love," Baum writes in Chapter 32. "My love for Normand has never changed: his presence delights me to this day. While Normand is gay and welcomed my sexual embrace when we were younger (I was sixty-three when I met him, (ewww) he was forty-six), he did not love me as I did him: (Oh cry me a river!) He simply regards me as a great friend for who [sic] he makes room in his life. I fully accept this."

Gregory, when you die, you will go to Hell. You will know in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye of your last breath. You will go there for betraying Christ, His Church, your second wife, a former nun, and nature.

Hell Gregory, Hell!

Repent, and be saved.

Perhaps Tom can have him on Witness again to ask him for a philosophical and theological dissertation on the joy of oral copulation, felching and rimming and whether or not he contracted HIV and gave it to his wife.  What about fisting, Rosica? Can you have Baum on a Witness from program to discuss if Baum has experience with fisting, or with gerbils? Does Baum now need to wear diapers because his sphincter no longer keeps it all in?

Tells us Thomas J. Rosica, interview him again so that we can now what Baum thinks of coprophilia and if he has engaged in coprophagia? Or do we ask Bergoglio since he seems to know so much about it? 

Surely, it would be good to know if Baum engaged in analingus with that priest in 1964 in London, and what about Normand?  

What a filthy, vile,disgusting bundle of sticks is this Baum!

And what bishop thought this filthy pervert worthy to have hands laid upon him for ordination?

Monday 30 January 2017

A timely Office Hymn

Overnight, there was a terrorist attack at a mosque in Quebec resulting in the death of at least six people. The victims were all Muslims.

One man, a young Quebecois, has been arrested and charged.

May God, in his infinite mercy, grant peace to those who sincerely tried, in spite of the falsity of the corrupted belief system that they followed, to seek Him.

Of course, leftists in Canada and elsewhere are blaming the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump for the attack. One person, a Quebecois, has been arrested. His motives, at this point, are undetermined, but of course, he liked Donald Trump on Facebook.

We also hear the usual bleating from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the very pretty Father Edward Beck, James Martin, Daniel Horan and the usual crows of Marxist Priests on who evil the President's actions are and how it is our Christian duty to bring every one of the world's suffering in to our lands.

Not true. They are Marxists and globalists, they are not Catholic.

And nobody has right to enter another country. People have a right to dwell in safety and security in their lands.

Today, in Lauds of the Divine Office we find the following hymn.

Tu natale solum protege, tu bonae
Da pacis requiem Christiadum plagis
Armorum strepitus, et fera praelia
In fines age Thracios.

Et regum socians agmina sub crucis
Vexillo, Solymas nexibus exime,
Vindexque innocui sanguinis hosticum
Robur funditus erue.

Tu nostrum columen, tu decus inclytum,
Nostrarum obsequium respice mentium;
Romae vota libens excipe, quae pio
Te ritu canit, et colit.

A nobis abigas lubrica gaudia
Tu, qui Martyribus dexter ades, Deus
Une et Trine: tuis da famulis jubar,
Quo clemens animos beas.

Be thou the guardian of thy native land,
And to all Christian nations grant repose
From din of arms, and every hostile band—
From all our borders drive away our foes.

Bid Christian princes marshal all their force
Beneath the sacred standard of the Rood,
To avenge sweet Salem's sacrilegious loss,
And crush the Paynim red with guiltless blood.

On thee our hopes are built, as on a tower;
Receive the homage we now humbly pay,
The vows which Rome accomplishes this hour,
With pious rites, and canticles' sweet lay.

Keep far from us all dangerous delight,
O God, who comfortest thy Martyrs' pain;
One God in Persons Three, bestow thy light
Wherewith Thou makest strong thy Martyrs slain.


You can sing it to the tune, "Woodlands," (Tell Out My Soul)

Oh, in case you are wondering what "Paynim" means, click here.

Monday 9 January 2017

Dr. Jordan Peterson's New Year Letter to the World!

