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Showing posts with label The Amazonian Heresy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Amazonian Heresy. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 September 2019

In the Amazon Married Deacons Are Already Saying Mass. And the Pope Knows It - Sandro Magister

"The synod of bishops for the Amazon is taking place. We found out that in the Amazon one evening, from an isolated mission parish in the Amazon they made a phone call, it was an old deacon, in his sixties, married, who said to his bishop: “I have to tell you that tomorrow there won’t be any Mass, because there is no priest.” And the bishop told him: “You go there and say Mass.” A married deacon, children already raised, the “elders” are called, and the bishops there have given him authorization to preside over the liturgy. They told the pope about this and the pope said: “For now we cannot write anything, you go ahead!”  I wondered, when I found out that he was convening the worldwide meeting of bishops for the Amazon, who knows if perhaps he can or wants to say something. But the Church, in its concrete juridical structure, as it exists now, is at an end." http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2019/09/10/in-the-amazon-married-deacons-are-already-saying-mass-and-the-pope-knows-it/
White Wolf : Pope dons Amazon Pataxo headdress after ...
If this is true, Bergoglio is nothing more than a devil. It is not a "Mass." It is a prayers service. What we don't know is if the alleged deacon tried to confect the Holy Eucharist. If he was offering a prayers service with the Blessed Sacrament already consecrated, then so be it. If he mocked the Mass, that is a sacrilege for him, the bishop and Bergoglio.

God save us from these wretched and evil men. 

Sunday 8 September 2019

Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller raise spectre of open heresy and apostasy at Amazon Synod

Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller have written to their fellow Cardinals warning about the upcoming synod in Amazonia. That's great, now what else will they do?

It's long past time, but with Bergoglio having stacked the College of Cardinals action is now virtually impossible. 

Cardinal Burke and other Cardinals who know the facts about the period leading up to the conclave that elected this Peronist thug and the goings on inside, if they have evidence that Bergoglio is an antipope, then these men must say, "excommunication be damned, I must tell the truth." Any excommunication would be rendered moot because Bergoglio would have no power to do it. 


What will it be - loyalty to Christ and His Church or loyalty to a man written Canon and a man who is not a Shepherd. but a wolf!

Cardinal Burke on the Rule of Faith - The Catholic Thing

Vatican City, Sep 4, 2019 CNA.- Two cardinals have sent letters to fellow members of the College of Cardinals, raising concerns about the working document for an upcoming synod of bishops on the pan-Amazonian region.

“Some points of the synod’s Instrumentum laboris seem not only in dissonance with respect to the authentic teaching of the Church, but even contrary to it,” Cardinal Walter Brandmüller wrote to fellow cardinals in an Aug. 28 letter obtained by CNA.

“The nebulous formulations of the Instrumentum, as well as the proposed creation of new ecclesial ministries for women and, especially, the proposed priestly ordination of the so-called viri probati arouse strong suspicion that even priestly celibacy will be called into question,” the cardinal wrote.

Brandmüllersaid that the leaders of the pan-Amazonian synod have given him concern about its proceedings.

“The sole fact that Cardinal (Claudio) Hummes is the president of the synod and thus will exercise a grave influence in a negative sense, suffices to have a well founded and realistic concern, as much as in the case of bishops (Erwin) Kräutler, (Franz-Josef) Overbeck, etc."

Hummes, a native of Brazil, was prefect of the Congregation for Clergy from 2006-2010. Bishop Krautel, 80, is the emeritus bishop of the Brazilian Prelature of Xingu in the Amazon, and has been a long time proponent of married priests. Bishop Overbeck, 55, is the Bishop of Essen. Overbeck is known in Germany as an advocate for a re-examination of the Church’s teaching on ordination and sexual morality.

Brandmüller, 90, was for three decades a professor of Church history, and was president of the International Commission for Contemporary Church History from 1998 until 2006. He was made a cardinal in 2010, but, at age 81, he had passed the age limit for participation in the election of a pope.

