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Showing posts with label Nervous Disordered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nervous Disordered. Show all posts

Saturday 23 July 2016

Idiot Bishops - learn your Latin!

Fathers Hunwicke and Zuhlsdorf have written frequently these last two weeks on the mis-translation that bishops are using to smack down the "ad orientem" issue in their dioceses. Father Z covers it again.

If it were not permitted, why is Pope Francis it so?

Just one more reason why the Novus Ordo is a dead letter. It is irreformable. There is no reform of the reform. It is a lost cause. The Novus Ordo Missae, whilst valid, is a deficient liturgy even when celebrated in Latin, ad orientem, with chant as is proper to it, incense, the Confiteor and Roman Canon, and so on. It is deficient because of the Offertory and the changing of ancient Propers and elimination of the historical, 1500 year old Lectionary! It is a bastard rite because of its Offertory and multiplicity of Eucharistic Prayers, none of this authorised or asked for by the glorious Council! 

None of it!

When one takes these deficiencies,combined with priests and bishops who enforce an outdated and incorrect liturgical theology, how can one believe that there is any possibility of reform?

The treatment of Cardinal Sarah was the final straw for me, It happened to coincide with the badly-behaving Catholics at the parish I served at for eight years. Enough! 

No more work in the nervous disorder. Traditional Mass is it.

This is my third Saturday off. Fox and I will enjoy it immensely.


GIRM WARS: Another front opens in Iowa

When the 2000 GIRM was issued (now usually cited as 2002 GIRM because it is in the 2002 Missale Romanum), a question was put to the Congregation for Divine Worship: Can a bishop, in his role as moderator of the Sacred Liturgy in the diocese, forbid ad orientemworship?
On 10 April 2000, the Congregation for Divine Worship issued an official response (Protocol No. 564/00/L) about GIRM 299 (my emphases):

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Free yourself - get out of the bastard rite! The Reform of the Reform is dead!

Sooner or later friend, you are going to do it.

You are going to wake up one morning and realise you cannot do it anymore. You cannot fool yourself. 

Leave it. Leave the "serviettes" - the girl altar boys, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Leave the horizontal man-centred, sorry "person- centred" liturgy, leave the banality. Leave the distortion, the happy-clappy priest in tie-dye polyester. Leave the guitars and bongos. Leave the bad homilies, the heresy and the stupid, bad-behaving Catholics who do not care about their own souls or yours because we're all going to heaven anyway. Leave the protestantism, the bad music and the effeminate, sodomite priests and lesbian nuns and feminazi parish organisers. 

Leave it. Get out of the Novus Ordo liturgy. 

Free yourself.

Get to the traditional Latin Mass.


Get there.

Louie Verrecchio nails the bastards and their bastard rite to the wall in the "instructive" revelation and humiliation of Cardinal Sarah.  

The good news?

They've already lost and are desperate and that is why they are doing it.

Even kids know how it's done!

David Anthony Domet's photo.



Joseph Shaw of the LMS in England has performed a valiant exercise in documenting the death of the Reform of the Reform and the 1965 Missal. My recollection, as a young boy, was that the 1965 Missal was the "New Mass" and the "Mass of Vatican II." There was no indication to the people in the pew (from my acquired knowledge) that there was another liturgy coming. However the changes were continuous but in the manner of boiling a frog. When the bastard liturgy was enacted there was no Missal or Chant book until 1974. By then, the wheels had already fallen off the cart and it was too late. 

Dr. Shaw's commentary is right on the mark.







Tuesday 12 July 2016

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB: What's that you say about Summorum Pontificum?

According to Father John Zuhlsdorf, Thomas J. Rosica, CSB., sent out the following blurb to his newsies:

"Fr Lombardi notes that Pope Francis made this view clear to Cardinal Sarah during a recent audience, stressing that the ‘Ordinary’ form of the celebration of Mass is the one laid down in the Missal promulgated by Paul VI, while the ‘Extraordinary’ form, permitted in certain specific cases by Pope Benedict XVI, should not be seen as replacing the ‘Ordinary’ form."

Summorum Pontificum provides that any priest, anywhere, any day, at any time can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Roman MIssal of 1962, without the permission or approval of the bishop. It is not in "certain specific cases."

Whether by ignorance or intent, Father Rosica is wrong.