From the Everyday For Life Canada Blog: 

"University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson posted, on You Tube at the end of 2016, a very thoughtful and profound message called, "New Year's Letter to the World." The inspiring and soundly  reasoned argument should be heard by all Canadians and people around the world.
If you have not heard of Professor Peterson, you should get to know him. Peterson is that kind of gifted and caring instructor that parents wish their children to have. He's presently caught up in a battle for freedom of speech because he refuses to use gender neutral pronouns. The university, like most other public institutions, is forcing everyone to accept diversity and identity policies. Professor Peterson has had the courage and good sense to oppose the tyranny of political correctness. He's defending the dignity of the human person. It's courageous individuals like Peterson who make me proud to be a Canadian."
Read the rest at: 

Monday 19 December 2016

Bishops of Atlantic Canada, where are you going and what are you all doing in that handbasket?

Image result for bishops in hell

Take a look, for a moment at these names. These are the Bishops of Atlantic Canada who "minister" to the long-suffering Catholic souls of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.

Consider now then, the very real probability that each of these cowardly, emasculated, heretical apostates will end up in Hell.

Anthony Mancini
Martin Currie
Valery Vienneau
Brian Dunn
Anthony Daniels
Claude Champagne
Richard Grecco
Peter Hundt
Robert Harris
Daniel Jodoin


With Satan and his minions and the tortured souls of countless priests and bishops and no doubt, a few popes, who betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church and His Truth and His people for expedience, for compromise, for a tax deduction. Hell, they will have chosen, so as not to offend the last few people filing their coffers.

One wonders if the accompaniment and last rites includes a request from Father for a bequeathment of property or money from the person about to commit suicide/be murdered. After all, can't let it all go to waste right? Give it to the Church!


These ten Bishops of Atlantic Canada are sanctioning the direct violation of the Fifth Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill!"

They are in direct contradiction of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as found in paragraph 227:

"Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator. The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded."

When these men die and find themselves moments later plunging into the depths of Hell, will they realise that this document may be the primary reason? When they meet, in Hell, the Catholics of Atlantic Canada who accepted "suicide" to be murdered by doctors, nurses and their families and a health-cares system and judicial and parliamentary system long since corrupted what will they say to them, when they are asked, "why didn't you stop me?" Now, I will torment you here for eternity for allowing me to make a decision that sent me here, Why didn't you warn me!"

No absolution before hand will change that reality. No accompaniment. No excuse that "well, we were just following in the spirit of Pope Francis!"

The Bishops of Atlantic Canada have issued a scandalous document consistent and not dissimilar to that issued by those in Quebec. One wonders if Marc Card. Ouellette, had given assent to it where no "last rites" will be given along with a Catholic funeral for those choosing so called, "doctor-assisted death."


The world has noticed this error, this heresy. It is a disgrace upon the Church in Canada. 



Edward Peters, a most eminent Canonist, has commented at In the Light of the Law, it's a brief and sound demolition of these errant bishops' actions. 

The secular world puts forward its shock at The American  Conservative as Rod Dreher provides arguably the most detailed and hard-hitting salvo at this rotten document and these rotten men. It is a must read:


There can be no charity for these men. There can be no respect for their Offices. They do not deserve it. They are evil men who deserve rebuke.

Are there any Catholics left in the Maritimes to hold these devils accountable? All ten of them deserve to be publicly rebuked and called out as heretics.

Contrast the heretical, scan
dalous and sacrilegious statements by the Atlantic Bishops Assembly with what the Bishops of Alberta and the Northwest Territories have stated, - no funerals and no last rites!


