A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 19 August 2021

Bergoglio: Vaccination an "act of love" but no mention of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The first thing you will notice about this video of Bergoglio is how small is neck is in the dog collar and how much weight he has lost. In my view, the speed of this weight loss confirms my sources. Listening to this video and its translations reveals much about these evil men who have seized control of the Church. None of it, it is in English, in fact, it is all in Spanish. They are targetting the Hispanic populations of the Americas. 

Bergoglio refers to "God's grace" that "we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19." Seriously, George? "God's grace" for injections tested on or containing foetal stem cells obtained through an abortion? God is not evil and would never grant His grace for such a thing. 

He speaks of protection from the virus. Yet, my own medical doctor, who, when I said I would not be taking the shot responded saying, "That's okay it really doesn't work. It won't prevent you from getting COVID and more importantly, won't prevent you from passing it on."My doctor knew this three months ago, around the same time as the CDC admitted it. On March 30th, 2021, Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” and on August 5th: “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @wolfblitzer. “They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."  In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room on August 5, she said; "Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus.” She continued that "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." Notwithstanding these facts, this writer will soon face demands at work to show them my passport or give them my arm. It's not my arm they will get but a finger!

"As we prepare for a better future, as a global interconnected community," says Cardinal Retes of Mexico he speaks not one word of the only way to a better future. Jesus Christ. 

The corrupt Honduran, Cardinal Maradiaga, says the vaccines are "effective" and the "key to a path of personal and universal healing." Not Jesus Christ.

Hummes of Brazil states that it is an "act of love" to take the jab.

Not once! Not once does Bergoglio mention Our Lord Jesus Christ or conversion.


Phineas said...

So true, Vox. Of course he doesn't mention Jesus. Indeed, Traditonis Custodes will go down in history as the greatest source of renewal in the Catholic Church since the Protestant revolution. It has awakened even the most disinterested "progressive" bishop and revealed Bergoglio to be the thug that he is, devoid of any charity or faith. And for committing the ultimate sin of the Conciliar Church, being "not pastoral". Apparently this Fall they intend to ratchet up things against traditional orders. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

We now have a Pope who attends climate change conferences,and does not offer public Mass.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.catholicnewsagency.com/amp/news/248706/pope-francis-will-not-offer-a-public-mass-during-scotland-visit

Anonymous said...

So now it is "an act of love" to inject oneself with a poison that may maim or kill you. Got It. We are living in an insane asylum full of possessed people.

Anonymous said...

I very much fear the 2 year long synod about synodality that is about to start and will culminate in 2023. For me it looks like V III.

P. O'Brien said...

Whenever "vaccine" proponents say that it is safe, they are lying. A litany of endorsements from clerical yes-men doesn't change that.

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Proverbs 17: It is better to meet a bear robbed of her whelps, than a fool trusting in his own folly

Eskimo said...

I know Our Lord is in the boat. He is not sleeping. Two days ago I went to a funeral in my home village of a 45 years old man. He was a baker and must have the proper vaccination.
According to his wife he was very sick after the first shot and dye after the second vaccine.
Medical record shows he dye of instant death.
Makes me sick.
I thank my God Jesus Christ for giving us SSPPX.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone NOW doubts the prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy in "The Book of Truth" saying that this man, not only has stolen the Throne of Peter from pope Benedict XVI, by non-valid conclave, but also he is the one whom Book of Revelation calls "THE FALSE PROPHET" ??? Watch and see - because the WORST is still to come!!!

Anonymous said...

praying the other evening I asked about the covid vaccines my thoughts turned to this it is a devils breakfast and visualized a large man like creature sat a a large chair with baby parts hanging out of his mouth. Late i asked what I can do about it. Confess, confess, confess!

G. Poulin said...

These men, including the pope, don't speak like Christians because they aren't.

Barbara Jensen said...

He did not mention Christ because He does not love Christ and the has contempt and disdain for the Holy Eucharist. He considers the vaccine 'an act of love' because he is perverted and a true member of the new world order. God have mercy on his soul.