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Tuesday 16 April 2024

Will Toronto's "Vegan priest" push his ideology on the people at Guardian Angels in Brampton? Will he be welcomed with a pig roast?

The annual priest transfer is underway for the Archdiocese of Toronto. It is larger than it has been in several years, certainly since the No Mass For You period of Tom Collins.

In early 2021, the Catholic Register, owned by the Archdiocese of Toronto, featured the pastor of St. Ambrose in south Etobicoke who declared that our God is a vegan god Animal welfare and the Church (catholicregister.org):

“I remember in the beginning I was a little bit more urgent (with preaching about transitioning to plant-based living) because I was kind of going through it,” he said. “I understand it kind of takes (small) steps with certain people and obviously people have been open to it as well. If you’re always talking about it, I think there are people that don’t want to hear it all the time unfortunately. It’s a delicate matter at times because you are dealing with people’s palette.”

How much did this priest preach of Jesus Christ?

Good luck to him as he takes up his new role at Guardian Angels in Brampton, a parish where Filipinos and Africans dominate. I am sure they will welcome him with a parking lot pig roast.

Vox Cantoris: Food for thought! Toronto pastor preaches "veganism" from pulpit - says we have a: "Vegan-god!"


P. O'Brien said...

An entertaining time in the Church today -- so many different ways for the clergy to be nuts.

Robert Mignella said...

In defense of fr. Donatello's deduction, I did watch Netflix's "House of Cards" and i drew the conclusion that most of the established political class and Hollywood elites were predatorial paedophiles. He stopped eating meat and i cancelled my Netflix subscription.

Kathleen1031 said...

This must be why Jesus pondered how much faith he would find when he returned, because if you can keep your faith with men like this running things, then you are part of the remnant, surely. Never let em steal it from you, never. They are the imposters.

Kathleen1031 said...

I want to be fair here. I have no idea if this priest typically preaches Christ and Him crucified, and these vegan comments are just things he's interested in. There's nothing wrong with a priest being vegan or promoting it, but you better be preaching 99% Jesus Christ and matters of the faith first.

Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

I had to laugh. Just read the title, but a "vegan God?" Is that the same God who told the Israelites to kill and eat lamb and use its blood to mark the doorposts?

Jim J. McCrea said...

When I clicked on, the count was 10,999,319 - your screen-shot was 10,999,091

Roman said...

When I was volunteering with Toronto Right to Life, Fr Donatello was one of the only priests in the Archdiocese who arranged for us to give a presentation to his parishioners on abortion and pro-life apologetics. I have no opinion one way or another on his veganism, but from the interaction I had with him that day, I can confidently say that the Archdiocese would be far better off if more priests showed the same assertive and unapologetic support for life that he does.

Vox Cantoris said...

Bragging about a Pro-Life Catholic sets a pretty low bar for a Catholic, don't ya think?

Isn't it a given?

Roman said...

A low bar that is sadly not met by many of our clergy, at least in the sense of 'sticking one's neck out' for the issue.

As exhibit B I would also present the following list: https://www.tfp.org/list-dignitaries-signed-declaration-fidelity-churchs-unchangeable-teaching-marriage-uninterrupted-discipline/

If you search 'Canada' you get a meagre 11 names (eleven!), but one you will recognize, amongst this illustrious company. Again you may say this should be a given for Catholics, but the numbers show that far too many fear being 'controversial' and refuse to put their hand up.

My point with all this is to say that Fr Donatello's stance on veganism is insufficient evidence to make insinuations about his fidelity to the Church, and he is even less deserving of acrimony when one considers much of the spiritual milquetoast that characterizes many of our clergy in the West these days.

Vox Cantoris said...

The issue is the narcissism of being exposed to this cultural Marxist veganism rather than preaching Christ by our priests such as this one. Vegans are viscous and ruthless and, often, attack farmers and restauranteurs but kill baby humans by abortion. Preaching veganism or declaring that our God is a "vegan god" is a disgrace.