Father Thomas J. Rosica, changed the words at the Offertory of the Mass, shown below. It was a violation of the Second Vatican Council's Sacrosanctum Concilium as well as Redemptoris Sacramentum. It seemed to be an "exercise in personal preference or taste" as Cardinal "hindu-gods-ad-orientem" Nichols was referring to in his slapdown of any priest who would dare follow Cardinal Sarah's advice and offer the Holy Sacrifice in the posture it was intended to be and was for 1900 years.

Isn't what is good for one priest good for the other, or is there an exception for Thomas J. Rosica?

The word change begins around 5:17 (Nota Bene: This was prior to corrected translation)

What is this hatred for the Church's traditional and timeless liturgy that these men have such a problem with?

I have my theories, what are yours?


Friends, I wrote it yesterday, I will say it again The Novus Ordo liturgy is a dead letter. There is no "reform of the reform." It is dead. Pope Benedict XVI vision has been abrogated. The Missal of Paul VI is an abomination. It is a disgrace. Look at the fruits, look at the culture, look at the faith. Look at your families.

Get out of it. Leave the new rite. Get to the traditional Latin Mass in your diocesan parish, the FSSP, ICK or even the SSPX if you have no other option. Do whatever you need to do to get out of the Novus Ordo and back to the Mass and Faith of your Fathers. Save your soul, S Save your children. Save the Church. Save the liturgy and save the world! There is no hope in Modernism. There is no power to transform and covert in the new bastard rite. It is valid, that is not a debate, it is deficient, it always was and it always will be. 

They destroyed most of the faith through the liturgy, now they wish to finish it off in Amoris Laetitia.

The fish rots from the head first.

O LORD save us. save your people.

Monday 11 July 2016

The "ad orientem" fight in the Nervous Disorder, is on! Who will win? -- UPDATE - Not Cardinal Sarah, he's now been thrown under the Vatican bus!

This past week, I decided, in consultation with the Pastor where I have been singing the Ordinary Form on Saturday for the past eight years, to resign. My frustration has been building for a while now. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how faithful the priest, the people are just so distracting and so disrespectful and so utterly stupid, that I could no longer bear it. The actions against Cardinal Sarah now have affirmed my decision.

The contrast between the Novus Ordo in general and the Mass on Sundays two dioceses away where I direct the music in the traditional Rite is like night and day. It has become, for me, simply too much to bear.

Dysfunction of the liturgy is embedded

The inherent dysfunction of the Novus Ordo, is impossible to reform. Priests who have tried to do it have been, and continue to be, persecuted.  Cardinal Sarah is now open to being persecuted already by Federico Lombardi!

I have given it 30 years. I was once denounced publicly from the Ambo on Good Friday by the Pastor of the parish I grew up in for delivering a Good Friday liturgy in accord with the Novus Ordo Roman Missal. He was a priest of the Polish Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel, and even denied my mother's funeral in her parish church because the request was for it to be in Latin, and according to the Novus Ordo! Another, a "baby priest" at 27, wagged his finger after Mass in front of the parishioners at me and said, "I told you never to sing in Latin, I am the priest and you must obey!" To which I responded, "No Father, you told me not to sing that which was not in Catholic Book of Worship II and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops have put it in the hymnbook, perhaps you should take it up with them." Fortunately, that effeminate and rageful clericalist is no longer in Toronto but now in the Archdiocese of Detroit and is a Pastor. Keep him away from you boys, he was once also from the CSMA.

I will give the Novus Ordo, no more of my time. It is a useless exercise. It is a liturgy which was an error and remains so. It was and remains, an abomination. It cannot be reformed, it will not be reformed until the Pope and Bishops find the determination to do it. Nice words from Cardinals are not enough as we have no seen.

"Person" centered worship

It was not from the Holy Spirit. It is simply not possible. It is a cult of man, not of God. It is illogical and blasphemous to think that it could be from the Holy Spirit. 

Look at the fruits!

God knows all things. Sees all things. He knows the future. Father, Son and Holy Spirit know all, see all. This great God could see the damage to souls and the faith that the new order of the Mass has produced. He saw it all. Why would He cause it? He permitted it, to be sure, but the Novus Ordo and the theology that formed it has caused the literal collapse of the faith because it is the point at which most Catholics come together. Why would God debase a liturgy that is meant to worship Him and sanctify us? It is simply not possible that this was from the Holy Spirit, it simply defies logic.