“We must face serious challenges to the integrity of the Deposit of the Faith, the sacramental and hierarchical structure of the Church and its Apostolic Tradition. With all this has been created a situation never before seen in the Church’s history, not even during the Arian crisis of the fourth and fifth century,”Brandmüller added.

Brandmüller said that all cardinals must consider how they will react to “any heretical statements or decisions of the synod.”

“I would hope, therefore, that Your Eminence, for your part, will seize this opportunity to correct, according to the teachings of the Church, certain positions expressed in the Instrumentum laboris of the pan-Amazonian synod,” the cardinal concluded.

Also on Aug. 28, Cardinal Raymond Burke wrote to fellow cardinals, telling them that he “shares completely the deep concerns of Cardinal Brandmüller on the upcoming Synod on the Amazon, based upon its Instrumentum laboris.

Noting that the synod’s Instrumentum laboris “is a long document marked by language which is not clear in its meaning, especially in what concerns the Depositum fidei,” Burke added that it “contradicts the constant teaching of the Church on the relationship between the created world and God, the uncreated Creator, and man, created in the image and likeness of God to cooperate with him as guardian of the created world.”

Cardinal Burke also claims that the Instrumentum laboris “characterize the teaching regarding the unicity and universality of the salvation brought by Christ alive in the Church as relative to a particular culture and emblematic of what they call 'petrified doctrine' (n. 38).”

In the synod’s working document, Burke added, “the truth that God has revealed Himself fully and perfectly through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Redeemer, the Son of God, is obscured, if not denied.”

“Cardinal Brandmüller indicated in his letter the serious difficulties regarding the ordained ministry and perfect continence of the clergy. These proposals, as the cardinal indicates, attack the ‘hierarchical-sacramental structure’ and ‘the Apostolic Tradition of the Church.’”

The “disturbing propositions of the Instrumentum laboris” Burke said, “portend an apostasy from the Catholic faith.”

The synod is scheduled to take place in Rome, Oct. 6-27.

Sunday 23 June 2019

The Amazonian Synod from Hell and the Bergoglian Mafia - Who will stop this Malefactor?

The Amazon Synod is coming upon us quickly. The latest horror from Bergoglio, the Ape of God, will seek to change the Church of Christ forever.

Do not. I repeat, do not get over occupied on the issue of the ordination of married men. The apostles were married. The Easterns ordain married men, my Maronite ancestors included. We have the Ordinariate. I would rather have a faithful God-fearing, Christ-loving married priest than a felching, fisting, blaspheming, sacrilegious sodomite who dresses in lace and pretends to be "traditional" who is all smells and bells and has all lace and no grace! The future may very well be an ordination in your basement of "viri probati" to minister to small communities. This is not the main issue. 

Catholics must wake up. Expect no aid from most bishops and cardinals. Those who speak out against this destruction will be few. Those who do not are either sodomites, communists, thieves or compromised by those who are. 

Know this! They have no supernatural faith. They do not believe in Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, nor do they believe that the Church is real. To them, it is their means for power and world domination. If they believed in Christ, they would not do this.

I have attached link and poster at the top this page from Pan Amazon Synod Watch. It will be the place to go for all current news as well as the good people at LifeSiteNews who have more time that poor working bloggers such as this one.

We must fight this Pope. Bergoglio is Pope in Law. He has the power. This heretic, this filthy pervert-protecting malefactor must be fought. The arguments of sedevacantism and whether Ratzinger is still pope do not matter. What matters is who holds power. This Bergoglio may very well be the "Ape of God." What we can know is what he is by what he has said and done. A rude, obnoxious insulting boor. A heretic. A man who would kneel before man before God. A destroyer. A heretic and quite possibly, an Antipope! This can be debated. I have no doubt a future Pope and Council will declare this filthy pervert-protecting Argentian and all his works, anathema. Vatican II will be corrected an its errors denounced. Of this, I have no doubt.

But it is this rotten Bergoglio, this Francis, and his communist Christ-hating minions, that hold power.

Resist them.

Mock them.

Call them out.

They will be destroyed, each and every one.

