A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Now we find that Nuns were kept as sex slaves!

Bergoglio has now admitted that certain Nuns have been kept as sex slaves.

Friends, hold fast to the faith. 

The ride is going to get rough. 

God is in control. 

Jesus is in the boat. 

Do not abandon It.

Image result for jesus asleep in boat


Johnno said...

You know what this means...

Married priests and nuns, obviously!

I hear there's a certain synod coming up...

Aqua said...

It is almost easier now, to keep the Faith. "They" have been exposed. Who? The wolves Pope Benedict XVI (still reigning) warned us about. Yes, they are everywhere. Far more pervasive than any (even Pope B XVI likely) ever knew.

But now, we see them. We have always seen Christ. Now we see His enemies too, hidden like a cancer no more.

There are no battles in recorded Biblical history, in which the odds were long in favor of God's chosen. They were *all* lost causes: a tiny band against giants and massive armies. God always acts through the small remnant of vigorous, prayerful, joyful, confident faithful.

They have the buildings, seminaries, altered liturgy and Canon Law. We have God. I stand with the sacred line of Saints. We do not change. We do not fear. We are all the same in every generation. The Cross, victorious. That is all.

Peter Lamb said...

Aqua, You have said it all. (Except that "benedict XVI" is no Pope - he is very much one of the wolves.)

Jesus is not in bergoglio's boat. No ways!

Tom A. said...

B16 ushered in the apostasy with his "subsits" heresy.

Unknown said...

Bergoglio announces priest-on-nun corruption in comfortable tones. He does not hesitate -- he does not claim silence.

Think about it. What greater PR for the Vatican homos planning the upcoming synod than to find sexual abuse everywhere. No? It is not just seminarians, see. It is nuns too. Nuns are women. No? So corruption is everywhere? No? It is not just in homo pants. No? So calm down everybody. We got all sizes, shapes and sexes in our corruption. No? We are normalizing corruption.

Osusanna said...

Thumbs up Aqua.

Catholic gal said...

Good insight, Unknown.

TLM said...

Unknown......BOOM! You got it!

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

What are the little sins "below the belt" (as Bergoglio calls them) in comparison to involuntary organ transplantation (murder for organ harvesting) in China? And yet, Bergoglio forces Chinese faithful Catholics to submit to the communist government.

One Chinese doctor, who performed killings on operation tables for organ harvesting says - This is a government-run operation, involving penitentiary (crimes of conscience), police, transportation, hospitals... In China, everybody knows. The BBC and the NYT talk about it.

Do we think that Bergoglio doesn't know this as he organizes conferences in the Vatican with the Chinese? He doesn't know about the petition to the UN (signed by many millions) asking to end organ harvesting inflicted on Falun Gong and others, which was ignored? (How long before faithful Catholics are affected, if not already?)

He knows about the little sins below the belt, about the sodomites and pedophiles, abused and abusive nuns in the Church, he knows about money laundering by Vatican banks, human trafficking, drug trafficking, organ harvesting, beheading of Christians for being Christians, infanticide, euthanasia...

The inhumane monster wants peace and unity with the devils, and he makes it.
Who is he to judge?

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Forgot to add:

What Bergoglio dreams of, while elevating communism to the status of the best, most Christian-like system, will make us forget all about the little sins, as we will have to fear for our children's lives.

Our PM Trudeau admires China most of all countries for its "basic dictatorship".

People, this globalist monster, this demagogue, this basic dictator is the devil himself. His plans are so above and beyond our silly little concerns, he is becoming really impatient. The list of insults hurled at Catholics is ever-growing. His ill temper is world renown, as he waddles like a duck among the adoring crowds of the brainwashed.

Dan said...

And of course the signing of the document saying all religions are willed by God is straight out of masonic new world order handbook.... and the effing clergy are silent. Truly we are now members of "The New World Masonic Monster Church."

All hail the great and humble Francis - first pope of the new church...

Dan said...

I cant get one priest to admit anything... the most they can do is mumble some sort of pretzel logic like "permissive will" as Fr Z does on his blog...

Ask them if ANY other member of ANY other religion interprets the document in this way. Then ask them if they think Francis will "clarify."

To hell with them all.

Anonymous said...

I would add JP2 to the list above posing as a wolf. Yes the 'saint" brought you many of the pederast criminals including but not limited to McCarrick.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it Aqua!

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Dear Aqua. Where do you stand?

What you wrote reads like a declaration you are not in communion with your local Bishop and The Pope.