Yes. That is a different matter.

Yet it remains a liturgical abomination, I am convinced of it. After 30 years, of labour, there is no fruit, there are no seeds sprouted, the ground is barren. My time and talents will now be spent exclusively with the traditional Latin Mass. Week by week, we see the fruit, the growth, the faith.

Cardinal Sarah himself has stated that the "faithful are now unfaithful." He also knows why.

I raise the possibility of looking again at the Constitution and at the reform which followed its promulgation because I do not think that we can honestly read even the first article of Sacrosanctum Concilium today and be content that we have achieved its aims. My brothers and sisters, where are the faithful of whom the Council Fathers spoke? Many of the faithful are now unfaithful: they do not come to the liturgy at all. To use the words of Pope Saint John Paul II: many Christians are living in a state of “silent apostasy;” they “live as if God does not exist” (Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in Europa, 28 June 2003, 9). Where is the unity the Council hoped to achieve? We have not yet reached it. Have we made real progress in calling the whole of mankind into the household of the Church? I do not think so. And yet we have done very much to the liturgy!

The Novus Ordo and any reform of the reform is a dead letter. Unless it is put in the Missal and ordered by the Pope, it will not be carried out. It will not be fixed, not by this Pope. Leave it. If you wish to remain Catholic, get yourself to the traditional Mass.

The proof is for all to see

Anthony Spadaro's little tweet is evidence of this. It may also disclose what Francis thinks as Spadaro is a confidant. Cardinal Sarah's recent talk in Rome was just that, talk, and his views, virtually alone.

Spadaro is also wrong. He is not only wrong, he is manipulative. The paragraph in the GIRM appears again at the Pax Vobiscum. Why? Because it is presumed that one is actually, not "FACING THE PEOPLE" or the direction would not be there.

In the original Latin, the GIRM, presuming the priest has just incensed the altar and performed the Lavabo, states:

146. Ad medium altaris deinde reversus, sacerdos, stans versus populum, extendens et iungens manus, populum ad orandum invitat, dicens: Oráte, fratres, etc. Populus surgit et responsionem dat Suscípiat Dominus. Deinde sacerdos, manibus extensis, dicit orationem super oblata. In fine populus acclamat: Amen. 146. Upon returning to the middle of the altar , the priest , facing the people , extending and then joining his hands, invites the people to pray , saying : Pray, brothers and sisters, etc. The people rise and make their response May the Lord accept . Then the Priest, with hands extended , says the Prayer over the offerings. In the end, the people make the acclamation, Amen.

Why would it say, "facing the people" it it were not the norm? It specifically instructs him to face the people thereby presuming that he was not, previously!

Not only Spadaro, but now Cardinal Nichols of Westminster has ordered his priests to ignore the Cardinal's request; saying that is not for priest to “exercise personal preference or taste,” citing GIRM 299. 

Again, like Spadaro, Nichols displays his twisted logic and in fact, discloses his bias.

GIRM 299 states:

The altar should be built apart from the wall, in such a way that it is possible to walk around it easily and that Mass can be celebrated at it facing the people, which is desirable wherever possible. The altar should, moreover, be so placed as to be truly the centre toward which the attention of the whole congregation of the faithful naturally turns. The altar is usually fixed and is dedicated.’”

Note that? 

"Can" not must. 

"Desirable" not mandatory.

Father Z addresses the matter at his blog.

It seems that that this Cardinal Nichols knows how to pray to pagan gods but he won't permit his priests to face the True God?

Is he even Catholic?

The Congregation for the Liturgy and Discipline of the Sacraments has already address this in  Prot. No 2086/00/L

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has been asked whether the expression in n. 299 of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani constitutes a norm according to which the position of the priest versus absidem [facing the apse] is to be excluded.
The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, after mature reflection and in light of liturgical precedents, responds:
Negatively, and in accordance with the following explanation.The explanation includes different elements which must be taken into account. First, the word expedit does not constitute a strict obligation but a suggestion that refers to theconstruction of the altar a pariete sejunctum (detached from the wall). It does not require, for example, that existing altars be pulled away from the wall. The phrase ubi possibile sit (where it is possible) refers to, for example, the topography of the place, the availability of space, the artistic value of the existing altar, the sensibility of the people participating in the celebrations in a particular church, etc.