Contrast this with what I am told by priests that Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto said during the recent deanery meetings when asked about this matter and on how to interpret Amoris Laetitia; he referred the priests to the statements by the Alberta and Northwest Territories bishops.
I urge Cardinal Collins to make and emphatic declaration specifically to the people of the Archdiocese of Toronto consistent with the Bishops of Alberta and the Northwest Territories on both these matters.
https://twitter.com/archtoronto @archtoronto archbishop@archtoronto.org

Image result for bishops in hellLast rites, whether Extreme Unction or the modernist, Sacrament of the Sick include Confession and absolution. Clearly, a firm purpose of amendment is necessary for validity. How can one absolve under the excuse that the sin is not yet committed, when the intention is to commit it? This is illogical. The Church has wisely come to understand mental illness which can limit culpability in suicide, jumping off a bridge for example, can be a relatively spontaneous act which a person may be driven to out of some pathology or despair. I know of a situation. I am sure you do. We commend that poor soul to God's tenderness and mercy. Choosing to have a doctor murder you under the guise of doctor assisted suicide is chosen and rational suicide for the person and murder on the part of the doctor.

The third chapter of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel contains a severe warning for those ten men listed above. They should read it and contemplate it. Let it be a stark warning to these malefactors of what is awaiting them according to Ezekiel 3:17-19.

17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman to the house of Israel: and thou shalt hear the word out of my mouth, and shalt tell it them from me. 18 If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand. 19 But if thou give warning to the wicked, and he be not converted from his wickedness, and from his evil way: he indeed shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

"I will require his blood at thy hand."

The churches of Atlantic Canada are empty. A traditional Latin Mass is a rarity. You could count on one hand and still have fingers and a thumb left, over the number that occur with any regularity. The faith is in a state of disaster. Some of the only things that edify the Catholics there is their ability to read this blog and others on the internet that give them hope that all is not lost. I know this, because they write me. 

The number of sodomite clergy, including a bishops, is legendary in Atlantic Canada. The buggery of boys and the destruction of their lives is a shame that these pathetic bishops still fail to grasp. In a CBC report eleven years ago they outlined their fears of their future decline. Now, they only speed it along putting it into overdrive.

The Bishops of Atlantic Canada are traitors to the Faith. They have deserted the people. They have betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ. They are weak, emasculated evil shepherds. They can be nothing else.

They will be damned for what they have done.

Image result for bishops in hell

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Sexual indoctrination: an attack on parental rights, family and children’s souls. It's not our old "birds and bees."

The following is a guest post by Mr. Lou Iacobelli of the Everyday For Life Canada blog. In what is not your "birds and bees" education program, Lou highlights the indoctrination that has beset our children and families. I am honoured to know Lou and pleased that he has taken the time to write this important article to be posted here.

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Sexual indoctrination: an attack on parental rights, family and children’s souls
by Lou Iacobelli

Sexual indoctrination is an attack on parental rights, family. marriage and children’s souls. Let's connect the dots to see how we have arrived at this moral abyss, a ravine which is putting children and families at risk both physically and spiritually. The moral devastation of the sexual revolution of the 1960s has transformed itself into today's radical sex "education" programs. Let's examine some of the evidence.

The Vatican

At the last World Youth Day held in Poland, 2016, the Vatican released a radical sex education program. To the shock of many, the goal of the program contradicts past Church teaching on marriage, family and life. The program is called “The meeting Point: Course for Affective Sexual Education for Young people.” It's an explicit sexual program that is the direct fallout from Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia. The program is illustrated with a number of what can only be called pornographic photos.

What's wrong with it? There are so many things. To begin, it teaches about gender identity...a concept which is totally anti-Catholic because it rejects the biological and divine idea that human beings are made in the image of God, and created male and female. Instead, the Vatican program pushes the notion that parents are to make sure that their children are instructed in sexual education. But the program undermines parental rights by telling parents to let institutions do the sexual teaching not that parents are the prime educators of their children. There is no mention of sexual sins or the breaking of the 6th and 9th commandments. Basically, the Vatican has surrendered to the modern comprehensive sex education buzzword which is being pushed by all Western countries.