Benedict XVI wrote in the Spirit of the Liturgy that Mass facing the people was a community "turned inwards on itself." He had the opportunity to order this change. He did not. Now Cardinal Sarah voices the desire and immediately, it is rejected by a prominent Cardinal and a confidant of the Bishop or Rome.

Lombardi contradicts

Just after the announcement that he is being replaced by a layman, professional journalist Greg Burke, Federico Lombardi said:

"There are therefore no new liturgical directives foreseen from next Advent, as some have wrongly inferred from some of the words of Cardinal Sarah, and it is best to avoid using the expression ‘reform of the reform’ when referring to the liturgy, as it's sometimes been a source of misunderstandings.”


Exactly padre, they're already there!

How much longer do we need to keep repeating the same thing over and over again whilst expecting a different result? That is insanity!

What will happen in Toronto?

This photo is of then Archbishop and now Cardinal Thomas Collins celebrating a Latin Ordinary Form Mass at the Toronto Oratory, he is celebrating "ad orientem." After the Mass, which I attended, I greeted him downstairs. I kissed his ring and thanked him for what he did at Mass. His response? "I think I should do this in the Cathedral some time."

Yes, he said that to me.

Those writing last week with effervescent enthusiasm were premature. Until Rome orders it and authorises it in writing and prohibits the persecution of priests by bishops for doing it, nothing will change.

Mass facing the people is illogical. It is the single worst problem with the Novus Ordo and it is not even mandated! It is against 1,935 years of liturgical history. It is against the practice of our Jewish forefathers in faith. It points to man, not God. 

The Reform of the Reform of the Novus Ordo is a dead letter. Spadaro and Nicholls prove it.

There is only one option.

Take it.

Vigil of Pentecost, June 7, 2014, Solemn Mass in the Presence of a Greater Prelate
Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto together with Diocesan priests and seminarians at St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish in Scarborough, Ontario

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Cardinal Sarah calls for "ad orientem" worship and kneeing for Holy Communion. Is it enough?

“It is very important that we return as soon as possible to a common orientation, of priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction – eastwards or at least towards the apse – to the Lord who comes.” ... “I ask you to implement this practice wherever possible.”

He said that “prudence” and catechesis would be necessary, but told pastors to have “confidence that this is something good for the Church, something good for our people”.
“Your own pastoral judgement will determine how and when this is possible, but perhaps beginning this on the first Sunday of Advent this year, when we attend ‘the Lord who will come’ and ‘who will not delay’.

With these words, Robert Cardinal Sarah has pushed further the argument for a "reform of the reform" of the modernist liturgy forced upon the Catholic faithful by Paul VI.

What are we to think of this?

First, a suggestion is worthless, except that it may indicate a future command to come and that this is to soften up the troops, so to speak. You can count on objections and vehement fights against it. All we in the English speaking world need to do is to recall the fight over the correct translation of the Latin modernist liturgy into English.

Second, it is not going to save what Pope Benedict XVI called, the "Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite" because it is not enough.

The liturgy forced upon the Church by Paul VI was so far and removed from anything the Council Fathers desired in Sacrosanctum Concilium as to be nothing more than a complete break with the past. The problem with this Novus Ordo Missae is the Novus Ordo Missae. It is fundamentally flawed.

Nothing in the Council called for Mass facing the people and in fact, the ability to face liturgical east is already in the Missal where the priest is directed at the Orate Fratres and the Pax vobiscum, to face the people. This presumes that he is not. The Missal and its Graduale Romanum already provides for Gregorian chant, Latin Ordinary and text, incense, beauty, and so on. Why is it not done?

The ability to reform the reform is already there in every Missal and no priest needs permission to do it.

Fundamentally, turning the priest will fix little without more.

The Offertory of the Mass is nothing more than a minor Talumudic table blessing

Baruch atah Adonai Elohainu melech haolam hamotzli lechem min haaretz.Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.
Baruch atah Adonai Elohainu melech haolam borai pri haaitz.Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the tree.

It was put in the Mass by Anibale Bugnini after an outrage by Paul VI because there was to be no resemblance of an Offertory in Bugnini's, "Presentation of the Gifts." The priest would receive the bread and wine from a contrived procession, prepare them and then say the "Prayer over the Gifts" leading directly into the Preface. No offertory prayer. No orate fratres. Paul VI demanded an Offertory and this is what we got. A Jewish talmudic table blessing which replaced this:

Accept, O Holy father, Almighty and Eternal God, this spotless host, which I, Your unworthy servant, offer to You, my living and true God, to atone for my numberless sins, offences, and negligences; on behalf of all here present and likewise for all faithful Christians living and dead, that it may profit me and them as a means of salvation to life everlasting. Amen.
O God,  Who in creating man didst exalt his nature very wonderfully and yet more wonderfully didst establish it anew; by the Mystery signified in the mingling of this water and wine, grant us to have part in the Godhead of Him Who hath deigned to become a partaker of our humanity, Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.
We offer unto Thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, entreating Thy mercy that our offering may ascend with a sweet fragrance in the sight of Thy divine Majesty, for our own salvation, and for that of the whole world. Amen.
Come Thou, the Sanctifier, Almighty and Everlasting God, and bless this sacrifice which is prepared for the glory of Thy holy Name.

How do you even begin to compare these prayers? Can an ardent defender of the modernist liturgy please explain it?

We are to believe that simply turning the priest around will fix what is wrong?

The problems of the penitential rite options, the Canon (Eucharistic Prayer) options and the actual orations themselves, changed or deleted entirely from the ancient Missal are even greater problems with the liturgy.

Until these options are removed, by order and the I Confess, Offertory and Roman Canon are mandated by law, then there can be no reform.

At the same time, we are to accept that girls and women should still assist at the altar, women should have their feet washed and communion should be given in the hand.

The Cardinal also said that people should return to communion, kneeling.

Has he tried that in a typical parish?

I applaud Cardinal Sarah for this beginning. The reality is, this, the bishops will ignore it and priests who take this on without the leadership of their Ordinary will be pilloried. 

It is a beginning. 

It is not enough.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Has Thomas J. Rosica, CSB hurt his back or perhaps his knees? Does he need glasses to read the Missal?

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB showed up recently at the "Daily Mass" on television in Toronto.

Shall we take a look?

Here is our good priest at the 19:37 minute mark right after the consecration of the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is bowing.

Here he is at 20:11 after the elevation of the chalice containing the Precious Blood of Our Lord.


Has Father Tom hurt his back? Perhaps his knees are bad? 

Or, could this be the famous, "Francis Effect?; after all, he doesn't genuflect before the Lord in the Eucharist either, though he can grovel on the floor to wash feet.

No, I'm sure Tom has hurt his back or his knees. Just like George.

In the video below at this link; you will note that, even under the old and incorrect translation, our advisor to the Bishop of Rome took liberty and changed the words of the Mass, relegating it as "llicit." 

"...these gifts of bread and wine be acceptable to God our Father in heaven." 
At the time, the translation was "...that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father" and is now rendered correctly as "...my sacrifice and yours..."


Father Rosica is one who frequently cites and praises the Second Vatican Council. Shall we look and see what Paragraph 23.3 of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctam Concilium, the first document issued by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council has to say about this?

22.3 Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority.

St. John Paul II ordered the disciplinary Instruction, Redemptionis Sacramentum, to be enacted which states emphatically: 
59. The reprobated practice by which priests, deacons or the faithful here and there alter or vary at will the texts of the Sacred Liturgy that they are charged to pronounce, must cease. For in doing thus, they render the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy unstable, and not infrequently distort the authentic meaning of the Liturgy.
We also find in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the very Missal of 2002 now in use, the following: 
Nevertheless, the priest must remember that he is the servant of the Sacred Liturgy and that he himself is not permitted, on his own initiative, to add, to remove, or to change anything in the celebration of Mass. [GIRM§ 24]
The GIRM in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal also states:
42. The gestures and posture of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the people, ought to contribute to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity, so that the true and full meaning of the different parts of the celebration is evident and that the participation of all is fostered.[52] Therefore, attention should be paid to what is determined by this General Instruction and the traditional practice of the Roman Rite and to what serves the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than private inclination or arbitrary choice. [§42] 
Perhaps Father Rosica has hurt his back, or his knees.

I hope he gets well soon.