Ontario, Canada

In Ontario, Canada the radical sex curriculum began in earnest in 2009 with a school policy called, “Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.” This was followed in 2015 by the provincial Liberal government release of the Physical Heath and Education program that contains a very radical sex curriculum. The controversial contents are now protected by law with Bill 13, the Accepting Schools Act.” In short, the policy, the sex curriculum and the law establish gay/straight student clubs in both Catholic and public schools. Ontario schools must teach and recognize gender, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity. Children in elementary grades learn about genitalia, masturbation, sexual consent, anal sex, oral sex, condom use, sexual pleasure and how to make a sexual plan. Many Ontario parents have protested the sex curriculum because it violates parental rights and religious freedom. In fact, 186,000 parents signed petitions against the curriculum which were presented in the legislature. But the government has refused to listen and will not even allow parents to withdraw their children from any section of the curriculum even if contradicts family values and beliefs.

Ontario Bishops

In 2016, the Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document: for Grades 9-12, Religious Education prepared by the Institute for Catholic Education and approved by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario was released. The policy document states that Catholic religious courses will include the topics of gender, sexual orientation, homophobia, gender identity and expression. It's on pages 51-52 of the document, under the headings: "Healthy Relationships and Religious Education" and "Equity and Inclusive Religious Education." The bottom line is this: the Ontario bishops have surrendered and have now given the green light to the 2015 Government sex curriculum which undermines parental rights, puts children's bodies, minds and souls at risk. It is a sex education program that totally contradicts Catholic teaching on the person, family, marriage and sexuality. The bishops must have been reading from the liberal pages of the Vatican's sex curriculum.

Ontario Courts Overruling Parental Rights

In November 2016, after a four year costly legal battle, an Ontario judge ruled against a father who had gone to court to defend his parental rights and religious freedom. Dr. Steve Tourloukis took the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to court in 2012. He simply wanted the school to inform him of class lessons dealing with the sex curriclum that contradicted his Greek-Orthodox faith so that he could keep his children at home. The judge's verdict is no.

In his argument, the judge makes a statement that should concern all parents in the province. He agreed that parental rights must be respected. However, there is a limit. Judge Reid writes, "I do not take the position of the applicant that his authority over his children and their education supersedes the law. Rather, the applicant seeks a declaratory order to support his claim that he can assert his Charter and Code rights without the Board responding by asserting a superior level of authority when it comes to the education of his children." The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code are supposed to protect religious freedom. However, the judge decided that "a superior level of authority" trumps parental rights and religious liberty. Readers can get more information about this terrible decision by going to the Parental Rights in Education Defence Fund.

The United Nations

The same radical comprehensive sex education is being pushed by the United Nations around the world. The UN website nicely describes it as "helping young people to explore and nurture positive values regarding their sexual and reproductive health. This education includes discussions about family life, relationships, culture and gender roles, and also addresses human rights, gender equality, and threats such as discrimination and sexual abuse." For many years, the United Nations has been advocating for universal sexual education. They have tried to go even further by suggesting that sexual rights is a universal human right, like the right to food, clean air and water! Note how sex education includes "gender roles" which means that children should be taught about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. There is never a mention about the important role of parents. What's happening is that children are being taught the secular vocabulary of sex and this will change their thinking and then of course, their behaviour. 


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in Article 26, (3) states: "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." The Church too has always defended the rights of parents to direct their children's education. Past governments have respected this. Sadly, today, the state, the schools, the courts and even the Church can no longer be trusted to defend children and parents against an anti-moral attack that is relentlessly coming at them from many sides, disguised as sex "education," "equity and tolerance" and "sexual rights." These radical sex programs have nothing to do with education. They are sexual indoctrination that attack children, morally, spiritually, psychologically and spiritually. They necessarily attack parental rights, family and marriage. We are in a spiritual cultural war and children are being abused on so many fronts. Parents need to get informed and do all that they can to protect the souls of their children.

Lou Iacobelli is a "retired" Catholic educator who really has never stopped teaching. He is the Chair of the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund and has been assisting Mr. Steve Tourloukis in his fight for parental and child rights in public education. Lou is the publisher of the blog, Everyday For Life Canada featured on the blog roll to the left, a blog that should be on your daily must-read which can be linked at: http://everydayforlifecanada.blogspot.ca/