Sunday 10 January 2016

The First Sunday after Epiphany in Ordinary Time

Today is the First Sunday after Epiphany and until the Feast of the Holy Family was added to the traditional calendar in the 1920's it was known as this. The Gospel was then and is now, the Our Lord's presence in the Temple, doing His Father's will, for the "escapade" as a bad boy who had to apologise as the Bishop or Rome surmised on the Feast in the modernist calendar. The cycle of Gospels in the traditional lectionary dates from at least the sixth century, it was a very rare thing indeed for anyone to change it, so to change the name of the "day" and to honour The Holy Family, which was not "irregular" as Tom Rosica surmised, was not a major shift in liturgical praxis. 

In the modernist calendar, today is the Baptism of the Lord which falls on January 13 in the traditional calendar unless it falls on a Sunday. While this is a good thing, to have it on a Sunday, changing it to the First Sunday after Epiphany derogated chronologically the continuing manifestations, or showing, of Our Lord after His birth. We have the Epiphany, the Temple appearance to the Elders, the Baptism, the Wedding Feast at Cana, the curing of the Leper, the witness of the Centurion and so on. All beautiful elements of our liturgical cycle that help us to wonder in the glow of the season of Christmastide and Epiphanytide. Today, in the  modernist calendar, marks the end of the Christmas season which ends in the traditional with the Presentation in the Temple and Purification of Mary on Candlemas. 

One should note that prior to the Roman Missal of 1962, there was also an Octave of the Epiphany which I would argue should be restored in both Forms of the Roman Rite along with the Octave of Pentecost in the modernist rite.

One might wonder why I have called it the "modernist rite." Really, what else can one say about it? While I do not debate its validity, it truly was an invention of men who must have truly hated the faith for there can be no other explanation for why they tore it apart. It is worth noting that in the new Ordinariate (Anglican Roman Catholic) Missal, today is Baptism of the Lord but next Sunday is the Second Sunday after Epiphany and they follow After Trinity later in the year, an Anglican tradition versus After Pentecost.

The liturgical calendar wheel, above, displays beautifully, the "Half Year of the Lord" and the "Half Year of the Church" which is clear in the Time After Pentecost and so lost in the pick-up of Ordinary Time.

In our home, the Fox and Vox will maintain our Christmas celebrations with tree and manger and decoration and food and outdoor lights until Candlemas. From a practical point, Christmas week is just so busy with all the singing that we really need this time to enjoy the season.

Southern Orders blog by Father Allan J. MacDonald had a post on this matter and I wish to lift from there a comment by a Canadian, "Andrew" which summarises well, the importance of maintaining our traditions. 

Andrew said...

The traditional calendar I think is much more in synch with a fuller understanding of the human person, created body and soul in the image of God to adore his creator. Most people don't like abrupt changes.
I wonder if anyone who actually stopped to think about it really likes Christmas screeching to a halt with the feast of the Baptism instead of the gentle continuation of the Sundays of Epiphany with the gospel readings each Sunday speaking to Christ revealing himself as God, which connects to the 40 days after Christmas feast the Presentation of the Lord which itself beautifully combines the true light of the nations from his crèche to the cross in the temple where we encounter his mysterious beauty and divine light each Sunday.
Or who really likes Ash Wednesday bombing out of the air without Septuagesima to prepare for unless we've happened to check the secular calendar to see when it is. Lastly who really likes Pentecost since we are supposed to be all about mission these days being relegated to a Sunday instead of the full Octave an important day would seem to call for. No wonder people don't think it is important. You can only do so much in one day before you have to get back to ordinary time, which I guess is supposed to be important on its own... but maybe we would be better able to live it if we took proper time to live God's mysteries and the reason we have ordinary time.
That being said thanks to the bishops saying it was too hard for everyone to get to Mass except for Sundays and thereby moving all the obligation days to the closest Sunday who thinks Sunday Mass itself is even important anymore? Instead of fewer people committing sin (which they wouldn't be if they legitimately couldn't make it anyway) we have more people committing sin it would seem... at least in my area in Canada it seems that since New Years and Christmas were so close to Sunday people skipped their Sunday obligation in favour of the only two holy days of obligation we have all year!!
It is just bad psychology. People aren't dumb and they hear the message you send. Days of Obligation are not important so stay home or go shop or whatever... therefore Sunday isn't that important either after a while.
Abrupt changes aren't how we actually want to live our life because they are stressful and therefore the Church year is stressful and one more thing to jettison, along with all the mystery and beauty in it. A psychology rooted in a better understanding of the human person would have advised bishops in the danger of all of this nonsense.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Celebrate Epiphany as it is meant to be!

It is absurd that in the nervous disorder, this most ancient feast is celebrated as early as January 2 and as late as January 7.

You can do something about it.

Sunday 3 January 2016

The Holy Name of Jesus - Blasphemed by the world, disregarded by the Modernist Church

According to the wreckers and the Pope who aided and abetted these criminals - Paul VI, today is either the Second Sunday after Christmas or where the Bishops think you're too lazy to go to Mass on the actual Epiphany, the Twelfth Day of Christmas on January 6, it is the transferred Epiphany. The joke of this is that it can be as early as January 2 and, as it will be in 2017, on January 7, actually the day after the actual date of Epiphany.

Confused yet?

Well, it is also January 3, which means that in the Ordinary Form of the Mass according to the same wrecked Missal of Paul VI, it is the Holy Name of Jesus but it is an Optional Memorial, if January 3 was to fall on a day other than Sunday. Now, some more confusion? It was actually not part of the Missal of Paul VI, he did not seem to care enough about this Feast and approved the Bugnini calendar that displaced it all together. When Pope St. John Paul II issued the revised Roman Missal requiring the proper translation, he restored this Feast to the appointed day of January 3 as the "Optional Memorial." Imagine that, an Optional Memorial on the Holy Name of Jesus! Well, at least it is in the Missal in two languages at least, Latin and English. Friends, the rest of the world has still not implemented the Roman Missal 2002 of John Paul II which restored this and other Feasts and was required to be properly translated under his authority as expressed in Liturgiam Authenticum. Imagine, in Italian, Spanish, French, German and so on, this Feast to the Holy Name does not exist in their calendar or Missal!

Now, if you have escaped all of the liturgical insanity described above and you follow according to the Roman Missal of 1962, the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the Sunday after the Octave and before Epiphany, is the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, which coincidentally, is January 3 this year and is the same in the OF, except it is displaced by either the Second Sunday after Christmas or Epiphany of the Lord.

On the Octave Day of Christmas - the Circumcision of the Lord in the EF and Mary, Mother of God in the OF, the Gospel was about Our Blessed Lord being taken to the Temple on the 8th day for his naming and circumcision. Therefore, it was natural that the Church would take this "empty" Sunday and use it to exalt His Most Holy Name.

Some day, this will all get fixed. One calendar, one Lectionary and a reformed Ordinary Form Missal which would be essentially what the Ordinariate now has - the "Tridentine Mass" in English with a restoration of these great Feasts and end to the transfer to Sunday of at least Epiphany and Ascension, a return to the Pentecost Octave (OF) and the lost Epiphany Octave (EF and OF) and a restoration of the Gesima Sundays, Rogations and Embers.

Let us pray that it be sooner rather than later. In the meantime, read and listen below what they Paul VI stole from you.

The Office Hymn for today is Jesu Dulcis Memoria dating from the 12th century and ascribed to the prolific hymn writer, St. Bernard of Clariveaux.

IESU, dulcis memoria,
Jesu the very thought of  Thee,
dans vera cordis gaudia,
with sweetness fills my breast,
sed super mel et omnia,        
but sweeter far Thy face to see,
eius dulcis praesentia. 
and in Thy presence rest.

Nil canitur suavius, 
Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame,
nil auditur iucundius, 
nor can the memory find
nil cogitatur dulcius,   
a sweeter sound than Thy blest Name,
quam Iesus Dei Filius. 
O Saviour of mankind!

Iesu, spes paenitentibus,
O hope of every contrite heart
quam pius es petentibus!
O joy of all the meek,
quam bonus te quaerentibus!
to those who fall, how kind Thou art!
sed quid invenientibus?
how good to those who seek!

Nec lingua valet dicere, 
But what to those who find? 
nec littera exprimere: 
Ah this nor tongue nor pen can show:
expertus potest credere,
the love of Jesus, what it is
quid sit Iesum diligere.  
none but His loved ones know.

Sis, Iesu, nostrum gaudium,
Jesu, our only joy be Thou,
qui es futurus praemium:
As Thou our prize wilt be:
sit nostra in te gloria,
Jesu, be Thou our glory now,
per cuncta semper saecula.
Forever through eternity.